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7 Sauna Myths Debunked

From ski resorts to medical laboratories, public opinion about saunas has changed drastically over the past 20 years. Saunas were once considered by many as a luxurious form of relaxation at a spa, or other high-end facility. 

Like hot tubs, sauna use came with a long list of contraindications, some of which continue to be relevant, while other warnings served only to perpetuated myths surrounding sauna usage. 

Today, saunas are researched for their formidable health benefits at some of the most rigorous medical and scientific institutions in the world. Health benefits associated with sauna bathing are numerous, and moreover these benefits are quantifiable and measurable. 

Regardless of the available research data on sauna use, it is always best to consult with a medical professional before beginning a regular sauna program.

Nevertheless, there remain several myths surrounding sauna bathing that deserve clarification based on a factual analysis. 

  1. You Cannot Use A Sauna If You Have Hypertension or Heart Related Issues
  2. Weight Loss From Saunas Is Only Water Loss
  3. You Cannot Use A Sauna Everyday
  4. Saunas and Pacemakers Don’t Mix
  5. Saunas Are Difficult and Expensive To Maintain
  6. The Hotter The Temperature The Better
  7. The Longer You Stay In The Suna, The better

Myth #1 You Cannot Use A Sauna If You Have Hypertension or Heart Related Issues

Reality: Regular sauna bathing is actually excellent for improving heart health in almost all cases. The cardiovascular engagement required for the body to begin temperature regulation during a sauna is helpful in preventing heart disease, and also may be helpful in treating hypertension. 

The National Library of Medicine published a journal in 2018 entitled: “Cardiovascular and Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence”. 

In this article several sauna myths are debunked including those myths that may limit individuals with heart issues from participating in sauna bathing. Here are some of the conclusions from this journal:

“Emerging evidence suggests that beyond its use for pleasure, sauna bathing may be linked to several health benefits, which include reduction in the risk of vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and neurocognitive diseases; nonvascular conditions such as pulmonary diseases; mortality; as well as amelioration of conditions such as arthritis, headache, and flu. The beneficial effects of sauna bathing on these outcomes have been linked to its effect on circulatory, cardiovascular, and immune functions.” (1) 

While it is always important to monitor your heart rate during any physical activity, and be mindful of how long you stay in the sauna, there is enough data to suggest that with proper precautions, not only are saunas safe for individuals with hypertension, but more that saunas may help in improving heart conditions. 

Myth #2 Weight Loss From Saunas Is Only Water Loss

Reality: The reason why individuals find an equilibrium with their weight with regular sauna use is not because of the fluid lost through sweat, but rather because of the biological mechanisms in the body that are engaged to cool the body off. 

Taking a sauna engages the cardiovascular system and essentially mimics certain cardiovascular activities such as jogging. It takes energy in order to cool the body down with sweat and the positive changes in body composition as a result of regular sauna bathing are not a result of lost fluid. It is, however, important to stay well hydrated if you are engaging in regular sauna use. 

A study published by the National Library of Medicine entitled “Sauna-Induced Body Mass Loss in Young Sedentary Women and Men” published in 2014 demonstrates not only a loss of body mass in the subjects of the study, but moreover a significant change in body composition. Individuals engaged in the study emerged with less fatty tissue and more overall muscle mass. (2)

While it remains true that significant fluid loss occurs during a sauna session, this can be rectified with water intake to prevent dehydration. The ‘weight loss’ experienced after regular sauna use is a result of an uptake in regular cardiovascular activity, not simply water loss. 

Myth # 3 You Cannot Use A Sauna More Than Once A Week

Reality: Many sauna health benefits are compound and require the use of sauna at least three times a week and sometimes more often. It is best to consider sauna use as a lifestyle choice, such as a regular exercise program that you do several times a week. 

Most studies suggest that sauna use is most effective when used at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes. If you choose to sauna daily, then it is imperative that hydration be maintained at all times. The greatest risk in regular sauna use is dehydration. So if you are using a sauna 4-7 times a week it is important to eat nutritious meals and drink plenty of water. 

If an individual chooses to sauna between 4-7 times a week and does so responsibly with enough water intake, it is possible to sauna daily or almost daily safely.  Always consult a medical practitioner if you are unsure if sauna use is safe for you. 

Myth # 4 Saunas and Pacemakers Don’t Mix

Reality: It may come as a surprise, but it is possible to use a sauna even if you have a pacemaker implant. In fact, using a sauna regularly is important for overall heart health and can be continued even with a pacemaker. 

If you have a pacemaker or know someone with one who would like to use saunas with peace of mind, you can read the full article on pacemakers and sauna use here: Pace Makers and Sauna Use

Check with your surgeon or medical practitioner to be sure that your particular type of pacemaker is safe to use in a sauna.

