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Can Saunas Help in the Treatment of Acne?

Acne is the most common skin condition affecting humans worldwide, and can be embarrassing at any age. Acne can sometimes limit social connectivity due to feelings of humiliation and shame, but worse than that, its causes may be indicative of more serious conditions. In short, no one wants to live with acne, and many individuals… Read more

Post Sauna Cleansing Protocol

If you’ve ever used a sauna before, you know you will want to cleanse yourself afterwards to remove any sweat and toxins released from the body during your session. The openness of the pores immediately following your sauna provides an unique opportunity to cleanse the skin and release any lingering toxins on the outer shell… Read more

How Do Saunas Affect Hormone Regulation?

Regular sauna affects so many aspects of human physiology, including the chemical messengers that travel throughout the body called hormones. There are over 50 different types of hormones in the body, mostly produced within the endocrine (glandular) system, so it is necessary to narrow down which hormones are most positively, or negatively, affected by regular… Read more

Cosmetics & Sauna Use: Frequently Asked Questions

It is natural to want to feel and look our best. Regular sauna use can certainly help us along our path to greater heath, glowing skin, and may help with maintaining our ideal weight for our body type. In addition to health practices such as sauna use, many of us enjoy adding a little sparkle… Read more