The warm glow of the late afternoon sun soothes the soul and gently warms the body. The light eminence of the setting sun is characterized by reddish-orange, and sometimes pink hues. So beautifully and calming is the setting sun that real estate that faces this direction is typically much higher in price. The evening sun… Read more
Radiant Heat Vs. Convection Heat Articles
Can the Use of a Sauna Convert White Fat to Brown Fat? If So, Why is This Conversion Important For Your Health
Does the thought of exposing yourself to extreme cold seem deeply unappealing? Then you are not alone. Until recently it was believed that between the two different types of contrast thermotherapy (sauna versus cold plunge), only the latter of the two was known to effectively convert white fat to brown fat. Emerging evidence suggests that… Read more
Sauna Use and Gut Health: Be Aware of Intestinal Permeability Due to Dehydration
Everywhere you turn these days it seems as if health and wellness influencers are toting the incredible benefits of regular high heat sauna use. Truth be told, for the most part the proliferation of sauna use into the mainstream of ‘in vogue trends’, is by and large an incredible contribution to collective health. Yet, when… Read more
What is the Best Type of Sauna For Detoxification?
As sauna bathing increases in popularity so do the many opinions of what is the best type of sauna to use. There are voices that are adamant for traditional saunas while others stand for far infrared or full spectrum infrared saunas. Ultimately when used appropriately all forms of heat therapy are very beneficial for health…. Read more
How Hot is Too Hot? An Exploration Into What is a Safe Temperature Range For Sauna Use
There has been a lot of hype in recent years from celebrity sauna connaisseurs regarding the use of high temperature saunas. Individuals with large followings on social media, podcasts, as well as other platforms, have urged their audience to increase temperatures on their saunas with the explicit or implicit message being that the hotter the… Read more
Is it Possible to Rid the Body of Microplastics With Sauna Use?
Why Is The Consumption of Nanoplastics Such a Big Deal? Humans are exposed to an increasing amount of plastics everywhere, and the consequences of this fact is showing up in deteriorated health. From Tupperware, to shampoo bottles, drinking water, and toothbrushes, plastic has become a part of nearly every human activity. The issue is that… Read more
Why is the Temperature of an Infrared Sauna Lower Than a Traditional Sauna?
The wellness community and industry are reaching an all time high in popularity as an increasing number of individuals have decided to take full responsibility for their own health. As a result of the mainstream popularization of modalities that used to be relegated to the ranks of alternative medicine, many health claims are made by… Read more
Saunas and Eye Health: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Vision and Sauna Use
If you have recently decided to start using a sauna or have purchased one for your home or business, then you may be wondering about how regular sauna use will affect your eyes. There are a host of questions that will arise when beginning your sauna protocol. Common questions include how saunas will affect your… Read more
What Determines the Price of a Sauna?
Curious about why some saunas that look very similar to each other have vastly different price tags? When shopping for a sauna, it can be confusing to discern what features or qualities a sauna has that will add financial value to the sauna. In this article you will learn the primary factors that determine the… Read more
Can You Use a Sauna With Titanium Implants?
An increasing number of individuals are having their joints replaced with a variety of metals, alloys, and plastics. The number of hip and knee replacements seems to be increasing parallel to the number of individuals using sauna therapy regularly. Naturally, this confluence of factors begs the question: Is it safe to sauna with joint replacements?… Read more