Are you a high performance athlete looking to improve your performance safely and naturally? Then you will definitely want to find out how you can improve red blood cell count without the use of synthetic supplements. This article is intended for athletes looking to increase their maximal aerobic capacity (𝑉O2max). For example, boxers, fighters, middle-long… Read more
How To Use a Sauna Articles
New Research Shows Why Sauna and Yoga Form a Natural Marriage: Seniors Who Combine Yoga and Sauna Demonstrate Remarkable Improvements in Flexibility and Overall Healthspan
Flexibility is an integral part of aging gracefully and maintaining a healthy body in the later years of life. Sometimes flexibility is left behind in the longevity conversation, however it has been proven to be equally as important as other fitness markers that determine the overall healthspan of an individual. New research demonstrates that individuals… Read more
What is Waon Therapy: A Japanese Treatment That Centers Around Far Infrared Saunas
The warm glow of the late afternoon sun soothes the soul and gently warms the body. The light eminence of the setting sun is characterized by reddish-orange, and sometimes pink hues. So beautifully and calming is the setting sun that real estate that faces this direction is typically much higher in price. The evening sun… Read more
Sauna Use Protocol Before and After Dermatological Treatments: Retinoids, Chemical Peels, and Laser Treatments.
If you have been diligently caring for your body and mind with regular sauna use and decide to move forward with a cosmetic dermatological treatment you may be curious if you can continue your sauna program. Some skin treatments that are more invasive may require a break from the high heat of a sauna, but… Read more
Sauna Use and Gut Health: Be Aware of Intestinal Permeability Due to Dehydration
Everywhere you turn these days it seems as if health and wellness influencers are toting the incredible benefits of regular high heat sauna use. Truth be told, for the most part the proliferation of sauna use into the mainstream of ‘in vogue trends’, is by and large an incredible contribution to collective health. Yet, when… Read more
What is a Sauna Hat, and Should You Be Wearing One During Your Sauna Session?
Wearing a hat during a sauna session seems like an absurd idea until you understand the ‘why’ behind its usage. Sometimes called Finnish sauna hats, or banya bonnets, these devices are a piece of headwear worn on the head during a traditional sauna session. Banya is a Russian word that refers to a Russian Steam… Read more
Who Should Avoid Using a Sauna Altogether: An Exploration Into Anhidrosis
There is no question that saunas are wildly beneficial in the treatment of very specific disorders as well as for overall health, and potentially longevity.There are over 12,000 studies that have been published in peer reviewed journals that tout the benefits of sauna, including the regular use of saunas to decrease all-cause mortality. There are… Read more
How to Maximize Your Sauna Sessions to Optimize Health and Personal Success
The collaboration of years of scientific research studies and published journals on sauna use ubiquitously agree that using a sauna 3-4 times a week will impact the body in clinically significant positive ways. Furthermore, the more you use your sauna the better the results will be for long term health. There are exceptions to this… Read more
For All Sauna Users: The Importance of Refueling Magnesium Levels Regularly
If you are among those who have felt the incredible effects of regular sauna use, then you probably look forward to your daily dose enthusiastically. While it is true that all cause mortality is reduced with regular sauna use, and that nearly all portions of health will flourish if you are using a sauna 3-4… Read more
What is the Best Type of Sauna For Detoxification?
As sauna bathing increases in popularity so do the many opinions of what is the best type of sauna to use. There are voices that are adamant for traditional saunas while others stand for far infrared or full spectrum infrared saunas. Ultimately when used appropriately all forms of heat therapy are very beneficial for health…. Read more