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Infrared Sauna Therapy For Stress Reduction

Step Off The Stress Train Into The Depths Of Relaxation And Healing For Longevity

The majestic, fluid, and dynamic dance of human physiology is truly a marvel: This perfectly orchestrated balance of systems keeps the body healthy and full of vitality. When knocked out of balance for a prolonged period, illness ensues and life force is depleted.

The potent mind-body connection seamlessly allows biochemical changes to occur within the physical systems in response to the perceptions of external conditions and circumstances. This coupling enables survival by allowing the body to quickly adapt to external threats. This fluid interaction with the environment has sustained the human species throughout time.

As the mind perceives external threat, the body immediately transforms into a vessel able to ward off and defend against physical threat, this keen ability is stress response. What happens if the mind is continually perceiving life threatening cues from the outside world? The body remains in stress response for prolonged periods of time. This protracted state of elevated stress response eventually depletes the body’s system and can lead to the degradation of the body’s tissues causing illness.

What once served to ensure the survival of the human species is now among the leading causes of chronic illness today: Stress. The necessity to regain homeostasis and move out of stress response is imperative. As modern life stimulates the mind into perceiving threats to survival, the body responds with a chain of biological reactions to transfer the body into states of chronic stress response, therefore the necessity to find a pathway back to relaxation is at an all time high (1).

Broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy is a unique modality that capitalizes on the invisible light spectrum to bathe individuals in radiant heat. This light bath dynamically interacts with human physiology to produce the necessary hormonal and biochemical reaction to transfer the body out of stress response and back into states of relaxation (2).

Ring The Alarm: What Happens Within The Body During The Activation Of The Survival Mechanism?

The near-instantaneous cascade of physical changes that occur in response to life-threatening circumstances is perfectly orchestrated to ensure survival. The process of inducing these survival mechanisms begins in the center of the brain known as the amygdala, an area of the brain responsible for emotional processing (3).

A person in a survival situation

This emotional center sends a signal to the hypothalamus, essentially a command center for the central nervous system. The central nervous system is a communication network for the entire body and allows physical responses to be synchronized with emotional and mental feelings and perceptions.

When the amygdala perceives an immediate threat, a distress signal is sent to the hypothalamus, and the entire central nervous system transfers out of rest and relaxation into survival mode. This survival mechanism adopted by the autonomic nervous system is called sympathetic dominance or fight-or-flight response.

As sympathetic dominance is activated, signals are sent to the adrenal glands. These glands respond by excreting a hormone called epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) into the bloodstream. As adrenaline is pumped into the bloodstream, and circulated throughout the body, a number of physiological changes occur (3).

Heart rate is elevated to pump blood to the vital organs and muscles in preparation for defense through combat or flight. The pulse is elevated and blood pressure rises, breathing becomes rapid, small airways in the lungs are opened to allow the lungs to take in as much oxygen with every breath. Extra oxygen is sent to the brain to heighten alertness and the entire sensory apparatus becomes aroused to keenly sense the imminent danger in the external environment. Adrenaline also triggers blood sugar and fats from temporary storage sites to be released into the bloodstream, in effect all of the body’s energy is activated to defend the body and ultimately survive.

This cascade of transformation occurring in response to a perceived threat has ensured the survival of the human species for millennia. When this survival mechanism is balanced with the retreat out of stress response back into states of recovery, the body and mind return to homeostasis. The longevity of health in the body is fortified through states of rest and relaxation. It is not therefore not intermittent states of stress response that cause a problem for health, but rather, protracted states of survival eventually leads to the depletion of health and vitality.

Chronic Stress Response vs Short Fluctuations Into Survival Mode

The orchestrated chain of reactions that occur within the brain and body in response to perceived danger is instrumental in ensuring the survival of the human race. The problem arises when states of stress response are not balanced with the natural retraction back into relaxation where nourishment and rejuvenation occur.

When the emotional center of the brain perceives a dangerous threat, it sends signals to the hypothalamus to activate the autonomic nervous system out of rest and into survival. What happens if the amygdala’s perception of danger is not accurate? Or what occurs if the autonomic nervous system is called into states of sympathetic dominance even when life-threatening situations are simply a matter of false perception?

When every day life is the catalyst for stress response, the adrenal glands are on constant duty, heart rate and blood pressure are perpetually high, and the mind stays vigilant with heightened external senses. If traffic, a heavy workload, and too much screen time, for example are perceived as threatening then the autonomic nervous system is perpetually in a state of stress response.

Unfortunately, survival mode is not sustainable as the primary state of being. Without the ability to move back into states of rest and relaxation, the body is not granted the necessary recovery time it needs to foster health and wellness.

The result of sustained states of survival mode is the degradation of the body’s system and eventually chronic illness such as autoimmune disorders and heart disease.

The call to action for the modern citizens of our planet is to actively find modalities that will encourage the mind and body out of chronic stress and backs into states of relaxation where nurturing and growth can occur.

Relaxation: The Other Side Of The Survival Coin

Just as the brain center sends a signal to the autonomic nervous system when a threat is perceived, the same is also true when security and safety are the status quo. Perceived safety signals the autonomic nervous system to move from sympathetic dominance fluidly back into parasympathetic dominance (Rest, digestion, relaxation).
When the brain perceives safety, the adrenal glands no longer release adrenaline into the bloodstream. Hypervigilance of the mind is eased back into open creativity, blood pressure is lowered, heart rate is lowered, and energy is directed inward for healing and cellular generation. In short, the maintenance of the internal body’s systems is rewarded when the body relaxes. Wounds are healed, and the immune system is strengthened when the body is able to relax in parasympathetic dominance.

It is crucial that each individual finds tools and modalities that will encourage the nervous system out of stress response back into states of relaxation. There are several wonderful tools available to encourage this fluid movement, however none so effortless and effective as infrared sauna therapy.

How Can Infrared Sauna Therapy Encourage The Body And Mind Back Into States Of Relaxation?

  • Brain Waves Move From Beta To Theta (From Hyperactive Vigilance To Expansive And Creative) (4)
  • Sensory Apparatus Turns Inward
  • Core Temperature Rises To Invoke A Decline In Body Temperature After The Sauna Session Is Complete
  • Mitochondrial Stimulation Produces Nutrient-Rich Blood To Improve Circulation

What role does broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy play in determining the state of the autonomic nervous system? How can this invisible spectrum of light influence physiological response on a mass scale?

Brain Waves: From Beta To Theta

A human brain experiencing the positive stress-reducing benefits of infrared sauna therapy.

While the infrared light spectrum is invisible to the eye, it is experienced as heat. It is a soothing radiant heat and under its influence brain waves slow down. Within this environment of subtle warmth, the hypothalamus is not receiving the signal of threat. The feeling of a gentle sleepiness that occurs within the infrared sauna is the antithesis to fast-acting brain waves that occur when danger is eminent (4).

This means that the hypothalamus is not signaling the autonomic nervous system into survival mode, and the body sinks into deeper states of relaxation as brain waves slow down. When a threat is perceived, brain waves speed up into beta frequency. This allows the mind to vigilantly survey the external environment for threat.
Within the radiance of the infrared light brain waves move from beta to theta, where the frequency is slower. The brain is no longer scanning the horizon for threats, but rather becomes open and expansive to creativity.

The Senses Relax And Perception Is Turned Inward

The radiant heat of an infrared sauna session coupled with a gentle sensory deprivation enables perception to pivot inwards away from the world. As the mind relinquishes hypervigilance to the external world, the adrenal glands stop releasing adrenaline into the bloodstream, the sensory apparatus is dulled slightly, and this enables the body to sink into relaxation, as it no longer needs to prepare to defend itself.

Thermal Regulation

The radiant heat as experienced during a broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy session moves beyond the initial epidermis of the skin and raises the core temperature of the body. Once the session is over the dropping of body temperature further induces relaxation, and this drop of body temperature is a key component to falling asleep. As sleep is improved the body can remain in states of relaxation for longer periods of time (5).

Enrich The Blood With Mitochondrial Stimulation

The real magic of the infrared light spectrum occurs through its relationship to the cellular network of the body, specifically the mitochondria. As the body (a community of nearly 50 trillion cells) is saturated with the infrared light frequency, the energy centers of the cells become hyper receptive to the light. This interaction creates a cascade of microscopic changes to induce the enriching of the blood as well as improved circulation.

