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Infrared Sauna and Atrial Fibrillation: Can Regular Sauna Bathing Really Improve Heart Health?

Heart conditions and sauna bathing are not typically seen as allies in the overall health and wellness of individuals suffering with heart related conditions.  However in recent years reputable research has suggested otherwise. 

Groundbreaking research from NIH (National Institute of Health), suggests that regular sauna bathing has positively affected those suffering from high blood pressure, chronic heart failure, ventricular arrhythmia, and atrial fibrillation (AF or AFIB). 

Heart rate variability is of great importance for all individuals, including people living with heart related illness, and because of the cooling mechanism of the human body, all forms of heat therapy, including infrared sauna bathing, may positively impact heart health. 

Cardiovascular health may be positively improved through regular sauna bathing, and provides a viable means of blood circulation through the heart to those living with atrial fibrillation, a condition that is often exercise prohibitive. 

What Is Atrial Fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation is the abnormal heart rhythm in the upper two chambers of the heart, often described as ‘quivering’, or ‘heart palpitations’. The imbalance between the upper two chambers of the heart and their lower counterpart can cause blood clots. This is where atrial fibrillation can become a very serious threat to one’s health. (1)

Ideally, the heart contracts and relaxes synchronistically between the upper chambers and the lower ones. When this is out of balance, life threatening conditions may arise, so atrial fibrillation must always be treated with diligence under the guidance of a medical professional. 

What can you do to improve your heart health?

As is the case with many health conditions, atrial fibrillation exists on a spectrum, some cases will arise and return to normal after seven days, while others are more permanent. The more permanent conditions are where the risk for blood clotting may arise. If the blood clots leave the heart and migrate toward the brain then a stroke may occur (atrial fibrillation is responsible for 15%-20% of all strokes). (2)

Many patients living with atrial fibrillation will be put on blood thinners to reduce the risk of blood clotting. There is however another complementary treatment method, now substantiated by reputable research facilities, that suggests that ventricular arrhythmia patients do well with regular sauna bathing, including infrared sauna blankets, dry saunas, and infrared saunas. (4)

What The Research Says About Atrial Fibrillation And Regular Sauna Bathing: Six Case Studies

A journal published by ResearchGate, and authored by twelve medical researchers: ‘Effects of Repeated Sauna Treatment on Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure’ (4) concluded that one hour of infrared sauna bathing five days a week greatly improved heart rate variability, in the group that participated in the sauna use. Both control groups were still actively taking their blood thinning medications, however the group that participated in infrared sauna bathing regularly for just two weeks demonstrated remarkable improvement. (4)

The National Institute of Health cites over five studies using traditional saunas to improve heart health in patients with chronic heart failure, hypertension, and atrial fibrillation. Each study ultimately concluded the same result. Regular sauna bathing improves heart health by passively engaging the cardiovascular system without strenuous exercise. (3)

“Here are the details from Reasearchgates’ study: The aim of the present study was to determine whether repeated 60 degrees C sauna treatment improves cardiac arrhythmias in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients, because ventricular arrhythmias are an important therapeutic target in CHF. Thirty patients (59+/-3 years) with New York Heart Association functional class II or III CHF and at least 200 premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)/24 h assessed by 24-h Holter recordings were studied. They were randomized into sauna-treated (n=20) or non-treated (n=10) groups. The sauna-treated group underwent a 2-week program of a daily 60 degrees C far infrared-ray dry sauna for 15 min, followed by 30 min bed rest with blankets, for 5 days per week. Patients in the non-treated group had bed rest in a temperature-controlled room (24 degrees C) for 45 min. The total numbers of PVCs/24 h in the sauna-treated group decreased compared with the non-treated group [848+/-415 vs 3,097+/-1,033/24 h, p<0.01]. Heart rate variability (SDNN, standard deviation of normal-to-normal beat interval) increased [142+/-10 (n=16) vs 112+/-11 ms (n=8), p<0.05] and plasma brain natriuretic peptide concentrations decreased [229+/-54 vs 419+/-110 pg/ml, p<0.05] in the sauna-treated group compared with the non-treated group. Repeated sauna treatment improves ventricular arrhythmias in patients with CHF.” (4)

The overwhelming conclusion is that ‘repeated sauna treatment improves ventricular arrhythmias’ (4). So what are the mechanics or the interplay between human physiology and regular sauna bathing that produces such positive results on heart health?

The Mechanics Behind Heart Health and Regular Sauna Bathing

Medical research substantiates what many cultures around the world have known for centuries. Regular use of heat therapy improves overall health, but literature is clunky to read at best, and can be difficult to discern for the untrained eye. 

