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Can Saunas Help Chronic Headache Sufferers

Infrared Light Bathing For Headache Relief

Recently, studies suggest that individuals living with chronic cluster headaches, from tension, sinus, and migraines benefit from regular sauna bathing with clinically significant results. Moreover, research suggests that the specific benefits of broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy can greatly reduce the expression of painful and debilitating headaches for individuals who had once experienced episodic chronic cluster headaches.

Everyone at some point in their life will experience some type of pain in the head; at times it can be difficult to describe the discomfort that occurs. There are as many different causes for headaches as there are types of headaches.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, medical professionals are beginning to define the type of headache less, and more recently have begun to diagnose headaches along a continuum:

“Symptoms of headaches fall along a continuum ordered by their characteristics: the occasional tension headache is at one end and the migraine headache is at the other. In between are chronic daily headaches, which can start with features typical of either tension or migraine headache.”

Can Sauna Bathing Really Reduce The Frequency Of Headaches: The Clinical Data

According to a revelatory study conducted by Giresh Kanji and his team of researchers that was published by the US National Institute Of Health (NCBI):

“Regular sauna bathing is a simple, self-directed treatment that is effective for reducing headache pain intensity in CTTH (Chronic tension-like headaches).”

In this study a group of 37 individuals who all suffered with chronic tension headaches, meaning at least 15 episodes of headaches per month, were divided into two groups. The control group was exposed to educational material and advice pertaining to their headaches, while the intervention group received the same advice and attended a sauna regularly over a period of eight weeks.

By the end of the study an assessment was made of both groups, the symptom relief afforded the intervention group was overwhelmingly positive in contrast to the control group that did not participate in regular sauna bathing. The intervention group experienced fewer disturbances in sleep, depression, and painful cluster headaches.

infrared sauna headache help

So, what happens in a sauna to create overwhelmingly positive results for individuals living with chronic headaches?

A cascade of biochemical changes flood the body during sauna bathing, affecting the circulatory system, the autonomic nervous system, brain wave expression, and the cardiovascular system. Understanding the transmutation of physiological expression will reveal the impact that regular heat therapy can have for individuals living with chronic headaches.

Why Does Sauna Bathing Bring Relief To Headache Sufferers: The Cascade Of Biochemical Changes

  •   Improved Circulation
  •   Transference Of The Autonomic Nervous System
  •    Endorphin Secretion
  •   Brain Waves Transfer From High Beta To Alpha

The use of over the counter painkillers to numb headaches is effective in reducing the experience of symptoms, ultimately though, this action does not address underlying issues that may be causing the chronic headaches: Namely, states of stress response.

The atmospheric heat rendered within any type of sauna creates an increase in internal temperatures. As with any heat therapy, heart rate is increased, blood vessels expand, and the brain begins to release endorphins similar to those experienced during moderate exercise. All of these factors render the muscular system of the body relaxed, thereby releasing any tension that may be held, particularly through the jaw, neck, and upper back. As tension is released, so too is the primary cause of tension headaches in many individuals.

Expressed states of physical stress can all be linked back to the autonomic nervous system. When the body is in states of survival, either from external threats emanating from contextual life, pathogens in the air, or from ongoing internal infection, both the body and brain are on high alert. This means that all energy is directed and projected outside of the body to survive, rather than inward toward healing and nourishment. Muscles contract and hug close to the skeletal system, over a prolonged period of time, this action evolves into chronic tension that can be a contributing causative factor in chronic headaches.

If individuals can relax, the autonomic nervous system will transfer back to a parasympathetic state where cellular rejuvenation can occur, and where blood flow is improved. Muscles release their grip on the skeletal structure and tension is eased out from significant muscle groups thus rendering both the muscular and skeletal structure relaxed. Moreover, this state of being has hugely positive effects on brain wave activity.