Myth # 5 Saunas Are Difficult and Expensive To Maintain

Reality: Saunas have often been associated with high end spas and luxury resorts and accessible only to the financially affluent. The reality is that bringing a sauna into your home is affordable not only for the initial purchase but also for upkeep and maintenance. This is particularly true if you choose an infrared sauna. 

The advent of the popularity of infrared saunas in the past twenty years has made in-home sauna use much more accessible. Steam rooms can be a challenge to build and maintain with the high levels of moisture. Traditional saunas can cost more initially, and may also require significantly higher levels of electrical usage, but infrared saunas are dry, clean, and relatively simple to maintain. If you are looking to sauna regularly, or at least 3 times it is simple and easy to bring an infrared sauna into your home. 

Myth # 6 The Hotter The Temperature The Better

Reality: The hotter you set your sauna temperature does not necessarily mean the better the results will be. This is particularly true if you have children or elderly individuals using a sauna. Furthermore, the type of heat used in your sauna will also impact how important a high heat sauna is. 

Traditional saunas rely on heating up the atmospheric temperature of the sauna and in order to reach certain core body temperatures, it is true that a higher heat will be important. If, however, you choose to use an infrared sauna, a high temperature does not necessarily produce better results as the radiant light frequency of infrared heat increases the internal body temperature without relying on high atmospheric heat. 

Higher temperatures do not necessarily produce better health results, particularly if you are using an infrared sauna. Certain physical conditions respond better to low temperatures in an infrared sauna and the immersion into the wavelengths of infrared light. 

Myth # 7 The Longer You Stay In the Sauna, the Better the Results

Reality: More frequent but shorter sauna sessions often produce better health results than trying to stay in the sauna for longer than feels comfortable. Most of the health benefits from sauna bathing result in the hormetic effect that takes place at the precipice of perspiration. (3)

The moments of discomfort just before a sweat is broken create pivotal changes in the body that begin the cascade of health benefits derived from the heat stress that occurs in sauna. 

Rather than pushing oneself to stay in a sauna for long periods of time, it is generally better to take shorter but more frequent saunas that allow more opportunities for the body to engage the necessary mechanisms for the cooling effect to take place. Consider taking 4-7 sauna sessions weekly for 20 minutes for the most positive health benefits. (3)

Contraindications and Warnings About Sauna Use

Sauna use is not for everyone. While it is true that there is significant scientific evidence that suggests that regular sauna use may be beneficial for most people, it is not always suitable. 

Dehydration is a serious risk factor for individuals who sauna regularly, and it is necessary to take the proper precautions to ensure that hydration is maintained. Dehydration can lead to very serious conditions and even can be fatal. 

Further, if you live with any medical condition and you are unsure if using a sauna is safe for you, always consult a medical practitioner before using a sauna. 

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Sauna Bathing For Your Healthspan

Living longer, healthier lives is a topic that interests most people. The conversation surrounding the reduction of controllable causes of mortality is something that is being explored and studied in science labs worldwide. It used to be that the most common expression to describe this field of study was ‘lifespan’ or ‘longevity’, but with greater frequency this term has been replaced by ‘healthspan’, as the objective is to find ways to live longer in a healthy body.

Most individuals are not looking only to increase the years that they have on this planet, but moreover to increase both the quality and quantity of their lifespan. Living in a vivacious and well functioning body is important. If this quality of living can be increased in length, then ultimately, this becomes the goal with any life expansion protocol. 

What can an individual actively do to decrease all cause mortality and improve the odds of extending their life span in a healthy body? Biological studies on the potential of the human body to move through time while maintaining healthy homeostasis within the body have demonstrated that consistent and regular use of saunas may help to radically improve both the quality and quantity of an individual’s lifespan. 

The body of work reporting positive results for human physiology, with regular sauna use from peer reviewed journals, is growing by leaps and bounds, particularly as it pertains to healthspan.

From Lifespan to Healthspan: A Modern Era For Research On Longevity and Geriatric Care

Until the year 2000 there were only 14 medical papers that used the expression of healthspan instead of, or in addition to, lifespan; now there are over 900 peer reviewed journals that index the expression healthspan. 

The National Library of Medicine published an article on how exactly healthspan can be defined, in the article: “Challenges In Defining Healthspan ”. This article provides measurable and quantifiable ways of defining the term healthspan, further the article explains that the best definition of healthspan is the following:

“The concept of healthspan is relatively new in geroscience research, which seeks to understand the biological mechanisms of aging…one common definition is that healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging.” (1)

Healthspan creates an arena of scientific research that moves away from a focus on lifespan, regardless of quality of life, to set parameters for increasing one’s health over a longer chronological period. 

When studying genetic, environmental, and other factors that determine both overall health as well as mortality and length of life, it is best to reach for the goal of improving healthspan so that individuals can live a longer and healthier life. 

There are, evidently causes for mortality that are beyond the scope of lifestyle such as accidents, incurable genetic diseases, and acts of god, but overall if someone wants to improve both quality and quantity of life there remain lifestyle choices that may positively impact healthspan. 

Refraining from using substances such as excessive alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, certain pharmaceutical drugs will certainly add to one’s overall health; there are also activities such as regular exercise, meditation and other ways to calm the nervous system that will be helpful in improving healthspan. 

In addition to more popular ways of maintaining a lifestyle that aims to improve the quality of life, sauna bathing, or the use of hyperthermic stress (heat therapy), has taken center stage in research the world over on healthspan. 

The data surrounding the positive effects of sauna use on healthspan are compelling, and for anyone looking to improve their overall health, they would certainly want to consider adding regular (at least 3 times a week) sauna use to their routine. 

Sauna use for improving healthspan is a lifestyle choice that requires the committed and repeated use of sauna therapy.

How Can Sauna Use Improve Healthspan?

The National Library of medicine has published a plethora of journals that detail the reasons for why subjects respond so positively to sauna use, one of these articles entitled: “Sauna Use To Extend Lifespan” writes the following: 

“In recent decades, sauna bathing has emerged as a probable means to extend healthspan, based on compelling data from observational, interventional, and mechanistic studies.” (2)

This publication was based on studies that used saunas of varying types that maintained temperatures between 113 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, and thereby debunking the myth that hotter does not necessarily mean better when it comes to improving forecasted lifespan with sauna use. 

The goal when setting the temperature to improve lifestyle is not to assume that the higher the better, but rather to maintain the temperature several degrees above normal temperatures of the body. This allows for a hormetic effect to help the body naturally find homeostasis in the body. By intentionally raising the temperature in a particular room or cabin either by means of infrared light or a traditional stove sauna, the body will begin to stabilize internal body temperature through perspiration. 

The same article from the National Library of Medicine describes the necessary interactive changes that take place in the body as a result of sauna use: 

“This exposure elicits mild hyperthermia, inducing a thermoregulatory response involving neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, and cytoprotective mechanisms that work in a synergistic fashion in an attempt to maintain homeostasis.” (2)

There are strong correlative factors as well as direct effects on the body when individuals intentionally use heat to induce a healthy stress response (hormesis) to induce cardiovascular engagement to regulate the body’s internal temperature. 

Other Factors Derived From Sauna Use That Positively Influence Healthspan

  • Better Sleep
  • Body Mass Optimization
  • Detoxification
  • Heat Shock Protein Production
  • Dopamine and Endorphin Release
  • Relief From Joint Pain
  • Stronger Bones 
  • Better Muscle Recovery
  • Deeper States Of Relaxation

Regular sauna use is not a one stop solution for all your health care needs, however, its use does induce many positive biological responses that may increase healthspan. 

From improving the cardiovascular system without exercise, to releasing harmful toxins from the body, the list of correlative benefits derived from regular sauna use goes on. 

Another study issued by the National Library of Medicine entitled: “Joint associations of sauna bathing and cardiorespiratory fitness on cardiovascular and all-cause mortality risk: a long-term prospective cohort study” (4), aimed to find the root associations between sauna use and longevity in their stated purpose of the study: 

“We aimed to evaluate the joint impact of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and frequency of sauna bathing (FSB) on the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.” (4)

This study was based on 2277 male subjects, and a follow-up analysis was done on average 26.1 years after regular sauna use was started. (4) The results from this study demonstrate that at least 3 sauna sessions a week are necessary to demonstrate results on cardiovascular fitness, but the preferred number of sauna sessions was anywhere from 3-7.

The conclusion of this study is expressed in the authors final statement: 

“In a population-based prospective cohort study, a combination of high CRF levels and frequent sauna bathing (3-7 sessions per week) was associated with a substantial risk reduction in fatal cardiovascular and all-cause mortality events compared with good CRF or frequent sauna bathing alone. A combination of good fitness levels produced by aerobic exercises and frequent sauna bathing may have added health benefits and confer more protection on the risk of mortality.” (4)

Even if adding years on to your life is not your highest priority, it is still likely that using a sauna several times a week may dramatically improve your overall health. 

Quality Versus Quantity of Life: A Lifestyle That Includes Sauna Use

Regardless of whether mortality is something an individual has any control over, it is apparent through scientific research that the use of saunas may improve how you feel day to day in your body. 

There will always be a time limit on life expectancy, this may fluctuate by the years or even decades, but ultimately, what each individual is left with is the possibility to improve the quality of life in the present moment. For many, quality of life is largely dependent upon a healthy well functioning body. 

If you are looking to improve the health of the body, then consider including regular sauna bathing into your weekly health care routine. 

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