When in states of sympathetic dominance, stored sugars and fats are released into the bloodstream, in stark contrast, under the influence of infrared light, more oxygen is released into the bloodstream enriching the quality of blood. This increase in quality of blood coupled with vasodilation (the widening of blood capillaries) improves circulation and therefore feeds all portions of the body nutrient-rich blood that is used to heal the body from the inside out (6).

Get Off The Stress Train And Step Onto The Life Raft Of Infrared Sauna Therapy To Transport You Back To States Of Rest, Rejuvenation, And Recovery

Remaining in chronic states of stress response is not a luxury the body can sustain. Eventually, protracted states of survival will demand a heavy toll payment that the body cannot afford. The eventual outcome of constant hypervigilance is disease, illness, and the degradation of the body’s systems.

A little R & R is not something that should be taken twice annually on vacations, but rather ought to be incorporated into daily practice in order to sustain balance and health. Finding a tool that will enable the body to move out of sympathetic dominance back into states of relaxation and rest is imperative.

Broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy provides a comfortable and safe means for the body to adapt itself into parasympathetic dominance – where nurturing, digestion, and relaxation can occur.

This healing modality will turn survival mode off and gently invite you into a state of being that will revitalize all portions of the body and allow the mind to slow down and ease away from frantic thinking patterns into calm.

While there is often little we can do regarding challenging commutes and the fast-paced culture of our modern world, we can choose to create an oasis for the body and mind to step out of the chaotic external reality back into security, safety, and comfort. The gift of longevity and quality of life can be yours as you bask in the warm glow of infrared sauna therapy to release stress from the body and sink into states of deep relaxation.


Additional Reading Material:

Infrared Sauna Therapy For Detoxification

Eliminate Harmful Pollutants From The Body For Longevity, Health, And Vitality

Most likely, you have heard the word detoxification in many different contexts. As this buzzword has gained prevalence and popularity even amongst mainstream cultural norm, it has become more of a banality.

When words or phrases become cliché it is important to look beyond the hype of the theorized buzzword and into its depth and importance for health and wellness.

Detoxification of the body occurs naturally through elimination, so in fact we are all daily detoxifying the body of waste products. So, why has the word gained so much notoriety from health gurus? Is it more than just a fad that will slip away from center stage?

Cultures around the world and throughout history have turned to a variety of purification protocols to cleanse the body and to find commune with a higher power. From colonics, to spiritual bathing, to a variety of heat therapies, such as the Native American sweat lodges, humans have been looking for ways to cleanse the body of impurities since before recorded history.

Despite its prevalence in the health and wellness industry and seemingly cutting edge persona, detoxification protocols have been a part of human experience for millennia. As the population of our planet grows, coupled with the advent of industrialization, we as a global community are exposed to increasing amounts of pollutants in our external environment. Additionally, as the food industry creates more processed foods and with fruits, grains, meat and vegetables treated with chemicals and growth hormones, the need to detoxify the body is at an all time high.

Born from ancient traditions of purification through deliberate perspiration, infrared sauna therapy presents an opportunity to cleanse the body using state-of-the-art technology to foster the natural ability to eliminate harmful toxic build up from within.

What Does Detoxification Mean?

infrared sauna heat therapy detoxification

Detoxification means to actively remove toxic substances from the body. This deliberate cleansing and purification of the body moves beyond the natural process of elimination to proactively rid the body of harmful pollutants to achieve heightened health, vitality, and wellness.

There are a variety of modalities available to detoxify the body. For example, fasting relieves the body of the energy necessary to digest food and creates essentially a clean slate. Actively ingesting juices and teas that propel the colon to eliminate the build up of substances along the walls of the small and large intestinal tract is an effective mode of purifying the digestive tract. Colonics are also used to draw harmful waste out of the system from the bottom up to detoxify the body.

While fasting and cleansing of the digestive tract can be great tools for detoxification, the modality of heat therapy to promote copious perspiration is, perhaps the most compelling means to release the body of harmful waste.

Since the discovery of fire, humans have turned to a variety of modalities to create heated structures that actively promote purification through sweating. To name just a few: Native American Sweat Lodges, Turkish Haman (steam Rooms), the Roman and Greek Bath Houses, and the traditional Finnish Sauna are all modalities of heat therapy that are used with the explicit intention of cultivating internal heat to release toxins in the body through sweat (1).

The skin is the largest organ in the human body; the unique human quality of perspiration allows harmful toxic substances to be released through the membrane of the skin.

Purification of the body through sweating is not only easy, it is also relaxing and enjoyable. Infrared sauna therapy draws on the wisdom of the ancient traditions of heat therapy and capitalizes on the advancement in scientific technology to create the ultimate detoxification protocol.

Why Is It Important To Detoxify The Body? What Are Some Of The Toxins That Need To Be Released From The Body?

“Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure anything”


The human body is bioaccumulative, meaning there is a natural absorption of substances in our external environment into the internal atmosphere of the physiological construct. An overload of toxic pollutants absorbed into the bloodstream, vital organs, and particularly into the fatty tissue of the body can weaken the immune system and wreak havoc on the autonomic nervous system (2).

When the body becomes overloaded with toxic substances chronic illness, fatigue, and lethargy can take hold. By actively detoxifying the body of harmful pollutants, it becomes possible to prevent the onset of chronic conditions including a variety of autoimmune disorders. Active detoxification can restore vitality, improve the physical appearance of the body by reducing the biological age, and augment energy levels naturally.

Infrared sauna therapy works to increase the internal core temperature of the body to create an artificial fever. This ‘fever’, will cleanse the body of invasive infection, as well as other harmful substances:

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Toxic metals (Cadmium, lead, mercury)
  • Chemical Food Additives (Pesticides and growth hormones)
  • Unbalanced Hormones (Adrenaline, lactic acid, and cortisol) (3)

Purifying the body of harmful toxins is necessary to maintain the health, and ultimately, the longevity of the body. The artificial fever induced through infrared sauna therapy will allow individuals to passively cleanse the body by capitalizing on the largest organ, the skin, to pass harmful substances out of the body.

Even when it is not noticeable to our conscious awareness, most individuals are actively fighting chronic bacterial infection within the physical body and all humans alive today are exposed to unhealthy chemicals in our food and air. In short, regardless of apparent health, all individuals would benefit from actively detoxifying the body. The most powerful protocol for purification available today is broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy (4).

How Does Infrared Sauna Therapy Enhance Detoxification Protocol: The Dynamic Relationship Between The Infrared Light Spectrum And Human Physiology

Infrared light is a type of radiant energy existing within the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be observed by the human eye, yet can be experienced as heat. The color violet emits the shortest wavelengths, and on the far end of the color light spectrum exists red light that emits the longest wavelengths. The infrared light spectrum occurs between the microwave and visible light spectrum as the color red.

Near infrared light is found closer to the visible light spectrum and far infrared is found just after microwave frequencies. It is the proximity to the visible light color red, that infrared owes its namesake. Infrared light frequencies range from shorter wavelengths (the near-infrared light) and as wavelengths elongate mid and far-infrared light become detectable.

Within the sun’s natural radiance exists the near, mid, and far-infrared light. The infrared sauna isolates this spectrum of light to create a chamber that becomes a ‘light bath’ when powered on. The harnessed infrared light within the structure of the sauna walls radiates warmth around and into the soft tissue of the body. This serves to increase the core temperature of the body to create an artificial fever.

Unlike a traditional sauna, the infrared light bath does not rely on high ambient temperatures, but rather infiltrates the body to increase heat from the inside out. This, in turn, encourages a depth of perspiration unparalleled by any other heat therapy modality. The powerful radiant heat absorbed by the body within the field of infrared light creates a cascade of health benefits beginning with ridding the body of harmful bacterial infections, heavy metals, and environmental chemicals.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Detoxification Protocol?

  • Glowing and smooth skin free from blemishes
  • Increased energy as strain from the internal organs is relieved
  • Better and more readily available deep sleep
  • Increased vitality as the body is freed from chronic internal bacterial Infection
  • Balanced autonomic nervous system
  • Increased immune system function

With the intensity of perspiration released during an infrared sauna session are there noticeable or tangible changes within the body? After just one broad-spectrum infrared sauna session there will be a remarkable difference to how you feel and look!

The Skin: Perhaps the most remarkable change that can be observed is the quality and texture of the skin after an infrared sauna session. Ultimately this cleansing practice will rid the body of harmful toxins from deep within, but it also cleanses the skin. This leaves the epidermis purified of bacterial based blemishes, clogged pores, acne, and the appearance of scars on the skin. As liquid is released through perspiration, the skin will appear taut and electrified (5).

