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Can Saunas Help in the Treatment of Acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition affecting humans worldwide, and can be embarrassing at any age. Acne can sometimes limit social connectivity due to feelings of humiliation and shame, but worse than that, its causes may be indicative of more serious conditions. In short, no one wants to live with acne, and many individuals… Read more

How Do Saunas Affect Hormone Regulation?

Regular sauna affects so many aspects of human physiology, including the chemical messengers that travel throughout the body called hormones. There are over 50 different types of hormones in the body, mostly produced within the endocrine (glandular) system, so it is necessary to narrow down which hormones are most positively, or negatively, affected by regular… Read more

Everything you Need to Know About Sauna use and Menstruation

Many of our clients ask us if it is safe to sauna while menstruating, or if the sauna will affect their overall menstrual cycle. Similar to other activities such as running, playing sports, or practicing yoga, it is certainly fine to sauna during your menstrual period, however, we will share a few strategies to help… Read more