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Infrared Sauna Certifications – What Do ETL and CE Mean?

Defining And Understanding The Terms Of International Certifications

As a consumer, it is important to ensure that all health and wellness related products come with the stamp of approval from both national and international organizations that guarantee safety, health, and quality control.

Before products can be put into circulation on the consumer market it is important, and sometimes legally necessary, that they are able to meet both safety and quality control standards. Several organizations provide laboratory testing to monitor the safety of certain products. Once these standards are met the product is stamped with approval under the auspice of different acronyms that represent varying organizations, which focus on the specific needs of consumer interest in different geographical locations.

ETL and CE are two different certification programs for products to ensure that high standards are met in different parts of the world. Find out what these acronyms mean, where the respective certifications apply, and in what industry they are used.

Protect your consumer interest by ensuring that your product of choice is marked by the high standards upheld by quality and safety control organizations.

ETL Stamp: North American Certification For Total Quality Assured

The ETL stamp of product approval means that the manufacturer has created a product that is in compliance with North American safety standards. Authorities and code officials across the US and Canada regard the ETL mark as proof of product compliance to industry standards.

The ETL mark is a symbol that the product and manufacturer of the product have met the safety certification standards in North America. Intertek, the organization that provides the ETL mark, is one of the world’s largest testing, inspection, and certification endowment institutions.

Before making a purchase of a product in the field of health and wellness be sure that it comes with the mark of ETL! Ensure that your merchandise has been approved to meet safety and health regulations by looking for the ETL mark if you are living in the United States or Canada.

CE Marking: European Economic Area Standard for Safety, Health, And Environment Protection

All products sold in the European Economic Area (EEA) must be accompanied by the mark of CE. Even if products are manufactured elsewhere they must be CE compliant to meet EEA standards.

From a teddy bear to a refrigerator you will find the CE mark on all EEA products. This ensures products meet high safety standards, health requirements, and also environmental protection standards.

The CE seal ensures all products meet the compliance standards developed to harmonize the legislation of the EEA. Consumers can rest assured the products they purchase are in compliance with high safety, health, and environmental concerns! The CE mark is particularly relevant for consumers living in Europe and may not apply to other geographical areas.

Standardized Certifications Ensure The Highest Quality Product For Your Health And Safety As Well As Environmental Protection

In an effort to protect the rights of consumers it is important to familiarize yourself with the meaning of different acronyms providing product certifications. In a melting pot of letters, it can become confusing to identify what they mean and what standards are represented. Understanding the meaning of these two organizations: ETL and CE will help you choose products that are upheld by external institutions that uphold the wellbeing of the consumer.

Become a conscious consumer and maintain the integrity of product consumption while simultaneously safeguarding your health and safety with products that meet the standards of international compliance control.

If you would like to learn more about what each of these organizations guarantees in their certification protocol, you can find all of the details at these websites:



Can I Use Essential Oils In An Infrared Sauna?

The use of essential oils in your sauna can help to create a more relaxing, spa-like experience when you use your home infrared sauna. If you are trying to create this experience at home, you may be wondering how best to use your oils in the sauna in the most safe, effective manner possible.

Ways To Use Essential Oils In Your Sauna

Cordless Diffuser

There are a variety of cordless diffusers available on the market that would be a good compliment to your sauna and surround you with soothing vapors.

Uplifting Blend – 2 drops wild orange, 2 drops lime, 2 drops tangerine essential oil in your favorite cordless diffuser.

Essential Oil Mist

You can dilute your oil of choice in water and create a misting spray to use in your sauna.

Calming Spritzer – Use 3 drops lavender, 1 drop ylang ylang and 1 drop wild orange essential oil to 120 ml (4 oz.) distilled water. Shake well prior to spraying. Use to mist face and body.

Infused Towel

Another refreshing option is to infuse essential oils with a damp towel to use to wipe your sweat while in the sauna. You will want to be careful with your oil selection when using this method as some oils can be irritating when the skin is warm and your pores are open. You will want to also be mindful of your sensitive eyes and nasal openings when wiping your face with an infused towel.

Chamomile Delight – Before entering the sauna add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to a damp towel.

Topical Application

You may opt to use your oils directly on your skin. While this can certainly be done in an infrared sauna, we do urge you to use caution when using your oils in this way as the heat of the sauna will open your pores and could potentially cause skin irritation.

Breathe Easy Massage Oil – 1/4 cup of fractionated coconut oil, 4 drops lavender essential oil, 4 drops eucalyptus essential oil, 12 drops frankincense essential oil.

** Please note: If you regularly diffuse essential oils in your sauna you will want to make sure to clean your sauna more regularly to prevent any buildup from the oils on the wood or heating components. Our article How To Clean Your Infrared Sauna has helpful tips on the best ways to keep your sauna in pristine condition.

Benefits of Infrared Sauna for Your Skin

The Benefits Of Using Infrared Sauna Therapy For The Skin: Youthful, Glowing, Revitalized, And Purified

Youthful, radiant, and glowing skin is the promise fulfilled through infrared sauna therapy. The skin is the largest organ of the body and reflects the overall health of our bio-physiology. As a partition between our inner and outer world, the skin protects the body and is the first demonstrative expression of ourselves as we interact with the world around us. For this reason, it is important for many individuals to express clear, radiant, and attractive skin. Conditions affecting the skin can create an emotional atmosphere of diminished self-esteem, self-worth, and a lack of confidence.

Infrared sauna therapy is beneficial for the skin because it addresses both underlying chronic conditions that cause irritating skin rashes, blemishes, and the appearance of aged skin as well as enhances collagen production, and therefore the elasticity of the skin, thus purifying the outer membrane to produce smooth, taut, and radiantly youthful glowing skin.

With a market saturated in anti-aging products from lotions and creams to surgeries, ultimately what is needed is a healthy internal biological environment that is reflected through the skin membrane. After just one infrared sauna session the texture, appearance, and purity of the skin will be remarkably enhanced.

If you are looking to improve the quality of your skin for the sake of appearances there is no other treatment parallel to infrared sauna therapy available today. If you or someone you love is suffering from chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, or eczema, infrared sauna therapy will help regulate the biochemistry of the body to improve symptom expression.

Infrared sauna therapy acts as a powerful exfoliator and will assist in wound healing and the reparation of scarring. Regardless of the motivation to improve the skin, infrared sauna therapy will deliver on the promise of youthful, glowing, radiant, and smooth skin.

Reduce The Biological Age Of Your Skin With Infrared Sauna Therapy: A Natural Anti-Aging Method To Improve The Overall Quality Of Your Skin.

· Enhance Collagen Production
· Augment Elasticity
· Plump, Smooth, And Revitalize The Skin
· Improve Circulation
· A More Youthful Skin Coloration

Chronological age is fixed and every day that passes we all grow older yet, despite the increase of years spent on the planet, we can impact the biological expression of our skin. The anti-aging market is saturated with creams, lotions, and even surgeries attempting to offer a solution to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as dull and saggy skin. Ultimately the health of the skin will determine the quality of its appearance and this is why infrared sauna therapy produces unparalleled results as an anti-aging solution for the skin.

Genetics, lifestyle, and the environment are contributing factors in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and drooping skin. Healthy skin appears youthful and vibrant regardless of chronological age. The goal of any anti-aging program is to create healthy skin. When balance is restored to the skin the result will be a youthful, glowing, and smooth textured appearance.

So how does infrared sauna therapy improve the health of skin and therefore create a more youthful appearance?

When broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy combines the near, mid, and far spectrum of infrared light, each wavelength aids in the improvement of skin health in specific ways. The mid and far spectrum of infrared light penetrates deeply into the soft tissue of the body. This radiant heat penetrates beyond the initial epidermis of the skin to increase internal temperatures. As core temperature increases a cascade of biochemical responses occurs within the physiological network.

When temperatures rise, circulation moves from the internal regions to the peripheral parts of the body, namely the skin. As circulation improves the skin becomes full-bodied with a plump appearance as the skin holds tightly to the muscles and bones of the body. Improved circulation will create a resonate color to the skin associated with youthful vitality. You will walk out of your first infrared sauna session with a rosy glowing look to your cheeks!

Why is collagen important for skin? How does infrared sauna therapy stimulate collagen production?

Collagen is a protein that supports your body’s tissues and is the primary component of the body’s connective tissues. Collagen occupies 80% of the dermis, the secondary layer of skin below the epidermis. Collagen strengthens the skin to keep it taut, firm, and connected, while elastin allows the skin to stretch and bounce back again.

Both collagen and elastin are the fibers that create the supporting structure of the skin. Youthful skin is plentiful in both these fibrous proteins; regardless of your chronological age, it is possible to bolster the health of these two fibers working in harmony to create healthy and aesthetically appealing skin.

Broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy stimulates collagen production. The unique relationship between the near infrared spectrum and the cellular network of the body working in conjunction will boost collagen production. Over time with regular infrared sauna sessions, the skin will rebuild high levels of collagen found in youthful skin.

While it is impossible to stop the clock, it is possible to reverse the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with regular infrared sauna use by enhancing collagen production.

Even if an individual chooses a surgical facelift to address the appearance of aged skin, it is still important to remember that the quality of skin still matters. Regardless of other possible anti-aging treatments healthy, vibrant skin is essential to a youthful appearance and infrared sauna therapy will effortlessly and safely provide this.

Broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy is so effective as an anti-aging solution because it stimulates circulation to improve skin coloration augments collagen production to firm the skin, and finally, the intensity of perspiration that occurs detoxifies, purifies, and cleanses the skin from within to produce a clear and radiant complexion.

Purify And Detoxify The Skin With Infrared Sauna Therapy: Find Symptom Relief From Acne

Using an infrared sauna can help with acne.

Infrared sauna therapy is among the most powerful means of detoxification. Constant bacterial infection creates the external expression of chronic acne. To heal acne the body needs to detoxify harmful bacteria out of the system.

The deeply penetrative wavelengths of infrared light move into the soft tissue of the body to increase internal temperatures. In effect, the infrared light induces an artificial fever. A fever serves the body by disinfecting the internal mechanism of harmful bacteria. Infrared sauna therapy has the same effect on the body as a naturally occurring fever, except that once you step out the sauna internal temperatures are lowered once again.

Both mild and serious cases of acne find resolution with regular infrared sauna sessions (at least 15-minute sessions, three times per week). The underlying cause of acne is addressed by ridding the body of harmful bacteria through intense perspiration and also the skin itself is cleansed of lingering impurities.