Increased Energy As Strain Is Released From The Internal Organs: In a world inundated with toxic chemicals and metals, the kidneys and liver have to work overtime to cleanse the body. Through infrared sauna therapy, the organ of the skin takes on much of this burden by effortlessly detoxifying the body through perspiration. As toxins are released through the skin, the kidneys and liver no longer need to work as hard to process pollutants out of the body. After a few infrared sauna sessions, there will be a noticeable uptake of disposable energy as the kidneys and liver become less active (6).

Detoxification And Sleep: Hosting heavy metals and toxic chemicals in the body turn on the sympathetic (fight or flight) branch of the autonomic nervous system. In short, the body perceives a threat from these harmful toxins and turns on survival response to ward off the invasion. As stress response is activated, it becomes difficult for the body to find states of relaxation necessary for sound sleep. After each infrared sauna session, an individual will experience greater ease into deep states of sleep at night (7).

infrared sauna and sleep

Free The Body Of Chronic Bacterial Infection: Although, individuals may not be aware that they are host to bacterial infections, most are. The artificially induced fever of an infrared sauna session will flush the bacterial infection out of the body. This includes bacterial infection within the dental structure, bloodstream, and digestive tract. As the body rids itself from harmful bacteria, relaxation becomes easier to sink into and energy levels are higher as the body no longer needs to ward off internal infections (4).

Balanced Autonomic Nervous System: When the body is home to harmful toxins and bacterial infection, survival mode turns on and the body is drawn into sympathetic dominance. Naturally, the autonomic nervous system should fluidly move from survival into nurturing states (parasympathetic dominance), but when the body constantly perceives an invasion of toxic substance within, it adopts a state of fight or flight. Through the powerful detoxification protocol of infrared sauna therapy, the body no longer identifies a threat and is easily able to sink into states of nourishment, rejuvenation, and regeneration to build health and vitality (8).

Increased Immune System Function: A body ripe with toxic substances will enlist the aid of the immune system to fight off the invasion from harmful substances. This constant state of protection can throw the immune system out of balance, as it is no longer able to discern what are healthy and unhealthy elements within the body. Eventually, a host of autoimmune disorders may emerge, as the immune system is no longer able to discern invasive and natural substances within the physiological network (9) (10).

The cascade of health benefits available through the rigorous detoxification protocol of infrared sauna therapy will improve the vitality of the body, encourages deep sleep, and will provide a beautiful youthful glow for the skin.

Detoxification Protocol: More Than A Fad, A Necessary Component To Healthy Living And Longevity

Many environmental factors produce harmful toxins to the bioaccumulative human body that are often beyond the individual’s control. Given the industrialized state of our world, it becomes paramount that each person does what he or she can to eliminate harmful pollutants from the body to promote health and vitality. Although the food industry continues to sell products laced with chemicals and pesticides and the air we breathe is sometimes filled with harmful gases, it is possible to create a safe and healthy internal environment within the landscape of the body.

By engaging in a regular infrared sauna therapy routine (at least 15 minutes, three times per week), it is possible to passively rid the body of harmful toxins to promote both quality of life as well as longevity.

By capitalizing on the largest organ of the body, the skin, coupled with the infrared light spectrum’s ability to induce an artificial fever, detoxification within this framework becomes both relaxing and also powerfully eliminates harmful substances from the body.

Become the sovereign authority over your own body and choose to create the ultimate internal environment within the body to promote health, vitality, and longevity by enjoying the relaxing experience of infrared sauna therapy!!!!



Additional Reading:

Infrared Sauna Therapy For Anti-Aging To Reduce Your Biological Age

The Fountain Of Youth Can Be Found In A Warm Glow Of Light Bathing You In Cellular Transformation

“The anti-aging movement refers to the expression of biological age rather than the reversal of chronological age. The human body is a dynamic and ever changing organism in constant communication with its environment. Every second 10,000 new cells are regenerated. And every hour, the heart pumps 280 liters of blood. The body is a canvas of change that is highly susceptible to factors within its environment. “

Getting older happens. Every year the earth orbits around the sun, another year passes, and the maturation of our physical body occurs. Aging is not the issue, but rather how we age is a blank canvas upon which we can tell our own story.

There is a fundamental difference between our chronological age, meaning the date of our birth, and the biological age expressed through every cell of our body. Most likely, you have observed that individuals express age in distinctly different ways regardless of having spent the same number of years on the planet.

So, why does the expression of age vary substantially from one individual to the other? Is there science behind the differences or is it just left up to genetics?

Understanding human physiology as a dynamic and active organism in constant conversation with its environment both internally and externally begins to unveil the secret to looking and feeling younger.

Environmental factors affect the quality of cells that are replicated.  Reducing biological age can be catapulted with exposure to certain naturally occurring elements, without prescription pills or surgery.

Regular infrared sauna therapy supports the reduction of biological age by creating transformation at the molecular level of the body. The unique relationship between the infrared light spectrum and human physiology begins the domino effect of biochemical change necessary for biological age reduction. This all-natural treatment capitalizes on what is already occurring in the body to physically generate youthful and healthy cells.

Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy Supports The Six Primary Ingredients To Creating A Youthful Biological Expression:

·  Maintenance Of Telomere Length

·  Stress Free Living (as much as is possible)

·  Increased Collagen Production

·  Detoxification Protocol

·  Improved Circulation

·  Positive Cellular Regeneration

Defining Age: Chronological VS. Biological

The chronological age of an individual is fixed. Regardless of lifestyle, the year of birth remains unchanging, however the biological age expressed at the cellular level of the body tells another story altogether. Two individuals born on the same date and year can express a vastly different biological age due to variance in their lifestyle choices.

The anti-aging movement refers to the expression of biological age rather than the reversal of chronological age. The human body is a dynamic and ever changing organism in constant communication with its environment. Every second 10,000 new cells are regenerated. And every hour, the heart pumps 280 liters of blood. The body is a canvas of change that is highly susceptible to factors within its environment.

With so much dynamic movement occurring within the physiological network, the body is constantly being made new again through cellular regeneration. The body is composed of roughly 50 trillion cells. Over the course of 7 years the body is made completely new, and you are no longer the physical person you were before! (1)

So, how can infrared sauna therapy affect the expression of biological age?

Regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy may elevate several chains of biochemical reactions to produce a more youthful biological expression of age:

  • Augment collagen production, and therefore enhance elasticity through the skin membrane, bone marrow, as well as in the connective tissue of the body. (2)
  • Detoxify the body of potentially harmful pollutants (3)
  • Reduce stress response and draw the body into states of relaxation where cellular regeneration becomes exponential. (4)
  • Aids in the maintenance of telomere length (a factor strongly correlated to the aging process).
  • Improved Circulation (5)
  • Increase Cellular Regeneration (4)

Regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy will induce all of the above-mentioned factors to produce a younger and more vital physiological make-up to reduce the expression of biological age.

Sweat The Years Away: What Is A Telomere And How Does Their Length Effect The Biological Age Of The Body?

At the microscopic level a very important protein exists that plays a huge role in the aging process: Telomeres are the protein end caps of the chromosomes, essentially the bottle cap that seals the chromosomes at their base. Aging and the eventual death of the body occur as the length of these proteins shortens with each cellular replication. In any anti-aging protocol the goal becomes to secure the length of telomeres and so, preserve the youthful vitality of the body (6).

In a body that is chronically under stress, each time a cell replicates there is a loss in the length of the end caps of the chromosomes. Therefore the biological clock can be measured by the shortening of telomeres.

So, how can telomeres maintain their length through the passage of time?

There are two correlating factors to the maintenance of telomere length:

1.    Studies have shown that regular and profuse sweating secures telomere length (6).

2.     Abiding primarily in states of relaxation will promote cellular replication that maintains the length of telomeres each time cells are regenerated (4).

Gratefully, broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy provides an opportunity for profound sweating to occur and is also the gateway from states of stress response back into states of rest and relaxation. The coupling of these two necessary factors to maintain telomere length will promote the reduction of expressed biological age.

Sweat the years away as you bask in the relaxing environment of the infrared sauna.  A study from Brigham Young University reveals that as long as you are willing to sweat, you can actually stop the clock on cellular aging by maintaining the length of telomeres!

