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History Of Far Infrared Light

The Discovery Of Unseen Healing Power Of The Sun’s rays 

The beautiful tapestry of color that is our planet dances in harmony with the sun’s rays giving a rich and majestic quality to the forests, oceans, animals, humans, and their created structures.

Eight minutes is how long it takes for the sun’s radiance to find the surface of the earth. As light waves move through space to penetrate and saturate our planet’s atmosphere, life as we know it is born. Plants, animals, and even humans both absorb and reflect the sun’s light. 

The history of light, including the far infrared light spectrum begins with the creation of our galaxy. Before the time of the dinosaurs, and well before the time of single cell organisms lingering in the depths of the oceans, far infrared light existed and gave life to the sea’s microbes. 

The earth’s oceans are home to a plentitude of life ranging from algae to large mammals. While most of the sun’s light successfully penetrates the surface of the earth, shorter frequencies simply do not have the power to move into the depths of the ocean, but there is one very special light frequency that can move well beyond the layers of salt water to give life deep within the ocean: Far infrared light. 

To study the history of far infrared light, means going back to the very beginning of the earth’s creation. Before the reptilian era, before animals, and certainly before human kind. 

For the purposes of this article we will take a look at the human relationship to far infrared light, its discovery and eventual powerful use in biomedicine. 

The Discovery Of Far Infrared Light

Far infrared light was inadvertently first discovered and identified by William Herschel in 1800 while he was studying the color light spectrum. All light, including the visible and invisible spectrum has a thermal measurement. Herschel was in the process of measuring the temperature of different colors in the visible spectrum of light. He observed that each color light had a resonant thermal measurement unique to itself. As he moved along measuring the temperature of color he observed that orange light was warmer than blue, and that red was warmer than orange. (1)

As light frequency elongated it also got warmer. As Herschel moved along the color palette beyond the visible spectrum of red, he noticed an even stronger heat that was emitted, although there was no apparent correlating visible color. (1)

It was at this moment that infrared light was first consciously observed by humans, although not by a visual apparatus, but rather through the measurement of temperature. This is where infrared light got its name, because it was just beyond the visible color red, the greek infra means ‘below’. (1)

NASA’s publication about the discovery of infrared light is succinct and to the point:

“In 1800, William Herschel conducted an experiment measuring the difference in temperature between the colors in the visible spectrum. He placed thermometers within each color of the visible spectrum. The results showed an increase in temperature from blue to red. When he noticed an even warmer temperature measurement just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum, Herschel had discovered infrared light!” (1)

Herschel, a native born German, who later immigrated to Great Britain was both an astronomer and musical composer. This makes sense given his significant contribution to the discovery of the infrared light spectrum. Like the music created by an orchestra, light is a symphonic collaboration of the entire spectrum of the sun’s radiance moving as vibration through timespace.

It is impossible to speak of Willima Herschel and his discovery of the infrared light spectrum without mentioning his sister Caroline Herschel who worked tirelessly by his side in his laboratory filled with telescopes to study the celestial realm. Caroline meticulously cleaned her brother’s instruments, and was right there by his side when he discovered the powerful and life-giving spectrum of infrared light. 

This brother-sister combination was the first to measurably observe the infrared light spectrum. Although, we owe the human discovery of infrared light to these courageous and devoted souls, they did not use the light for any practical purpose and certainly not to heal the human body. For this, we must journey across the Atlantic ocean and move forward in time by one hundred years to Dr. John Harvey Kellog, yes of Kellog’s cereal!

