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Recover Faster After Workouts: A New Study Reveals Infrared Saunas As Highly Effective Muscle Recovery Tools

Professional athletes who depend on the speed of recovery post workout for the purpose of peak performance will certainly benefit from incorporating infrared sauna use directly after training sessions. Even individuals who are not professional athletes, but are still lifting weights several times a week and engaging in cardiovascular training, will benefit from the use… Read more

What is the Best Type of Sauna For Detoxification?

As sauna bathing increases in popularity so do the many opinions of what is the best type of sauna to use. There are voices that are adamant for traditional saunas while others stand for far infrared or full spectrum infrared saunas. Ultimately when used appropriately all forms of heat therapy are very beneficial for health…. Read more

Is it Possible to Rid the Body of Microplastics With Sauna Use?

Why Is The Consumption of Nanoplastics Such a Big Deal?  Humans are exposed to an increasing amount of plastics everywhere, and the consequences of this fact is showing up in deteriorated health. From Tupperware, to shampoo bottles, drinking water, and toothbrushes, plastic has become a part of nearly every human activity. The issue is that… Read more

What is the Best Time of Year to Purchase a Sauna? A Guide to Seasonally Timing Your Sauna Purchase

Most folks will turn their attention to the purchase of a sauna when temperatures start to drop, and the thought of a cozy and warm cabin structure feels inviting. While it is true that there is nothing quite like stepping into a warm sauna on a cold winter night, this may not be the best… Read more

Bone Density and Sauna Use: Bone Metabolism, Heat, and Longevity

Bone density and the health of bone tissue has wide reaching effects on overall well being as well as on longevity. It is easy to forget that bone is an ever changing, evolving, living tissue that is directly impacted by its environment. Furthermore, bone tissue is in constant relationship with other systems within the body:… Read more

Oral Hygiene and Sauna Use: Why Does Your Dentist Have a Sauna?

Oral health and hygiene is about much more than just brushing and flossing regularly. Your oral hygiene can affect the well being of the entire body and brain. Dentistry is evolving at a rapid pace as professionals are beginning to understand the wide range of affects that positive oral hygiene has on the whole body. … Read more

Boost Your Mood This Winter With Regular Sauna Use

The long winter nights coupled with shorter days can have negative effects on mood and mental health. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or winter depression, is not a condition that is isolated to those living in the far north, but rather, can impact anyone living in areas where light exposure is limited during the winter months…. Read more

What Happens When You Buy a Used Sauna?

Saunas can be an expensive investment, and this means that some folks might start looking to purchase a used sauna. When deciding whether new vs. used is the best option for you, one important factor to consider is how most of the sauna industry operates when it comes to warranties.  The sauna industry can be… Read more

Post Sauna Cleansing Protocol

If you’ve ever used a sauna before, you know you will want to cleanse yourself afterwards to remove any sweat and toxins released from the body during your session. The openness of the pores immediately following your sauna provides an unique opportunity to cleanse the skin and release any lingering toxins on the outer shell… Read more