Active regular sweating influences how cells replicate. Rigorous perspiration is strongly correlated to the maintenance of telomere length. Clinical researchers have found that adults, who actively sweat at least three times a week, have across the board, longer telomeres than those adults who do not sweat regularly (6).

Infrared sauna therapy marinates the body in deeply penetrative rays of light that seep into the soft tissue of the body to increase the internal core temperature. This unique form of heat therapy induces greater rates of perspiration and therefore powerfully maintains the length of telomeres.

Regular sweating will promote positive replication of cells within the body. Remember, the physical body is composed of around 50 trillion cells. When cells are youthful and healthy so is the entire body!!!

Augment Collagen Production With Regular Infrared Sauna Use

The enhancement of collagen production will improve the quality of skin, bone marrow, and connective tissue to offer a more youthful appearance and experience.

As collagen production is increased, it is not only a superficial appearance of more youthful skin, but rather the biology of the skin organ will be more vibrant and alive at a cellular level.

Collagen is a protein that supports your body’s tissues and ultimately keeps many of the physiological systems resilient to external stresses. Collagen occupies 80% of the dermis, the secondary layer of skin below the epidermis. Collagen strengthens the skin to keep it taut, firm, and connected, while elastin, another protein, allows the skin to stretch and bounce back.

Both collagen and elastin are the fibers that create the supporting structure of the skin. Youthful skin is plentiful in both these fibrous proteins; regardless of your chronological age, it is possible to bolster the health of these two fibers working in harmony to create healthy and aesthetically appealing skin.

Broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy stimulates collagen production. The unique relationship between the near-infrared spectrum and the cellular network of the body will boost collagen production. Over time with regular infrared sauna sessions, the skin will rebuild high levels of collagen found in youthful skin (7).

While it is impossible to stop the clock, it is possible to reverse the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with regular infrared sauna use through enhancing collagen production.

Even if an individual chooses a surgical facelift to address the appearance of aged skin, it is still important to remember that the quality of skin matters. Regardless of other possible anti-aging treatments, healthy, vibrant skin is essential to a youthful appearance and infrared sauna therapy will effortlessly and safely provide this.

Collagen is important not only for the skin but also for the health of bone marrow and connective tissues. As age sets in, bones can become weak and frail and therefore more susceptible to breaking. As biological age is reduced through infrared sauna therapy, not only is the external appearance influenced, but also the entire body becomes strong and resilient.

As collagen production is increased the connective tissues are strengthened. This is important to prevent osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and general pain within the joints. Mobility is increased and therefore recreational activity can be enjoyed in a youthful and enriching manner.

Detoxify The Body Of Harmful Pollutants To Replenish Youthful Biological Expression

Infrared sauna therapy is among the most powerful means of detoxification. The deeply penetrative wavelengths of infrared light move into the soft tissue of the body to increase internal temperatures. In effect, the infrared light induces an artificial fever. A fever serves the body by disinfecting the internal mechanism of harmful bacteria and toxins.  Infrared sauna therapy has the same effect on the body as a naturally occurring fever, except that once you step out of the sauna internal temperatures are lowered once again.

The result of using the radiant heat of infrared light is that the core body temperature rises without the need for very high external temperatures, as is the case with traditional saunas. As the body absorbs the radiant heat from infrared light, the sweat glands are engaged to lower body temperatures and profuse perspiration occurs. As the body rids itself of liquid through sweat, it also releases harmful toxins from the body such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and other unwanted substances within the body.

The powerful detoxification protocol that occurs under the influence of the radiant heat relieves the stress of detoxification from the internal organs, namely the kidneys and liver. As stress is relieved from within, individuals will experience heightened levels of youthful energy.

Chronic States Of Stress Response Age The Body

Over time chronic states of stress response will take its toll on the body. Disease, infection, and ultimately a rapid expression of increased biological age occurs. An overview of the body’s reaction to stress and the ensuing biochemical chain reaction that occurs will help to understand how critical it is to find states of relaxation (8).

Without rest, relaxation, and recovery it is not possible for the body to repair itself, naturally an individual will begin to feel the effects of age sooner. Harvard Medical School published an article that succinctly explains the stress response process originating in the hypothalamus:

“The hypothalamus is a bit like a command center. This area of the brain communicates with the rest of the body through the autonomic nervous system, which controls such involuntary body functions as breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat, and dilation or constriction of key blood vessels and small airways in the lungs called bronchioles. The autonomic nervous system has two components, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system functions like a gas pedal in a car. It triggers the fight-or-flight response, providing the body with a burst of energy so that it can respond to perceived danger. The parasympathetic nervous system acts like a brake. It promotes the ‘rest and digest’ response that calms the body down after the danger has passed.” (9)

This dynamic dance of the autonomic nervous system creates the ideal circumstance for the body to survive and thrive when in balance. Unfortunately, in the modern world the command center in the brain perceives threats to survival even when the threat may be illusory. From high-speed commutes on the freeway, to long work hours, to financial stress, all too often the body responds by entering into sympathetic dominance, essentially hitting the gas pedal. Chronic states of stress response cannot be sustained for long periods of time, and when this occurs the body is unable to regain homeostasis and return to states of rest, nourishment, and regeneration.

It is imperative for the health and longevity of the body that individuals can easily glide from fight or flight back into states of relaxation. The body can become stuck in survival mode as hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol flood the body.

So, how can an individual step out of chronic stress response back into parasympathetic dominance where nurturing and growth occur?

There are several tools that can be enlisted to ease this transition and one of the more powerful modalities is regular infrared sauna therapy. The experience of sitting under the warm glow of the infrared light spectrum will ease the body back into relaxation. Once relaxation is found, a cascade of reactions occur in the body to promote cellular growth and repair of the physiological structure.

Where there is increased cellular regeneration, the biological age of the body is reduced and individuals will glow from the inside out, radiating youthful vitality.

The most critical step any individual can take toward reducing the biological age of the body is to find states of relaxation. When the body is flooded with survival hormones it can be difficult to do this alone and that is why stepping into the light bath of the infrared sauna is such an important component in the reduction of biological age.

Improved Circulation Promotes A Youthful Glow From The Inside Out To Reduce Biological Age

Infrared light wavelengths exist on the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be seen with the human eye, but can be felt as heat. The infrared waves of light are able to penetrate deeply into and past the epidermis, and therefore fully engage the body’s cellular response. The radiant heat of infrared light burrows deep within the soft tissue to raise the internal temperature of the body (10).

Human anatomy viewed from the perspective of an active living organism constantly in conversation with itself, gives way to an appreciation of the dance with its external environment. When the body is exposed to the healing rays of the infrared spectrum, the living anatomy invites the light into its network system, creating a domino effect of health originating with improved blood circulation.

Improved blood circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients at faster rates to the vital organs, brain, joints, muscles, skeletal structure, and skin. A heightened level of oxygen running through the body reduces the occurrence of inflammation and therefore pain.

As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body, the cellular mechanism responds in excitement. The human form is comprised of 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an ‘energy plant’, the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) occurs. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light, particularly sensitive to deeply penetrating rays of the infrared light.  As soon as the body is exposed to the broad spectrum of infrared light, ATP production becomes exponential.

As ATP production increases in response to the infrared light exposure, this releases nitric acid, which hyperoxygenates the hemoglobin. The freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow throughout the body like a fast moving river (10).

Inflammation occurs in the body as a response to injury, stress, and illness. Where there is inflammation there is also a lack of oxygen. When the body is exposed to the infrared light spectrum nutrient and oxygen rich blood circulates at an improved rate through the body.

It can be imagined that the circulatory system is similar to rivers running throughout the body and that inflammation creates blockages to these rivers like a dam. Under the influence of the infrared sauna spectrum, circulation becomes fluid and moves through inflamed areas of the body carrying higher levels of oxygen to once restricted portions of the body. This movement of blood releases the dammed pathways and circulation becomes fluid once again.

Within just a few minutes of entering into an infrared sauna, ATP production increases, and oxygen production becomes higher. Blood circulation flows fluidly to restore the body back to homeostasis.

Increased fluidity of blood circulation demonstrated through regular infrared sauna therapy will promote both the appearance of youthful skin and also the experience of a youthful body full of vital energy!

The Power To Create A Youthful Physical Expression Is A Choice Worth Making

A person expressing their happiness on a sunset

The fountain of youth has long been an illusory and unattainable fantasy left to the fictional storyteller. As technology advances and begins to incorporate the natural benefits of light into instruments, the fountain of youth becomes less and less a mythical legend.