Far Infrared Light As Medicine: Dr. John Harvey Kellogg And The Incandescent Light Bath

A man feeling healed after infrared therapy from the sun

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg is most famous for his cereal brand, although credit for this reputation really ought to go to his brother’s keen business sense that created the brand and propelled it forward. Kellogg himself was a doctor and inventor, moreover he is the first known person to use infrared light as medicine. (5)

Kellogg invented the incandescent light bath in the late 19th century, although he was not aware that the use of infrared light was primarily responsible for the healing effect of his apparatus. Kellogg treated many patients successfully using light, including King Edward of England for gout, and countless other patients for illness ranging from: Obesity, scurvy, chronic gastritis, diabetes, scarlet fever, and the list goes on. (5)

The incandescent light bath was used successfully to treat a wide variety of conditions, seemingly unrelated to one another. Why and how was this possible? 

Although it was not understood until nearly eighty years later, the reason Kellogg’s light bath was so successful in treating and curing patients experiencing a variety of symptoms was because of the invisible field of light: The infrared spectrum and its unique and very special relationship to human cellular makeup. 

By the turn of the twentieth century humans were aware of the existence of the infrared light spectrum and were unconsciously using infrared light to heal the body. It would not be until 1965 when NASA began to investigate how light affects human physiology that any kind of cohesive understanding of the infrared light spectrum would be established by the collective human experience. 

The Race To The Moon

The cold war bred a powerful competition of the globe’s super powers to not only spread political ideology across the planet, but also beyond the earth’s parameters into outer space. What started off as a race to the moon ultimately gave way to the discovery of the deeply healing rays of infrared light for human physiology. 

Rivalry can bring out both the best and worst in human relations, beyond a nuclear war stand still, the unique relationship between Russian and United States in the 1960s stoked massive scientific discovery. As both powers rallied to be the first to the moon and began sending their astronauts to outer space serious health issues ensued as these courageous pioneers returned to earth after spending time in zero gravity. (6)

When astronauts returned to our fine goldilocks planet they had experienced remarkable skeletal and muscular atrophy. In an attempt to remedy these health issues, NASA embarked on vigorous research to find a way to quickly regenerate muscle and bone cells for their heroes. 

It was during this tireless search that once again, like Herschel and Kellogg the infrared light spectrum was stumbled upon. Research performed by NASA revealed that exposure to the infrared light spectrum actually sparked an incredible cellular regeneration of muscles and bone marrow for astronauts returning to earth. (7)

It was at this time that the infrared light spectrum came under closer examination, and it was revealed that within the infrared light band width, two primary distinct portions existed: The near and the far infrared light. Each portion of this invisible spectrum healed the human body in distinct ways. 

As far infrared light was further investigated it was discovered that the unique frequency of this band width had the capacity to move in, through, and beyond the human epidermis into the soft tissues of the body. It was in the late 1960s that infrared light, and specifically far infrared light started to be used as a viable treatment method in medicine. 

What once started as a politically inspired competition between capitalism and communism, eventually gave birth to the discovery of the deeply healing benefits of far infrared light. 

Far Infrared Light And Life In The Oceans

Infrared light hitting the ocean waves

Despite NASA’s use of far infrared light to heal astronauts this light band width remained in the sphere of scientific research for nearly twenty years before making its way into the field of biomedicine for the healing of the general populace. 

Far infrared light caught the attention of oceanographers looking to understand how and why life in the great depths of the sea remained so full of vitality despite not receiving any visible light. 

Dr. Marlon Lewis, Oceanographer of Dalhousie University studied the role plankton plays in the cycle of lie in the oceans, as his career progressed he came across the powerful light spectrum of far infrared light. The elongated wavelengths of this portion of the light spectrum was found to have the capacity to move through the depths of the ocean to provide enough energy for plant life to continue to thrive. Without far infrared light, the sea would be devoid of plant life and therefore animal life as well. (8)

If the frequency of far infrared light had the capacity to penetrate the layers of salt water in a way that no other light spectrum could, how might human physiology respond? Although the saline composition of the ocean is different from human blood, there is enough commonality between human blood and the composition of seawater to wonder if far infrared light could foster life in a similar way for humans as it does the oceans. 