While resting in the atmospheric heat of a sauna, the body will begin naturally, through no effort, to move back to states of relaxation and regeneration. As this occurs there is a significant change in brain wave activity. In general, as individuals move throughout their day at work, or tending to household demands, the brain is in beta waves, higher activity. This means that energy and perception is directed out of the body, and in general this is an effective state for the brain to be in to accomplish tasks and take in new information.

can infrared sauna help headache

In order to fall asleep brain waves must move from beta, to alpha, to theta, and eventually into delta for deep states of sleep. As the autonomic nervous system relaxes under the influence of heat from the sauna, this influences the brain to drop from beta to alpha waves, as this occurs the muscular system begins to ease into relaxation.

When brain waves are slower, muscles relax, sleep is improved, and headaches begin to express with less and less frequency and intensity. It is imperative for individuals who suffer with chronic headaches to find a means by which to transfer the autonomic nervous system out of stress response back into states of rest and relaxation where full body tension can be released.

Instead of popping over the counter painkillers, individuals who turn to sauna bathing to treat chronic headaches experience, not only temporary symptom relief, but also address the deep underlying issue surrounding headaches: Stress.

Why Choose Broad-Spectrum Infrared Sauna Bathing To Resolve Headaches?

  •      Increased Oxygenation Of The Cells
  •      Improved Neurotransmitter Release (Dopamine, Beta-Endorphins and Serotonin)
  •       Detoxification From Harmful Substances
  •   Release Of Muscular Tension
  •       Deeper States Of Restful Sleep
  •       Natural Opioid

The unique quality and attributes of the infrared spectrum has a strong influence on the workings of the brain and also strongly affects the production of neurotransmitters. The production of dopamine, beta-endorphins, and serotonin is important in treating headaches of all kinds because these neurotransmitters have a natural opioid effect.

With regular exposure to the infrared light spectrum, within the isolated chambers of a sauna, powerfully increases the production of neurotransmitters. Not only, do these mighty brain messengers reduce the experience of pain, they allow for sleep to come with greater ease. Serotonin is necessary for sleep because it is within the pineal gland that serotonin is converted into melatonin. Melatonin allows the body to maintain a natural circadian rhythm. If serotonin levels are low, melatonin levels will be low also and effectively sleep will be disrupted.

Where there is a lack of restful sleep, tension in the body increases and therefore the frequency and intensity of headaches also is augmented.

Toxins existing within the body from heavy metals, lactic acid, to harmful bacterial infection, can cause a stress response that influences the autonomic nervous system. This ultimately keeps the mind on high alert. Infrared sauna therapy increases the internal temperature of the body and this causes a voluminous secretion of perspiration. As pores open up to release sweat, within the sweat is carried many potentially harmful internal toxins. When the body is carrying less of a toxic load, the body will naturally drop back into states of relaxation and therefore headache reduction will follow suit!

Finally, the unique quality of the relationship between the near, mid, and far infrared light serves to activate the mitochondria within every cell of the body, ultimately this serves to oxygenate the blood stream and improve circulation.

With regular infrared sauna bathing, individuals can expect to severely alter their experience of headaches, including the frequency, duration, and intensity.

Regular Infrared Sauna Bathing May Positively Impact Individuals With Chronic Headaches, BUT You Must Hydrate

The positive impact of regular broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy on headaches is truly astounding, however due to the rate of prolific sweating that occurs, these benefits can only be enjoyed if you stay well hydrated.

This means drinking plenty of healthy water before (at least 24 hours prior), during, and after your sauna sessions. It is important to fuel up on water with high mineral content, coconut water, and even some juices lower in sugar.

If the body is not properly hydrated in preparation for sauna bathing, the aim of headache reduction becomes counter intuitive. If you are looking toward sauna bathing as a means to treat chronic headaches be mindful to fuel the body before, during, and after each session with plenty of healthy water.

Find Relief For Chronic Headaches With Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy

Living with chronic headaches are debilitating, painful, and sadly can interfere with the enjoyment of life, as these excruciating symptoms can keep individuals from participating in everyday activities.

