If you have been diligently caring for your body and mind with regular sauna use and decide to move forward with a cosmetic dermatological treatment you may be curious if you can continue your sauna program. Some skin treatments that are more invasive may require a break from the high heat of a sauna, but… Read more
Magnesium Articles
Sauna Use and Gut Health: Be Aware of Intestinal Permeability Due to Dehydration
Everywhere you turn these days it seems as if health and wellness influencers are toting the incredible benefits of regular high heat sauna use. Truth be told, for the most part the proliferation of sauna use into the mainstream of ‘in vogue trends’, is by and large an incredible contribution to collective health. Yet, when… Read more
For All Sauna Users: The Importance of Refueling Magnesium Levels Regularly
If you are among those who have felt the incredible effects of regular sauna use, then you probably look forward to your daily dose enthusiastically. While it is true that all cause mortality is reduced with regular sauna use, and that nearly all portions of health will flourish if you are using a sauna 3-4… Read more