Almost half of all American adults have high blood pressure, and this alarming fact ought to be taken seriously as hypertension can lead to stroke and heart disease. Luckily, minor lifestyle changes can lower blood pressure. (1) Regardless of your age, if you have elevated blood pressure you need to make sure that you are… Read more
Start Your New Year With a Fresh Slate: Release Substance Dependency, or Overindulgence Out of Your Life With the Help of a Sauna
The new year is here and it is time to start fresh and leave some lifestyle choices behind. Whether you are dealing with a serious substance abuse issue or simply trying to curtail holiday overindulgence you may want to turn to sauna use to detoxify the body and ease the transition into a cleaner lifestyle. … Read more
Is it Possible to Prevent and Potentially Treat Anemia With Sauna Use?
Do you feel dizzy easily, or perhaps find yourself tired for no apparent reason? This may be because you are among the 9 million Americans who have a form of anemia. Anemia can range from mild to severe, and is at times indicative of a more serious condition. (1) Before diving into an at home… Read more
Specific Sauna Protocol May Help to Increase Red Blood Cells Safely For High Performance Athletes
Are you a high performance athlete looking to improve your performance safely and naturally? Then you will definitely want to find out how you can improve red blood cell count without the use of synthetic supplements. This article is intended for athletes looking to increase their maximal aerobic capacity (𝑉O2max). For example, boxers, fighters, middle-long… Read more
In the Coldest Darkest Months of the Year Turn to Thermal Medicine: Avoid the Common Cold, Lingering Lung Infections, and Enjoy the Holidays
As long nights give way to shorter and colder days make sure you prioritize your health this holiday season. Sniffling, sneezing, and coughing your way to holiday parties is not fun, and it puts your family and friends at risk for contracting the common cold. With less outdoor time and limited sun exposure it may… Read more
New Research Shows Why Sauna and Yoga Form a Natural Marriage: Seniors Who Combine Yoga and Sauna Demonstrate Remarkable Improvements in Flexibility and Overall Healthspan
Flexibility is an integral part of aging gracefully and maintaining a healthy body in the later years of life. Sometimes flexibility is left behind in the longevity conversation, however it has been proven to be equally as important as other fitness markers that determine the overall healthspan of an individual. New research demonstrates that individuals… Read more
An Exploration Into the Relationship Between Type 2 Diabetes and Regular Sauna Use: Prevention, Improved Quality of Life, and Heat Shock Protein Presence
The overall quality of life, as well as the enjoyment of many of life’s pleasures may decline for the diabetic. It is as though there is a dark cloud constantly following the diabetic around impeding the luxury of eating what you want and when you want to eat it, and the potentiality of a worsening… Read more
Regular Sauna Use May Help You Take Control of Your Stress Levels: Change Your Brain Waves With a Sauna Session
Do you feel pressured and overwhelmed most days? Is there more that needs to be done every day than there are hours in the day? Does the to-do list grow longer while sleep is shorter and harder to achieve? Like so many Americans, the chances are that you are living under chronic stress. The causes… Read more
What is Waon Therapy: A Japanese Treatment That Centers Around Far Infrared Saunas
The warm glow of the late afternoon sun soothes the soul and gently warms the body. The light eminence of the setting sun is characterized by reddish-orange, and sometimes pink hues. So beautifully and calming is the setting sun that real estate that faces this direction is typically much higher in price. The evening sun… Read more
Sauna Use Protocol Before and After Dermatological Treatments: Retinoids, Chemical Peels, and Laser Treatments.
If you have been diligently caring for your body and mind with regular sauna use and decide to move forward with a cosmetic dermatological treatment you may be curious if you can continue your sauna program. Some skin treatments that are more invasive may require a break from the high heat of a sauna, but… Read more