Chronic headaches require more than a Band-Aid solution: Headaches occurring regularly are a cry for help from the body. Ultimately finding a solution that addresses the underlying causes of headaches will ensure vitality, health, and well being for individuals over the course of their lifetime.

There is now enough clinically significant data that demonstrates sauna bathing as an effective tool to treat causative factors contributing to chronic headaches.

Take back your life, and bathe yourself in the healing rays of infrared light. Begin to enjoy your career, family, and friends as you carve out a new future unencumbered by the debilitating effects of chronic headaches.


Infrared Sauna Use And Heat Shock Proteins

Ground Breaking Evidence Suggests That These Small, Yet Mighty, Protein Chaperones May Positively Affect Genetic Coding, Immunity, And Longevity

The nexus point of scientific discovery with ancient tradition gives voice and explanation to what our ancestors have known since before recorded history: Exposing the body to extreme temperatures, both high and low, for specific durations of time, positively affects health, longevity, and overall wellness. Clinical research into the fields of microbiology, coupled with the advent of technological instruments that allow for the witnessing of the candid musings of cellular life, can now explain why humans have turned to heat therapy for millennia.

The discovery of Heat Shock Proteins in the early 1960s explains at the molecular biological level why humans have turned to thermal therapy to purify the body, cleanse the mind, and to find commune with a higher power across time and lands (1).

Regular use of broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy capitalizes on the radiant heat from these light waves to enhance the production of Heat Shock Proteins, thereby inducing an intracellular community rich in structured proteins and free from harmful free radicals.

The unique qualities of infrared light, when contained in a cabin like structure, magnifies the impact of the physiological response to the intentional increase in atmospheric heat to produce Heat Shock Proteins. From preventing neurological degenerative disease, increasing cardiovascular health, as well as assisting with longer periodic remission of autoimmune disorders, Heat Shock Proteins, though microscopic, can transform the entire physiological expression of individual organisms (2).

Simple lifestyle adjustments that incorporate regular broad-spectrum infrared sauna use, can transform the internal atmosphere of your own physiology to ensure balance, health, and wellness for a higher quantity and quality of life.

What Are Heat Shock Proteins, and What Purpose Do They Serve?

For anyone unfamiliar with molecular biology, the mere expression of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs), may seem a little ‘out there’ and irrelevant to our day to day contextual life. In reality, however, these ‘molecular chaperones’ (as they have been nicknamed), play an enticing role in maintaining our physical, as well as our emotional health and wellbeing.

Understanding the basic workings of these microscopic protein chaperones will help individuals take appropriate action in their lives to support the excretion of HSPs into the intercellular climate, where they can begin to work their magic!

cold therapy heat shock protein

When thermal stress (higher or lower temperatures than what the given species is normally habituated to) are placed on organisms from fruit flies, tissues, to human beings, something quite extraordinary happens: All of these observed organic structures begin to produce, something medical clinicians and scientists have called, Heat Shock Proteins. When HSPs are created in response to thermal stress in the external environment they produce groundbreaking benefits to the intercellular atmosphere within both small and large organisms.

HSPs are within the family of macromolecular structures, despite their tiny size, their discovery in the early 1960s has opened up wide the doors in the field of genetics, changing forever how the scientific and medical communities view our genetic mapping. HSPs provide an opportunity for each organism to ‘up-regulate’ gene expression. Results in clinical studies of HSPs over the past five decades have been so substantial, that it begs the question:

Is our environment equally important to our genetic make-up as our predetermined genetic coding in relation to our expressed health and wellness?

Peer reviewed Neuroscience Letters journal by Dr. Miles S. Lyon, and Dr. Carol Milligan, would suggest that an organism’s ability to produce HSPs in response to thermal stress initiates the adaptive capability of intercellular communities to find homeostasis within, and ultimately find victory over neurologically degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’, ALS, and Parkinson’s Disease:

“As such, the delivery of exogenous HSPs and the in-creased secretion of HSPs by surrounding cells have suggested a therapeutic approach to treating neurodegenerative disease indicating that the availability of HSP 110 may be a necessary and crucial factor in using the HSPs as intracellular therapeutic modulator for neurodegenerative disease” (3)

A seemingly bold observation, however, these findings are based on sound clinical study. Known vernacularly as ‘molecular chaperones’, HSPs ensure that proteins maintain the integrity of shape, size, and movement within neurological structures.

