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Sauna Buyer’s Guide 2022

With health being at the forefront of the collective psyche, it is no surprise that more individuals are turning to sauna bathing to improve overall health and boost immunity. As such it is not much of a puzzle that the sauna market is saturated with many choices with each company promising to deliver the very best sauna. 

Whether an individual has turned to saunas to improve fitness, lose weight, or as part of the treatment for an ongoing chronic condition, it is best to first find out for yourself what type of sauna you are looking for. 

There is enough peer reviewed data to suggest that sauna therapy is effective in improving health. Furthermore, from an anthropological perspective, humans have turned to a variety of forms of heat therapy since before the written word to optimize health. Every culture across the globe and throughout the ages has developed some form of heat therapy to treat ailments. From sweat lodges in the Americas, to Turkish Hammans, to the traditional Finnish sauna, humans have found a way to improve health with intentional sweating. 

If you have decided to bring a sauna into your home you are joining a long lineage of ancestors and contemporary peers who made the same choice. 

The steps to finding the best sauna for you in a sea of choices is relatively simple. First, you will want to determine your own health goals, and based on those find the most suitable form of heat therapy. Most common choices include traditional saunas, steam rooms, far infrared saunas, and full spectrum infrared saunas. 

The second step is understanding the differences between the most popular forms of heat therapy, and what type will most benefit your health.

The third step is determining how much money you have available to spend on a sauna. If a luxurious steam room is out of your budget for example, then you may want to consider a simple far infrared sauna. The cost of a sauna purchase can be anywhere from $2000 to $20,000.

The fourth step is understanding the way sauna companies brand their products, how the sale of sauna products generally works, and finally finding a company that has a real person that you can speak with about your sauna needs. 

A 2022 Sauna Buyer’s Five Step Process 

  1. Determine your health and wellness goals
  2. Decide what type of heat therapy or sauna will serve your wellness goals
  3. Take a realistic look at your budget and a cost analysis of different saunas
  4. Understand the sauna market and how different companies brand their products
  5. Speak with someone who understands the sauna market and can help guide you to the best sauna for your health and financial needs. 

Determine The Why: What Are Your Health and Wellness Goals?

Before diving into the depths of internet research or the sauna marketplace, first start with yourself. Why do you want to buy a sauna for your home and what health goals are you looking to reach. By understanding your personal needs it will help to keep you on track as you move through the myriad of sauna options. 

If your objectives are more general, for instance you are looking to improve cardiovascular fitness, detoxify the body, and reap all of the benefits of intentional passive sweating then your navigational course toward the ideal sauna will be made much easier. This is because most heat therapy devices will do the trick. Traditional saunas, steam rooms, far infrared saunas, and full spectrum infrared saunas will all help you to sweat profusely, improve circulation, cardiovascular fitness, and detoxification. 

If you fall into this category, then it may be just a question of personal preference and budget. One form of heat therapy is not necessarily better than the other, and largely the differences lie in how the body is heated. 

Traditional saunas use convection heat, meaning they heat the external atmosphere of the sauna and therefore will need to be able to reach close to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. There is significant hype surrounding the need for high heat in order to benefit from sauna bathing. The fundamental flaw in this line of thinking is a misunderstanding of how heat operates. 

Infrared light is light, so it is a radiant heat and will move through the cabin structure like waves to heat the body up from the inside out. This is why measuring the atmospheric temperature alone can be deceptive. A traditional sauna relies on maintaining a high temperature within the cabin in order to effectively cause the body to sweat. An infrared sauna can cause the same levels of perspiration at a much lower temperature. As such, for those unable to handle high heat for health or other reasons, an infrared sauna may be a better choice. 

Steam rooms use heated water, thus the steam, this wet heat can be excellent for pulmonary function, as well as clearing the pores. It is often costly and may involve changing the plumbing in your home and extensive cleaning. Steam rooms can help deliver the benefits of creating more Heat Shock Proteins, a false fever, and all of the other health benefits associated with heat therapy, but will definitely cost you more money and clean up labor. 

