Attaining and maintaining a healthy weight or body mass index (BMI) for young people can feel like a battleground: The duel between the prolific availability of fast foods combined with an overall increase in sedentary lifestyle among America’s youth, juxtaposed with unrealistic beauty standards, can lead to the ingestion of weight loss promoting pharmaceutical products,… Read more
Eating Disorders & Sauna USe Articles
Sauna Use During the Holidays: Managing When & How To Eat Optimal Sauna Experience
Baking cookies, roasting delicious food in the oven, and nuts in dishes around the home is synonymous with the holiday season for many people. Sharing food with family and loved ones is a tradition shared by many all over the globe. Unfortunately, by the time the New Year comes around, lots of folks have neglected… Read more
Can Sauna Use Aid In Eating Disorder Recovery?
Eating disorders are complex and stem from a multitude of internal and external factors. Due to the complexities of the genesis and ongoing pathology for sufferers, there is no cure-all for eating disorders. Individuals healing from a past or active eating disorder likely use a variety of techniques including therapy, supplementation and more. Emerging research… Read more