Dr. Tadashi IshikawIt  of Japan patented the first far infrared heaters intended as a medical device, and while its use was prolific in Japan it would not be until 1979 that far infrared light would be used to heal the general populace on US soil. From the deepest portions of the ocean to human cellular composition far infrared light seemed to have a very special quality: The ability to move well beyond perceivable solid material to impact the internal landscape of the human body. (9)

Taking A Front Seat At NIH In The 1980s 

Far infrared light as a healing modality remained distant from mainstream use, until substantial research from NIH was published in the early 1980s revealing the profound impact that this light had on wound healing in rodents. (10)

With enough substantiated research on the impact that far infrared light had on human health, slowly this invisible spectrum of light started to make its way toward mainstream use. 

NIH publishes the following statement about far infrared light and medical use:

“FIR (far infrared light) application in medicine requires understanding and knowledge of the interactions of electromagnetic radiation at FIR range with biological structures (including cells, cell membranes, cell fluids – especially water, DNA/proteins) and functioning of the living systems in general. At the cellular level, the underlying biophysical mechanisms of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with living cells can be framed in terms of altered cell membrane potentials and altered mitochondrial metabolism ” (7)

The innovative discoveries surrounding how far infrared light positively altered cellular composition, specifically mitochondrial function in humans, meant that very rapidly infrared lasers, light panels, and saunas started to be built for commercial and medical purposes. 

Even with institutions such as NIH sanctioning the use of far infrared light to heal the body, its use remained largely in the fringes of alternative medicine until the early 2000s. 

Unseen By The Naked Eye: Far Infrared Light Becomes The Most Impactful Light Band Width On Human Health

As decades have passed the use of far infrared light to heal tissue wounds, improve cellular regeneration, and detoxify the body from harmful chemicals has proliferated across the globe. Various manufacturers have rallied to improve technology to better serve the purposes of medical use. 

Far infrared light remains evasive to the human eye, and while it is invisible, the effects of exposure to this frequency are remarkable not only for human life, but for all life in the oceans. 

Thanks to the tireless efforts of scientific researchers, humankind now has the keys to the sun’s most healing rays: Far Infrared Light.



What Is White Glove Installation?

Here Is What You Need To Know To Help You Decide If This Service Is For You

As you consider bringing an infrared sauna into your home, you may be wondering what white-glove installation is and if you need it. There are several factors and variables that will help determine whether this is a service that you will need.

So, what is white glove installation?

White glove installation includes the services of bringing the infrared sauna into your home or business after delivery,  assembly of the sauna, and clean up of any remaining material afterward. This will allow you to enter your sauna and begin using it right away and receive all the health benefits without any fuss.

There are a variety of compelling reasons why someone would choose white glove installation for their sauna. Below you will find some reasons why white glove installation may be for you as well as what the process entails. 

Who Is White Glove Installation For?

  • Depleted physical strength due to illness
  • Living alone
  • Demanding schedule
  • Larger sauna model
  • Intention to place sauna down or upstairs, or a difficult region of your home or property to access

While it is certainly feasible to assemble a sauna without professional assistance, particularly the smaller models, it is necessary that two able bodied adults be available for fairly heavy lifting. If for any reason the availability of two able bodied adults is not an option, white glove installation may be for you!

Depleted Physical Body:

White glove installation is great for anyone whose body is depleted by illness. Many individuals turning to infrared sauna therapy as a healing modality do so because physical ailments necessitate it. In this case white glove installation of the infrared sauna unit would be ideal for this demographic. 

Living Alone:

It is necessary that two strong able bodied individuals be available for sauna installation. If for whatever reason a friend or helper is not available for the assembly of your sauna, it may be best to use white glove installation. 

Demanding Schedule:

Some individuals have very demanding schedules and it is not feasible to make time for a sauna assembly and installation.

Larger Sauna Models:

While smaller units are lighter and have a more straightforward assembly, larger models, particularly the serenity may be slightly heavier and more complex to assemble. Depending on the individual, and the sauna model additional challenges such as weight and shape may present a slightly more complex assembly. 