So, What Exactly IS a Heat Shock Protein?

There are many different classifications of HSPs (all of which are classified by their molecular weight and their specific intracellular functions), there are far too many to name for the purposes of this article, however all of them are referred to as ‘molecular chaperones’, because they serve to re-stabilize, re-organize, and rejuvenate intercellular order. Considering HSPs as chaperones makes sense, because in very lay terms, they serve to escort the subcellular translocation of proteins (4).

HSPs play an essential role in maintaining the efficacy of any system or systems of organisms. An increase in HSPs within human physiology has demonstrated to aid in the prevention of serious neurological conditions, as well as other chronic autoimmune disorders.

With this information in mind the goal, then becomes how can we create more of these small, yet mighty protein escorts?

HSPs are created when organisms are subjected to fluctuations of temperatures extreme enough to move beyond habituated temperature.

infrared sauna heat shock protein

While, the term ‘Heat Shock Proteins’ was originally given to these molecular guardians based on the original experiments involving higher external heat in the early 1960s, in fact, cells begin to excrete an increase in this variety of protein escorts while under cold duress as well as heat (1).

All organisms, humans included, benefit from the increased secretion of HSPs in fascinating and elaborate ways.

Health Benefits From Increased Heat Shock Proteins In The Body:

  • Reparation of Mis-folded And Damaged Proteins
  • Increased Immune Response
  • Reduction Of Free Radicals
  • Faster Muscle Recovery
  • Reduction Of The Biological Expression Of Age
  • Contributing Factor In The Prevention Of Neurological Degenerative Disease

A tall order of potential health benefits results from increasing the cadence and volume of HSP production from within the cellular structure into intercellular communities. The health and well being of human physiology depends upon the maintenance of the three-dimensional quality of proteins. When proteins lose the integrity of their shape or linger between cells without direction, the negative health consequences are extreme.

Consider a bus full of thirty young school-age children off on an adventurous field trip on a cold February day. If there is one adult chaperone for the children, some order will be maintained, but ensuring that all the winter coats are zipped up, mittens put on, hats tied and so forth would be difficult. Add three more adults and suddenly many more of the children are specifically cared for and winter garments are secured into position with greater ease and more children protected from the cold. Imagine, then if there was one adult chaperone per child, then all jackets are zipped up, mittens on, and all children protected from the cold! HSPs play a very similar role within human physiology with respect to their function as molecular chaperones: To ensure that proteins and peptides maintain their shape and purpose.

All portions of health and wellness are improved when the quantity of HSP production is increased.

What can we do to increase the quantity and regular secretion of HSPs into our body?

Gratefully, today is the best time in history to make lifestyle choices that support the production of HSPs in the body: Among the most effective tools available today is broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy.

Tools To Increase Heat Shock Proteins In The Body: The Ancient Tradition Of Thermal Therapy

Our ancestors have been creating and turning to various forms of thermal therapy throughout the ages. While the structures and type of heat used for the purposes of thermal therapy units have varied throughout history, their basic innate purpose has remained the same. From Native American sweat lodges, Turkish Hammans, traditional Finnish saunas, Japanese hot spring baths and to the most recent evolution in heat therapy, the infrared sauna, all provide an opportunity to expose the body to increased external heat for specific periods of time. The regular use of any of the above mentioned models of thermal therapy would enhance the production of HSPs.

hot springs heat shock protein

With a variety of tools available to intentionally increase external heat and therefore the production of HSPs, why choose broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy?

Broad-spectrum infrared light saunas provide the same benefits as most traditional models of heat therapy, but because the source of heat is radiant, the cascade of health benefits derived from the cellular response to the light waves is exponential.

