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Healthy Weight Loss for Men and Women Between the Ages of 19-25 Years: Studies Show that Sauna Use May be the Answer

Attaining and maintaining a healthy weight or body mass index (BMI) for young people can feel like a battleground: The duel between the prolific availability of fast foods combined with an overall increase in sedentary lifestyle among America’s youth, juxtaposed with unrealistic beauty standards, can lead to the ingestion of weight loss promoting pharmaceutical products,… Read more

How Do Saunas Affect Hormone Regulation?

Regular sauna affects so many aspects of human physiology, including the chemical messengers that travel throughout the body called hormones. There are over 50 different types of hormones in the body, mostly produced within the endocrine (glandular) system, so it is necessary to narrow down which hormones are most positively, or negatively, affected by regular… Read more

The Health Benefits of Using a Cold Plunge Regularly

In stark contrast to a sauna that feels warm and inviting, the very thought of a cold plunge can send shivers down your spine. There is a level of stoicism required to take the plunge into the cold on behalf of each participant. It is not for the faint of heart, and yet similar to… Read more

How To Safely Use Sauna and Cold Plunge Therapies Together

The use of cold plunge therapies and saunas have become ubiquitous across social media, and increasingly prevalent in spas and wellness centers. Used separately, or in tandem, both forms of therapies are incredibly beneficial to human physiology, but is there a specific protocol to follow to ensure the best possible results when using hot and… Read more