Sauna Placement In Your Home:

If you are planning to put your sauna in a basement or up several flights of stairs it may be beneficial to purchase white glove installation and have professionals do the heavy lifting. The placement of your sauna may influence your decision to purchase white glove installation.

What To Expect With White Glove Installation

Delivery of your sauna is separate from white glove installation. When you have your sauna delivered it will be placed outside your door on a palette. Once delivered you will be responsible for bringing it inside your home or business. 

If you choose to purchase white glove installation, a contractor or technician will come to your home and bring the sauna pieces inside to your desired location. They will take the pieces out of the packaging, assemble your sauna to the point that you will be able to simply power on your sauna and begin using it. 

White glove install will clean up any materials that are not used and remove from your property. This service is thorough and great for anyone who does not have physical strength, the time, or who has a difficult to navigate space. 

What Does White Glove Installation Not Include?

  • Electrical Work
  • Foundation Preparation (For example: leveling of outdoor space)
  • Building A Roof For Outdoor Use

While white glove installation is all-inclusive, it does not include any electrical work that may need to occur prior to your sauna install.  For example larger models require a particular type of power outlet. 

Further, as you prepare for the arrival of your sauna, you will want to be sure that a floor space has been made level and cleared. If you are planning to place your sauna outside, white glove installation does not include the clearing and leveling of terrain. 

If you are choosing to place your sauna outside you will need to ensure that the roof of your sauna is protected from moisture; Basic white glove installation will not include any construction of a roof.

Is White Glove Installation For You?

Ultimately the choice to purchase white-glove installation is a personal one and will depend on a variety of factors. If you are able-bodied, have help from a friend, and have purchased a smaller sauna unit, you may choose to install your sauna on your own. 

If there are other variable factors, such as health, or time limitations it may be simpler to purchase white glove installation. Either way, bringing an infrared sauna into your life is sure to enhance your health and overall quality of life!

A Practical Guide To Understanding EMFs: The WHO Guidelines, Household Appliances, And Infrared Saunas

When you begin to explore the infrared sauna market it does not take long before the discussion on EMF readings is brought to the forefront of attention. The reality is that there is significant mis-understanding surrounding this topic with increasing sauna manufacturers using low EMF readings as a selling point, rather than being loyal to the truth of what this is and how you, the consumer may best protect yourself from harmful emissions emanating from electrical appliances at home. 

The stark reality is that if you live in a developed part of the world with readily available electricity in your home, you will be exposed to EMFs. The issue is not so much how to avoid this all together, but rather how to minimize exposure. 

According to the World Bank, 87 % of the world has access to electricity, meaning that each of these individuals are exposed to EMFs as well. (1)

The sun itself emits an electromagnetic field as well, this is of course is the full light spectrum, generally speaking a discussion surrounding EMFs and their potentially harmful effects on human health is referring to electrical appliances, small and large and excludes the natural EMF radiation and is not the concern of this article. 

By virtue of having electricity in your home you are already being exposed to EMFs, a zero reading does not exist on any household appliance, small or large, although it is possible that readings are undetectable by measuring devices. 

This article discusses and explores the answers to some of these questions. 

Key questions to consider: 

  • What are EMFs?
  • What does the World Health Organization say about EMFs?
  • Will bringing an infrared sauna into my home increase exposure to EMF emissions?
  • What household appliances have the highest EMF reading and how do these compare to infrared saunas?

What Are EMFs And How Are They Measured? 