Why Is Infrared Sauna Therapy The Number One Choice To Enhance Heat Shock Protein Production?

The very specific effects of the infrared light spectrum on human biology compound the positive effects of increasing the supply of HSPs. Namely, the unique cellular response to the infrared wavelengths enhances the oxygenation of the blood stream and when this is married with increased HSPs biological magic occurs (5).

While there are many tools to enlist in an effort to create a body ripe with HSPs, including plunging into frigid external temperatures, what is so special about broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy?

Yes, HSPs will increase during any thermal therapy session, but what makes infrared light exposure unique in its purpose is the relationship between these light wavelengths and cellular composition and mechanism of the human body.

Human physiology is made up of over fifty trillion cells; each home to ‘energy plants’ called mitochondria. As the radiant rays of infrared light are absorbed beyond and past the initial epidermis, the mitochondria become more active: The effect of the infrared light waves on these ‘energy plants’ is to create nitric acid that aids in the oxygenation of the blood stream, as well as improved movement of circulation (6).

The coupling of enhanced nitric oxide production from the mitochondria along side the improved secretion of HSPs positively affects the quality of intercellular function to mega proportions. The resounding cascade of health benefits derived from exposure to infrared light waves including the oxygenation of the bloodstream and the production of HSPs provides the experience of health and wellness unparalleled by any other thermal therapy model.

Broad-Spectrum Infrared Sauna Therapy: An Easy To Use And Practical Means To Create More Heat Shock Proteins In The Body

In addition to the very specific microbiological reaction to the infrared light spectrum, this technology is practical and easy to use. Unlike other thermal therapy options, broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy can easily be done within the comfort of your own home with little to no maintenance.

Distinguished from steam rooms, sweat lodges, traditional Finnish saunas, the infrared sauna is literally a flick of a switch away, a simple appliance within the home space, yet equally able to induce an increase in HSPs in your body. Infrared saunas are both inexpensive to run, easy to clean and maintain.

The complexities of molecular occurrences in the body can be difficult to cognitively imagine, however, understanding the profound impact that molecular chaperones, HSPs have on overall well being, when acted upon may increase the longevity and quality of life for many. The simplicity, safety, and availability of broad-spectrum infrared sauna use, makes this modality of heat therapy the number one option to increase the production of Heat Shock Proteins in the body today!


Additional Reading:

Infrared Sauna Benefits For Individuals With Chronic Heart Failure

Clinical Data Reveals Astonishing Benefits For Patients Living With CHF 

Skip To Infrared Sauna Benefits for CHF Patients

Chronic Heart Failure is the leading cause of hospitalization in America, and yet recent clinical studies demonstrate that with some lifestyle adjustments, including regular broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy sessions, this number could be greatly reduced (1). For individuals living with prohibitive symptoms from this condition, infrared sauna therapy may be an effortless and relaxing means to demonstrate astounding results on the quality and longevity of life.

Habitually, the thought of any heat therapy, from hot tubs to saunas seems almost synonymous with a contraindication for individuals living with heart conditions, yet the advent of extensive research into the fields of near, mid, and far infrared light in relationship to heart health, suggests quite the opposite.

As with beginning any new health program, it is always best to consult with a medical physician, if you or someone close to you, lives with any heart condition. Understanding the relationship between heart health and infrared light creates groundbreaking possibilities for a very positive future for individuals living with chronic heart failure.

Creating positive changes to the circulatory system, reducing blood pressure, and allowing the autonomic nervous system to find homeostasis while reducing stress, are just some of the cascade of health benefits afforded individuals who partake in regular broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy. These benefits ultimately impact the health of the heart in unforeseen ways!

What Is Chronic Heart Failure?: Beyond The Vernacular

Chronic heart failure, despite the label, does not mean that the heart has stopped working, but rather that it functions less efficiently. Over time this chronic condition can become lethal. There are varying causes for heart failure, and the spectrum of expression is broad, with most diagnoses being symptom-based (2).