The essential reason why sauna bathing, in its many forms, improves conditions related to ventricular fibrillation is that as the internal temperature of the body increases the natural cooling mechanism of the body. This engages the cardiovascular system to improve the steady flow of blood through the upper chambers of the heart and out through the lower chambers in the process of reducing the core temperature.

An easy analogy to imagine is that if a river has little water flowing through it, the fluid that does pass through will have more challenges moving across the rocks of the river bed and may get stuck in small areas to form pools (in the case of heart health blood clots). As water flow is increased, the entire river begins to move with ease. The more the cardiovascular system is engaged, the more blood there is that flows through the heart, thus stabilizing its natural rhythm of contraction and relaxation, therefore reduces the chance of blood clotting. 

So, why sauna bathing? The reality is for many individuals living with atrial fibrillation is that exercise is prohibitive, which ultimately leads to less cardiovascular activation. Unlike exercise, sauna bathing does not demand anything of the individual but rather provides a passive means by which to activate the cardiovascular system and thus improve the levels of blood flowing through the heart. This ultimately reduces the risk of blood clotting, the truly serious risk of atrial fibrillation. 

Contraindications: Always Consult a Medical Practitioner Before Beginning A Sauna Program

While it is true that the evidence has been accounted for by peer reviewed research on the benefits of regular sauna bathing to a healthy heart, it is always important to consult a medical professional before beginning a sauna treatment program. 

It is also important to note that the individuals involved in most of the studies continued with their blood thinning medications alongside their sauna use. If you would like to know more about the individual case studies please read the sources cited for all of the details. 

Consider regular sauna therapy as a complementary treatment to atrial fibrillation, or any other disorder affecting ventricular arrhythmia, but be sure to consult with your primary medical practitioner before beginning a sauna program.

Sources Cited:


Can Infrared Sauna Bathing Help With Allergies?

It is that time of year again… You are wheezing and sneezing as the pollen is released into the air, or perhaps you have just visited with your friend who has a cat and your allergies are acting up again making you a snotty mess. Or perhaps it is that seafood you cannot enjoy as your family and friends dig into a late summer crab cookout. Whatever the case may be for you, allergies are difficult to handle: From annoying to lethal.

Over 50 million Americans have been diagnosed with allergies, the spectrum of reaction to allergies varies significantly, and for some this diagnosis is a predetermined genetic mutation, but for others it is possible to improve the threshold of tolerance through regular infrared sauna bathing.

So, how and why can a sauna help with allergies? At first, it may seem to be an absurd thought that sitting in a hot box a few times a week could actually help with your allergies, but this article will explain why regular infrared sauna bathing may help some allergy sufferers. 

The Allergy Spectrum: Not all individuals living with allergies will experience a direct benefit from sauna bathing, but many will!

As is the case with so many things in life, not all allergies are the same and they abide on a spectrum of relativity. There are some individuals who will never be able to improve their tolerance to peanut butter or shellfish, for example, and these food items will forever remain a danger. There are however, a significant portion of the allergic demographic who will notice a remarkable improvement to their sensitivities to certain foods, and inhaled substances through regular infrared sauna bathing. 

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) defines an allergy:

“An allergy is when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance, called an allergen. It could be something you eat, inhale into your lungs, inject into your body or touch. This reaction could cause coughing, sneezing, hives, rashes, itchy eyes, a runny nose and a scratchy throat. In severe cases, it can cause low blood pressure, breathing trouble, asthma attacks and even death.” (1)

Allergies are a spectrum, and for those who suffer from mild allergic reactions regular sauna bathing may fundamentally change how they live their life. 

The recipe is two fold: 

Firstly, regular sauna bathing removes toxins from the body thereby minimizing the overall toxic load an individual carries, and secondly by improving the immune system function. (2)

It is important to remember that because every individual is different, so are their reactions to allergens, sauna bathing will improve allergens for a certain percentage of the population. 

Please be aware that if you are someone who experiences severe, life threatening reactions to certain substances, this protocol is not for you. Allergies can be a question of life or death, so please be sure to consult with a medical practitioner before trying this approach. 

For everyone else with mild allergies, regular sauna bathing may feel like a god-send.

Regular Sauna Bathing to Relieve The Overall Toxic Load On The Body 

If you are trying to carry a heavy load of wood from one point to another and are barely able to make it, and then someone throws on one more log, you may just collapse and decide you cannot carry wood. While this analogy may not be perfect it does lend itself to an understanding of the general idea that all humans alive today are overburdened with a toxic load, so something like pollen in the air may be the final straw that breaks your body’s ability to carry one more foreign substance. 