A full spectrum infrared sauna that includes near infrared light and red light therapy, is most likely the best option for anyone dealing with chronic illness, particularly those who will benefit from changes to mitochondrial function. Photobiomodulation is the term that refers to the shift in adaptation of the mitochondria to specific light frequencies, namely red and near infrared light. 

If you are looking for a way to sweat and benefit from all the health rewards of a hot box, then you can really choose any type of heat therapy depending on personal preference. However, if you have a health concern that is a chronic autoimmune disorder then it is more than likely best for you to look into a full spectrum infrared sauna that includes lots of near infrared heaters and red light. 

Cost Analysis Of Saunas: How Much Are You Willing To Spend On Your Sauna

For those for whom money is no object then creating a personalized sauna in your home may be the way to go. This allows you to use a professional designer to create the exact space and type of heat you desire. For instance it may be that you decide to convert  a room in your home into a sauna and create a hybrid between infrared and traditional sauna. To get a well made personalized sauna the likely cost will be at least $20,000.

If you are on a budget there are still ways to enjoy the benefits of sauna therapy by buying a prefabricated sauna that you set up in your home. The price for these types of saunas can range anywhere from $2000 – $11,000 depending on the brand, type of heat used, and additional bells and whistles. 

In general traditional saunas will cost the most, followed by full spectrum infrared saunas, and lastly far infrared saunas. 

The size of the sauna you choose will also affect the price, meaning that the smaller the sauna, the less expensive it will be. 

From Most Expensive To Least Expensive Saunas:

  • Personalized Sauna Design For Your Home
  • Steam Room
  • Traditional Sauna
  • Full Spectrum Sauna
  • Far Infrared Sauna

Prices will vary depending on the brand of the sauna as well, sometimes pricing is an indicator of quality, but not always. When saunas come with a very high price tag, it is usually because you are paying for some bells and whistles. This may or may not be important to you personally, but will certainly not affect the actual sauna experience. 

Sauna Product Branding: How To Tell The Difference In Quality Between Brands

The vast majority of prefabricated saunas are made in Asian countries. This may not be ideal, however it is a fact, unless you have  $20K to spend on a personalized sauna in your home. Even if this is the case most likely the heating elements will come from Asia. 

Just like the phone or computer you are reading this on, your sauna will most definitely come from Asia or Southeast Asia. Different sauna brands that you are trying to choose between may have been made in the same factory despite the multitude of claims of uniqueness or superiority to other brands. 

There will be some slight differences between sauna brands, but unless they are very low quality saunas found in big box stores, you will be choosing a sauna that is basically on par with its competitors. 

For example, Sunlighten and Jacuzzis’ Clearlight saunas are both great infrared saunas and are safe to use. These are examples of higher end saunas that will deliver an excellent experience. They both use the same technologies with subtle differences, and they are both manufactured in Asia. 

Some sauna companies are beginning to incorporate computerized programming in their sauna, so if you find a prefabricated infrared sauna with a $10,000 price tag, you are probably paying for a $5,000 sauna with a computer. If programming your sauna via an i pod like system is not important to you, then save the $5,000 and just get the sauna. 

Almost all saunas are bought online, and while you may want to go to a showroom, this is rare to find. This means find a sauna company that has an extensive website with many well researched blog articles sourced from reputable institutions. Understand that despite a sauna being a fairly significant investment, it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to try the brand out before its purchase.

While there are many different sauna brands, you can assume that they are all more or less the same, despite claims that state otherwise. This is why you will want to look for a company that will spend time with you on the phone to help answer any questions you may have about the details of the sauna, how to use a sauna safely, and how to get the most for your money. 

Find A Company That Will Speak With You, And Make Sure You Ask These Questions:

  • Is The Wood Kiln Dried? By asking this question you can be assured that no toxic varnish is used in the interior of the cabin structure. Remember saunas heat up and therefore are subject to off gassing of products.
  • What Is The EMF Reading? All electronic devices have an electromagnetic field, unfortunate, but true. If a sauna company claims a ZERO emf reading then you know right off the bat that it is a false claim. A healthy index for an emf reading on a sauna should be lower than 5 mgs.
  • How Many Heaters Are In The Sauna? Smaller saunas will obviously have less heaters, but specifically when it comes to infrared saunas there should be heaters or lights on at least four of the six walls. 
  • What Is The Lead Time For Delivery? Saunas are in high demand, make sure you ask how long it will take to get your sauna. As most saunas are coming from Asia, there can often be a long wait time.
  • What Are The Electrical Requirements?  Smaller sauna units are unlikely to require special electrical wiring, but will most likely require a dedicated circuit. Larger saunas may require the assistance of an electrician to change your outlet to a 20 amp, so be sure to leave room for this in your sauna budget. 
  • Is This Sauna Full Spectrum Infrared Or Just Far Infrared? As each spectrum of light has a unique effect on human physiology it is important to determine what type of spectrum your sauna will come with.

Choosing the right sauna for you begins with deciding what your health goals are so that you have a starting point as you begin the search for your ideal home sauna. Finally, take the time to find a company that will spend time helping to answer your questions and one that will be available to you before, during, and after the purchase of your sauna to support you. Given that many brands are physically quite similar the difference will be in the customer care you receive!

Can Sauna Bathing Improve Cardiovascular Performance Or Serve As a Substitute To Cardiovascular Workouts?

Whether you are a high performance athlete or experiencing a debilitating condition that renders traditional cardiovascular workouts impossible, regular sauna bathing may significantly improve cardiovascular performance. 

If you have been sidelined by an injury, it doesn’t mean you need to stop working out the cardiovascular system.  In fact it turns out that regular sauna bathing can be a great substitute or addition to your normal cardio workout. 

You can find out why more and more people, both the famous celebrities and the rest of us, are turning to sauna bathing in lue of or in addition to traditional workout methods by understanding the basic relationship between passive sweating that happens during a sauna session, and the body’s natural mechanism to regulate temperature. 

How It Works

Why Regular Sauna Bathing Can Improve Cardiovascular Fitness: The Science Behind The Results

While many cultures have traditionally turned to sauna bathing and other forms of heat therapy for leisure and to improve overall health, the science is finally catching up to the multi-millennial long activity. Data revealed through the Mayo Clinic’s published journal on the health benefits of sauna bathing to treat a multitude of diseases is extensive:

“Emerging evidence suggests that beyond its use for pleasure, sauna bathing may be linked to several health benefits, which include reduction in the risk of vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and neurocognitive diseases; nonvascular conditions such as pulmonary diseases; mortality; as well as amelioration of conditions such as arthritis, headache, and flu. The beneficial effects of sauna bathing on these outcomes have been linked to its effect on circulatory, cardiovascular, and immune functions.” (1)

It may seem astounding that one activity could lead to such a vast myriad of health benefits, but when the basis of how intentional heat therapy affects the cardiovascular system at large it starts to make sense. 

Humans have a unique ability to regulate temperature through perspiration. It is not just the flooding of sweat over the skin that cools the body, but a long chain reaction of cardiovascular engagement that leads to the eventual sweat that heightens overall health.

In short, in order to reach the point at which the body begins to perspire the heart rate starts to elevate while the blood vessels dilate, this marriage of physiological activity is at the crux of cardiovascular fitness.

Unlike many other intensive forms of cardiovascular workouts, sauna bathing does not rely upon the engagement of the skeletal structure and muscles to be in motion in order to attain similar results on pulmonary and heart health. (1) This fact opens up the advantages of a strong cardiovascular system to portions of the population restricted by vigorous exercise, and also provides additional means to attaining prime cardiovascular fitness for elite level athletes. 

According to the Mayo Clinic’s article: Cardiovascular and Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence, “During a sauna session, the heart rate may increase from baseline up to 120 to 150 beats/min. There is no active function of skeletal muscles during sauna bathing, which is in contrast to the training response experienced during physical activity.” (1) 

As a person relaxes in a sauna their heart rate is increased and blood vessels are widened. By engaging the cardiovascular system while seated, a person may obtain many of the benefits that they would otherwise gain from cardiovascular exercise. 