An electrician measuring EMFs

What does the acronym EMF symbolize? According to the National Institute of Health and Environment: 

“Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. EMFs are typically grouped into one of two categories by their frequency:

  • Non-ionizing: low-level radiation which is generally perceived as harmless to humans
  • Ionizing: high-level radiation which has the potential for cellular and DNA damage” (1)

Here is a sample list of non-ionizing EMFs versus Ionizing EMFS: 

Non-ionizing radiation

  • microwave ovens
  • computers
  • house energy meters
  • wireless (Wi-Fi) routers
  • cellphones
  • Bluetooth devices
  • power lines
  • MRIs

Ionizing radiation

  • ultraviolet light
  • X-rays (3)

Both the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the National Institute of Health (NIH), have determined that provided the EMF reading is kept below a certain measurable reading and is non-ionizing that the appliance or electronic device is safe for humans. That being said there are some correlative health risks involved with over exposure to EMFs, although the majority of this research still requires further conclusive evidence. 

From NIH’s published journal on EMF measurements and criteria; EMF readings are measured in the following way: 

“The intensities of the electric fields are expressed in volts per meter (V/m), and magnetic fields are expressed in milligauss (mG).” (4)

Most household appliances in the US are required to follow safety regulations and will have their products measured in milligauss (mG), this is the important number for you, the consumer to be aware of. 

Here is a sample list of household appliances and their milligauss measurement:

Microwave at 1 Inch Away = 750 to 2,000 mG at 1 Foot Away = 40 to 80 mGat 3 Feet Away = 3 to 8 mG

Electric Range at 1 Inch Away = 60 to 2,000 mG at 1 Foot Away = 4 to 40 mGat 3 Feet Away = <0.1 to 7 mG

Television at 1 Inch Away = 25 to 500 mGat 1 Foot Away = 0.4 to 20 mGat 3 Feet Away = <0.1 to 1.5 mG

Blenders at 1 Inch Away = 200 to 1,200 mGat 1 Foot Away = 5.2 to 17 mGat 3 Feet Away = 0.3 to 1.1 mG

Coffee Makers at 1 Inch Away = 15 to 250 mGat 1 Foot Away = 0.9 to 1.2 mGat 3 Feet Away = <0.1 mG

Toasters at 1 Inch Away = 70 to 150 mGat 1 Foot Away = 0.6 to 7 mGat 3 Feet Away = <0.1 to 0.11 mG (5)

Drills at 1 Inch Away = 4,000 to 8,000 mGat 1 Foot Away = 22 to 31 mGat 3 Feet Away = 0.8 to 2 mG

Saber & Circular Saw at 1 Inch Away = 2,100 to 10,000 mGat 1 Foot Away = 9 to 210 mGat 3 Feet Away = 0.2 to 10 mGIronsat 1 Inch Away = 80 to 300 mGat 1 Foot Away = 1.2 to 3.1 mGat 3 Feet Away = 0.1 to 0.2 mGClothes 

Washer at 1 Inch Away = 7 to 400 mGat 1 Foot Away = 0.8 to 3 mGat 3 Feet Away = 0.2 to 0.48 mG (5)

Comparatively, has never measured higher than 3 mGs, often the reading itself is undetected by a measuring device; Please keep in mind that even if a measuring instrument is unable to detect an EMF reading all electrical devices and appliances still have one. 

Measurements Taken From 3 cm Away

  • A Television Set: 25 mGs -500 mGs Versus 5 mGs 
  • A Hair Dry: 60-20 000 mGS (5) Versus 5 mGs (5)

A basic guideline use for homes from the WHO is less than 1000 mgs from 3 cm away from each device (8). Still this organization does go on to warn that EMF exposure is a growing concern for the majority of the world’s population, particularly as technological advances continue to expand faster than research into its potential long term negative effects on human health is ongoing. (8)

By unplugging as many devices and appliances in the house while you sleep goes a long way toward minimizing exposure to EMFs. 

What Is An ELF and How Does This Relate To EMFs?

ELF stands for ‘extremely low frequency’, now this does not necessarily mean that ELFs are safe for humans, but rather is generally used to discuss the field emanating from industrial sources or large power generators outside of the home. The closer an individual is to a cell phone tower, power plant, or any other large industrial size sources of power the riskier it is for human health. 

There is little anyone can do, except perhaps choose a residence that is far away from these sources. As EMFs concern household appliances there is greater sovereignty for the individual to make safer choices for themselves and family members. 

An ELF reading is not something that applies in a conversation surrounding infrared saunas or any other household appliance. Here is what NIH says about ELFs:

“Any source of electric and magnetic fields (such as the ELF transmitting facility and antennas) creates fields essentially everywhere. As one moves farther from a source, the field intensities become lower, either because of distance or because of attenuation due to obstacles (in the case of electric fields). However, one will then be moving toward other sources, and the EMFs that they generate will increase in intensity as one moves closer. “ (2)

Again, as technology evolves at increasing rates often legislation designed to protect citizens falls behind in creating safety measures and protocols.  

EMF Safety In Your Home And Infrared Saunas

A woman using her phone, which is putting off EMFs
  • Unplug Appliances
  • Use Himalayan Salt 
  • Purchase low EMF appliances
  • Turn Off Breakers While You Sleep

Few folks living in the modern world are able to live off the grid and protect themselves entirely from potentially harmful EMFs, however there are some things each individual can do to ensure the best possible safety measures are taken. 

The simple act of unplugging appliances that are not in use will go a long way to reducing  day to day exposure to EMFs. This means, unplug your blender, coffee maker, curling iron, or any appliance that can be unplugged easily. Most people will find that nearly all small appliances can be unplugged while not in use. Clearly the refrigerator, stove, and oven are likely not great options for unplugging!

Before going to sleep at night switch off circuits on your breaker box that you will not need while you sleep. Are there breakers that can be turned off in your home at night? It is worth while cutting down on electrical conduits as much as possible especially while you sleep. 

Bring Himalayan salt into your home and place these close to appliances or devices that are used frequently. According to EMF Guard tips:

“Salt lamps consist of pieces of salt crystal that absorb and refract light. As the lamp heats up from the bulb inside it, the salt generates negative ions that provide positive benefits in the room. The salt crystals are very essential to use because they act as natural ionizers and have bioenergetic fields that help in neutralizing harmful EMF radiation.” (11)

While Himalayan salt blocks will not shield you completely from EMFs, the tandem cooperation of this salt and low EMF devices will certainly help to reduce the practical experience of exposure to potentially harmful radiation. Look for appliances that measure less than 5 mGs from three feet away. (11)

Infrared Saunas & EMFs

So, the question of whether bringing in an infrared sauna into your home will increase exposure to EMFs remains. Provided you are careful about who has manufactured your infrared sauna, the reality is that an infrared sauna (if it is made well), has a significantly lower EMF reading than your computer, or any other appliance or device in your home. 

The benefits available to individuals using infrared saunas far outweighs the potential exposure to EMFs. Now, if we were living in a time before electrical appliances, the conclusion may well be quite different. 

Further, it has been posited by several health authorities that the negative impact of EMF exposure is increased in a body that is already high in harmful toxins. The net result of regular infrared sauna bathing reduces the overall toxicity level in a body, this means that even with continued exposure to EMFs in the home, if the body is purified regularly from heavy metals the result of EMF exposure will be less impactful. 

Choosing an infrared sauna with Himalayan salt walls will be helpful in neutralizing EMF exposure, if this is not possible it may be a good idea to bring a Himalayan salt brick into the sauna with you. 

For further reading on EMF exposure in the home:

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP) is the organization that determines the safety levels for electromagnetic frequency. Their most recent publication is here:

This guide from the WHO is also quite helpful –

Sources Cited:


The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP) is the group that determines the safety levels for electromagnetic frequency. Their most recent publication is here: 

This guide from the WHO is also quite helpful –

(They include a list of the EMFs produced by common household items. Their chart uses microtesla, and we use milligauss, so you just need to multiply the microtesla by 10 to get the milligauss in their chart.)