Couple detoxifying in  a sauna together
Young relaxed couple enjoying time in sauna

Through regular sauna bathing, the capacity of the human body to sweat out heavy metals and other chemical substances from the body as a means of detoxification helps to render the individual better prepared to take on other foreign pathogens without noticing the body’s reaction. 

The allergic reaction is a symptom of the body’s immune system at work. Sneezing, for example, is not caused directly by the pathogen but rather is symptomatic of the immune system at work. (3)

After several weeks of regular infrared sauna bathing the body will have enough time to rid itself of harmful heavy metals and chemicals so that when the individual is exposed to allergens, the symptoms of the immune system at work will likely not be present. 

Imagine, the individual who is walking from one point to another, now with just one log of wood in their arms, when someone comes up and adds one more log, it is not a big deal, and the individual who is doing the carrying does not notice the addition of another piece because they were not already overburdened with weight. 

Infrared sauna bathing may indirectly affect the symptoms of an allergic reaction by minimizing the toxic load on the body. The process of detoxification that occurs with regular infrared sauna bathing is crucial to the management of allergies. It will not cure someone of their sensitivities or allergies, however it may greatly reduce the experience of symptoms.

An Artificial Fever To Clear Out Lingering Infection May Relieve Allergic Reactions In Some Individuals

An infrared sauna raises the internal body temperature to simulate a fever. A fever is the body’s natural engineering system to get rid of infection. Many individuals live several years with mild infections that they are not aware of so when they are presented with a foreign pathogen they may have an allergic reaction because the immune system is already working on overdrive. 

By creating an artificial fever with any type of heat therapy the body is able to rid itself of lingering low grade infection so that when new pathogens are introduced into the system the immune system is ready to go to work, and likely the individual will not experience typical allergic reactions. (4)

One individual who has been using infrared saunas for over a decade reports that she had been allergic to chlorine and was unable to swim in pools. After two years of regular infrared sauna bathing the individual no longer experienced any adverse effects from chlorine. Now, this first hand account does not indicate that chlorine suddenly became a healthy substance but rather, that the individual had been able to successfully heal ongoing infections and relieve her body of other toxic chemicals so that she no longer reacted to the smell of pools and is now able to enjoy swimming in pools, sometimes for hours every day.

The goal in regular sauna bathing for individuals living with allergies and sensitivities is to rid the body of toxins and infection so that the immune system is free to deal with new foreign substances (the allergens themselves). 

Improve Overall Immunity With Regular Infrared Sauna Bathing: Heat Shock Proteins

“Bring in more foot soldiers”, the captain called out, but there were no more soldiers. If the immune system is likened to an army on the ready to defend itself from foreign invaders but all the task force was already occupied, then it would make sense to bring in back up, but how to do this? (4)

Regular sauna bathing does something quite magical, it actually produces more Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs), which are essentially protein chaperones, but are intrinsic to the production of white blood cells, specifically T-Cells. By immersing oneself in higher or lower temperatures by several degrees from the body’s normal state, more HSPs begin to be produced. 

By engaging in any thermal therapy, more ‘soldiers’ can be created to boost the overall armory of the immune system. The immune system is amplified by regular thermal therapy of all types there by readying itself for foreign pathogens that the individual may come across, and is therefore less likely to suffer from the symptoms of an allergic reaction. 

Regular Infrared Sauna Bathing Is Not A Cure All For Allergies: Improve Overall Health So That Allergic Reactions Go Unnoticed

There is no magic wand that can necessarily make allergies go away, but by fortifying the body through regular infrared sauna bathing and boosting the immune system, it is possible for some individuals to live a life free from allergic reactions. 

Sauna bathing will not work for certain life threatening allergies, but for the run of the mill pollen, animal, and pollution sensitivities sauna bathing may give individuals access to a life free from allergic reactions by improving the immune system and relieving the body from a heavy toxic and bacterial load.

Sources Cited:


Mold Toxicity and Infrared Sauna Bathing: Can Infrared Saunas Help Reduce The Damage From Exposure To Mold Toxicity

Exposure to toxic levels of mold affects several million Americans every year, many of whom are not even aware of the poison they have been inhaling. Years of exposure to mold can potentially be lethal if it is not eradicated from the home or business where it abides. Prolonged exposure to mold may lead to autoimmune disorders as well as a variety of other more serious and complex disorders. 