In addition to improving cardiovascular performance, according to Harvard Medical’s journal is:

“The high temperatures in a warm tub or sauna cause your blood vessels to dilate, which lowers blood pressure,” says Dr. Adolph Hutter, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.” (2)

With a sauna set to a high temperature, the body will naturally begin to self regulate in temperature, this causes the heart rate to increase in order to begin the sweating process. A common myth surrounding sauna bathing and weight loss is that water that is lost during a sauna session causes weight reduction, but this is in fact only partially true and is short lasting. The real reason why sauna bathing causes weight loss is multiple reasons, one of which is the extensive engagement of the cardiovascular system as well as the impact on the autonomic nervous system. 

The option to engage in regular sauna bathing (at least three times a week), may be revolutionary for those who are not physically mobile, and provide a very real way to exercise the cardiovascular system. 

Furthermore, professional athletes who have been injured but must maintain their fitness, can turn to sauna bathing to keep up their cardiovascular fitness. Marlon Vera, or Chitto is a famous MMA fighter who depends upon his world class level of cardiovascular fitness. Recently, after experiencing an injury that sidelined him from engaging in his normal 30 plus mile runs several times a week, he stated on the Joe Rogan podcast that he was able to sauna everyday. His  results were astonishing, he did not lose any of his cardiovascular fitness during his down time from injury. (4)

Who Can Most Benefit From The Cardiovascular Benefits OF Sauna Bathing:

  • Adrenal Fatigue or Burnout
  • The Physically Disabled
  • The Injured Athlete
  • A Jump Start To Your Weight Loss Program

Adrenal Fatigue or Burnout affects many Americans as the collective pushes on through high stress living. Adrenal fatigue or burnout can present many symptoms, but a disappointing one is the lack of available energy for exercise. Often former elite level athletes will suffer from some kind of adrenal fatigue, and it can be devastating to lose personal fitness. The exciting fact about regular sauna bathing is that it does not require a huge outpouring of lactic acid or adrenal to get the job done for cardio fitness. 

In fact, those who live with adrenal burnout, can improve autonomic response, relax within the comfort and safety of a sauna while reaping the benefits of a cardiovascular workout.  All without engaging the adrenal glands leading to further depletion. 

The Physically Disabled who cannot engage in walking, running, biking, or swimming can still improve cardiovascular fitness without having to move the body. Some saunas can accommodate wheelchairs, although it may take some time to find the right sauna. It is not only possible, but totally feasible, for the physically disabled to begin a fitness routine without actually moving the body. 

The Injured Athlete whose scholarship or career lies in the balance of their ability to maintain a certain level of cardiovascular fitness can be devastated by an injury that is movement prohibited. A long distance runner who requires knee surgery does not need to lose months of cardiovascular training when they can turn to infrared sauna bathing as an alternative. When so much lies in the balance of personal fitness it is a great relief for professional athletes to know that it is possible to maintain cardiovascular fitness and heal lingering or sudden injury without high impact cardio workouts. 

A Jump Start To Your Weight Loss Program can be a few sauna sessions away. If an individual is dealing with obesity and cannot physically move easily, regular sauna bathing can begin the process of improving cardiovascular fitness, while remaining in a seated position to protect the joints and ligaments. 

For those looking to lose weight, feeling ashamed of their physical appearance can be a huge impediment to ‘working out’. If you are not comfortable with going to the gym or out for a run, you can start with sauna bathing for the first few weeks until you feel good enough in your own body to get out there and add to your routine. Shame surrounding body weight and appearance can be a significant prohibitive factor for some individuals to begin to find a healthy weight. This is why the shelter or a safe haven of a sauna can be a wonderful stepping stone and long term solution for such individuals. 

Regular Sauna Bathing Is An Excellent Way To Improve Or Maintain Cardiovascular Fitness

The great news is that there is a wide selection and varieties of saunas. You may choose a traditional sauna, steam room, or infrared sauna, and each style will do the trick to improve your cardiovascular system. Saunas range in price, and don’t have to break the bank to deliver the cardiovascular benefits. 

You do not need to let a physical disability, injury, or body shame stop you from achieving your cardiovascular fitness goals when sauna bathing is an option. Please feel free to reach out to one of our sauna experts with any questions you may have on cardiovascular fitness and sauna bathing!

Sources Cited:

  4. The Joe Rogan Experience MMA Show #117, Interview with Marlon Vera “Chito”