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Start Your New Year With a Fresh Slate: Release Substance Dependency, or Overindulgence Out of Your Life With the Help of a Sauna

The new year is here and it is time to start fresh and leave some lifestyle choices behind. Whether you are dealing with a serious substance abuse issue or simply trying to curtail holiday overindulgence you may want to turn to sauna use to detoxify the body and ease the transition into a cleaner lifestyle. … Read more

Can Sauna Bathing Really Lower the Risk of Dementia?

If you could prevent the onset of dementia in yourself or a loved one, would you do so?  For most people the answer to this question is a resounding YES! A multi-author peer reviewed study published in 2020 that investigates the possibility of preventing dementia based on a wide spectrum of the Finnish demographic demonstrates… Read more

The Neurology Behind Post Sauna Euphoria: Is Totonou a Real Thing?

The Totonou state is a Japanese expression that describes a very specific experience directly after a sauna that is closely related to states of euphoria, but with a slightly more subtle nuance. Totonou is a state of deep calm coupled with a clarity of mind. For anyone who has ever used a sauna and emerged… Read more

Oral Hygiene and Sauna Use: Why Does Your Dentist Have a Sauna?

Oral health and hygiene is about much more than just brushing and flossing regularly. Your oral hygiene can affect the well being of the entire body and brain. Dentistry is evolving at a rapid pace as professionals are beginning to understand the wide range of affects that positive oral hygiene has on the whole body. … Read more

Use Light For Mood Enhancement This Winter: Infrared Sauna & Chromotherapy

The bleakness of winter can be a time for dormancy, germination, and reflection, but also for some individuals, the bleakness can over take their emotions to the point that little joy can be found. For some folks, a lack of exposure to sunlight can lead to clinical depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but for… Read more

Can Sauna Use Aid In the Production of Human Growth Hormone?

Stronger bones, faster muscle repair, and improved metabolism are just a few of the results from Human Growth Hormone (hGH or GH) release, and excitingly there are a few low cost, and minimal effort activities that each person can do to enhance hGH production. Among these activities is using a sauna regularly, however, if you… Read more

The Health Benefits of Using a Cold Plunge Regularly

In stark contrast to a sauna that feels warm and inviting, the very thought of a cold plunge can send shivers down your spine. There is a level of stoicism required to take the plunge into the cold on behalf of each participant. It is not for the faint of heart, and yet similar to… Read more

The New York Times Evaluates The Upswing Of Sauna Users and Its Potential Benefits

Is The Times Confused About How Sauna Use Affects Human Physiology or Is It Simply an Unreliable Narrator for its Readers? Since September of 1851 when the New York Times was founded, its daily readership has grown to touch nearly every portion of the planet. ‘The Times’, as it is colloquially known, has earned its… Read more

How Regular Sauna Use May Positively Impact The Aging Brain: Nrf2 Activation

Cognitive decline seems to be an inevitable part of the aging process. Even if an individual is not struggling with a specific mind-related illness such as Alzheimer’s Disease, the brain will typically begin to decline in function. Any investigation into the potential to age gracefully, or to reverse some of the biological effects of aging,… Read more

Sauna Bathing For Your Healthspan

Living longer, healthier lives is a topic that interests most people. The conversation surrounding the reduction of controllable causes of mortality is something that is being explored and studied in science labs worldwide. It used to be that the most common expression to describe this field of study was ‘lifespan’ or ‘longevity’, but with greater… Read more