The time machine that reduces the biological expression of age in the body is a gentle experience of basking in the warm hues of infrared light within the container of a sauna. Infrared light naturally occurs within the radiance of the sun’s energy, but when it is isolated into a manufactured infrared light sauna, its cellular healing prowess becomes unparalleled.

If you could turn back the clock of your body, would you want to?

Regular infrared sauna therapy not only gives the appearance of a more youthful glow, but because it works at the molecular level, individuals engaged in this therapy also feel younger and better able to participate in activities that once brought so much joy.

Yes, aging happens, but how you choose to mature through the passage of time is up to you! Using an infrared sauna for 15 minutes, three times per week will begin to accelerate cellular regeneration, augment collagen production, reduce stress, maintain healthy telomere length, and improve circulation, all necessary factors to reduce the biological expression of age in your body!



Additional Reading Material:

Infrared Sauna Therapy for Sleep

Leave Restless Nights Of Tossing And Turning Behind As The Body Sinks Into States Of Deep Relaxation Under The Rays Of The Infrared Light Spectrum

Tossing and turning throughout the night as thoughts keep the mind awake, and the body restless, affects over 60 million Americans every year. Sleeplessness has grown to epidemic proportions. The human body requires substantial states of deep sleep in order to function properly and to maintain health, as well as vitality.

Sleep is a critical component for both physical and mental health. In fact, without sleep, mental capacities are reduced and illness can ensue as the immune system becomes depleted. An individual can survive without eating for longer consecutive days than they can without adequate sleep.

Unfortunately, contemporary living does not support deep, healthful sleep, and there are many factors in the external environment that reduce our ability to fall into states of restful sleep. From high-speed commutes in vehicles, to excessive screen time, to a fast paced lifestyle, the body must compete with many factors in order to find restful sleep. While many sleep-prohibitive influences are beyond the individual’s control, it is possible to enlist the aid of a few tools to reinforce a restful night’s sleep.

Regular infrared sauna therapy may assist individuals in obtaining a restful sleep and can foster all five stages of sleep necessary to maintain the health and longevity of the body.

How can infrared sauna therapy improve the quality and quantity of sleep?

Despite external appearances, sleep is a complex biological and chemical process and requires several components to occur simultaneously in order for the body to fall and stay asleep.

The nature of the radiant light emitted from broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy catapults several necessary biochemical reactions in the body to enhance and improve the quality of sleep.

Regular infrared sauna therapy will relax the central nervous system, slow brain waves down, stimulate the necessary neurotransmitters responsible for the production of melatonin, and aid in thermoregulation. All necessary components to attain a restful nights sleep

Sleep: Why We Need It

Sleep is essential in order to maintain the health and vitality of the body. Despite external appearances, sleep is a dynamic activity and the internal atmosphere of the body comes alive during these auspicious times in order to regenerate itself and reclaim homeostasis.

In reality, the body can withstand a longer period of time without eating than it can without sleeping. Sleep is a primordial need for all humans, and yet many individuals suffer from an array of sleep-related disorders.
According to the American Association of Sleep, this critical activity keeps the body functioning at optimal capacity free from immune-related illness. The association further states that a lack of sleep can be hazardous for drivers and passengers on the road.

“Driver fatigue is responsible for an estimated 100,000 motor vehicle accidents and 1500 deaths each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Since drowsiness is the brain’s last step before falling asleep, driving while drowsy can-and often does-lead to disaster.” (1)

Lack of sleep causes serious issues on the road, and additionally, without adequate sleep the body is unable to regenerate at the cellular level, heal wounds, or keep a healthy immune system. The American Association of Sleep continues to explain the serious impact that lack of sleep has on the immune system when they write:

“…while rats normally live for two to three years, those deprived of REM sleep survive only about 5 weeks on average, and rats deprived of all sleep stages live only about 3 weeks. Sleep-deprived rats also develop abnormally low body temperatures and sores on their tail and paws. The sores may develop because the rats’ immune systems become impaired. Some studies suggest that sleep deprivation affects the immune system in detrimental ways.” (1)
Both sleep disruption and deprivation can be hazardous to our health as well as negatively affecting our ability to perform normal daily tasks, such as driving that can have lethal results.

An estimated 40 million Americans experience chronic and clinical sleep disorders and an additional 20 million Americans experience occasional sleeping problems. This number is only the number of reported cases, there are many more individuals who quietly suffer from sleep deprivation.

Without adequate sleep, disaster can result affecting our mental and physical health, as well as professional and personal life.

What Occurs Biochemically In The Body And Brain To Induce The Five Primary Stages Of Sleep?

While the mind rests throughout the night, the body becomes a dynamic orchestra of cellular transformation. The greater the external stillness that ensues during sleep, the more expansive internal changes and reactions become.

The Five Stages Of Sleep:

Stage 1: This transitional stage occurs as individuals begin to feel drowsy. The mind oscillates between consciousness and unconsciousness. Muscles may jerk and feelings of ‘falling’ into relaxation may occur. This is the beginning of NREM (non- eye movement), and ushers in the following four states of sleep.

At this point, both the mind and body must be relaxed enough to experience drowsiness. For many individuals still in states of stress response, they may feel too anxious to even reach stage one and will lie in bed wide-awake as the mind races.

Stage 2: Almost 50% of the night’s sleep is spent in this state. This portion of sleep continues to be a light sleep with little eye movement. Individuals can easily be awoken from this period of rest with clarity of mind. Brain waves begin to slow down and muscles start to relax and ideally this stage offers a gateway into Rapid Eye Movement (REM).

Stages 3 & 4: These two stages of sleep are often grouped together and represent the deepest states of sleep. Individuals awoken from this stage of sleep will be groggy and possibly disoriented. During this time brain waves move into delta and are slowed down substantially. The core body temperature drops and the heart rate lowers. Breathing becomes slow and steady. This critical portion of sleep is when the body releases necessary hormones to regain homeostasis in the body. Cells begin to regenerate at faster rates and the body undergoes a general repair of all systems.

Stage 5: During this period the dynamic flow of the body’s movements slows down and the mind begins to become energized. Referred to as REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase because the eyes appear to be darting around as the mind and brain become active. It is during this period of sleep that dreams become most active. By the end of stage five individuals begin to wake up as the core temperature rises. (2)

All five stages of sleep are necessary to create a healthy and vitality filled internal atmosphere in the body. All systems are healed and repaired when each of the five stages of sleep are experienced. Depending on a variety of factors, some individuals will not experience the necessary stages of sleep and will be left feeling depleted in the morning.
There are several actions a person can take to enhance the quality of their sleep and therefore the quality of their health and life. Regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy induces biochemical changes in the body to provide a restful and tranquil sleep.

How Can Infrared Sauna Therapy Improve the Quality Of Sleep?

Here is a list of four critical factors that must occur in order to experience adequate, quality sleep and to experience all five stages of sleep:

  • Reset Circadian Rhythm (Release Of Melatonin)
  • Thermoregulation (Body Temperature Lowers)
  • Relax The Autonomic Nervous System
  • The Body Detoxified From Harmful Toxins (3)

When these four criteria are met, sleep in all its stages will come effortlessly as the body is prepared with adequate hormones, chemistry, and states of relaxation. Infrared sauna therapy will regulate these essential factors to enhance the quality and duration of sleep.

The Autonomic Nervous System And Infrared Sauna Therapy: Step Out Of Anxiety To Find Calm Relaxation And Fall Asleep With Ease

Many individuals are unable to fall asleep and stay asleep, as anxiety levels are high and a sense of fearful insecurity courses through the body. Muscles are engaged and the mind seems to be moving a mile a minute as worrisome thoughts echo through the chamber of the mind.

To fully understand a solution for anxiety it is imperative to develop a basic understanding of the autonomic nervous system. Ultimately, worrisome, fearful, and anxious thoughts are a symptom of the body being stuck in stress response.

The autonomic nervous system has two branches: Sympathetic Dominance (stress response, fight or flight, survival) and Parasympathetic Dominance (relaxation, nourishment, recovery and regeneration). Both branches are necessary for our survival and serve a very specific role. The issue is when the autonomic nervous system becomes imbalanced. Sleep becomes very difficult when an imbalance occurs and many folks will turn to pharmaceutical alternatives to induce sleep simply because the body is unable to find relaxation.

Moving into states of survival is important under life threatening circumstances, but many modern everyday occurrences can trigger a stress response in the body, causing adrenaline and cortisol to be released. This floods the body with hormones and chemicals that signal the activation of sympathetic dominance. Ideally, once the threat has passed, individuals will fall back into parasympathetic dominance where nourishment, relaxation, and regeneration can occur.

When the body is in survival, all of the senses are directed outward to ensure that safety can be found. This state of being also creates ‘worst case scenario’ thinking in order to protect the body. The mind scans the horizon for potential threat. This type of thinking is necessary when there is a real threat to our lives.

Many individuals living in our contemporary world remain in the states of stress response for prolonged periods. When this occurs, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to fall asleep at night. The mind is permeated with worst-case scenario thinking, as the muscles remain tense and ‘on call’.Broad spectrum infrared light therapy is an incredible means to draw the body out of states of stress response back into relaxation. Every cell of the body responds to the warm rays of infrared light. Blood vessels expand and muscles relax. Thoughts begin to slow down and calm fills both the body and mind. Stepping into the warm light bath of an infrared sauna draws the body out of stress response back into states of relaxation within minutes (4).

Taking an infrared sauna as part of your daily routine will draw you out of states of survival back into relaxation where the mind can slow down. This will allow you to fall asleep and stay asleep as the mind, emotions, and body relax in rest.

Infrared Sauna Therapy And The Release Of Melatonin

Melatonin, often considered the sleep hormone, is an essential component to falling asleep and staying asleep. Melatonin is also associated with a natural circadian rhythm and becomes more plentiful as the sun goes down and the body begins to cool.

In the center of the brain exists a small pinecone-shaped gland called the pineal gland. This is home to an exquisite hormone factory where serotonin is converted into melatonin. This means that serotonin is a precursor to melatonin and if serotonin levels are low, then melatonin levels will also be low.

Infrared sauna therapy influences the amount of melatonin released at nighttime not because it produces melatonin, but rather because the light rays of the infrared spectrum influence neurotransmitters to produce higher amounts of serotonin.

As you bathe yourself in the warm glow of the broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy, a series of incredible biochemical changes occur, including the release of dopamine, the conduit of serotonin. The brain reacts to the light of the infrared spectrum to augment both dopamine and serotonin. As serotonin uptake rises there is more available to convert into melatonin in the pineal gland (5).

Regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy is correlated to higher levels of melatonin. Where there is a healthy supply of melatonin, there will also be an effortless movement into stage one and two of sleep.

As melatonin is released the body receives the message that it is time to tuck away for the evening for a deep and restful night’s sleep!

Thermoregulation And Infrared Sauna Therapy

The cooling off of the body’s core temperature is a key component to the act of ‘falling’ asleep and maintaining states of sleep throughout the night. The body will reach its lowest temperature at around 4 AM during the deepest states of sleep.

An essential component in the process of falling asleep is the dropping down of the core temperature. Traditionally, a hot bath or shower at night will assist in the process of thermoregulation. Similarly, as an infrared sauna is enjoyed, the core temperature of the body will rise by a couple of degrees. After stepping out of the sauna the body’s temperature will begin to drop (6).

As the core temperature drops after an infrared sauna session, drowsiness will ensue. This process will aid in both falling asleep and also staying asleep throughout the night. Taking an infrared sauna in the evening can be likened to taking hot baths on supercharge!

Infrared Sauna Therapy As A Detoxification Protocol: Ridding The Body Of Harmful Toxins Will Help Induce Sleep

When the body is exposed to the power of the broad-spectrum infrared light in the enclosed space of a sauna, core temperature rises. The penetrative rays of infrared light move into the soft tissue of the body to create internal temperature change.

As the body’s temperature rises, profuse sweating occurs to alleviate the body of harmful toxins, including cadmium, lead, and mercury. When the body is host to harmful toxins within, stress response is induced to protect the body from invasion. Adrenaline and cortisol are released to protect the body from internal pollutants. When this occurs it becomes impossible to find states of rest and relaxation (7).

Regular and consistent infrared sauna therapy will rid the body of harmful toxins over time. As this occurs the body will be better able to relax and therefore fall asleep and stay asleep!

A radical detoxification protocol as found in infrared sauna therapy will free the body from harmful toxins. These same pollutants within stimulate stress response as the body fights to keep the internal climate healthy and toxin free. This stress response is relaxation prohibitive and therefore makes sleep difficult if the individual is carrying a heavy load of toxins.

Rid the body of harmful pollutants through infrared sauna therapy to obtain deep rejuvenating and restful states of sleep!

Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy Can Assist You To Fall Into Deep And Restful Sleep

There is no doubt that adequate sleep will enhance the body’s natural ability to repair itself, maintain balance, and ultimately enhance not only the quantity, but the quality of sleep. While there are many external factors beyond the individual’s control that prohibit the body from falling into deep states of sleep, there are a few rituals that can be incorporated daily to aid and assist the body into deep sleep free from pharmaceuticals. The relaxation induced through infrared sauna therapy will prepare the body for a restful night’s sleep.

In addition to the calming effects of the infrared rays, this treatment will also enhance the production of melatonin (in the pineal gland in response to the light), also known as the sleep hormone, coupled with thermoregulation, this cutting edge treatment is a perfect recipe to induce the quality and quantity of sleep necessary to maintain health and vitality in the body.

By incorporating regular broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy into your daily routine you can support the systems that allow the body to fall asleep and therefore step into a richly fulfilling life both on the mattress and off!



Additional Reading Material:

Can Using Infrared Sauna Therapy Improve Blood Circulation?

Discover Health And Vitality Under The Warm Rays Of Infrared Light To Experience Greater Blood Circulation.

The human body is a complex system and depends on the powerful and constant circulation of blood. The beating of the heart pumps and nurtures the steady and fluid flow of blood to the furthest extremities of the body.

When circulation is obstructed, inflammation occurs and a variety of illnesses may ensue. It is widely accepted that aerobic exercise promotes positive blood circulation; but unfortunately, vigorous exercise is often prohibitive to many individuals. However, there are other ways of improving blood circulation and perhaps the safest and most effective is broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy.

What Is Blood Circulation And How Does It Work In The Human Body?

Most know a little bit about the circulatory system and it might even seem absurd to ask the question – What is blood circulation? To grasp the profound impact that infrared sauna therapy has on the potential improvement of circulation it is important to understand some of the basic principles of the circulatory system.

Blood circulates from the heart throughout the body  and travels through an intricate network of arteries, into microscopic vessels, and back through the veins and into the heart once again. The perpetual flow of blood moving throughout the body delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to the organs, tissues, and cells within the physiological structure of the body (1).

The circulatory system is a complex system of pathways moving in a fluid order originating from the heart. This uninterrupted movement of blood is necessary to maintain the supply of oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the digestive system to the rest of the body. The five liters of blood contained in the blood vessels of a typical adult in a resting posture moves throughout the entire circulatory system in about one minute. Blood will flow throughout the circulatory system 1500 times per day even without exercise or any other therapy modality to improve circulation (1).

The pulmonary system is entirely dependent on the circulatory system and ultimately weaves together to create a magnificent orchestra of the harmoniously fluid movement of oxygen and nutrients carried in the blood to the muscles, connective tissues, organs, glands, and brain.

The awe-inspiring action of the beating of the heart can be considered the engine of the circulatory system. The pulsation of the heart pumps nutrient-rich blood through the arteries, into a network of vascular transmitters and finally into veins that lead back to the heart and lungs.

The importance of a high functioning circulatory system cannot be understated. The health and vitality of the entire body depends on the fluid movement of blood circulation on a minute-by-minute basis. 

Finding treatment modalities that improve blood circulation is paramount to healthy living. Infrared sauna therapy may improve circulation throughout the body and therefore may have a positive impact on a variety of health issues.

What are some of the health benefits associated with Improved Blood Circulation?

Increased blood flow raises oxygen levels in the body and in turn provides a cascade of health benefits relating to a variety of illnesses. The National Library of Medicine states:

“Red blood cells have specific tasks of carrying oxygen to your body’s vital organs, providing vitality and energy. When your vital organs and circulatory system work in unison, you have adequate blood flow.” (2)

Increased oxygen flow to different parts of the body through improved circulation promotes cell growth and internal organ function. As circulation improves, the largest organ of the body, the skin, is better able to ward off harmful bacteria and infection from the outside world. Improved blood circulation will positively affect the entire function of the body and promote health and vitality through and throughout the human organism.

What Specific Illnesses Are Positively Affected By Improved Circulation?

· Rheumatoid Arthritis

· Osteoid Arthritis

· High Blood Pressure

· Diabetes

· Psoriasis

· Fibromyalgia

· Parkinson’s Disease

· Alzheimer’s Disease

· Depression And Anxiety

· Musculoskeletal Injuries (3)

As circulation improves and blood flow becomes rapid and fluid throughout the body, blood pressure is lowered. This helps to prevent heart-related illness that results from high blood pressure (constricted arteries).

Healthy blood circulation is essential for individuals with diabetes. Improving circulation allows healthy blood to reach the furthest extremities of the body, which is crucial for those with diabetes. It is the lack of positive blood circulation that causes many of the complications associated with diabetes. By improving blood circulation the outer extremities of the body will be nourished with oxygen and nutrients, this will help prevent some of the painful symptoms affecting those with diabetes.

Improved blood circulation decreases the occurrence of inflammation in all parts of the body. Inflammation is painful, particularly as it affects the joints. Individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis will notice a remarkable improvement of symptom expression when circulation is improved.

Athletes will experience faster muscular recovery with improved circulation as the cellular networks of muscles are fed greater amounts of oxygen. Injuries will heal at faster rates with improved circulation.

Broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy may drastically improve blood circulation and therefore stoke a cascade of health benefits. Additionally, infrared sauna therapy is a safe way of improving circulation and is accessible to individuals who may not be able to engage in vigorous exercise.

How Does Infrared Sauna Therapy Improve Blood Circulation? 

The radiant heat of infrared light burrows deep within the soft tissue of the body to raise the internal temperature of the body.

Infrared light wavelengths exist on the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be seen with the human eye, but can be felt as heat. The infrared waves of light penetrate deeply into and past the epidermis into the soft tissues of the body and therefore fully engage the body’s cellular response. 

Human anatomy viewed from the perspective of an active living organism constantly in conversation with itself gives way to an appreciation of the dance with its external environment. When the body is exposed to the healing rays of the infrared spectrum, the living anatomy invites the light into its network system, creating a domino effect of health originating with improved blood circulation.

Improved blood circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients at faster rates to the vital organs, brain, joints, muscles, skeletal structure, and skin. A heightened level of oxygen running through the body reduces the occurrence of inflammation and therefore pain.

As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body, the cellular mechanism responds in excitement. The human form is comprised of 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) occurs. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light, particularly sensitive to deeply penetrating rays of the infrared light. As soon as the body is exposed to the broad spectrum of infrared light, ATP production becomes exponential.

As ATP production increases in response to the infrared light exposure, this releases nitric acid, which hyperoxygenates the hemoglobin. The freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow throughout the body like a fast-moving river (4).

Inflammation occurs in the body as a response to injury, stress, and illness. Where there is inflammation there is also a lack of oxygen. When the body is exposed to the infrared light spectrum nutrient and oxygen-rich blood circulates at an improved rate through the body.

It can be imagined that the circulatory system is like rivers running throughout the body and inflammation creates blockages to these rivers. Under the influence of the infrared sauna spectrum, circulation becomes fluid and moves through inflamed areas bringing higher levels of oxygen. This movement releases the obstructed pathways and circulation becomes fluid once again.

Within just a few minutes of entering into an infrared sauna, ATP production increases, and oxygen production becomes higher. Blood circulation flows fluidly to restore the body back to homeostasis.

Who Can Benefit From Using Infrared Sauna Therapy To Improve Circulation: Particularly Those For Whom Exercise Is Prohibitive

It is well documented that aerobic exercise improves blood circulation; unfortunately, vigorous exercise is not available to all individuals. If movement is impaired for any reason it is still important that blood continues to flow fluidity throughout the circulatory system. If this does not occur, the body is thrown out of balance and health becomes depleted.

Spending 30 minutes in an infrared sauna will deliver the same results to the cardiovascular system as a light jog or walk. As the core temperature of the body rises during an infrared sauna session, vasodilation begins to occur. Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels. When blood vessels dilate the flow of blood is increased as a result of augmented cardiac output. This action decreases pressure on the arteries and lowers blood pressure. This is the identical process that occurs with aerobic exercise, except that the body is resting in a seated or reclined manner (4).

Anyone recovering from injury or who is movement impaired can sit back and relax in an infrared sauna and still reap the benefits of moderate aerobic exercise to improve circulation.

Exercise also induces sweating, a critical component for health and vitality. The heat produced from the infrared sauna causes the body to sweat profusely. This powerfully rids the body of toxic build-up from a cellular level. Toxic pollutants stored in the body’s network are correlating factors contributing to inducing the stress response. Prolonged states of the stress response are linked to chronic inflammation. Perspiration encourages the movement of harmful toxins up and out of the body. The powerful detoxification protocol that results from infrared sauna therapy releases the body from chronic stress (6).

Infrared Sauna Therapy Encourages A Positive Shift In The Autonomic Nervous System To Improve Blood Circulation

The infrared sauna is an oasis of relaxation. A relaxed body ignites cellular rejuvenation and regeneration. Increased circulation, relaxation, and detoxification are powerful components to the creation of a healthy internal climate of the body.

Attaining states of relaxation is necessary for nourishment and cellular repair to occur. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for creating states of being within the body. The sympathetic dominance of the autonomic nervous system occurs in response to either internal or external threats. It is the fight or flight response. This adaptive protocol ensures the safety of the body. Attention and energy are directed outward to protect the body. Circulation throughout the body is stunted and the vital organs are unable to capitalize on the availability of necessary nutrients. If states of the stress response or fight or flight are prolonged illness becomes inevitable (6).

Regular use of broad spectrum infrared saunas increases circulation to promote overall health by drawing individuals out of sympathetic dominance back into states of parasympathetic dominance where relaxation, nourishment, and growth can occur. When the body and mind are relaxed circulation improves. With improved circulation comes the ability for all portions of the body to be fed oxygen and nutrients. Arteries open and blood pressure is lowered.

Basking within the rays of the infrared light spectrum for just 15 minutes will alter states of being and draw the body back into parasympathetic dominance where blood circulation is fluid and nourishment occurs.

Bask In The Warm Rays Of The Infrared Sauna To Improve Blood Circulation

Woman laying in a sauna, which potentially improves blood circulation

The circulatory system of the body maintains coherent communication between all portions of human physiology. Circulation of blood feeds, nourishes, and keeps the body full of vital life force. Where there is a restriction in circulation, there is also illness. Improved blood circulation improves the overall function of the body affecting a myriad of conditions.

As we care for our physical bodies, improving blood circulation needs to be prioritized. Even where mobility issues cause aerobic exercise to be prohibitive, regular infrared sauna therapy will improve blood circulation, even while seated.

The unique relationship between the infrared light spectrum and the human body stokes a cascade of biochemical reactions that improve the oxygenation of the body through enhanced circulation.

If you are looking to lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, or enjoy the benefits of moderate exercise while in a seated or reclined position, the infrared sauna therapy will likely be the ideal option to improve blood circulation.



Additional Sources:

The Health Benefits of Using Infrared Sauna Therapy for the Skin

Youthful, Glowing, Revitalized, And Purified

Youthful, radiant, and glowing skin is the promise fulfilled through full-spectrum infrared sauna therapy. The skin is the largest organ of the body and reflects the overall health of our bio-physiology. As a partition between our inner and outer world, the skin protects the body and is the first demonstrative expression of ourselves as we interact with the world around us. For this reason, it is important for many individuals to express clear, radiant, and attractive skin. Conditions affecting the skin can create an emotional atmosphere of diminished self-esteem, self-worth, and a lack of confidence.

Infrared sauna therapy is beneficial for the skin because it addresses both underlying chronic conditions that cause irritating skin rashes, blemishes, and the appearance of aged skin as well as enhances collagen production, and therefore the elasticity of the skin, thus purifying the outer membrane to produce smooth, taut, and radiantly youthful glowing skin.

With a market saturated in anti-aging products from lotions and creams to surgeries, ultimately what is needed is a healthy internal biological environment that is reflected through the skin membrane. After just one infrared sauna session the texture, appearance, and purity of the skin will be remarkably enhanced.

If you are looking to improve the quality of your skin for the sake of appearances there is no other treatment parallel to infrared sauna therapy available today. If you or someone you love is suffering from chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, or eczema, infrared sauna therapy will help regulate the biochemistry of the body to improve symptom expression.