After each infrared sauna session, it is important to shower immediately afterward with a gentle cleanser to remove toxicities from the skin. Infrared sauna therapy provides a powerful means of quickly ridding the body of acne through unparalleled detoxification protocol.

Find Homeostasis Of The Autonomic Nervous System For Relief From Symptoms Of Psoriasis And Eczema With Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy

While psoriasis and eczema are two distinct chronic conditions affecting the skin both respond remarkably well to regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy.

Psoriasis is classified as an autoimmune disorder and is a condition that is the result of the immune system triggering new skin cell growth faster than normal and therefore builds up layers of skin on top of each other.

Eczema is a condition that responds to outer environmental factors such as bacteria and allergens. Both conditions, however, are exacerbated by the stress response. If the body can move efficiently out of sympathetic dominance (states of fight or flight/stress response) back into parasympathetic dominance (rest, rejuvenation, nourishment, and relaxation) individuals will experience extended periods of disease remission.

Infrared sauna therapy bathes individuals in the warm hues of penetrative light to gently coax the body out of stress response back into states of deep relaxation where rejuvenation and rest can occur. Regular infrared sauna therapy will encourage individuals to easily find parasympathetic dominance and therefore avoid prolonged periods of the stress response, which is a major culprit in symptom expression in both cases of psoriasis and eczema.

In addition to the benefits of finding lasting states of relaxation, infrared sauna therapy detoxifies the body of impurities or allergens that are affecting these skin conditions. The body is purified through perspiration and leaves individuals with a cleansed feeling throughout the skin, free from itchy sensations that make both these skin conditions so challenging.

Further, any scarring that has resulted from these chronic skin conditions begins to heal as a result of augmented collagen production in response to the infrared light spectrum.

It is important to continue with regular infrared sauna use to experience a noticeable change. Individuals suffering from psoriasis may experience an initial aggravation of symptoms after the first few sessions but very shortly will notice a remarkable improvement in symptom expression.

Infrared Sauna Therapy: Exfoliate Powerfully To Rapidly Increase Wound And Scar Healing And Produce A Healthy, Radiant, And Glowing Skin

There are several factors at play during an infrared sauna session that causes the skin to heal at faster rates. Firstly, the increase in internal body temperature causes profuse sweating to occur. As the body detoxifies in this particular way skin is moistened and dead skin cells are easily removed. Exfoliation of the skin is effortless and as you step out of the infrared sauna fresh new skin is revealed.

Simultaneous to the intensity of exfoliation that occurs, collagen production is enhanced, this reveals radiant new skin cells. Skin becomes smooth as old skins cells wash away. Scars from burns or surgeries are healed at exponential rates with regular infrared sauna sessions. This occurs because as old skin cells fall away new ones are created under the influence of the nourishing near infrared light spectrum that enhances collagen production.

While scars may not disappear immediately, the appearance of an even skin tone and a smooth texture will predominate the affected area. After about six months of regular infrared sauna use, you can expect to see a noticeable difference in previously scarred regions of the body.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Provides Unparalleled Results To Expose Youthful, Radiant, Smooth, And Glowing Skin

The synergistic dance between the full infrared light spectrum and human physiology produces incomparable results for the skin. It is possible to effortlessly and safely create youthful, plump, and smooth skin without surgery or expensive creams. Infrared sauna therapy will induce powerful exfoliation while simultaneously augmenting collagen production.

The unrivaled anti-aging power of infrared sauna therapy is awe-inspiring. After just one session there will be noticeable improvements in the appearance and texture of your skin.

Individuals experiencing chronic skin conditions will benefit from regular infrared sauna therapy to find relief from uncomfortable symptoms. If you or someone you love is looking to find a safe and affordable means of improving the appearance of scars on the skin, infrared sauna therapy will help to recondition skin growth as well as radically exfoliate old patterns of skin expression.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and reflects the overall health and vitality of physiology, it is also the initial layer of the physical self that is presented to the outer world. To create a youthful appearance, smooth texture, and overall glow of the skin, infrared sauna therapy will absolutely deliver the skin you have always dreamed of.


Infrared Sauna Buying Guide

Infrared Sauna Buying Guide: Find Out Everything You Need To Know Before Investing In An Infrared Sauna For Your Home

The decision to buy an infrared sauna for your home is an investment that could last a lifetime. Become methodical in your investigations as you move into the phase of buying an infrared sauna and gather as much information as possible to make the right choice for you.

There are several factors to consider as you explore the infrared sauna market: The size and cost variance of infrared saunas, the quality of materials used in building the unit, whether the accessories are included in the purchase price, and the cost of running the sauna on a daily basis.

The choice to invest in an infrared sauna stems from the desire to improve and augment your health and wellness and it is, therefore, crucial to purchase a sauna that uses eco-friendly, non-toxic wood with heating panels that boast very low EMF (electromagnetic field) emissions.

Remember that the cost of an infrared sauna is not only the initial purchase price: consider installation costs, additional accessories, and the electrical cost of running an infrared sauna in your home.

Bringing an infrared sauna into your home and using it regularly can transform your health and the quality of your life. Choose the ideal infrared sauna for your health needs and respect your pocketbook!

Not All Infrared Saunas Are Created Equal: Important Health Related Considerations To Keep In Mind While Buying A Sauna

Purchase prices range wildly in the infrared sauna market. A significant contributing factor in this price range is the quality of materials used in manufacturing the unit. For the purposes of this article two categories of infrared saunas have been created: High-end and Low-end. High-end saunas are distinct because of the materials used in the manufacturing of the units themselves, and also by the fact that they include all accessories.

As you choose to enhance your health there are several factors to be mindful of as you decide which sauna will be best. Choose an infrared sauna that uses eco-friendly wood and non-toxic glue. As saunas heat up materials will off-gas, particularly in the first few months after purchase. If your sauna chamber has been created using eco-friendly wood, you will not experience negative toxic off-gassing. Low-end saunas use cheap grade wood that may produce toxic fumes from chemical additives to the wood. Ask lots of questions to the manufacturers and know that most high-end units will advertise about the type of wood used and where it came from.

You will also need to be mindful of the type of glue used in the construction of the sauna. Find an infrared sauna company that uses non-toxic glue to prevent any negative absorption from off-gassing glue. Infrared saunas made by Costco are known to use toxic glues that have negatively affected clients in the past.

High-end infrared saunas boast much lower EMF emissions from heating panels. Be sure to purchase an infrared sauna that advertises the rate of EMF emissions openly. Choose a manufacturer with low to zero emissions. This will ensure that your infrared sauna therapy is as healthy as possible. If infrared sauna companies are producing EMF emissions of over 50 V/m, find a different manufacturer with lower emissions.

The benefit of choosing a high-end sauna is that your health will be secured even if the initial investment is higher. Most of these saunas will come fully equipped with accessories that will enhance the experience of each session you take.

Infrared Sauna Size Is An Influencing Factor In Purchase Price: What Size Sauna Will Best Suit Your Needs?

Infrared saunas generally are available in four primary sizes depending on how many individuals you will want to accommodate in a single session. The price will vary as space ranges from individual size saunas to four or six-person units with individual saunas being significantly less expensive than a four-person sauna.

There are several factors (aside from price) to keep in mind when choosing the size of your sauna. For many people, the time spent in an infrared sauna is introspective and deeply personal. It is much more comfortable to take your sauna naked or mostly naked and the vulnerability of this may influence whether you want to share the space. Even if you decide that the individuals in your household would prefer to sauna alone, it does not necessarily necessitate the smallest sauna on the market.

Infrared saunas provide a great opportunity to move around, stretch, or practice yoga. Saunas built for four people provide ample space to move freely in all directions. A large sauna affords space to stretch out and also adds the possibility of sharing the space with others as desired.

If your intention is to quickly heat up the sauna and find high temperatures then smaller saunas will prove more effective. There is room to lay on your back with legs up the wall in these smaller units or to sit comfortably on the bench provided.

The two to three-person saunas are larger than individual saunas and if you are sensitive to small, enclosed spaces, these sizes may be a better option for you. Remember that nearly all infrared saunas come with a glass door and windows along the front wall and you will not be enclosed in the chamber without a full view of your surroundings outside the unit.

Ultimately, the size of the sauna you choose will influence the purchase price up to several thousands of dollars in some cases. Many saunas are built to last a lifetime so take your time envisioning how you will want to use your sauna: It may be worth the higher initial investment for a larger sauna if you are sure you want to use the space to move around or to share with others.

Take a look at the Purchase Price range depending on sauna size:

High-End Prices (eco-friendly wood, lower EMF emissions, lifetime guarantee, accessories included)

Sauna SizePurchase Price
Individual-2 Person Unit$3700 – $6000
2-3 Person Unit$4000 – $7000
3-4 Person Unit$5000 – $8000
4-6 Person Unit$5500 – $12,000

Lower End Prices (Low grade wood, higher EMF emissions, a shorter warranty timeframe, sometimes accessories not included)

Individual Unit$1000 – $2000
2 Person Unit$1200 – $2500
3 Person Unit$1200 -$3500
4 Person Unit$1500 – $4000

*Please note that these prices are an average of what to expect for purchase prices in the two distinct types of infrared saunas available. As many lower end prices will not include accessories you will need to determine the final price based on adding accessories such as a music system, medical grade light therapy, and potentially aromatherapy.

Do Accessories Enhance The Infrared Sauna Experience? Do Purchase Prices Include Accessories?

Accessories that are offered from individual manufacturers vary substantially: Some accessories will enhance the health benefits received during infrared sauna sessions while others will improve the comfort of the experience. Here are a few accessories to be mindful of while choosing an infrared sauna: Chromotherapy (medical-grade light therapy), Himalayan salt walls, and sound systems.

Chromotherapy is a system of medical-grade light therapy that uses the broad spectrum of visible color to induce greater healing while engaged in infrared sauna therapy. Researchers from NASA attempting to increase recovery time for astronauts returning from space who experienced musculoskeletal atrophy created Chromotherapy. The method was so effective that the therapy was opened to public use. The light spectrum used in chromotherapy is more effective as a treatment when combined with the powerful infrared light spectrum. As you shop for an infrared sauna unit for your home, it is hugely beneficial to ensure that the infrared sauna manufacturer includes light therapy in their units.

Himalayan salt walls as an accessory for Neosauna infrared sauna.

Himalayan Salt Walls are a rarity to find in infrared saunas but will produce positive effects on the pulmonary system of individuals exposed to this therapy. As the infrared sauna heats up, Himalayan salt walls will begin to release negative-ions and open the pulmonary tract. The therapy was born out of the ancient practice of salt cave therapy where individuals suffering from pulmonary infections would go in to lie among the salt walls and breath in the benefits of these trace minerals.

Bluetooth Sound System will enhance the experience of taking an infrared sauna session and allow the body to find deeper states of relaxation as individuals enjoy their favorite sounds. Although it is not a necessity to have a sound system, once an infrared sauna has been brought into the home you will be spending lots of time inside and it is pleasurable to enjoy your favorite music.

Most high-end saunas will include accessories. Be sure that if light therapy is advertised that medical-grade LED lights are used not just colored lights. is among the few infrared sauna manufacturers offering Himalayan salt walls and ceilings. Most high-end manufacturers will include a sound system.

Unfortunately, low-end infrared saunas often do not include accessories and some will even sell the heating units separately. It is best to find an infrared sauna manufacturer that will include all accessories in the price!

Here is a list of prices if accessories are not included:

Air Purifier$150 – $1000
Air Ionizer
(Not Necessary If Sauna Unit Comes
With Himalayan Salt Walls)
$150 – $250
Sound System$200 – $1000
Medical Grade Light Therapy$600 – $2000

Ideally, you will find an infrared sauna manufacturer that includes all desired accessories in the initial purchase price. Stay away from companies that will include heat panels separately.

Installation And Shipping Costs

Some infrared saunas companies will offer free shipping and others will not. As the units are large, the cost of shipping is high. It is well worth finding a manufacturer that will ship the sauna unit to you at no cost.

Most infrared saunas will come with easy to follow installation instructions. You will need two able-bodied adults to install your infrared sauna and as electricity is involved, you will need to be mindful and cautious. If you would prefer not to install the unit yourself, then installation services are offered through many companies. You can expect to pay around $500.00 to have your sauna installed for you.

Whether you choose to install your infrared sauna on your own or not will depend on personal preference.

Daily Electrical Cost Of Running Your Infrared Sauna

The daily electrical cost of running an infrared sauna in your home for an hour is minimal. The cost will vary from region to region depending on the cost of power where you live. You can expect to pay roughly $5/week in electricity to run your sauna.

Take a look at the price list: Watt usage cost per hour:

Sauna SizeEnergy RequirementCost: Cent/Hour
Individual-Two Person1600 W19.2 Cents/Hour
Two-Three Person2200 W26.4 Cents/Hour
Four-Six Person3000 W36 Cents/Hour

Essentially, you can expect to pay less than $20 per-month on electricity to run your infrared sauna in your home.

Warranty: Choose An Infrared Sauna That Guarantees To Serve You For A Lifetime

Investing in an infrared sauna for your home is no small price, but if you choose a manufacturer that offers a lifetime warranty, then the cost over many years of use is nominal. It is impossible to put a price tag on the health benefits derived from regular infrared sauna therapy. Regardless, it can be worth spending the extra money to purchase an upgraded a lifetime warranty on a high-end infrared sauna. Be sure it uses eco-friendly wood and non-toxic materials, and choose one that will come fully equipped with health-enhancing accessories.

Find The Ideal Infrared Sauna For Your Health Needs With The Power Of Informed Pricing

The journey into infrared sauna therapy is thrilling as you watch toxins leave the body at rapid speeds with every drop of sweat. Regular infrared sauna therapy may relieve painful symptoms resulting from chronic disease. Eventually, you will fall in love with this new part of your household as health and vitality are substantially improved.

Take your time to thoroughly investigate the gamut of infrared saunas available on the market today. The investment is not a small one financially, and you will be spending a lot of time inside your infrared sauna once it is installed in your home.

Be sure that you choose the ideal sauna for you and remember that if you purchase one that comes with a lifetime warranty, that over the many years of use the cost will ultimately become nominal.

Enjoy the process of shopping for your infrared sauna and once this fixture is installed in your home, buckle your seatbelts: Your life is about to get a whole lot better!


What Is Chromotherapy?

The rainbow has long since been a promise of hope and love for inhabitants of planet earth: These auspicious moments afford us the unique opportunity to observe the color spectrum of light that encircles us at all times. While the rainbow of color can only be observed with our eyes under particular conditions of moisture occurring simultaneously with the sun’s luminosity, in reality, this spectrum of color bathes and serenades us in its beauty at all times.

Life on our planet, as we know it, depends on light: Light creates life and if it were not for the sun’s energy, life on our planet would cease to be. It makes sense then, as instruments are developed to harness the color light spectrum, that our body would respond in healing ways to this exposure.

So, What Is Chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy uses wavelengths of color light to positively alter the biochemistry of the body to promote deep healing. Chromotherapy used in conjunction with infrared sauna treatments becomes even more effective as the infrared spectrum of light, through its power to penetrate deeply into the soft tissues of the body, encourages the body to absorb the full spectrum of color emitted through chromotherapy instruments.

Explore the powerful impact that color and light have on human physiology and the cascade of health benefits found with regular chromotherapy use, particularly as it is combined with infrared sauna therapy.

Please Note: The efficacy of light therapy requires that certified medical-grade LED lights are used in the instruments. Some companies will boast the health effects of light therapy but offer standard LED lights in their equipment. For the purposes of this article, we will assume that the lights are medical grade and certified.

Chromotherapy: A Brief History

Light therapy is an umbrella term that encompasses phototherapy, ultraviolet-light therapy, infrared therapy, and chromotherapy. Chromotherapy specifically refers to the visible light spectrum of color and the healing benefits that colors have on the body and mind. Chromotherapy instruments release wavelengths and frequencies that emit particular colors of light to induce a healing reaction in the body. Chromotherapy specifically combines the benefits of color therapy with light therapy.

In 1965 NASA discovered that astronauts returning to earth after time in space without exposure to gravity experienced muscle and bone atrophy. To increase cellular production in the muscles and bones of the astronauts, it was discovered that the broad spectrum of color light, in conjunction with exposure to near-infrared light (used to activate the skin’s response to the colored light spectrum), was successful in stimulating cellular regeneration in the bones, muscles, and skin (1).

NASA created the first light therapy instruments, and since the discovery of the powerful effect that intense exposure to color light has on the body, chromotherapy has evolved as a treatment for a vast array of conditions. The impact of medical-grade light exposure to the greater populace was quickly uncovered in the treatment of cancer patients, burn victims, and individuals suffering from bone fractures (2).

In NASA’s technical report by Harry T. Whelan from the Medical Coalition of Wisconsin, describes the benefits of light therapy:

“NASA LEDs stimulate the basic energy processes in the mitochondria (energy compartments) of each cell, particularly when near-infrared light is used to activate the color sensitive chemicals (chromophores, cytochrome systems) inside.”


The benefits of exposure to medical-grade LED lights is not limited to patients suffering from serious burns, brain degenerative diseases, and cancer, but to anyone wanting to optimize health and wellness.

Chromotherapy And The Skin

Chromotherapy use can help with anti aging, scars, and acne.

In recent years light therapy has become popular in spas around the world as people look for non-invasive ways to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As it turns out, the same positive impact that light therapy has on cellular regeneration in other parts of the body also applies to the skin.

Medical grade color light therapy coupled with infrared light exposure has the potential to heal serious skin lesions and scarring from chronic conditions such as psoriasis and acne. The same principles applied to injured skin can be used as an anti-aging technique to reduce the appearance of your biological age.

Take a look at the chart below to find out the positive effects of each color on the skin:

Chromotherapy has demonstrated astounding results on skin health and rejuvenation: This is why many allopathic medical professionals are turning to phototherapy to treat the chronic skin condition: Psoriasis (4).

From healing serious burn wounds, psoriasis, and providing mesmerizing effects on skin vitality, chromotherapy coupled with exposure to the infrared spectrum of light is producing groundbreaking results as a skin treatment. In addition to the results that light therapy has on the skin, it has also been found to enhance and stabilize mood for individuals suffering from depression and seasonal affective disorder.

Chromotherapy And Your Mood: The Pineal Gland Dances With Light

In the center of the brain exists a pinecone shaped, pea-sized gland called the pineal gland. Within the pineal gland, serotonin is converted into melatonin. Serotonin regulates mood and melatonin regulates circadian rhythm. The light transducing capability of the pineal gland means that exposure to chromotherapy creates positive effects for the mood centers of the brain(5).

When the body is exposed to the full-color spectrum of light during chromotherapy sessions coupled with the infrared light spectrum magic occurs to mood stability.

Richard Bowen of Colorado State University writes:

“The precursor to melatonin is serotonin, a neurotransmitter that itself is derived from the amino acid tryptophan. Within the pineal gland, serotonin is acetylated and then methylated to yield melatonin. Synthesis and secretion of melatonin is dramatically affected by the use of medical-grade light exposure to the eyes.”


Our mood depends on the proper function of the pineal gland. As this gland is a potent receptor to light transmission, chromotherapy enhances pineal gland activity to provide deeper sleep and regulated mood.
When the pineal gland is actively operating at high capacity, all portions of the body, particularly the entire endocrine system, are regulated and homeostasis is found. The healthful activity of the pineal gland positively affects symptoms produced from thyroid disorders, adrenal fatigue, and disease affecting the sexual organs.

As balance is restored to the pineal gland through light therapy there is a cascade of symptom relief that moves from the brain down the body affecting the entirety of the endocrine system.

The good news is that many infrared saunas come equipped with chromotherapy. We know that infrared light augments the body’s ability to draw the color spectrum into its network, and as this occurs the endocrine system is positively affected and relief from symptoms of chronic endocrine-related illness may remain in remission.

What To Expect The First Time You Use Chromotherapy?

Many spas and some medical practices around the world are treating clients and patients with chromotherapy. After an initial consultation with a professional, you will determine what color of light is most needed. Depending on diagnosis you will spend longer periods of time under the light of a certain color.

You will lie on your back on a massage table and the light instrument will be above your head (some are full body). The instrument will be turned on and for varying lengths of time depending on diagnosis, different colors will shine on your face. If you decide to use the broad spectrum of color light you can expect that each color will shine for about two minutes before the next color rotates in. Each chromotherapy session lasts about 35 minutes and is often accompanied with a moisturizing mask and facial.

The experience is relaxing and comforting. As you leave your first session the world will appear in higher fidelity and much shinier. The mind will be clear, calm, and open.

If you decide to use chromotherapy in conjunction with infrared sauna therapy then your experience will be somewhat different. You will enter the infrared sauna chamber and on the ceiling will be the light paneling of the chromotherapy instrument. You will have the option to choose which color you would like to work: If you are unsure of what color spectrum you need most you can leave the chromotherapy on auto and the color spectrum will switch over on its own exposing you to each color for about 90 seconds and then keep cycling through.

It has been observed by researchers at NASA that chromotherapy is most effective when used in conjunction with infrared light. It is well worth combining your infrared sauna therapy with chromotherapy to get the best of both worlds!

Chromotherapy And Infrared Sauna Therapy Operate In Tandem To Provide A High-Definition Experience
In the mid-1960s when researchers from NASA began exploring the relationship between human physiology and the light spectrum, the results were astounding. From the cascade of health benefits available through regular infrared sauna therapy, phototherapy, and chromotherapy, humanity was met with a new wave of possible healing modalities.

Chromotherapy capitalizes on the benefits derived from exposure to the color spectrum of light to ignite biochemical changes in the body and brain. Skin is rejuvenated, sleep is improved, and mood is stabilized. When this technology is coupled with the therapeutic benefits derived from infrared sauna therapy, magic begins to occur at the physiological level.

Euphoric bliss takes hold of the body as you sink into deep states of relaxation under the rays of the full infrared spectrum and as the colored lights of chromotherapy shower the body from above. Find an infrared sauna that offers chromotherapy and fully luxuriate yourself as you bathe your body and mind in the totality of the rainbow.


  5. “Becoming Supernatural”, Dr Joe Dispenza, 2017

How To Clean Your Infrared Sauna

One the many benefits of having an infrared sauna in your own home, is that you are able to ensure it is cleaned thoroughly using non-toxic solutions. It is easy to keep your home sauna a healthful and safe environment free from potentially harmful bacterial bloom.

A few tips to clean your infrared sauna will guarantee that this space remains a sanctuary of health and wellness. Keeping your infrared sauna clean does not require any special tools and substances. A cloth, warm water, natural soap, white vinegar, and a vacuum are all you will need!

How To Clean Your Infrared Sauna After Each Session

As you are aware, a lot of sweating takes place in the infrared sauna chamber. As the body releases toxic build up through the pores, puddles of sweat accumulate on the bench, backrest, and floor of the unit. It is important to clean the surfaces where you sit as well as anywhere you sweat after each session.

The wood on the interior of your sauna has been kiln dried and not treated, making it resistant to absorbing odors and retaining moisture. Because of this, you can opt to leave your sauna turned on for an additional 5-10 minutes after your session and simply allow your sweat to dry. In this case, you will want to do a deeper cleaning on a monthly or weekly basis.

How To Deeply Clean Your Infrared Sauna

On a weekly or monthly basis you will want to clean your infrared sauna thoroughly. This will require that you vacuum the interior of the sauna using the hose end of your vacuum to reach less accessible areas. Thoroughly clean all surfaces inside of the sauna, the floor, walls, bench, and backrest with warm water and a gentle soap. Go over the same areas a second time with just warm water.

To clean these surfaces effectively you will need a bucket of warm water mixed with a gentle, non-toxic soap that will not irritate your skin. Mix the solution of warm water and soap, soak the cloth in the solution, and gently wipe down the surfaces inside of the infrared sauna. Pour the bucket out and fill it again with warm water. With a new cloth, wipe down the surfaces once again. This should be done after each and every session.

You may also wish to clean the inside and outside of the glass doors, particularly if your hands left marks around the door. To clean the glass you will need a spray bottle mixed with water and white vinegar. Use a dry cloth, spray the glass with the white vinegar solution and wipe down the glass.

Green Living, from National Geographic, recommends that the white vinegar and water solution be composed of 50% water and 50% distilled white vinegar. We prefer an even gentler solution using lemon juice, but again, the choice is yours!

A deep cleaning will help maintain the safety of your infrared sauna and allow you to simply clean sweat affected surfaces during the week to make it quick and easy.

How To Maintain The Cleanliness Of Your Sauna For The Long Term

Maintaining a clean infrared sauna for long term.

By following the above protocols for cleaning your infrared sauna you will be contributing significantly to the long term cleanliness and look of your unit.

If over time, you find that puddles of sweat stain the wood you can consider addressing this issue by using the following method: Obtain a light 220 grade sanding pad. With a very a gently pressure you will be able to easily sand the stains off.

This method will not be needed often but if every few months you notice a stain developing this is a quick and easy to use trick.

You may want to clean the outside of your infrared sauna quarterly. Moving the entire unit away from the walls to access any accumulated dust. At this time you may wish to clean the external walls and ceiling with a damp cloth.

Quickly And Easily Clean Your Infrared Sauna For A Lifetime Of Enjoyment And Health

Your infrared sauna is made to last a lifetime; regularly cleaning the unit with care will ensure that it continues to be a lasting space of healing and rejuvenation.

Remember, that it is important NOT to use potentially toxic chemical cleaners. You do not ever need to use bleach or chemical floor cleaners. Warm water, a gentle soap and white vinegar or lemon are the only substances you will need. Keeping your infrared sauna chemical and toxin free will enhance the benefits of this therapy.

Infrared Sauna for Lyme Disease

What is Lyme disease?

To truly understand the complex illness known as Lyme disease, we must first define it. Per textbook definition, Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. Acute Lyme disease, if caught early, can be adequately treated by short courses of antibiotics. However, many people are not diagnosed and/or treated, and thus Lyme disease can become chronic.

In my opinion, to define Lyme disease as simply an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi is inadequate. Firstly, we know that there are multiple strains of Borrelia that can be involved. There are also co-infections of Lyme – other bacteria and protozoa such as Bartonella, Babesia, Ehrlichia and Rickettsia that can also be transmitted via the same tick bite. Many chronic Lyme patients are also infected with Mycoplasma pneumonia, Chlamydia pneumonia; viruses such as Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus and Human Herpes virus 6; and experience overgrowth of yeast such as Candida albicans.

However, to truly understand Lyme disease, we must recognize that it is a complex, multi-system illness, potentially involving every system of the body – we see neurological involvement, hormone dysregulation, musculoskeletal damage, immune suppression, digestive issues, and the list goes on. It is in recognizing the widespread impacts of Lyme on the body that we realize the need for comprehensive, holistic treatment modalities. Simply treating with antibiotics/antimicrobials is not enough.

Two fundamental outcomes of chronic Lyme are inflammation and toxicity. Inflammation is created through immune activation – as the immune system tries to fight the overwhelming infection, inflammation is naturally created. Inflammation is responsible for much of the chronic pain that is so common in Lyme, but it can also impact the brain. Neuro-inflammation is responsible for the Lyme symptoms we refer to as “Lyme Brain” – cognitive issues such as short-term memory loss, problems with focus and concentration, and foggy thinking; along with mood changes ranging from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, rages, and OCD behaviors to name just a few.

Toxicity is also a big factor in Lyme. When bacteria and parasites are killed, they release toxins that the body must deal with. This is known as a Herxheimer reaction (aka Herx), whereby patients can feel worse before better when they start treatment, add a new treatment or therapy. Further, Lyme patients often experience other toxic burdens on their bodies. The two major ones I see are mycotoxins (toxins coming from mold spores), and toxic metals such as lead, mercury,  aluminum, and arsenic.

Why are Lyme patients more susceptible to these toxins? Much relates to genetics – gene mutations such as MTHFR, CBS, and COMT compromise one’s ability to detoxify. We also see an increase in oxidative stress with these multiple stressors on the body which causes further cell damage. Variations in HLA phenotypes also appears to play a role in susceptibility to Lyme and mycotoxins through their role in immune regulation. Further, Lyme is immune-suppressive, leading to lower defenses against other toxins and pathogens.

Close Up of a Gloved Hang Holding Borrelia

The Benefits of Using an Infrared Sauna ofor Lyme disease

With that background, we can clearly see the role that full-spectrum infrared saunas can play in Lyme disease treatment. There are several mechanisms by which infrared sauna therapy helps Lyme patients.

  1. 1. Enhancing Detoxification

In my opinion, the primary consideration is its role in detoxification. This occurs through the sweat glands and the skin.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, covering on average more than twenty square feet. Accounting into 15% of our body weight, our skin is home to at least a thousand nerve endings and 650 sweat glands, all the while serving as that first line of foreign defense against pathogens. Our skin is constantly absorbing and eliminating toxins as we interact with the changes in our external environment.

Many toxins in our body are sequestered in adipose cells (fat cells). The body does this to protect itself – if it can tuck away toxins in fat cells they are less likely to cause damage to vital organs. The heating effect of infrared sauna stimulates the release of toxins from adipose cells as well as other organs and tissues of the body. Sweat glands kick into gear to help the body cool itself in response to that, and the skin provides the vessel through which toxins are removed from the body.

2. Boosting Metabolic Function and Reducing Oxidative Stress

Infrared sauna boosts metabolic function and reduces oxidative stress. Our ATP, which is our “energy currency” is produced in the mitochondria of our cells. Oxidative stress, toxicity, and chronic infections such as Lyme all damage the mitochondria and create more oxidative stress. Therefore, a body carrying out efficient detoxification obtains a higher threshold to tolerate oxidative stress – whether from the environment, negative genetic predispositions, or disease states.
TThe infrared sauna also serves to reduce inflammation within the body. As previously mentioned, inflammation is one of the fundamentals elements to overcome in Lyme patients, contributing to much of patients’ pain and dysfunction.

In many cases, Lyme patients carry genetic mutations such as the MTHFR and HLA-1 and 2. These kinds of mutations serve as roadblocks preventing the body from facilitating proper detoxification. Combine an overload of stealth, slow-growing bacteria, viruses, and parasites to accumulate in the blood and tissues over time and detox is further burdened. Therefore, opening up detox pathways inside the cells is crucial to allow the body to naturally produce healthy antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione, catalase, and amylase – all precursors to leverage high amounts of detox.

Infrared sauna therapy has the potential to benefit the entire spectrum of toxic states, including mold, bacteria, parasites, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals from medications, and so on.

3.  Boosting Circulation

Many Lyme patients experience circulatory issues, ranging from vasculitis (commonly seen in the co-infection Babesia), to hyper-coagulation of the blood. Reduced circulation and oxygenation of tissues contributes to the chronic fatigue they experience. Infrared sauna boosts systemic circulation up to 200%. With greater circulation comes greater oxygenation to tissues (the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, and blood and lymphatic fluid carry toxins away from the tissues). More oxygen and nutrients to tissues leads to an enhanced potential for tissue repair, the movement of toxic substances out of cells, and the removal of inflammatory mediators from tissues.

I have observed that through enhancing detoxification, cellular metabolism, and oxygenation of tissues, infrared saunas sessions are helpful in relieving many Lyme-related symptoms, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, pain, cognitive dysfunction (Lyme brain), paresthesia, joint pain, and muscle aches to name just a few.

4. Helping to Eradicate Infection

Heating the body helps fight against the pathogens themselves.

It is common for those who acquire chronic illness to naturally run a low body temperature in which they cannot properly fight off bacteria, parasites, and other underlying infections. As infrared saunas raise body temperature by 3 degrees F, the body can then go into a powerful attack to kill off cancerous tumors, viruses, parasites, yeast, and other harmful bacteria.

Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia, viruses, parasites and even Candida, are all susceptible to heat. So even in those without inherently low temperatures, raising the body temperature can play an active role in reducing pathogen load, especially as a complement to other antimicrobial therapies such as antibiotics and herbal antimicrobials.

Types of Saunas

Where infrared sauna differentiates itself from regular sauna is the depth of penetration of the tissues, and the enhanced effect that has on whole-body detoxification. Where a regular sauna may get to much higher temperatures, its heat waves do not penetrate deeply into the tissues and therefore it cannot offer the same detoxification benefits. Granted, people will sweat in a regular sauna, but their bodies will not be mobilizing toxins from deep within their tissues to give them the same health benefit. Traditional saunas can also be more uncomfortable given the high heat, and not as pleasant to experience. I have found that most Lyme patients feel significantly worse after traditional saunas due to the extreme temperature.

Within infrared saunas, there are variations of types of heat waves – near, mid and far infrared. Each heat wave will produce different benefits to Lyme patients.

  1. 1. Near-infrared: these waves penetrate the epidermis of the skin; they do not penetrate the tissues as deeply as mid and far infrared. Near-infrared waves are beneficial for cell health and immunity, wound healing, skin rejuvenation, and pain relief.
  1. 2. Mid-infrared: Mid-infrared waves penetrate deeper into the body, which sets the stage for increased passive cardiac circulation both during and after the infrared session.  

The benefits of this include pain relief, improved circulation, and weight loss. While the weight loss element may appear to be more superficial, many Lyme patients experience metabolic slowing and gain significant amounts of weight often despite very healthy diets. Yet with their level of debility, most are not able to exercise adequately to burn it off. Thus the ability of infrared saunas to stimulate metabolism and foster weight loss is a appreciated!

  1. 3. Far infrared waves heat the body mostly deeply and directly, resulting in a rise in core body temperature. It is these waves that provide the deepest detoxification at the cellular level, where most toxins reside. They also promote weight loss (with the potential to burn up to 600 calories in one 40-minute session), blood pressure reduction, and overall relaxation and pain relief.

How Does the Himalayan Salt Wall Benefit Lyme patients?

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt, in conjunction with infrared sauna, can enhance and potentiate its benefits. Himalayan salts are natural minerals that are known to generate negative ions and assist in the purification of the air.

We live in a world where we are in constant electrical flow between positive and negative charges. What many do not know is the fact that positive and negative ions have the potential to drastically affect our health. It may be counterintuitive to say that positive ions are the ones that promote a more acidic environment in the body, leaving one more susceptible to disease, whereas negative ions are what are needed to carry out a positive healthy current in our bodies. However, this is indeed how it works.

Negative ions are most prevalent in nature. They are generated through the biophysical processes in the air, water, sunlight, and the earth’s electrical/conduction systems. Thunderstorms are one of the greatest sources of negative ions as the ions bounce around water after a storm settles. Some people feel physically different when they can taste the salty air at the beach or get a certain feeling near a waterfall. These are positive after-effects of your body being saturated by negative ions.

In this day and age, wireless data and electromagnetic fields are constantly streaming and polluting our environment, leaving us with a deficit of negative ions. If we could bridge the gap between nature and our electromagnetic environment, both in the home and workplace, we could have the potential to emit a healthier charge in our own bodies. This is where Himalayan sea salt and sea salt walls come into play, as the negative ions emitted from the salt help to counterbalance the harmful electromagnetic waves emitted from computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.

So how does this impact Lyme patients?

As previously mentioned, Lyme patients tend to be more sensitive to EMFs and generate more positive ions. Lyme patients also undergo a heavy load of oxidative stress, drawing the cells towards the positive ionic spectrum rather than the negative.

Being outside and interacting with nature, as well as being exposed to negative ions through modalities such as the Himalayan salt wall, is even more crucial for a Lyme patient. Unfortunately, when people are feeling ill, they tend to draw into their home environments, under the covers, using heating pads and heaters to soothe the pain and discomfort. Add watching television to distract themselves, and spending hours on the computer researching various treatments, and they continue to be surrounded by a positive ionic environment.

As scientific research continues to prove a multitude of health benefits regarding negative ion therapy. These include:

-> Increasing one’s sense of well-being and mental clarity, acting as a natural antidepressant.

-> Boosting air quality to promote clearance of dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores. As many Lyme patients develop multiple chemical and mold sensitivity, air quality control is mandatory.

-> Promoting a relaxing effect on the nervous system, a more normalized breathing, and respiratory rate, and decreasing blood pressure.

-> Improving energy levels and focus – a study by the University of California found serotonin levels to be normalized as negative ions were introduced to the subjects’ brain.

-> A French study found the production of negative ions to aid in sleep promotion as serotonin production in the brain increased.

-> The Norwich Union conducted a study in which negative ions were emitted in a work environment heavy with EMFs, the instance of headaches and sickness was reduced by 78%.

-> Pierce J. Howard, PhD at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences found subjects exposed to high levels of negative ions performed better in mental tasks. In working alongside The Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences, researchers there have found negative ions to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.

Himalayan salt walls are a highly valuable addition to infrared sauna use in treating Lyme disease.

Important Considerations For Lyme Patients Using Infrared Sauna

Given the hypersensitivity of Lyme patients, and their significant toxic burden, it is important that Lyme patients start “low and slow” in their use of infrared sauna, no as not to trigger a severe and unpleasant detoxification response. As their body toxic burden reduces, they can work up in time, temperature and frequency.

Those with the multiple factors of Lyme disease, mycotoxin illness, and heavy metal toxicity, compounded by genetic defects such as MTHFR, are encouraged to go the most gently.

My recommendation is starting around 90 degrees for 5-10 minutes, working their way up to 140 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Implementing proper hydration both prior and post infrared session will help optimize overall detox. Supplementing with electrolytes and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and potassium can also be beneficial. Coconut water is a refreshing source of electrolytes and hydration. Dry skin brushing prior to the sauna can promote lymphatic drainage to further enhance the detoxification effect. Some people may find that rotating binders after saunas is helpful – bentonite clay, zeolite, and activated charcoal are examples to assist mopping up any mobilized toxins.

Given that Lyme patients are sensitive to toxins and EMFs, and given that the heat of the sauna can potentiate these toxic exposures, it is imperative that any infrared sauna they enter be made of hypoallergenic wood, and not contain any toxic glues or resins. Saunas must have low electromagnetic frequency (EMF) output, as Lyme patients are often more EMF-sensitive.


The infrared sauna can be one of the most beneficial therapies to assist Lyme patients in their recovery. Enhancing detoxification plays a central role in their benefit; however, infrared saunas also boost metabolic function, reduce oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and enhance blood circulation. They can also help reduce microbial load through the heating of core body temperature, and the susceptibility of pathogens to heat.

A combination of near, mid and far infrared waves is optimal for the different benefits they provide. Himalayan salt walls will enhance the detoxification effect, as well as producing negative ions to further enhance wellbeing.  Lyme patients are encouraged to start slow and work up in time, temperature and frequency of infrared saunas.

Infrared sauna boosts the functioning of the body while at the same time assisting to ease the many and varied symptoms of Lyme disease. It is a modality that can be done easily at home, shared with the whole family, and works in support and healing of the body.

Resources and References:

Metabolic energy: The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 2nd edition.

Negative Ions and Positive Vibes:  Technology Review, Jan 1983 v86 p74(1).

Negative Ions for the Brain: The Owner’s Manual for the Brain, Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research

Kosenko EA, Kaminsky YuG, Stavrovskaya IG, Sirota TV, Kondrashova MN. The stimulatory effect of negative air ions and hydrogen peroxide on the activity of superoxide dismutase. FEBS Lett 1997 Jun 30;410(2-3):309-12.

Livanova LM, Levshina IP, Nozdracheva LV, Elbakidze MG, Airapetiants MG. The protective action of negative air ions in acute stress in rats with different typological behavioral characteristics. Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat Im I P Pavlova 1998 May-Jun;48(3):554-7.

Dr. Nicola Ducharme is a Naturopathic Doctor, founder and medical director of RestorMedicine in San Diego, California. She has specialized in Lyme disease for the past 14 years, working with patients around the world.

Dr. Nicola has written four books on the subject of Lyme disease – The Lyme Diet, The Beginners Guide to Lyme Disease, Lyme Disease in Australia, and Lyme Brain.  She has also been a chapter contributor to two of Connie Strasheim’s books – Insights Into Lyme Disease Treatment: 13 Lyme-Literate Health Care Practitioners Share Their Healing Strategies, and New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment: 10 Top Doctors Reveal Healing Strategies That Work.

She is the creator of Lyme-Ed, an online program educating both patients and practitioners on integrative approaches to Lyme disease.

Further information on chronic Lyme disease can be found at the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (, and the Lyme Disease Association (

Infrared Sauna Therapy vs Cryotherapy

Since before recorded history, humans have been turning to temperature therapy (both hot and cold) to optimize health, purify the body, and to find commune with a higher power. From the Finnish tradition of rolling around in the snow followed by traditional sauna sessions, to the Haman’s of the Ottoman empire, where individuals plunged themselves into ice-cold water followed by the steam room, humans are no strangers to treating ailments with extreme temperatures.

The marriage of thermal therapy continues to evolve today as technology is developed to create state-of-the-art treatments. Broad spectrum Infrared sauna therapy coupled with cryotherapy is the crowning achievement of ancient wisdom unified with modern technology to foster health and wellness through thermal therapy.

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy treatment is a supercharged ice bath that enhances an individual’s natural healing capabilities by subjecting the body to extreme cold. Cryotherapy is the coolest new thing on the health and wellness market, and while it boasts scientific backing, it is not yet FDA certified.

If you are looking to enhance your infrared sauna therapy with a blast of cold, there is evidence to suggest that cryotherapy is an excellent compliment to infrared sauna treatments. Use of infrared saunas regularly may produce a greater degree of health benefits thus positively affecting very serious conditions compared to its colder counter Cryotherapy.

This article will help you to understand the physiological response to both modalities of thermal therapy and how when used in tandem to how they cooperatively work to optimize your health.

Cold Immersion For Healing Purposes

A woman receiving cryotherapy treatment

Cryotherapy is on the cutting edge of wellness treatments available today. Although the technology itself is new, immersion of the body into deliberately cold water is an ancient practice. Athletes looking to speed recovery time between workouts often use ice baths to encourage muscular repair. Yogis have been using ice-cold showers to stimulate and improve the immune response for hundreds of years, and the cultural tradition of Russians plunging themselves into cold bodies of water is world famous.

So why have so many people throughout history turned to therapies that involve submersion of the entire body into frigid waters?

It is believed that entering ice baths or very cold bodies of water constricts blood vessels to flush waste products, such as lactic acid out of the muscle tissue, decreasing metabolic activity to reduce swelling and tissue breakdown. Micro-tears occur to the muscles during exercise (this is how muscles develop) and by exposing these same muscle groups to the cold, healing occurs at faster rates allowing the individual to return to workouts sooner (1).

Ice packs applied to torn ligaments and tendons also speeds up recovery by improving circulation of healthy, nourishing blood to the injured region to decrease inflammation. Cryotherapy works with the same premise of ice compresses and cold-water immersion and then takes it several steps further with state-of-the-art technology to enhance the experience.

Toshima Yamauchi, a Japanese medical professional looking to find relief for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, developed the first cryotherapy instruments. Originally, freezing instruments were applied to specific inflamed regions of the body to encourage improved circulation and reduce painful symptoms. The technology has evolved to encompass the entire body, referred to as a cryochamber or cryosauna (2).

Most cryotherapy clinics today offer a vertical metal tube (cryochamber) that individuals walk into with their heads exposed. Temperatures plummet to anywhere from negative 112 degrees Fahrenheit to negative 256 degrees Fahrenheit. Each session lasts for only 3 minutes and individuals in the cryotherapy machine are monitored by a health care chaperone.

The extreme temperatures of whole body cryotherapy are created with liquid nitrogen. The upright metal container that encompasses the individual appears to be filled with dry ice and has a foggy look and feel.

One could consider cryotherapy as a supercharged ice bath.

Cryotherapy maximizes the benefits of cold therapy by essentially freezing the outermost layers of the body. Due to the extreme cold, blood flows inward toward the vital organs to protect them. Ultimately, this feeds the essential organs with a surplus of healthy, nutrient-filled blood (1).

The Physiological Response To Cryotherapy

The body is startled by the extreme cold and elicits a strong sympathetic (fight or flight) response from the autonomic nervous system. Like an elastic band, this response ricochets back as a dramatic parasympathetic (rest and relaxation) rebound of the autonomic nervous system. Two to three minutes is all that is needed to unleash a cascade of biochemical reactions that emphatically improves circulation, neuromuscular transmission, and immune response (3).

The circulatory system is stimulated and rapidly draws blood away from the outer extremities of the body into the vital organs as a means of protection. Once the individual is relieved of the cold environment and steps out of the cryochamber, blood pours quickly back to the peripheral tissues of the body. After intense intermingling with the vital organs, blood is renewed. As blood flows outward to the peripheral regions of the body, it provides richly oxygenated hemoglobin to the joints and skin. This activity greatly reduces inflammation, and therefore painful symptoms.

Positive immune responses include increased white blood cell counts, increased anti-inflammatory cytokines, and reduced pro-inflammatory prostaglandin PGE2. By creating an artificial shock to the system, a multitude of physiological responses occur and the results on the health of the body are remarkable (3).

What To Expect During Your First Cryotherapy Session

Man in a Cryotherapy Machine

You will not need to set much time aside during your day, as you will likely be in and out of the cryotherapy clinic in less than 10 minutes. You will be invited back to a room that holds the cryochamber and left alone to disrobe. You will be instructed to put mittens on your hands as well as socks and wetsuit booties on your feet. Men will be given thermo-underwear or some garment to protect their genitals from the cold. It is also advisable to cover the nipples as the extreme cold can be very uncomfortable. Women should consider wearing a bra for this purpose.

You will step into the chamber that will have already been adjusted for your height so that your neck and head remain outside of the enclosure. Once inside the cryotherapy chamber, an attendant will enter the room to monitor the session. While cryotherapy is considered safe, the chaperone will be present for additional safety precautions.

The session will last only three minutes. When the time is up the chaperone will leave the room, you will step out of the chamber and put your clothes back on. Most likely you will experience a spike in energy and may feel a slight ‘high’. Be sure to have the heat on in your car or a warm jacket, as you will feel cold for several hours afterward. As a lot of energy is burned, you will most likely find yourself unusually hungry after each session.

You can expect to pay somewhere between $25-$35 per session. You cannot have a cryotherapy apparatus in your own home and all sessions must be administered by a cryotherapy professional.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Boasts More Health Benefits

When it comes to using an infrared sauna versus cryotherapy, Infrared sauna therapy uses penetrative light to heat the body up from the inside out and can be considered the inverse of cryotherapy. Both therapies provide resounding health benefits and ideally, cryotherapy could compliment regular infrared sauna therapy treatments.

Both modalities improve circulation, reduce inflammation, aid in muscular recovery, and are great for weight loss. Infrared sauna therapy has exponentially more health benefits that may directly aid and assist in finding remission for chronic conditions and relief from painful symptoms.

The relationship between the molecular and cellular make-up of the body and the infrared light spectrum is unparalleled by any other healing modality. Infrared sauna therapy powerfully detoxifies the body through copious sweating. This reduces internal stress from toxic overload, improves oxygenation of the blood, and encourages positive circulation that bolsters a myriad of results on overall health by reducing inflammation.

Infrared sauna therapy also stimulates neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells) (4), increases human growth hormones (5), and heightens insulin sensitivity (6). These physiological responses mean that individuals with type II diabetes, brain degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and autoimmune conditions will benefit from infrared sauna therapy in life-altering ways (4).

Additionally, the infrared sauna does not enlist sympathetic (fight or flight) dominance of the autonomic nervous system as cryotherapy does but rather, immediately coaxes the body back into states of parasympathetic (recovery, rest, healing, nourishment, and relaxation) dominance.

Underlying correlative factors of chronic conditions is believed to be prolonged states of stress response. Infrared sauna therapy will draw individuals into states of relaxation where nourishment and healing can occur. Regular infrared sauna therapy will encourage parasympathetic dominance throughout the day and therefore reduce stress response to encourage optimal health (7).

The cascade of health benefits for individuals engaged in regular infrared sauna therapy are far more numerous and profound than those found through cryotherapy.

Nevertheless, cryotherapy is an excellent compliment to infrared sauna therapy. If you are using infrared saunas 4-7 times per week then you may want to consider cryotherapy once a week. The extreme cold will boost blood circulation and improve immune response.

Consider cryotherapy as the cherry on top of your health and wellness routine, while infrared sauna is the basic nourishment that could change the future of your health.

Infrared Sauna Therapy vs. Cryotherapy: Infrared Sauna Therapy Is More Enjoyable, Cost-Effective, and Convenient

A woman relaxing after an infrared sauna therapy

The warm, radiant hues of infrared light soothe the soul and heal the body. The experience of an infrared sauna is deeply relaxing and may positively alter states of being. Cradled within the warmth of an infrared sauna is a luxurious and deeply pleasurable experience.

Conversely, cryotherapy is not relaxing and is a therapy that must be endured as you rally courage to endure the uncomfortably extreme cold. You may find yourself jumping up and down in the chamber waiting anxiously for the time to be up so you can feel comfortable again. As you luxuriate in your infrared sauna you may not want to leave even after 50 minutes, so comfortable and relaxed will you be.

Infrared sauna therapy is an introspective period of time where you can melt into your inner world. Not so with cryotherapy, an attendant will be in the room with you as you jump around and look for ways to endure the uncomfortable plummeting temperatures.

For a small investment, you can safely bring an infrared sauna into your home. Cryotherapy is still not FDA approved, the whole body chambers are not available for public purchase.

If you are lifting heavy weights, training for a marathon, or engaged in any other extreme exercise regime, then cryotherapy could be a great substitute for your ice bath. Cryotherapy treatment could be an excellent weekly or bi-weekly compliment to your regular infrared sauna routine.

If you have any more questions about infrared sauna therapy versus cryotherapy, please contact us at today!



Additional Reading Material:

Why You Need an Infrared Sauna for Your Home

Human physiology is composed of 50 trillion cells each awakening to the beckoning call of the warm rays of infrared light.

The gentle warm rays of the infrared light spectrum have a magical impact on health and wellness, both in the treatment of specific and very serious conditions, as well as for augmenting overall health. Modern medicine can quantify the powerful and exponential impact that this spectrum of light has on the molecular and cellular structure of human physiology that is responsible for the cascade of health benefits reaped through infrared sauna therapy.

Finding a broad spectrum infrared sauna near you is easy: they can be found in gyms, spas, hotels, and in boutique infrared sauna venues all around the developed world, probably easily accessible to you in your own neighborhood.

So, why have an infrared sauna in your home?

If you are already familiar with the astounding myriad of health benefits of infrared sauna therapy, then you may be wondering if it is worth investing in an infrared sauna for your home. Whether you are using infrared sauna therapy to treat a specific condition or are interested in using infrared saunas to improve your overall health then it is well worth understanding the value of bringing one into your home.

With so many available public venues where you can use an infrared sauna, then why is it valuable to have one in your home?

Understanding the exponential benefits of infrared sauna therapy on your health with regular, consistent, and continuous use will help shed some light on the importance of bringing an infrared sauna into your home. Infrared sauna therapy as a treatment method is inclusive and holistic; this means that the time spent in your sauna becomes a part of your daily experience. The benefits of infrared sauna therapy are compound: the more regular the use, the greater the payoff.

Unlike traditional saunas, the value of investing in an infrared sauna for your home is far-reaching: Beyond the generous payback in health benefits, it is also more cost effective to have an infrared sauna in your home, it is safer, cleaner, and more convenient. The therapeutic infrared sauna benefits of relaxation from the comfort of your home are immeasurable.

Compound Health Benefits With Regular Infrared Sauna Use: The Importance Of Having An Infrared Sauna In Your Home

The relationship between the infrared light spectrum and human physiology is vast and complex: affecting every cell of the body. Human physiology is composed of 50 trillion cells each awakening to the beckoning call of the warm rays of infrared light. The cellular response to the deeply penetrative rays of infrared light causes a great cascade of benefits to the body’s vascular, endocrine, and musculoskeletal systems.

All 50 trillion cells that compose your body contain mitochondria, essentially an energy plant for the cells. Mitochondria are sensitive to all light but particularly sensitive to the infrared light. The mitochondrial response to the infrared light spectrum is the causative factor in creating a plethora of astounding changes in the biochemistry of the body. The absorption of infrared light into the soft tissue of the body sparks heightened ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) production. Consider ATP as the energy currency of health.

As the body becomes rich in ATP, all facets of health are improved. The continuous convergence of light into usable energy (ATP production) in each and every cell of the body is responsible for our ability to function in a physical form. As we begin to understand ATP as the currency of health we can consider the analogy of economic currency. In order to become financially rich, there needs to be regular deposits of money into the bank account that is greater than the withdrawals made. Similarly, the greater the production of energy in the body compared to the energy output, the greater the health will be.

For most of us, every day we go to work and earn money that is then deposited into the bank, wealth is accumulated because the deposits are greater than the withdrawals.

So, how does currency relate to having an infrared sauna in your home?

Remember that ATP production is heightened by exposure to the infrared light spectrum in the enclosed area of the infrared sauna. This molecular response is the primary mover into health from illness. By having an infrared sauna in your home, and using it daily or even bi-daily you will be creating greater ATP wealth and therefore health.

Infrared sauna therapy is effective when sessions are regular and sustained consistently over time. In order for health benefits to be long-lasting, continued exposure to the infrared light and therefore more ATP production is necessary. In order to truly reap the health benefits available through infrared sauna treatments, sessions need to be regular over time.

By having an infrared sauna in your home you can effortlessly step inside the light bath of your infrared sauna and make regular deposits of ATP wealth into the biochemistry of your body. Ideally, you will be using an infrared sauna at least three times a week, but hopefully more. Infrared saunas are safe to use up to two times a day, provided the body has had some time to acclimatize to the heat and is well hydrated.

Infrared sauna therapy is not a one-shot deal, but rather a lifestyle choice; this is why you need to have an infrared sauna in your home for this treatment method to be truly effective.

The Infrared Light Spectrum Is Food For The Cells Of The Body And Therefore Necessary To Consume Regularly For Optimal Health

Now that you understand the powerful impact of infrared light absorption for the heightened production of ATP, consider the analogy of food consumption. You do not eat once a month or even once a week, rather nutrition is built by eating every day. The same is also true for the absorption of infrared light into the body.

Health is optimized through regular infrared sauna sessions and if you are looking to manage or cure acute conditions of the body through infrared sauna therapy then you will want to engage sessions frequently. This is made easy by having an infrared sauna in your home. Do you eat out at restaurants every day? Most likely not, every home comes equipped with a kitchen so that food can easily be prepared from the comfort of your living space. Once a profound understanding is made of the impact of infrared light on the body’s ability to produce energy than you will want and need to have an infrared sauna for your home.

You will feed the cellular structures of the body through exposure to infrared light on a regular basis and therefore experience the astounding impact that this light spectrum has on the biochemistry of the body. Feed your cells daily the rich nutritious rays of infrared light (just as you feed the body food) by having an infrared sauna in your home.

The Cleanliness Factor: Limit Exposure To Harmful Bacteria By Having An Infrared Sauna In Your Home

Profuse perspiration occurs in infrared saunas. This powerful detoxification method rids the body of harmful toxins and pollutants. Puddles of sweat will be left in the infrared sauna after each and every use. Public infrared saunas are therefore highly susceptible to bacterial bloom, as different individuals will sweat profusely in these small enclosures. Likely, public venues hosting infrared saunas will have the rooms cleaned after each session, but how well and what products are being used?

By having an infrared sauna in your home you can cut down on the risk of exposure to harmful bacteria from other people’s sweat. Further, you can clean your own sauna and be thorough in the process as well as use non-toxic cleaning agents.

No one wants to sit in another person’s sweat; it is risky business sharing the small space of an infrared sauna with the public. The intention of using infrared saunas is to improve health and it is, therefore, counterintuitive to sweat prolifically in shared spaces with the public and risk exposure to harmful bacteria.

It is cleaner and therefore safer to have a personal infrared sauna for your home. Reduce the risk of exposure to harmful bacteria from other people’s sweat in potentially unclean public infrared saunas and make the investment of an infrared sauna for your home and secure your safety.

Personal Infrared Saunas For Your Home Are Cost Effective: A One-Time Investment

Investing in an infrared sauna for your home is a one-time purchase and in the long run less expensive than buying single session uses at spas and gyms. Although the initial investment will be higher than purchasing a month-long membership to an infrared sauna boutique you will ultimately spend less money by having an infrared sauna in your home.

Consistent, regular infrared sauna sessions will have a greater impact on your health and wellness, which means that you will want to use your infrared sauna at least three times a week. As you explore the pricing of public infrared saunas and compare these prices to the one-time investment of an infrared sauna you will find that it will cost you less money to have one in your home.

Close Up of a Button That Says "Save"

Here is a price list from a sample infrared sauna boutique spa:




 5 PACK $149

 10 PACK $249


4X/MONTH $89

8X/MONTH $159

Month UNLIMITED $199

Comparing these figures to the one-time investment of a personal infrared sauna for your home clearly indicates that over the course of 18 months using an infrared sauna at least three times per week will ultimately be more cost-effective from your home.

In addition to the financial factor, an infrared sauna in your home is safer and will provide you with easier, more relaxing and convenient access to your health oasis.

Convenience And Relaxation: The Time Of Day That You Take Your Infrared Sauna Session Matters

With one eye barely open, roll out of bed, power on your infrared sauna and sip your morning beverage as you prepare to step into the inviting light bath that is your personal infrared sauna. Medical professionals suggest that the benefits of infrared sauna therapy are greater when taken first thing in the morning upon waking and the last thing before bed.

It is untenable to expect that you can make your way to a public venue to take your infrared sauna session first and last thing of the day. Because infrared sauna sessions will become an integral part of your day it is challenging to make an appointment every time you want to take an infrared sauna, particularly early in the morning and late at night.

As the component of relaxation and transference out of stress response is a key component in the efficacy of infrared sauna therapy it is import to ensure ease in your experience. In addition to the challenge of making appointments and driving to public venues to take your infrared sauna, there is also the real fact that nudity makes us more vulnerable. You will be naked or mostly naked when you take your infrared sauna, most venues, will require that you move from the infrared sauna to the shower area in a shared space, even if you are very comfortable with your body there is some element of stress involved in this level of vulnerability in public.

Enhance the element of relaxation by having an infrared sauna in your home. Walk freely from your infrared sauna to the shower without worrying about who you will see on your way!

The luxuriant relaxing quality of having an infrared sauna in your home cannot be overstated. Slipping a robe on and moving from your bed to your infrared sauna is deeply nourishing. As infrared sauna therapy encourages states of relaxation as a means to leave prolonged states of stress response behind and therefore illness it is important that you can take your sessions in a relaxed environment at home.

Choose Your Personal Infrared Sauna For Your Home Based On Quality Control: Not All Saunas Are Created Equal

Not all saunas are created equal: In fact, there is great variance in the quality of infrared saunas available on the market today. Understanding the different choices available will give you the ability to choose the safest infrared sauna that also produces the highest results.

Due to the variance in quality and therefore the price of infrared saunas means that many commercial businesses offering infrared sauna therapy to their clients will choose the most cost-effective units, that are not necessarily the most effective or safest.  Often infrared saunas that are less expensive will use toxic, low-cost building materials that will eventually harm your health through off-gassing when the units heat up.

As you choose to augment your health through infrared sauna therapy, it is counterproductive to sit inside sauna units that are off-gassing poisonous substances. Many gyms and spas attempt to increase revenue while decreasing the cost of equipment to create the greatest profit margin. Chemically treated wood and low-grade glue used tin the construction of the wood parts of an infrared sauna will begin to off-gas as the unit is heated.

Your health should not come to you at a potentially lethal cost. Businesses intending to increase revenue by purchasing low-grade infrared saunas and charging high prices for single use sessions are found in gyms and spas throughout the world. By investing in an infrared sauna for your home you will have the freedom to be selective in the brand of infrared sauna you choose.

Further, EMF (electromagnetic radiance) emissions are higher in cheaply built infrared saunas found in many gyms. Excessive exposure to high levels of EMF emissions has destructive results on your health. Please, be mindful to choose an infrared sauna that is tested for EMF emissions and is willing to make public the results.

Choosing to have an infrared sauna in your home allows you to educate yourself on the different manufacturers of infrared saunas and to select the one that will best serve your health. Ultimately you are the sovereign power over your own health, as you choose to journey through infrared sauna therapy be sure to be thorough in your research and choose the manufacturer that creates saunas using eco-friendly wood and high-grade glue with little to no detectable EMF emissions.

You do not need to be the victim of businesses trying to create a high-profit margin at the cost of your health. Bring an infrared sauna into your home and ensure that you will be using the highest quality unit: This will put the power of your health back into your hands.

Why You Need An Infrared: You Deserve Optimal Health At Your Fingertips

The infrared light spectrum is fuel for the cellular and molecular structure of the body; it is for this reason that the cascade of health benefits derived from this treatment modality is so powerful. Feeding the cells of the body the nourishing infrared rays of iwill become a paramount part of your every day.

When the profound impact of this invisible light spectrum on the cellular network of the body is truly understood you will be excited to take an infrared sauna once or twice daily. When daily infrared sauna sessions become a natural part of your expression you will need to have one in your home. You will need to have an infrared sauna for your home in the same capacity that you need a shower and a kitchen.

Regular infrared sauna sessions will improve your overall health and address the management needs of specific chronic conditions. Ultimately, you deserve to live a rich, healthful life full of energy.  With an infrared sauna in your home, you are just a few steps away from optimizing your health. Investing in an infrared sauna with a lifetime guarantee will save your pocketbook, not to mention, the safety and health benefits. The luxury of stepping into your private infrared sauna within the comfort of your home will become a necessity, and this is why you need an infrared sauna ifor the home.


Using an Infrared Sauna for Psoriasis

Leave Unbearable Itchiness Behind And Step Into The Rays Of Infrared Light

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects more than eight million Americans, who all live with the stark reality of an unknown cure. Psoriasis is not your typical skin rash; it is, in fact, a systemic illness, considered by most health care practitioners as an autoimmune disorder.

Beyond a skin irritation, this deeply uncomfortable skin condition is associated with other serious illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease, celiac disease, and type II diabetes. The diagnosis of psoriasis should not be taken lightly. By addressing the systemic issues that are causing the flare-ups in skin irritation, it may be possible to ward off future developments of more lethal conditions.

Most psoriasis patients are directed toward symptom management through pharmaceutical treatments that address symptom control as a topical ointment and usually through some form of cortisol or prednisone treatment. Recognizing the development of psoriasis as a red flag for the potential development of more serious autoimmune disorders helps to set the course right by addressing some of the underlying causes.

So, how can infrared sauna therapy help with psoriasis?

Broad spectrum Infrared sauna treatments are excellent for a variety of autoimmune disorders because of the unique effect that the infrared light spectrum has on the molecular and cellular network of the body. Infrared sauna therapy encourages the shedding of the excessive skin growth causing the uncomfortable, patchy, swollen, and red zones on the skin caused by psoriasis. Not only will patients suffering from psoriasis find symptom relief, but also equilibrium is found within the body as ATP production is increased with exposure to the infrared light spectrum. Further, infrared saunas interact with the autonomic nervous system to create states of relaxation and homeostasis in the body.

Find symptom relief from itchiness and soreness caused by psoriasis and also heed the warning that this condition carries with it regarding further development of chronic disease in the body with regular infrared sauna therapy.

What Is Psoriasis? Whom Does It Affect, And What Causes It?

Close Up of A Hand With Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that is outwardly expressed as irritation to the outer layer of the epidermis. Internally, however, the stakes are much higher, psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, that when inactivation causes a surplus of skin production. This results in a miscommunication between the neurons that affects the entire system of the epidermis.

Outbreaks of psoriasis can range from small dandruff like patches around the hairline to full ruptures of the skin over the surface of the whole body. The skin is the largest organ in the body, malfunctions of such a large organ are indicative of imbalance through the entire physiological make-up.

Here is what is happening underneath the initial layer of skin: The real issue is with the immune system sending too many T-cells, and neutrophils (other white blood cells) to regions of the body perceived to be under attack. Due to a miscommunication of the neurons, the brain believes that areas of the skin are under attack and sends too many white blood cells to the area creating excessive skin growth that results in the flaking off of skin.

Under, normal conditions T-cells travel throughout the body to defend against foreign threats, such as bacteria and viruses, in the case of psoriasis, T-cells attack already healthy skin cells. These overactive T-cells trigger the production of healthy skin cells. This can cause lesions in the skin that are pustular, as wells as swollen, itchy, and red. This cycle continues at faster rates, generating more skin in short periods of time, over days rather than weeks and further perpetuates the outward expression of psoriasis. Ultimately the skin builds up in scaling, swollen, and red patches over and over again.

The causative factor behind the excess production of T-cells remains unclear, but medical professionals do believe that genetics coupled with prolonged states of stress response are contributing factors.

There are several varieties of psoriasis and not all are related to incorrect immune response. Guttate psoriasis is typically triggered by a bacterial infection such as strep throat and primarily affects young adults and children. Generally, this form of psoriasis is not chronic and may be limited to a single outbreak that expresses symptoms more closely related to the chicken pox.

There are six other primary expressions of psoriasis, and while their expression varies from one to the other as far as the forming of plaques on the surface of the skin is concerned, they are all symptomatic of an irregular immune response to the skin. Moving, forward, all references to psoriasis will exclude guttate psoriasis and will only focus on psoriasis that results from autoimmune malfunctions.

What Are Some Typical Treatments Used For Psoriasis? Medical Professionals are Now Using Phototherapy In Addition To Pharmaceutical Methods: Infrared Light As A Potential Means To Remission

Treatment methods vary depending on the severity of expressed psoriasis. Most doctors will prescribe topical ointments and creams to address the immediate need for relief from itchy painful plaques (elevated, red, and swollen patches of skin). These creams typically contain cortisol and will help the itching sensation almost immediately. Despite the vanquished symptoms the immune system continues to malfunction and send excessive T-cells to portions of the skin.

Prednisone consumption through pills and cortisone injections are also used to treat psoriasis. Both of these treatment methods do provide resounding short-term relief from systems but may ultimately leave the body in a much worse condition. Side effects of using these treatment options may include heart disease and chronic states of stress response as the sympathetic (fight or flight) branch of the nervous system is in perpetual dominance. Continual and perpetual use of prednisone may place a heavy toll on the heart.

As psoriasis is an indicator of systemic imbalance, the typical treatment methods could ultimately be more hazardous to the health and possibly perpetuate the pathway into more severe conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, psoriatic arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders.

As traditional treatments for psoriasis can be high risk, medical professionals, even in the allopathic field, are turning to other therapy methods that will be more conducive to the overall health of the body and provide symptom relief. The most remarkable of these is phototherapy, including regular exposure to the infrared light spectrum, as well as to medical grade light therapy.

The National Psoriasis Foundation now prescribes phototherapy to its patients. Here is what they have to say about the ultraviolet B (UVB) wavelength:

“Present in natural sunlight and also in greater doses using medical grade light therapy ultraviolet B (UVB) is an effective treatment for psoriasis”

Couple on a Beach

The foundation does go on to warn patients that the external expression of the condition may worsen after the initial light treatments but over several sessions not only will symptoms be relieved, but balance will be found within the immune system.

In addition to the ultraviolet infrared rays, there is further evidence to suggest that the infrared spectrum of light has powerful healing capabilities on psoriasis. If you are suffering from psoriasis you may want to try phototherapy that encompasses both the infrared light spectrum as well as the ultraviolet and other spectrums of light found in medical grade light therapy units.

Carly Barrett, an individual diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis describes her experience with infrared sauna therapy (please note that her unit also included medical grade light therapy of which the ultraviolet spectrum was apart of):

“I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in my twenties. I know it sounds slightly crazy, and I would have a hard time believing this if I didn’t experience it first-hand, but just one 40 minute session in the sauna gave me relief from my muscle pain, stiffness and itchy swelling.”

With both the medical profession and individuals suffering from psoriasis getting on board with infrared sauna therapy and phototherapy to treat this chronic tradition, how do specific light spectrums affect psoriasis and how does infrared light provide relief from this irritating and potentially serious condition?

Infrared Sauna Therapy Provides Relief From Psoriasis Symptoms And Helps To Maintain Balance Of The Immune System

NASA researchers originally discovered the infrared spectrum of light as a healing modality in the mid-1960s; it was found during research that the infrared spectrum of light seriously decreased healing time in burn victims. As research began to permeate the field of biomedicine, it was found that cases of psoriasis also reacted positively to the light exposure of infrared treatment.

So, how does infrared light help with psoriasis?

The infrared light spectrum including, near, mid, and far wavelengths penetrate the skin into the soft tissue of the body, this far-reaching absorption stimulates mitochondrial activity inside the cellular structure. The ensuing cascade of health benefits of infrared sauna therapy from the mitochondrial activity eventually enables the immune system to regain balance and therefore, deter psoriasis from occurring in the first place.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is increased due to the stimulated mitochondria by the infrared light spectrum. Increased ATP production will allow the skin to accept nutrients faster, and dump waste products more readily. It also increases blood circulation of hyper-oxygenated hemoglobin to inflamed and swollen parts of the body. Increased blood circulation to your skin cells creates new capillaries to replace damaged ones, aiding in reducing inflammation.

Skin lesions from psoriasis will heal quickly with heightened ATP production, but more importantly, the improved circulation will allow the immune system to find states of homeostasis once again, and therefore alleviate the causative factor in psoriasis. As the body adjusts to improved ATP production, neurons are healed of their miscommunication and a normal steady flow of T-cells is resumed.

If you decide to follow an infrared sauna treatment plan, you will want to find a unit that also includes medical grade light therapy. The American Psoriasis Foundation prescribes regular doses of UVB light, which is incorporated into all medical grade light therapy. To find an infrared sauna that includes phototherapy consider to get your full dose of phototherapy.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Balances The Autonomic Nervous System And Detoxifies The Body

The direct cause of psoriasis is still unknown, it is believed by medical practitioners that prolonged states of stress response is a leading causative factor to the development of this autoimmune disorder.

The soft infrared heat of tinfrared sauna therapy will coax the body back into states of relaxation where healing and nourishment can occur. The individual cells of the body will open up allowing the entire physiological system to transfer the autonomic nervous system out of stress response back to relaxation. Individuals suffering from psoriasis need to find systematic ways into relaxation, the gentle warm hues of the infrared light spectrum interact with the body in perfect harmony to induce deep states of relaxation.

Toxic build-up of environmental pathogens that are not processed by the body will add further stress to the internal landscape of the body. As the infrared spectrum of light penetrates into the soft tissues of the body, the internal temperature will rise. As this occurs, a ‘fever’ is induced and the body will begin to work to eliminate toxins out of the body through perspiration. Infrared sauna therapy relies on the largest organ of the body, the skin, to powerfully detoxify the system.

Detoxification protocol will relieve the internal organs from stress and create greater states of balance free from stress within the body. Knowing that prolonged states of stress increase incidences of psoriasis in patients, it makes sense to relieve the body of both external and internal stress.

Relief From Psoriasis Symptoms Could Be A 40 Minute Infrared Sauna Session Away…

Feeling comfortable in your own skin is paramount to experiencing a high quality of life. At times, desperate for relief from all-encompassing sensations of itchiness, individuals suffering from psoriasis may experience lower moods and distance themselves from intimacy. Greatly restricting themselves from activities that they would normally find pleasurable and enjoyable as symptoms of this chronic condition permeate all aspects of being.

In tandem with traditional management treatments for psoriasis, infrared sauna therapy can provide relief from uncomfortable symptoms. Regular infrared sauna therapy also affects the biochemistry of the body to induce more frequent and longer lasting states of relaxation. Stepping into states of relaxation and out of states of stress response will address causative factors in psoriasis

If you or someone you love is suffering from psoriasis, then consider an infrared sauna that also incorporates medical grade light therapy. This will ensure the benefits of both the infrared spectrum as well as exposure to the ultraviolet spectrum (known to reduce psoriasis symptoms).

Some psoriasis patients have described symptoms as a ‘living hell’; however, there is hope for a complete secession of symptoms. Step into the light of the infrared spectrum and leave itchy and irritable skin behind while you pave the way for a brighter future free from further developments of other chronic conditions.

***Contraindication: Please consult a health care practitioner if you have any questions regarding the use of infrared sauna therapy and  psoriasis.