Chronic heart failure, as it is commonly referred to, has been clinically named Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). This progressive condition deteriorates the ‘pumping’ mechanism of the heart as fluid begins to build up around the heart causing an inefficient distribution of blood throughout the body (2).

The onset of CHF can take many years to express fully. It may begin simply as hypertension (high blood pressure) and progress rapidly or slowly over the years if lifestyle measures are not taken to ensure the health of the heart and circulatory system.

The heart as an organ is divided into four primary sections: The upper portion of the heart has two atria, while the lower section has two ventricles. The ventricles are responsible for pumping blood to the body’s tissues, organs, and far extremities while the atria act as the receivers of blood from the body into the heart as it circulates back into the heart. Every hour, the heart pumps 280 liters of blood throughout the circulatory system and therefore life itself depends on the efficient functioning of the atria and ventricles (3).

CHF develops when the ventricles, in the lower half of the heart, cannot pump enough blood out to the rest of the body. This causes blood and other fluids to back up into the heart. Essentially, one can imagine that when the ventricles are not pumping efficiently the heart becomes blocked, like a great lake, eventually if the dam is not lifted, flooding will occur on the dry lands.

The treatment of Congestive Heart Failure then becomes a matter of ensuring the proper high function of the ventricles to overt blockage from blood leaving the heart to the rest of the body.

Clinical research suggests that lifestyle changes that are inclusive to models of heat therapy may help to reduce the acceleration of the progressive disorder of ‘chronic heart failure’, by improving the natural flow of circulation through the body, relaxing the central nervous system, and increasing vasodilation (widening of blood cells). Scientific data is now reflecting that the specific exposure to broad-spectrum infrared light therapy may positively impact the lives of those who suffer with CHF (3).

Congestive heart failure affects a wide spectrum of the demographic, and because of the degenerative quality of the disorder, it can be a frightening diagnosis to receive. Gratefully, there are accessible lifestyle changes that can have an immediate and significant impact on patients with this condition.

Who is affected by Congestive Heart Failure?

Congestive Heart Failure affects individuals of all ages and genders, with nearly 5 million Americans living with the condition today. The percentage of individuals living with CHF increases significantly after the age of 60, and on average 550,000 new cases are diagnosed in the US each year. Unfortunately, this degenerative condition is fatal, and nearly half of all diagnosed cases lose their life within the first five years. The rate of sudden death among individuals living with CHF is exponentially increased compared to those living free of this condition (4).

According to the New York Heart Association, medical physicians typically classify the progressive condition of CHF based on symptom expression, the early stages express little to no symptoms, but as the condition progresses patients may be short of breath even as they rest (5).

In short, CHF is a serious condition that requires immediate attention and action in order to maintain the health of the heart and overall all wellbeing. Fortunately, lifestyle is a major component in treating heart conditions from hypertension all the way through the late stages of CHF.

According to the University of California San Francisco Health Journal, individuals living with this condition now have significant options available to make necessary daily changes in habit to reverse some of, if not all damage done to the heart through excessive congestion in the lower chambers.

“Although heart failure is a serious condition that progressively gets worse over time, certain cases can be reversed with treatment. Even when the heart muscle is impaired, there are a number of treatments that can relieve symptoms and stop or slow the gradual worsening of the condition.” (6)

Infrared Sauna Benefits For Individuals With Chronic Heart Failure

infrared sauna chronic heart failure

Treatment options vary significantly depending on the stage of development and cause of CHF, ranging from, lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery. The goal of any treatment plan is to:

  • Relieve Symptoms
  • Improve Quality Of Life
  • Reduce Rates Of Hospitalization
  • Increase Longevity

If you or someone you love is suffering from CHF, you will need to establish a treatment plan with your medical physician based on the specific factors involved with individual cases. You and your doctor will determine whether surgery or medication is necessary.