Infrared sauna treatments acts as a powerful exfoliator and will assist in wound healing and the reparation of scarring. Regardless of the motivation to improve the skin, infrared sauna therapy will deliver on the promise of youthful, glowing, radiant, and smooth skin.

Reduce The Biological Age Of Your Skin With Infrared Sauna Therapy: A Natural Anti-Aging Method To Improve The Overall Quality Of Your Skin.

· Enhance Collagen Production

· Augment Elasticity

· Plump, Smooth, And Revitalize The Skin

· Improve Circulation

· A More Youthful Skin Coloration

Chronological age is fixed and every day that passes we all grow older yet, despite the increase of years spent on the planet, we can impact the biological expression of our skin. The anti-aging market is saturated with creams, lotions, and even surgeries attempting to offer a solution to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as dull and saggy skin. Ultimately the health of the skin will determine the quality of its appearance and this is why infrared sauna therapy produces unparalleled results as an anti-aging solution for the skin.

Genetics, lifestyle, and the environment are contributing factors in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and drooping skin. Healthy skin appears youthful and vibrant regardless of chronological age. The goal of any anti-aging program is to create healthy skin. When balance is restored to the skin the result will be a youthful, glowing, and smooth textured appearance.

So how does infrared sauna therapy improve the health of skin and therefore create a more youthful appearance?

When broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy combines the near, mid, and far spectrum of infrared light, each wavelength aids in the improvement of skin health in specific ways. The mid and far spectrum of infrared light penetrates deeply into the soft tissue of the body. This radiant heat penetrates beyond the initial epidermis of the skin to increase internal temperatures. As core temperature increases a cascade of biochemical responses occurs within the physiological network.

When temperatures rise, circulation moves from the internal regions to the peripheral parts of the body, namely the skin. As circulation improves the skin becomes full-bodied with a plump appearance as the skin holds tightly to the muscles and bones of the body. Improved blood circulation will create a resonate color to the skin associated with youthful vitality. You will walk out of your first infrared sauna session with a rosy glowing look to your cheeks!

Why is collagen important for skin? How does infrared sauna therapy stimulate collagen production?

Collagen is a protein that supports your body’s tissues and is the primary component of the body’s connective tissues. Collagen occupies 80% of the dermis, the secondary layer of skin below the epidermis. Collagen strengthens the skin to keep it taut, firm, and connected, while elastin allows the skin to stretch and bounce back again.

Both collagen and elastin are the fibers that create the supporting structure of the skin. Youthful skin is plentiful in both these fibrous proteins; regardless of your chronological age, it is possible to bolster the health of these two fibers working in harmony to create healthy and aesthetically appealing skin.

Broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy stimulates collagen production. The unique relationship between the near infrared spectrum and the cellular network of the body working in conjunction will boost collagen production. Over time with regular infrared sauna sessions, the skin will rebuild high levels of collagen found in youthful skin.

While it is impossible to stop the clock, it is possible to reverse the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with regular infrared sauna use by enhancing collagen production.

Even if an individual chooses a surgical facelift to address the appearance of aged skin, it is still important to remember that the quality of skin still matters. Regardless of other possible anti-aging treatments healthy, vibrant skin is essential to a youthful appearance and infrared sauna therapy will effortlessly and safely provide this.

Broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy is so effective as an anti-aging solution because it stimulates blood flow to improve skin coloration augments collagen production to firm the skin, and finally, the intensity of perspiration that occurs detoxifies, purifies, and cleanses the skin from within to produce a clear and radiant complexion.

Purify And Detoxify The Skin With Infrared Sauna Therapy: Find Symptom Relief From Acne

Infrared sauna therapy is among the most powerful means of detoxification. Constant bacterial infection creates the external expression of chronic acne. To heal acne the body needs to detoxify harmful bacteria out of the system from a cellular level.

The deeply penetrative wavelengths of infrared light move into the soft tissue of the body to increase internal temperatures. In effect, the infrared light induces an artificial fever. A fever serves the body by disinfecting the internal mechanism of harmful bacteria. Infrared sauna therapy has the same effect on the body as a naturally occurring fever, except that once you step out the sauna internal temperatures are lowered once again.

Both mild and serious cases of acne find resolution with regular infrared sauna sessions (at least 15-minute sessions, three times per week). The underlying cause of acne is addressed by ridding the body of harmful bacteria through intense perspiration and also the skin itself is cleansed of lingering impurities.

After each infrared sauna session, it is important to shower immediately afterward with a gentle cleanser to remove toxicities from the skin. Infrared sauna therapy provides a powerful means of quickly ridding the body of acne through unparalleled detoxification protocol.

Find Homeostasis Of The Autonomic Nervous System For Relief From Symptoms Of Psoriasis And Eczema With Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy

While psoriasis and eczema are two distinct chronic conditions affecting the skin both respond remarkably well to regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy.

Psoriasis is classified as an autoimmune disorder and is a condition that is the result of the immune system triggering new skin cell growth faster than normal and therefore builds up layers of skin on top of each other.

Eczema is a condition that responds to outer environmental factors such as bacteria and allergens. Both conditions, however, are exacerbated by the stress response. If the body can move efficiently out of sympathetic dominance (states of fight or flight/stress response) back into parasympathetic dominance (rest, rejuvenation, nourishment, and relaxation) individuals will experience extended periods of disease remission.

Infrared sauna therapy bathes individuals in the warm hues of penetrative light to gently coax the body out of stress response back into states of deep relaxation where rejuvenation and rest can occur. Regular infrared sauna therapy will encourage individuals to easily find parasympathetic dominance and therefore avoid prolonged periods of the stress response, which is a major culprit in symptom expression in both cases of psoriasis and eczema.

In addition to the benefits of finding lasting states of relaxation, infrared sauna therapy detoxifies the body of impurities or allergens that are affecting these skin conditions. The body is purified through perspiration and leaves individuals with a cleansed feeling throughout the skin, free from itchy sensations that make both these skin conditions so challenging.

Further, any scarring that has resulted from these chronic skin conditions begins to heal as a result of augmented collagen production in response to the infrared light spectrum.

It is important to continue with regular infrared sauna use to experience a noticeable change. Individuals suffering from psoriasis may experience an initial aggravation of symptoms after the first few sessions but very shortly will notice a remarkable improvement in symptom expression.

Infrared Sauna Therapy: Exfoliate Powerfully To Rapidly Increase Wound And Scar Healing And Produce A Healthy, Radiant, And Glowing Skin

There are several factors at play during an infrared sauna session that causes the skin to heal at faster rates. Firstly, the increase in internal body temperature causes profuse sweating to occur. As the body detoxifies in this particular way skin is moistened and dead skin cells are easily removed. Exfoliation of the skin is effortless and as you step out of the infrared sauna fresh new skin is revealed.

Simultaneous to the intensity of exfoliation that occurs, collagen production is enhanced, this reveals radiant new skin cells. Skin becomes smooth as old skins cells wash away. Scars from burns or surgeries are healed at exponential rates with regular infrared sauna sessions. This occurs because as old skin cells fall away new ones are created under the influence of the nourishing near infrared rays that enhances collagen production.

While scars may not disappear immediately, the appearance of an even skin tone and a smooth texture will predominate the affected area. After about six months of regular infrared sauna use, you can expect to see a noticeable difference in previously scarred regions of the body.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Provides Unparalleled Results To Expose Youthful, Radiant, Smooth, And Glowing Skin

The synergistic dance between the full infrared light spectrum and human physiology produces incomparable results for the skin. It is possible to effortlessly and safely create youthful, plump, and smooth skin without surgery or expensive creams. Infrared sauna therapy will induce powerful exfoliation while simultaneously augmenting collagen production.

The unrivaled anti-aging benefits power of infrared sauna therapy is awe-inspiring. After just one session there will be noticeable improvements in the appearance and texture of your skin.

Individuals experiencing chronic skin conditions will benefit from regular infrared sauna therapy to find relief from uncomfortable symptoms. If you or someone you love is looking to find a safe and affordable means of improving the appearance of scars on the skin, infrared sauna therapy will help to recondition skin growth as well as radically exfoliate old patterns of skin expression.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and reflects the overall health and vitality of physiology, it is also the initial layer of the physical self that is presented to the outer world. To create a youthful appearance, smooth texture, and overall healthier-looking skin, infrared sauna therapy will absolutely deliver the skin you have always dreamed of.

If you have any more questions about how an infrared sauna can help your skin, please contact us today!