Often, the symptoms of mold exposure may be vague and subtle and may not necessarily point to both the invisible and silent killer – Mold. The good news is that if you have been exposed to mold there is a viable and effective treatment method, to not only get the mold out of your system, but also to build up the depleted cellular composition of the body. Medical professionals can help you through a variety of testing modes.

Regular infrared sauna bathing not only helps to powerfully detoxify the body, but also aids in the re-building of a healthy mitochondrial metabolism necessary for anyone suffering from auto-immune type of symptoms. This also enables the necessary recovery for the autonomic nervous system after years of living with mold. 

Mold Statistics And Facts

From the Real Time Lab, here are the statistical facts surrounding mold in the United States. Many individuals suffer from illnesses with no known cause, but perhaps more underlying health conditions can be linked back to mold exposure.

  • 7 million deaths per year are linked to indoor and outdoor air pollution. (World Health Organization, 2014) Mold may be hard to find – but it can have a deadly impact on your health!  (1)
  • Of the 21.8 million people reported to have asthma in the U.S., approximately 4.6 million cases are estimated to be attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home. (EPA and Berkeley National Laboratory, 2007) Many people forget that mold can contribute to other respiratory illnesses like Asthma (1)
  • At least 45 million buildings in the United States have unhealthy levels of mold. (Moldy, 2017) Your home or office might be the cause of your health problems – mold can remain hidden behind wall, in the ceiling and under carpet for years (1)
  • Infants who are exposed to mold in their living environments have nearly a 3X greater risk of becoming asthmatic than those who did not have extensive mold exposure in their first year of life. (Michael Pinto, 2018) Mold can cause serious respiratory health issues, especially in young children who are more affected during their early years (1)
  • 93% of chronic sinus infections have been attributed to mold. (Mayo Clinic, 1999) Suffer from chronic sinus problems – it might be mold instead of another cause like allergies (1)
  • [Mycotoxins] can spread and affect the immune system severely. These lead to health conditions like allergies, hypersensitivity, respiratory problems (asthma, wheezing, coughing); and some other severe ones like those of memory loss, depression, anxiety and reproductive problems among several others. (Rujuta Borkar, 2018) Mold can impact more than just the respiratory system – it can even cause serious psychological issues like memory loss and depression (1)

Ongoing exposure to mold can lead to mild or serious conditions and must be treated in a holistic way to heal fully from the exposure. One effective and easy tool to use is infrared saunas.

How Does Regular Infrared Sauna Bathing Aid In The Recovery From Mold Exposure?

Regular Sauna Bathing Aids In The Detoxification Of The Body, Including From The Harmful Pathogens Produced By Mold

Among many of the benefits of any kind of heat therapy, including infrared sauna bathing, is its ability to detoxify the body from harmful substances, and relieve the liver and kidneys from a heavy workload. Most individuals alive today have some type of build up of toxic substances from heavy metals, chemicals, air pollution, and sometimes mold. This means that the organs responsible for cleansing the body of the unwanted substances are working on overdrive to rid the body of toxins.

Ultimately, this weakens both the kidneys, liver, and entire glandular system; When this occurs the individual will experience symptoms of extreme fatigue, mood fluctuations, abnormal menstruation, difficulty sleeping, and many other tangible effects. The truly marvelous attribute of regular sauna bathing is that rather than relying solely on the internal organs to detoxify the body, the largest organ, the epidermis is put to use as a means of extracting toxicity from the body through perspiration. 

A study released from the Mayo clinic reports the following on regular sauna bathing and mold toxicity:

“Regarding a possible mechanism for such a dramatic effect, toxicologists have shown that sweating is a major means of excreting both organochlorine pesticides

and a variety of toxic metals including cadmium, lead, and aluminum.

Surprisingly, substantially more of these toxic substances can be excreted via sweat than by urine, so increasing sweating became an effective means of enhancing excretion of toxic substances. Rea reported that the use of sauna therapy improved the condition of patients with confirmed exposure to mold (including stachybotrys), those who had mycotoxins (including ochratoxin) in their urine, and patients who had impaired neurocognitive testing or autonomic nervous system testing results and whose conditions were refractory to other treatments.

In a review of the high prevalence of fatal dementia in Finland, I noted that the frequent presence of mold in residential buildings is one of the contributing factors there. Similar problems with moldy environments exist throughout the world and are certainly common in the United States and Canada, 2 other countries with very high rates of dementia.” (2)

Detoxification through persperation

As the body begins to recruit the skin and the human ability to sweat as a means of detoxification, often individuals will experience an immediate increase in energy as the kidneys and liver are relieved from overtime duty!

Furthermore, the body is able to effectively remove toxins from the body at an exponential rate with intentional sweating as is seen in infrared sauna bathing. Infrared saunas are particularly effective because of the type of heat that is used: Radiant Heat.

Far infrared light has the ability to penetrate into the soft tissues of the body,  as opposed to the convection heat used in traditional saunas. This means that the internal temperature rises to induce even more prolific perspiration and therefore detoxification. 

The mold needs to leave the body in order for true healing to occur. The next stages of healing from mold toxicity by using an infrared sauna is two-fold: 1) Immunity must be increased after the weakening of this system from an overload of mold toxicity. 2) Mitochondrial metabolism will improve production of ATP, and therefore healthy overall blood and circulation.

Immunity And Infrared Sauna Bathing After Exposure To Mold

Many individuals exposed to mold will be immunocompromised, meaning that their immune system is weakened by the battle against mold. 

Both traditional and infrared saunas are excellent tools to improve the overall immune system by improving the overall creation of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs). These tiny, yet mighty ‘protein chaperones’ are necessary for the creation of T-cells, a kingpin in the game of human immunity. 

Intra cellular health supported by HSPs

It is possible to launch a cascade of positive production of HSPs through all forms of thermal therapy (including cold therapy), but most individuals would agree that it is certainly more pleasant to spend twenty minutes in a comfortable sauna, rather than plunging themselves into an ice bath!

After exposure to mold toxicity it is paramount that individuals improve their immune system, and in order to do this effectively HSPs must be created at an exponential rate through immersion in high or low temperatures.

Even after a few weeks of sauna sessions, individuals report a stark improvement to how they feel overall, reporting contracting less viruses such as the common cold or flu.

Improve The Overall Quality Of Blood And Circulation With Infrared Light To Combat The Symptoms Of Mold Toxicity

When the body has been under the constant effect of toxic mold exposure, all systems of the physiological network have been compromised, including the energy conversion centers of each cell called the mitochondria. The key component that separates infrared sauna bathing from traditional saunas is simple: the power of near infrared light to effect positive change to mitochondrial metabolism through the process of photobiomodulation

In simple terms, the photoreceptors that line the membrane that surrounds the mitochondria in each cell are particularly sensitive to wavelength frequency of near infrared light (700-850 nanometers). With exposure to near infrared light mitochondria begin to convert energy more efficiently to improve the quality of blood (more rich in oxygen). As the cardiovascular system is engaged through exposure to heat and the body seeks to cool itself off through perspiration, this now oxygen rich blood begins to flow fluidly through the chambers of the heart to all portions of the body.

In essence, the body is being fed oxygen rich blood from the tips of the toes to the top of the head, and in short, the body begins to heal itself while the individual will experience more energy, clearer thinking, and less pain. 

Infrared Saunas Powerfully Improve The Autonomic Nervous System To Reduce The Effects Of Mold Toxicity On The Body

When the body is exposed to any type of threat, whether it be chemical or from a wild animal, the autonomic nervous system transfers into fight or flight to defend itself. This stress response is true even as it regards the threat from mold toxicity. Remaining in states of high stress reduces the quantity and quality of sleep, which is when most physical healing occurs. (4)

The warmth of the sauna will guide the autonomic nervous system out of states of hyper-vigilance back into states of relaxation where the body can redirect energy back into healing itself. Prolonged states of stress response inevitably leads to higher all cause mortality. To avoid a myriad of illnesses and accidents due to lack of sleep and rest, it is necessary to find tools to help the body relax. Regular sauna bathing is a robust means by which to curtail the autonomic nervous system back into healthy balance so that healing may begin. (4)

Use Infrared Saunas To Heal Fully From Exposure To Mold Toxicity

While it is true that the effects of exposure to mold can be devastating to individuals, there is a fairly simple and highly effective tool to use to reduce the damage from mold and encourage cellular healing: Infrared Saunas.

If you or anyone you know has been exposed to mold it is important to leave the building where the mold is, or remedy the situation, but more importantly there will need to be a time of healing for the body. Regular infrared sauna bathing may help to greatly reduce the negative effects of mold toxicity by doing the following: 

  • Detoxification From Harmful Substance
  • Improve Immunity
  • Aid In Energy Conversion At The Cellular Level
  • Balance The Autonomic Nervous System

Yes, it is terrible that so many individuals are exposed to mold toxicity, but the good news is that through regular infrared sauna bathing most individuals experience a full recovery!

Sources cited:
