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Thermoregulation, Hormesis, and Regular Sauna Use: Why Heat Therapy Can Be Effective in the Treatment of Such a Vast Array of Ailments

It may seem baffling that sauna use is associated with the amelioration of such a vast diversity of ailments; almost at times as if sauna bathing is touted as a cure-all. From improved heart health, Fibromyalgia, Psoriasis, to better hormonal function, this is just a few conditions that are positively affected by regular sauna use. … Read more

Can Sauna Bathing Help Alleviate Menopausal Hot Flashes?

Menopause can be a challenging and confusing time for some women. The primary symptom that causes most women to seek help during this transitory time in their life are hot flashes. Hot flashes, or hot flushes, can be extremely uncomfortable, especially during the night, and they can last for several years for some women. Gratefully,… Read more

Can Sauna Bathing Really Lower the Risk of Dementia?

If you could prevent the onset of dementia in yourself or a loved one, would you do so?  For most people the answer to this question is a resounding YES! A multi-author peer reviewed study published in 2020 that investigates the possibility of preventing dementia based on a wide spectrum of the Finnish demographic demonstrates… Read more

The Neurology Behind Post Sauna Euphoria: Is Totonou a Real Thing?

The Totonou state is a Japanese expression that describes a very specific experience directly after a sauna that is closely related to states of euphoria, but with a slightly more subtle nuance. Totonou is a state of deep calm coupled with a clarity of mind. For anyone who has ever used a sauna and emerged… Read more

Infrared Sauna as a Therapy in the Treatment of Hashimoto’s Disease

The most common cause of an underactive thyroid gland is Hashimoto’s disease. This autoimmune disorder affects 2% of the American population, most of whom are women. In addition to the health concerns that Hashimoto’s disease presents, the very symptoms of this debilitating condition may present an array of challenges that are difficult for sufferers to… Read more

Why is the Temperature of an Infrared Sauna Lower Than a Traditional Sauna?

The wellness community and industry are reaching an all time high in popularity as an increasing number of individuals have decided to take full responsibility for their own health. As a result of the mainstream popularization of modalities that used to be relegated to the ranks of alternative medicine, many health claims are made by… Read more

Bone Density and Sauna Use: Bone Metabolism, Heat, and Longevity

Bone density and the health of bone tissue has wide reaching effects on overall well being as well as on longevity. It is easy to forget that bone is an ever changing, evolving, living tissue that is directly impacted by its environment. Furthermore, bone tissue is in constant relationship with other systems within the body:… Read more

Oral Hygiene and Sauna Use: Why Does Your Dentist Have a Sauna?

Oral health and hygiene is about much more than just brushing and flossing regularly. Your oral hygiene can affect the well being of the entire body and brain. Dentistry is evolving at a rapid pace as professionals are beginning to understand the wide range of affects that positive oral hygiene has on the whole body. … Read more

Can Saunas Help in the Treatment of Acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition affecting humans worldwide, and can be embarrassing at any age. Acne can sometimes limit social connectivity due to feelings of humiliation and shame, but worse than that, its causes may be indicative of more serious conditions. In short, no one wants to live with acne, and many individuals… Read more

Can Regular Use of Saunas Aid In The Long Term Health Of Firefighters?

Firefighters risk their lives to save the lives of many and, in doing so, this career brings many more health hazards than what is faced immediately on the job. Long Term health risks for firefighters are still being discovered and the outlook is not positive. From exposure to a litany of carcinogens, disrupted sleep cycles,… Read more