With respect to lifestyle changes, the goal with making these daily adjustments is to improve the health of the heart by means of the following subsidiary goals:

  • Stabilize Weight
  • Improve Circulation
  • Increase Oxygenation Of The Blood Stream
  • Moderate Exercise
  • Stress Reduction
  • Detoxification Of The Body (From Harmful substances, pathogens, and metals)

To achieve these goals there are many options available to individuals. Some changes in lifestyle are prohibitive to individuals living with CHF, however recent studies demonstrate conclusive evidence that exposure to infrared light therapy within the chamber of a sauna can render the achievement of the above stated goals possible (4).

Infrared Sauna Benefits For Individuals With Chronic Heart Failure

Daily stress reduction has a resounding and positive impact on the health of the heart. The stability of the central nervous system directly impacts the health of the heart.

The autonomic nervous system can be divided into two distinct states of being: Sympathetic dominance, associated with survival and stress response, increased blood pressure, while releasing a variety of ‘stress’ hormones from the endocrine system. Ideally, stress response is an adaptive mechanism that ensures the survival of the species. When our ancestors were faced with a very real threat to life, the entire body was harnessed into states of stress response to fight or flee the situation. Once safety from the external threat was found the autonomic nervous system would naturally flow back into parasympathetic dominance where growth, cellular rejuvenation, and nourishment could occur.

A significant causative contributing factor in the development of CHF is the body’s inability to successfully achieve homeostasis of the autonomic nervous system. When individuals find themselves in states of survival more often than not through modern living, an enormous amount of stress is placed on the heart. Ultimately, blood pressure is increased and patients can become progressively ill with chronic heart failure (7).

So, what can be done to foster the health of the autonomic nervous system and ensure that individuals can drop back into states of intentional relaxation where heart rate can resume a healthy cadence?

From breathing exercises to meditation, the holistic field of health care is ripe with opportunity. If, however, time is limited, and patients suffering from CHF are looking for ways to reduce stress quickly and effectively without learning the ways of the yogi or the monk, then regular infrared sauna therapy is a powerful option to explore.

Unlike other modalities of heat therapy such as steam rooms, traditional saunas, and hot springs, which can be prohibitive to individuals suffering with heart issues, infrared saunas do not rely on a high external temperature to produce positive results.

As the body relaxes under the rays of the infrared spectrum the autonomic nervous system effortlessly retracts away from stress response back into states of regeneration and nourishment. When the body is relaxed, the health benefits to the heart are exceptional: Broadening the entryways of blood flowing in and out of the heart and therefore healing congestion in the lower chambers of the heart, known as the ventricles.

Relaxation is not a luxury for individuals living with CHF, but rather an imperative means to heal the heart. Regular exposure to broad-spectrum infrared light reduces the expression of symptoms, and maintains the life expectancy for patients living with CHF.

Broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy is a safe and effective means to reduce stress, and not only does the autonomic nervous system benefit, but all portions of cardiac and circulatory health are enhanced with regular sessions!

Infrared Sauna Benefits For Individuals With Chronic Heart Failure

doctor recommends infrared sauna

The elephant in the room – Typical contraindication surrounding any model of heat therapy suggests that individuals suffering with heart conditions should consult a medical professional before partaking in the activity. It may seem surprising that recent studies suggest that regular exposure to broad-spectrum infrared light will actually assist in symptom reduction for individuals living with CHF.

Dr. Richard Beever from the Canadian College Of Family Physicians Official Publication has written extensively on the health benefits afforded patients living with CHF with regular infrared sauna therapy.

The publication by Dr. Beever tells of several case studies performed on subjects living with CHF. The results are considered to be clinically relevant.

As performed by the New York Heart Association (NYHA), 30 subjects living with CHF were divided into two separate groups. The control group took 10-15 minute far infrared saunas over a two-week period. In contrast, the other group was asked to simply ‘relax’ for the same duration and episodic frequency as the first group.

The results from this study were astounding. The control group partaking in regular infrared sauna therapy demonstrated symptom reduction, as well as measurable lab results suggesting a significant decrease in the blockage of the lower chamber of the heart space. In greater detail, Dr. Richard Beever tells of the results of this study:

“The authors concluded that FIRS (*far infrared sauna) treatment improved cardiac function and clinical symptoms in those with CHF and that this improvement was the result of improved vascular endothelial function. Further, before study entry all subjects were in stable clinical condition for at least 1 month, medications had not been changed for at least 2 weeks, and adverse events were defined (dyspnea, angina pectoris, palpitations, hypotension, or dehydration). (8)

Several other studies have also demonstrated clinically relevant results for individuals living with Level I and II CHF and the reduction of their symptom demonstration.

(Please note, that these studies were not conducted on individuals living with the later stages of the condition.)

Why does regular infrared sauna therapy have such a profound effect on individuals living with CHF?

To answer this question it requires taking a look at the frequency of the light emitted by the wavelengths of near, mid, and far infrared light and the effect that exposure has on the cellular health of the body. The infrared light frequency is just beyond the visible color red on the spectrum of light waves, and before the ‘microwave’ wavelengths of light. Although invisible to the eye, the near, mid, and far infrared light is experienced as heat.

The healing benefits of intentional exposure to the infrared light spectrum lies primarily in the relationship between the mitochondria (essentially an energy plant contained within each cell), and the penetrative rays of infrared light beyond the soft tissue of the body. As the body is exposed to the infrared light spectrum, the mitochondria becomes excited by the frequency of these wavelengths. As this occurs the mitochondria begin producing greater amounts of nitric acid, which is released into the bloodstream and converted to oxygen. The result of the increased mitochondrial activity is higher levels of oxygen in the blood, as well as an increase in positive circulation throughout the entire body, including both the upper and lower chambers of the heart.

By oxygenating the blood stream, and increasing the internal temperature of the body, nutrient rich blood flows inward to the vital organs, including the heart. Steeped in rich and rapid moving blood, the ventricle pathways of the heart release congestion, and ultimately for individuals suffering with the earlier stages of CHF, will find great symptom relief (8).

The warm glow of infrared light bathes the body as individuals rest encased in a cabin like chamber, where the wavelengths are captivated. Naturally occurring within the sun’s rays, infrared light surrounds us always, but the intensity afforded by the sauna structure, coupled with the absence of potentially harmful UV rays, creates a perfect concoction of health benefits for individuals living with CHF.

So, why does regular infrared sauna therapy have such a profound effect on individuals living with CHF?

Regular broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy (10-15 minutes/3 Times Per Week) may help individuals achieve and maintain an ideal weight, detoxify the body from harmful substances, improve heart rate variability and reduce stress.

Individuals living CHF, in addition to the recommendation of their medical practitioner, will need to make some lifestyle changes that will accommodate the following goals:

  • Stabilize Weight
  • Improve Circulation
  • Increase Oxygenation Of The Blood Stream
  • Moderate Exercise
  • Stress Reduction
  • Detoxification Of The Body (From Harmful substances, pathogens, and metals

As demonstrated through extensive clinical research, regular infrared sauna use will allow individuals to effortlessly achieve those objectives listed above.

Living with CHF can render certain exercise options prohibitive, conversely the high temperatures of the traditional sauna and steam rooms can also be restricted from this same group of patients. Infrared sauna therapy provides similar cardiovascular benefits for individuals as a brisk jog, as well as the same detoxification protocol available through high temperature traditional saunas.

Broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy supports the health and longevity of individuals living with CHF, without any of the prohibitive factors found from exercise and high temperature heat therapy.

Broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy is both an effective and safe means of improving heart health, actualizing ideal weight, reducing stress, and increasing cardiovascular activity for those living with CHF.


CHF is a serious and progressive illness. Please be mindful that the rate of sudden death is much higher in this demographic, therefore proceeding with any new treatment measures must be done with great care. While clinical data suggests that broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy can be advantageous for individuals living with CHF, it is always important to check in with your medical professional ensuring that the disease has not progressed to a stage that would prohibit infrared sauna bathing.



Additional Reading Material: