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Guide To Infrared Sauna Use

Your Infrared Sauna At Home: Helpful Tips

Nestled into your home, your sauna has arrived and anticipation excites the body as you prepare to receive the multitude of health benefits derived from infrared sauna therapy. Understanding a few guidelines will allow you to maximize the enjoyment and health benefits offered through your sauna therapy.

Capitalize on’s technology by tailoring medical grade light therapy to your needs, optimize detoxification protocol through proper hydration, and learn how to keep your sauna clean and free from bacteria through correct cleaning procedures.

Your Infrared Sauna: A Light Bath

Understanding your home infrared sauna as a light bath, rather than a heated room, will aid you in understanding how to optimize its use. The great advantage of having an infrared sauna in your home vs. a traditional steam sauna is that little to no time is required to heat the sauna up. By simply powering on your infrared sauna, and stepping inside, you ensure the absorption of the healing light into your body’s network.

The infrared light spectrum is invisible to the human eye. Although you are not able to view the infrared waves filling up the structure of your sauna, you will experience it as a subtle heat. Imagine that you are stepping into a warm bathtub filled with orange and red hues of light that encompass your body. Once drenched in the light spectrum, the body immediately begins to absorb the light into the epidermal layer of the skin. The near, mid and far infrared light will seep into the layers of skin all the way down to the soft tissue of the body. Every cell in your body will be profoundly impacted by the absorption of the infrared light into the body’s network.

Regardless of the temperature you set, merely sinking into your light bath will have transformational effects on the body. Choosing to elevate the temperature of the infrared sauna is a personal choice. Higher temperatures will induce more profuse sweating, and therefore, greater detoxification.

Please do not pressure yourself to increase temperature prematurely before the body is fully adapted to the heat. Rest in the knowledge that exposure to infrared wavelengths is all that is needed to experience the benefits.

Setting The Temperature

Setting the temperature in an infrared sauna.

The temperature you set for your sauna is less important in the infrared sauna than it would be for a traditional sauna. Infrared wavelengths penetrate deeply into the skin’s membranes to find their way into the soft tissues of the body. Regardless of the temperature of the sauna, mere exposure to the infrared rays of light will have a profound impact on the body.

Turn your infrared sauna on 15 minutes before entering. Set the temperature to 100-120 degrees. Once you are comfortable in your sauna and adapted to the heat, begin to elevate the temperature. Finding a range of temperature that is comfortable for you will change over time as you acclimatize to the heat. Eventually, as you spend longer amounts of time in your sauna, begin to incrementally increase the temperature to as high as 176 degrees. Remember that exposing the body to near, mid and far infrared light will prompt cellular reactions even if the temperature is not high. You can safely set your temperature to 176 degrees after a few weeks of regular use (unless your medical provider advises otherwise).

Your Relationship With Your Infrared Sauna

Humans have turned to methods of heat therapy to cleanse the body, heal from disease, and to find commune with a higher power. How you choose to use your sauna is up to you. Some regular sauna users find that as the body relaxes with the warm hues of the radiant light bath, their state of mind and being change.

There is nothing like having health at your fingertips just down the hall in the form of a heated oasis. Your infrared sauna will become a pillar in your daily routine. Care for it, and it will care for you.

Medical Grade Light Therapy: Tools And Information To Maximize Your Time Under The Spectrum

Every infrared sauna comes equipped with medical grade light therapy. How you choose to use your light therapy will depend on your understanding of the effects that each color has on the physical body and energy field of your ethereal body and emotions.

NASA discovered that astronauts returning to earth after time in space without exposure to gravity experienced muscle and bone atrophy. To increase cellular production in the muscles and bones of the astronauts, it was discovered that the broad spectrum of light, in conjunction with exposure to near infrared light (used to activate the skin’s response to the colored light spectrum), was successful in stimulating cellular regeneration in the bones, muscles, and skin. The impact of broad spectrum medical grade light exposure to the greater populace was quickly uncovered in the treatment of cancer patients, burn victims, and individuals suffering from bone fractures.

In NASA’s technical report by Harry T. Whelan from the Medical Coalition of Wisconsin describes the benefits of light therapy:

“NASA LEDs stimulate the basic energy processes in the mitochondria (energy compartments) of each cell, particularly when near-infrared light is used to activate the color sensitive chemicals (chromophores, cytochrome systems) inside.”

The benefits of exposure to medical grade LED lights is not limited to patients suffering from serious burns, brain degenerative diseases and cancer but to anyone wanting to optimize health. The near infrared lights of your sauna activates the colored spectrum as you relax in the warmth of your at home sauna and effortless repair your skin, bones and muscles.

Medical grade light therapy coupled with infrared light exposure has the ability to heal serious skin lesions and scarring. The same principles applied to injured skin can be used as an anti-aging technique to reduce your biological age.

Depending upon your area of concern, choose to focus on correlating colors on your for longer periods of time while you relax in your infrared sauna at home!

Benefits Of Medical Grade Light Therapy On The Skin
Red: Anti-aging, stimulates collagen priduction, reduses fine lines and wrinkles, and increases blood flow, anti-inflammatory.
Orange: Lifts dull complexions, revitalizes, energizes, supplies healthy nutrients to the skin to faciliate radiany glowing skin.
Yellow: Tightens and tones facial and neck muscles, detoxifies and stimulates the sensory motor nervous system.
Green: Calms red skin, broken capillaries, anti-inflammatory, rosacea, traumatized skin, aids in fading pigmentation and eneven skin color.
Aqua: Increases oxygen to the skin cells, tones and firms the skin.
Blue: Softens thickened skin, plumps lines and wrinkles and soothes red inflamed patchy areas of the skin.
Violet: Antibacterial, purifies, treats acne and oily skin.

Hydration: Water, Water and More Water

Water hydration while using an infrared sauna helps with effective detoxification.

Once you have installed your infrared sauna at home, you will begin to use it regularly. Regular use of any heat therapy will aid in detoxification as the body is prompted into intense sweating. Be sure to prepare the body for the experience of an infrared sauna with proper hydration. Ideally, hydration should begin several days before taking an infrared sauna. Most people today do not drink enough water, so if you decide to undergo even a single infrared sauna session, consuming healthful water in high quantity is paramount.

At least three quarts of water a day should be consumed by someone engaged in regular sauna use. The infrared wavelengths, including near, mid, and far all penetrate deeply into the initial epidermis of the skin causing the body’s temperature to rise from the inside out. While this method of heat therapy is far more effective in its detoxification protocol, it also tends to cause dehydration easily if the individual is not properly hydrated before the session.

It is important to drink the best possible water; tap water with a filter is acceptable. Water that has been purified through osmosis is not adequate to hydrate the body. Bottled spring water, mineral water, or tap water with a filter will hydrated the body adequately in preparation for taking the sauna.

After each sauna session, be mindful of refueling with electrolytes if a lot of sweating occurred during the session.

Cleaning Your Sauna: Easy To Do!

After each sauna session, be sure to wipe down the benches, floor and any area with sweat. You will also want to leave the sauna on at temperature for another 10-15 minutes after your session so it can dry out.

When your session is done, be sure to take a shower.

For a deeper cleaning of your sauna, you may follow these steps:

  • In a spray bottle, use a diluted solution of white vinegar and water. Use 5-6 tablespoons to one pint of water. This will disinfect the areas where sweat has accumulated. Spray the seat and back rest with the solution and gently stroke the area with a moist cloth.
  • After using the diluted vinegar and water solution, wipe down the areas where you sat and rested your back with a warm clean and moist cloth.
  • Cleaning your sauna after each session will maintain a fresh and safe environment for you to use.
  • Vacuum your infrared sauna weekly to remove hair and dust. Once a week, clean the glass doors of your sauna.


Does Infrared Sauna Therapy Help With Fibromyalgia?

A life sentence of chronic widespread pain, associated sleeplessness, and depression with no known cure. This is the reality of individuals who suffer from Fibromyalgia. Tender points of pain throughout the body that tend to flare up in response to life’s stresses leaves these individuals hopeless and fatigued.

Biomedicine is beginning to identify potential causes for the development of Fibromyalgia; namely, continued states of stress response spurred on by one-time traumas or continued stress conditioning in everyday challenges. Further, Fibromyalgia appears to be episodic in response to both internal (infectious illness) and external (life events) stress.

Exploring management techniques to help these individuals live a comfortable and pain-free life necessitates a methodology that gently coaxes the body out of stress response back into states of relaxation where cellular healing can occur.

So, does infrared sauna therapy help with fibromyalgia?

The unique and dynamic interplay between the infrared light spectrum and human physiology gently draws individuals out of stress response back into states of abundant relaxation. In addition, the penetrative rays of infrared light radiate into the body’s network to improve energy conversion into better circulation even as the body is detoxified to relieve the internal ecosystem of stress.

What Is Fibromyalgia?

Woman Grasping Her Neck in Pain caused by Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (pronounced: fy-bro-my-AL-ja) is a complex, chronic pain condition with no known cure. Widespread pain is experienced throughout the musculoskeletal structure of patients suffering from Fibromyalgia who learn to manage their symptoms through a variety of treatments. Areas of tenderness in the body known as ‘trigger points’, are also accompanied by sleep issues, lowered mood, and general fatigue.

This painful long-term condition is often considered as a subjective disease because the symptoms are not measurable by biomedicine. The specific cause of Fibromyalgia is still unknown.

More than 5 million Americans suffer from Fibromyalgia and eighty to ninety percent of them are women. The condition appears to be episodic and responds to heightened levels of stress with intensified pain, lack of sleep, and depleted mood. Symptoms may present as a result of the brain nerves misinterpreting or ‘overreacting’ to pain signals, possibly a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain.

While the cause of Fibromyalgia is still unknown, biomedical research shows that there are contributing factors in the development of the chronic condition; trauma, extended periods of stress response in the body, infectious illness, and genetics (1).

As patients seek to find relief from their pain and discomfort, treatments that address extended periods of stress response in the body tend to be effective as management tools. Therapies that gently coax the body back into homeostasis are helpful not only in pain relief, but also creating an ecosystem in the body where restful sleep becomes possible.

As the body is able to transfer out of stress response into states of relaxation, incidents of pain in the musculoskeletal system are reduced as well as incidents of disturbed sleep in the Fibromyalgia patient (1).

Infrared sauna therapy is a gentle, non-invasive method that invites the body back into states of balance and out of stress response while encouraging increased circulation without the high impact of most exercise regimes.

How Does An Infrared Sauna Impact Human Physiology?

Infrared saunas capitalize on the potent effect of the infrared light spectrum on the human body to generate a plethora of health benefits. In the early 1960s, NASA began to explore the effects of light exposure on astronauts returning to Earth from space who had suffered muscular and skeletal atrophy (2).

As biomedical researchers explored the full range of the light spectrum they discovered that the invisible spectrum of infrared light rays had an astounding impact on the cellular structures of the human body. Exposure to the infrared light spectrum was found to stimulate cellular regeneration and heighten mitochondrial activity, therefore, improving blood circulation.

The good news of the dynamic interplay between infrared wavelengths on human physiology spread and the first infrared sauna became available to the public in 1979.

The infrared sauna is usually a wooden cabin-like structure that encloses the rays of near, mid, and far infrared light to create a light bath. As individuals step into the infrared sauna their body is saturated on all sides by the warm hues of invisible light.

The infrared spectrum of light is invisible but is experienced kinetically as heat. Infrared light is able to penetrate beyond the initial epidermis to deeply penetrate the soft tissue of the body. The human body is composed of over 50 trillion cells, each a home to the mitochondria. The mitochondria are sensitive to all light, but particularly to the infrared light spectrum. The energy plant of each individual cell responds by converting the infrared light through ATP into nitric acid that serves to hyperoxygenate the hemoglobin in the body. Heart rate is elevated as the freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow through the body like fluid rivers into areas of inflammation. Improved circulation reduces inflammation, and therefore pain (3).

Understanding the mechanism of the interaction between the infrared light spectrum and the physiological network of the body reveals the exceptional possibility of relief for the Fibromyalgia patient. Understanding the interconnectedness of the self reveals that holistic treatments produce better results. As individuals experience less pain, they are able to find deeper and longer states of sleep and when this occurs mood is also elevated.

Infrared Sauna Therapy And Stress Response: A Bridge To Homeostasis

While the exact cause of Fibromyalgia is still unknown, it is believed that both trauma and prolonged stress response are strong contributing factors. Medical professionals also understand that Fibromyalgia is episodic in response to increased stress. Meaning, the symptoms of this chronic pain condition are increased as the individual experiences deeper levels of stress both internal and external.

At the crux of this condition are prolonged states of stress response both as a potential original cause and as a stimulant to painful episodes. Either as a preventative measure or a management technique, it is necessary for patients suffering from Fibromyalgia to have reliable means of keeping the body in homeostasis.

What is a stress response? The autonomic nervous system is divided into two categories: Sympathetic Dominance (Survival, Fight or Flight) and Parasympathetic Dominance (Rest, Relaxation). Under healthy conditions, individuals are able to seamlessly flow from both states of being as an appropriate response to external triggers.

Biomedicine now understands that the leading cause of chronic disease is prolonged states of stress response (staying in sympathetic dominance for too long.) Survival instinct kicks in to protect us from severe, life-threatening situations. This releases a chain of biochemical responses within the body. Included in survival response is the release of cortisol from the adrenal glands. When the threat is over the body should be able to easily transfer back to states of relaxation and rest. If this does not occur the adrenal glands will become exhausted from the continual release of cortisol into the system and ultimately the body will become toxic from the constant release of this hormone.

We know that trauma is among the contributing factors in the chronic condition of Fibromyalgia. Trauma stokes stress response in the body. If trauma is unprocessed, the individual will stay in stress response as they experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Anxiety, depression, and lack of sleep will result from continual stimulation from stress response. In the case of Fibromyalgia, pain throughout the body is also experienced as a result of an overtaxed nervous system (4).

How can an individual find their way out of stress response? There are several tools that are available that will assist the transference back to parasympathetic dominance. Patients suffering from widespread pain, and fatigue will be limited in available energy for activities that make the transference easy, which is why infrared sauna therapy is an excellent choice.

The warm hues of radiant heat found in an infrared light bath gently coax the body into states of relaxation. Heat, in moderate, controlled quantities relaxes the body.: Nerve endings are stimulated to block pain receptors. After spending 15 minutes in an infrared sauna the body will melt into states of profound relaxation. These states of relaxation both alleviate the symptoms of pain experienced in the body by Fibromyalgia patients and also encourage the body to remain in parasympathetic dominance.

While it may not be possible to cure Fibromyalgia, it is certainly possible to alleviate the symptoms of pain in the body by drawing the individual into states of relaxation through consistent exposure to infrared light.

Pain Reduction In Fibromyalgia Patients: Infrared Sauna Therapy Improves Circulation

Inflammation in the musculoskeletal structure of the body creates pain. Reducing inflammation in the body of the individual’s suffering from Fibromyalgia through increasing circulation reduces pain. When the symptoms of chronic pain are reduced, these individuals will find that they are able to sleep through the night and wake up feeling rested.

The unique and dynamic relationship between infrared light and the cellular structure of the body stimulates the conversion of light energy into oxygen for the body. As the bloodstream of the body is hyperoxygenated and heart rate is elevated, circulation is improved. Imagine the physiological network of the body as a topographical map of waterways. When the rivers of the body are blocked, inflammation occurs. Infrared light stimulates the fluid flow of blood into painful parts of the body to reduce inflammation and therefore reduce experienced pain.

Nerve endings are stimulated to block pain response through exposure to infrared heat therapy. As pain is reduced in the body through regular infrared sauna therapy, the individual suffering from Fibromyalgia will easily drift into sleep at nighttime to wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated (5).

Improved Mood Through Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy

Molecular Compound View of Dopamine and Serotonin
  • Normalize serotonin production     
  • Increase Dopamine Excretion

Depression and anxiety are symptomatic of Fibromyalgia. While antidepressant medication is often prescribed to patients with this chronic condition, other alternative treatments for depression are available that will assist in maintaining homeostasis in the body. Infrared sauna therapy is an excellent treatment for depression and anxiety.

Infrared sauna therapy is effective as a mood stabilizer treatment because the interaction between this light spectrum and the biochemistry of the brain normalizes serotonin and melatonin production. Normalized serotonin production through infrared sauna therapy will reduce rates of depression in individuals suffering from Fibromyalgia (6).

Dopamine (the same brain chemical that gives you a ‘runner’s high’ after exercise) is released during infrared sauna sessions at three times the rate of moderate exercise.

Engaging in infrared saunas therapy regularly (at least 3 times per week) normalizes serotonin production coupled with higher rates of dopamine excretion to increase and stabilize the mood of Fibromyalgia patients.

Pain Relief From Fibromyalgia: Detoxification Of The Body Reduces Internal Stress Response

Fibromyalgia strikes its victim in adulthood (although there are very few cases in children) after a lifetime of accumulated internal and external stress. Toxic build up within the body’s network creates an internal atmosphere of stress. As the internal organs work hard to relieve toxic build up they become overtaxed.

Infrared light heats the body up from the inside out. This mechanism of raising the internal core temperature of the body creates copious sweating. The skin is the largest organ in the body and by using it to detoxify the body through sweat; the burden of detoxification is relieved from the liver and kidneys. By powerfully detoxifying the body internal stress is reduced.

All stress reduction has proven to be an effective tool in the management of Fibromyalgia for its patients. Infrared sauna heat detoxifies the body, induces states of relaxation, normalizes serotonin to regulate mood and improves circulation to reduce pain (7).

If you do decide to manage Fibromyalgia with infrared sauna therapy be mindful to replenish with plenty of healthful water, before, during, and after infrared sauna sessions.

Freedom From Pain, Stabilized Mood, Improved Sleep: Infrared Sauna A Management Solution For Individuals Suffering From Fibromyalgia

Happy man and woman enjoying stabilized moods

The diagnosis of Fibromyalgia for most is an untenable life experience. Chronic widespread pain and depleted mood create a bleak lens by which they experience the world. While there may not be a known cure for this debilitating condition there is hope for safely managing the symptoms.

Infrared sauna therapy is a dynamic and holistic approach for individuals suffering from Fibromyalgia that addresses the root perpetrator of stress response in the body. Infrared light wavelengths interface with the physiological network to invite the body from stress response back to states of relaxation, improves circulation to reduce pain, restores serotonin balance in the brain to stabilize mood, and creates an internal climate in the body to promote deep and restful sleep.

As patients suffering from Fibromyalgia are serenaded in the rich rays of infrared light they slip into states of relaxation and are able to observe the incremental remission of grueling symptoms. If you or someone you love is suffering at the unmerciful hand of Fibromyalgia then consider regular infrared sauna therapy as a solution for symptom management.



Additional Reading Material:

Can An Infrared Sauna Help Manage Blood Pressure?

Sometimes called: ‘the silent killer’, high blood pressure affects over 50% of the adult American population. Its impact on individuals can be lethal, especially because there are usually no apparent signs or symptoms. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to heart disease, strokes, and sudden death.

The causative factors in high blood pressure are numerous and so are the preventative treatments. Biomedical research has revealed that many of the causes of high blood pressure are treatable through lifestyle change (1).

So, does using an infrared sauna help lower blood pressure?

Infrared sauna therapy effectively addresses many of the underlying causes of high blood pressure and has the potential to lower blood pressure in a gentle, effective, and safe way.

The unique interaction between the infrared light spectrum and the cellular network of the body has a direct impact on vasodilation (the dilation of blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure). Exposure to infrared light through regular sessions may decrease blood pressure for individuals who are at high risk for developing heart disease.

In addition to the biochemical changes at the cellular level that reduce pressure on the arteries, infrared sauna therapy also addresses underlying causes of high blood pressure:

  • Consistent sessions may help you lose excess weight (obesity is one of many causative factors in high blood pressure)
  • Transfers the body into states of relaxation and out of stress response
  • Detoxifies the body from harmful toxins (from tobacco and alcohol use, and chemical additives introduced into the body from foods high in saturated fat).

Infrared sauna therapy is an all-encompassing treatment method for individuals experiencing high blood pressure and because this methodology does not rely on high external heat as found in traditional saunas, it is also safe for individuals with high blood pressure to use.

What Is High Blood Pressure? Understanding The Function Of The Heart.

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls; it is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). High blood pressure means the pressure in your arteries is higher than a safe range to keep your heart functioning at its best to deliver a flow of oxygenated blood in harmony with the body’s needs (2).

Survival depends upon the ability of the tissues and organs of the body to receive freshly oxygenated blood that your circulatory system can deliver throughout the physiological network. The beating of the heart creates pressure to release and push blood throughout the arteries, veins, and capillaries. The pressure created by the heart is rhythmical in accordance with heartbeats and space between the beats.

Blood pressure is the combination of two functions: 1) Systolic pressure, the contraction of the heartbeat as it creates pressure. 2) Diastolic pressure, the relaxation that occurs between heartbeats to release blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body. When your heart beats, the blood vessels leading to your heart contract and relax continuously creating a perfect balance for proper blood flow throughout the body (2).

Two numbers are used to represent and measure blood pressure, the first is the systolic pressure (contraction/heartbeat), and the second is the diastolic pressure (relaxation between beats). For example: a reading of 120/80 is a healthy and normal blood pressure reading. The 120 will represent the systolic pressure and the 80 represents the diastolic pressure.

High blood pressure usually shows no external signs or symptoms and is referred to as ‘the silent killer’; over half of all Americans over the age of 20 have high blood pressure. High blood pressure, also called hypertension can only be measured by taking an individual’s heart rate.

It is crucial that you have your blood pressure measured by a health care professional regularly to ensure a healthy blood pressure range. Below you will find a chart from the American Heart Association to determine if your blood pressure is within a healthy range. Often in drugstores you can find a self serve blood pressure device (2).

Before you have your blood pressure taken be sure to breathe slowly and deeply to fully relax the body. To determine if you have high blood pressure you will need to take your blood pressure often to reveal a pattern of continuous high blood pressure. Often feeling stressed or anxious about the result will increase blood pressure and therefore reveal an inaccurate result. Taking blood pressure measurements frequently will increase the accuracy of the test.

Provided by the American Heart Association:

Table Graph That Shows Blood Pressure Ranges

What Causes Elevated Blood Pressure?

There are a plethora of causes for high blood pressure or hypertension. Medical practitioners have identified two types of blood pressure: primary hypertension and secondary hypertension.

For many adults, there is no one identifiable cause for primary hypertension, although lifestyle, weight, alcohol, and tobacco consumption does play a part in creating the condition. Primary hypertension gradually develops over years as the body adjusts to an individual’s lifestyle.

Secondary hypertension is a result of an underlying condition such as thyroid abnormality, adrenal gland tumors, and other illness experienced within the body. It may also result from medication, third-trimester pregnancy, or a sudden use of illicit drugs. While the cause varies in this type of high blood pressure, it is marked by a sudden increase in blood pressure.

Age, gender, and genetics can make a person more susceptible to high blood pressure but there is increasing evidence to support that the choices an individual makes throughout their daily life can have a direct effect on their blood pressure.

The overindulgence of alcohol, junk food, and cigarettes coupled with a lack of exercise and rest appears to have a direct impact on blood pressure.

Often, overindulgence happens as a coping mechanism to deal with stress in daily life. Stress response to life’s challenges and traumas also impacts high blood pressure.

In the case of secondary hypertension, underlying illness can impact a person’s blood pressure reading.
It is empowering to know that creating a healthy range of blood pressure lies in the hands of the individual. There are a variety of approaches an individual can take to prevent heart disease that results from high blood pressure. Lowering your blood pressure reading is fully in the scope of possibility by undergoing a few lifestyle changes.

Here are a few changes you can make today to help lower your blood pressure:

  • Eat a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients your body needs to function
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week
  • Quit smoking tobacco
  • Eliminate foods that are high in sodium (salt) from your diet (3)

In addition to these lifestyle adjustments, it is also necessary to find spaces and states of relaxation, improve circulation, oxygenate the hemoglobin, and increase vasodilation (the dilation of blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure). Infrared sauna therapy is an oasis of heart health: It Improves circulation, coaxes the body into states of relaxation, oxygenates the body and increases vasodilation to decrease blood pressure. Additionally, infrared sauna therapy induces heavy perspiration allowing you to sweat your cares away and lower your blood pressure all at the same time.

How Does An Infrared Sauna Interact With The Body?

Infrared saunas capitalize on the potent effect of the infrared light spectrum on the human body to generate a plethora of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure. Biomedical research has discovered that the infrared light spectrum stimulates cellular regeneration and heightens mitochondrial activity, therefore, improving circulation through vasodilation.

As individuals step into the infrared sauna their body is saturated on all sides by the warm hues of invisible light. The infrared spectrum of light is invisible but is experienced kinetically as heat. Infrared light is able to penetrate beyond the initial epidermis to deeply penetrate the soft tissue of the body.

The human body is composed of over 50 trillion cells, each a home to the mitochondria. The mitochondria are sensitive to all light, but particularly to the infrared light spectrum. The energy plant of each individual cell responds by converting the infrared light through ATP into nitric acid that serves to hyper-oxygenate the hemoglobin in the body. Heart rate is elevated as the freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow through the body like fluid rivers into areas of inflammation. Improved circulation reduces inflammation, and therefore pain (4).

Understanding the mechanism of the interaction between the infrared light spectrum and the physiological network of the body reveals its impact on blood pressure and its ability to lower blood pressure.
Vasodilation, the dilation of blood cells occurs in response to the penetrative infrared light spectrum through the initial epidermis of the skin, this makes infrared sauna therapy a potent and effective means of decreasing blood pressure (5).

How Does Infrared Sauna Therapy Help To Reduce Blood Pressure And Ultimately Prevent Heart Disease?

Person Getting Their Blood Pressure Checked

The cellular response to exposure to the infrared wavelengths coupled with elevated internal temperatures causes the dilation of blood cells that relieves pressure force on the arteries.

It is not advisable for individuals currently experiencing high blood pressure to expose themselves to the high temperatures of traditional saunas and steam rooms, thereby making most heat therapy modalities inaccessible. Infrared saunas do not rely on high external heat thus making them an ideal oasis for anyone experiencing hypertension.

The healing effects of the infrared sauna are not dependent upon external heat but rather the mere exposure to the light spectrum. Temperatures in the infrared sauna can be set to as low as 100 degrees and still have a powerful impact on the blood vessels in the body. Consider the infrared sauna as a light bath rather than a heated room. Serenading the body in the warm glow of infrared light is a relaxing way to get the full benefits of moderate exercise without the risks (6).

Treatment of high blood pressure relies not only on the reduction of pressure on the arteries but also on a person’s ability to step out of stress response back into states of relaxation where blood pressure can be lowered and stay in a healthy range.

Stress, A Causative Factor In High Blood Pressure: Step Into An Infrared Sauna Regularly And Find States Of Relaxation Where Blood Pressure Can Be Lowered Consistently.

Fundamentally, individuals experiencing high blood pressure need to find a way out of stress response back into states of relaxation where blood pressure will automatically be lowered.

While there are a plethora of causes for high blood pressure, medical professionals now understand that heightened states of stress response, directly and indirectly, affects blood pressure.

In response to everyday stress: From traffic to deadlines, over-work, parenting, lack of sleep, and internal toxins, the body will transfer into survival mechanism (fight or flight also known as sympathetic dominance of the autonomic nervous system). In the short-term, stress response will not cause illness within the body. Long lasting states of stress response will cause illness in the body, including high blood pressure and ultimately heart disease (6).

It is imperative that individuals step out of sympathetic dominance back into a state of rest and relaxation (parasympathetic dominance) where blood pressure can be lowered.

The gentle heat of the infrared sauna invites the body out of stress response back into states of relaxation. A relaxed body demonstrates lower measurable blood pressure.

Regular use of an infrared sauna (3 times per week, for at least 15 minutes) lowers blood pressure in adults with primary hypertension. Infrared sauna therapy use is also known to regulate body weight, a causative factor in high blood pressure, and infrared sauna therapy powerfully detoxifies the body of harmful pollutants.

Infrared Saunas Detoxify The Body Of Toxic Foods High In Saturated Fat: Kick The Junk Food Out Of Your System For Good

Biomedicine can measure the negative impact of fatty foods high in saturated fats on blood pressure. Unfortunately, fast foods are full of additives that are toxic for the body and can cause weight gain that increases stress on the body.

Infrared saunas rely on a heat that warms the body up from the inside out. This radiant infrared heat induces copious sweating that detoxifies the body of harmful pollutants. Toxic chemicals from food cause internal stress response in the body that increases blood pressure. By detoxifying the body through perspiration internal states of homeostasis are found and therefore decrease blood pressure.

Coupled with a healthy diet, infrared sauna will decrease excess weight carried in the body (a causative factor in high blood pressure) and detoxify the body. Infrared sauna therapy is effective in lowering blood pressure by reducing stress and increasing vasodilation. Additionally, regular infrared sauna use improves circulation, decreases excessive weight, and detoxifies the body of harmful chemicals from processed food (7).

Infrared Sauna Therapy: Perhaps A Safe And Effective Method To Lower Blood Pressure

Regular infrared sauna therapy safely and effectively lowers blood pressure to a healthy normal range. The mechanism behind this effective technique is multifold, and not only lowers blood pressure but also addresses many of the causative factors of hypertension.

If you or someone you love lives with high blood pressure and are looking to lower it, consider infrared sauna therapy as a powerful modality. Regular sessions in an infrared sauna will immediately begin to reduce blood pressure through mere exposure to the infrared light spectrum. Cellular response to the rays of infrared light begins within the first few moments of entering the sauna to stimulate improved vasodilation, a necessary process within the circulatory system that reduces blood pressure.

In addition to the immediate impact that the infrared light spectrum has on the cellular and circulatory network to lower blood pressure, it also addresses some of the underlying causes of high blood pressure: Stress, excess weight, and toxins. Infrared saunas are proven to reduce stress, induce weight loss, and gently invite the body out of states of stress back into relaxation.

The radiant heat from an infrared sauna is safe for individuals with high blood pressure as the process relies on the absorption of light rays rather than an extreme elevation in external heat. Infrared saunas require little to no effort on the behalf of the user, are enjoyable, and relaxing while actively lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease.

* Contraindication: Please have your blood pressure checked by a medical professional before using an infrared sauna. If your blood pressure is higher than the ‘normal’ range for blood pressure please consult your healthcare practitioner before using an infrared sauna.



Additional Reading:


Using an Infrared Sauna for Weight Loss

“Within weeks I was astonished by the unparalleled results infrared sauna therapy had on my body weight.” – Customer – Sara, Virginia

The desire to actualize your ideal body weight is a universal thread that courses through our culture. Unfortunately, the process can become a struggle that is frustrating and often elusive. If you are looking to lose weight for health reasons, or simply to look and feel your best, you have probably tried a variety of techniques from exercise regimes to diets, without getting the results you crave.

There are several health factors that may be keeping unwanted weight on your body All the exercise and special diets in the world cannot undo the internal systemic issues that are the real culprit.

How can an infrared sauna assist with weight loss?

Infrared sauna therapy can help you lose weight by recalibrating the internal network of your body to assist in healing endocrine system malfunctions, increase the conversion rate of fatty tissue to lean muscle, burn calories, and detoxify the body.

In this article will learn the mechanism and function of the infrared spectrum of light as it dynamically interfaces with your body. The myth that weight loss occurs with sauna therapy only as a result of water loss through sweat can be disproved. In fact, the entire physiological system of your body is involved and affected by the infrared spectrum of light. In this article you will come to understand, through the lens of science, the profound impact that these wavelengths of light have on your ability to lose weight and keep it off!

Does An Infrared Sauna Burn Calories?

If you have ever wished that you could burn calories while sitting down relaxing, then your wish has been granted!  It might sound too good to be true, but it is real, and scientifically proven.

Dr. Masakazu Imamura, MD published the following study in the Journal of American College of Cardiology:

“If a 150 LB person usually burns around 300 calories jogging or swimming for 30 minutes, the infrared sauna promises to burn 400-600 calories in one 30 minute session.” (1)

A calorie is a unit of energy that helps us to measure what we are taking into the body. Food provides sources of energy that we need to survive. If the body is not converting the energy into useful nutrients to feed the basic mechanism in the body, then it may store excess calories as fat tissue to be used later in case of a survival situation.

As the body is exposed to the infrared light spectrum, there are several biochemical processes that begin to occur. The mitochondria, essentially an energy plant found in every cell of the body, is sensitive to the deeply penetrative rays of infrared light. This sparks increased production of ATP that releases nitric acid, thereby oxygenating the hemoglobin. Stoking mitochondrial activity through exposure to infrared light not only hyperoxygenates the blood, but also causes increased circulation throughout the body (2).

The infrared light spectrum activates full throttle circulation and enlists the aid of the heart to keep up. During your sauna session your heart rate increases and the cardiovascular system of the body is ignited. All of this is happening as you relax and simply expose your body to the warm hues of infrared light.

The intensity of the internal activity in the body mimics rigorous exercise without you “doing” anything. Among many benefits, infrared sauna therapy gives the body the illusion of exercise and therefore burns calories at faster rates than a vigorous cardiovascular workout.

You can actually, sit back, relax and enjoy the experience of burning calories to shed excess weight in your infrared sauna!

Survival Of The Fittest: Infrared Sauna Therapy Will Influence the Transfer of the Autonomic Nervous System and Help You Lose Weight

Person Standing on a Scale

Surprisingly, the inability to find relaxation may be keeping excess weight on your body. Imagine that through relaxation you could find your ideal body weight. This seems to run counter to everything we have ever been told about weight loss, and yet biomedical research can now demonstrate that staying in a stress response will cause you to hold on to fatty tissue.

Encompassed within the physiological network of the body is the autonomic nervous system. Sympathetic dominance reflects states of stress in the body. This is usually expressed during emergencies where survival is of the essence. Parasympathetic dominance, however, represents states of relaxation where cellular healing and regeneration occur.

In our modern world, the body will perceive an imminent threat to survival from a variety of stresses, including driving, exposure to electromagnetic fields, an alarm clock, and pressured time restraints in short normal daily activities and experiences. As cortisol and adrenaline are released in response to perceived stress, the body enters into sympathetic dominance. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to exit from stress response back into states of relaxation on your own.

Staying in stress response for extended periods of time will not allow the body to begin cellular regeneration. Also, the conversion of energy internally loses efficiency. Without efficient cellular activity, the body will not convert food to energy effectively. This will cause the body to begin to store fat rather than converting the energy to enhance cellular regeneration and rejuvenation (3).

Infrared sauna sessions will assist in your weight loss goals by gently coaxing the body out of stress response, back into states of relaxation. As relaxation takes hold of the body, the redirection of energy back into the internal cellular structure will enhance energy conversion and you will no longer store unprocessed calories as fat.

So yes, as you sit back and bask in the inviting warm hues of the infrared light spectrum, you will be signaling the body to efficiently convert energy and release the need to store excess fatty tissue in the body.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Addresses The Underlying Health Issues That May Be Causing Excess Weight: The Endocrine System

Perhaps you have tried exercise, maybe even have burned yourself out exercising, but are still carrying unwanted weight on your body. If you are frustrated by dieting and exercising without seeing the results you want, there may be an underlying endocrine system issue.

The endocrine system is a group of glands in the body that are responsible for a host of functions, including regulating your metabolism. The endocrine system includes the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testicles. As we discussed earlier, elongated states of stress response will wreak havoc on the body, affecting the endocrine system, which is responsible for stabilizing your metabolism (4).

If you have excess fatty tissue around the belly and low back, even after dedicated exercise and controlled food intake, then there is a high chance that you are suffering from a mild endocrine system failure as a result of excess stress in the body.

Regardless of how much effort you put into weight loss, if there is a failure within the endocrine system to function at its maximum, you may be stuck carrying excess and unwanted weight.

Infrared waves penetrate into the body and directly boost the function of the mitochondria of each cell to heighten ATP production and ultimately adaptive energy. The metabolism of your body will change after a few weeks of exposure to infrared light without putting stress on your body through exercise and food restriction (3).

Infrared sauna therapy may aid in healing the endocrine system by coaxing the body out of stress response, and secondly, by stimulating the productivity of the mitochondria within each cell of the body.

If you feel like the weight you carry is unfair, you may find the answer you have been looking for in infrared sauna therapy. You can heal your body and lose weight at the same time with infrared sauna therapy.

Infrared Saunas Convert Fatty Tissue To Muscle: The Role Of Human Growth Hormones

A man strengthening his muscles after infrared sauna therapy

Heat therapy of all kinds stimulates the secretion of Human Growth Hormones (HGH). Human Growth Hormones are anabolic hormones that simultaneously increase lean muscle mass and decrease fatty tissue in the body.

As the internal heat of the body raises, biochemical reactions are dramatic at the molecular level, this thermal transformation activates Human Growth Hormones. Infrared saunas are more efficient at raising the core temperature of the body than any other heat therapy modality and therefore increase the production of Human Growth Hormones, responsible for the conversion of fatty tissue to muscle, at faster rates.

The radiant heat of the infrared rays penetrates the initial layer of epidermis all the way into the soft tissue of the body. The intensity of this process means that the external temperature of the infrared sauna can be much lower than a traditional sauna, and therefore more comfortable. Additionally, the internal temperature of the body will be higher and will thus excrete Human Growth Hormones during shorter sauna sessions (5).

Through the process of increased Human Growth Hormones, infrared saunas will assist you in transitioning your body composition by changing the muscle to fat ratio in the body to give you a leaner and more sculpted physique.

 Detoxification Through Sweating Burns Calories: Debunking The Water Loss Myth

The most common myth found on the Internet surrounding heat therapy and weight loss is that you only lose ‘water’ weight and that you will gain it back after the sweating has stopped. This myth is unfounded in the biological function of perspiration.

Infrared sauna therapy will stoke the sweat glands of the body to release lots of water as a means of detoxifying the body. What the proponents of the above-mentioned myth do not understand is that the act of perspiration burns calories, that detoxification of the body enables better functioning kidneys, and alleviates stress on the endocrine system, all of which will assist you in reaching your weight goals.

As the internal temperature of the body rises, the regulatory thermostat inside the physiological network will immediately kick in to reduce the temperature. The human body is unique in its ability to self-regulate temperature through perspiration. The higher the internal temperature, the more the body will sweat (6).

The act of enlisting the sweat glands of the body, the associated increased heart rate burns calories and puts the body into the same state of cardiovascular exertion as if you were exercising, without actually moving.

The skin is the largest organ in the body. By capitalizing on the sweat glands as a means for detoxification, stress on the kidneys and liver are minimalized. When the internal organs of the body are functioning in a healthy efficient way, your metabolism will also regulate itself.

Toxic pollutants in the body create an atmosphere of elongated stress response, this overtaxes the endocrine system. If there is adrenal burnout or a low functioning thyroid gland there will also be excess weight.

Through active sweating in an infrared sauna, you will burn calories and detoxify the body, thereby freeing it of harmful pollutants that stress the physiological system. Remember, states of prolonged stress response in the body will eventually cause you to hold on to excess weight.

Infrared Sauna Therapy is a Safe Method for Weight Loss

Woman Standing on a Scale Looking Happy at What She Sees

It is natural to want to look and feel your best and actualize your ideal weight. Excess weight can be an indicator of potentially harmful health problems. Unfortunately, many methods of weight loss may harm the body and may not solve the problem.

Infrared sauna therapy is both an effective means of weight loss and a safe and healthy option. Leave harmful diet pills behind, reduce stress on the body by limiting high impact exercise, and feel free to relax about the food choices you make. Healthy amounts of exercise will still be important and feeding your body nutritious meals that support your health are necessary. But when it comes to weight loss, infrared sauna therapy will deliver the results you want.

Infrared sauna therapy may detoxify the body of harmful toxins by igniting the furnace within to produce copious levels of perspiration. It also supports the function of the endocrine system and will help to balance the thyroid gland and heal the overtaxed adrenal glands.

The relaxation you find in the infrared sauna will gently coax the body out of stress response back to states of relaxation where energy can be directed inward to optimize cellular function.

You can relax, have fun, and nurture the health of your entire being while effortlessly losing weight. In many ways, the infrared sauna is a dream come true for those who have longed to actualize their ideal weight.

*** Infrared Sauna Therapy: A Regular Practice to Maintain Ideal Weight

As you embark on your journey through infrared sauna therapy with the intention of losing weight, you will notice that a cascade of health benefits occurs. From radiant and glowing skin to musculoskeletal transformation to elevated moods and clarity of thought, you will begin to feel like the best version of yourself.

Please keep in mind, that like regular exercise and a healthy diet, to maintain ideal weight through infrared sauna therapy, it should become a regular practice. For best results, use your infrared sauna 4-7 times per week. Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated.



Additional  Reading:

Infrared Sauna Wood Types – Red Cedar vs. Hemlock

Red Cedar vs. Hemlock: Choose The Wood For Your Infrared Sauna That Will Best Serve Your Wellness Needs.

The decision to undergo infrared sauna therapy will have a resounding impact on your health, wellness, and improve your life experience in all areas. Choosing to bring an infrared sauna into your home is a declarative action that demonstrates that your now ready to under go massive transformation from the inside out.

The warm rays of the infrared light spectrum will invite you in to bask in their frequency, while you enjoy a multitude of health benefits. Most likely, you will be spending a lot of time in your health oasis.‘s infrared saunas are the ultimate expression of thousands of years of heat therapy evolution: Handcrafted, these units marry the ancient wisdom of heat therapy with state-of-the-art technology.

Infrared saunas are best understood as light baths, although the infrared spectrum of light is invisible to the eye, the vibrational field of this warm light will encompass the entirety of your being. The frequency of light is coherent with the molecular structure of the epidermis and easily penetrates beyond the initial layers of your skin into the soft tissue of the body. As your body opens up to the healing light rays and finds attunement with the infrared light frequency you will want to ensure that the wood that encompasses this light bath is soothing for you.

After choosing what size sauna you would like to bring into your home you will want to choose your wood preference.‘s only uses eco-friendly wood, hand picked from the great Canadian forests. You will have the option to choose between Red Cedar and Hemlock. Both are lovely options and provide their own unique benefits. An infrared sauna is a substantial investment and it is advisable to take your time and choose your wood preference with as much information as you can acquire.

Learn some of the unique qualities of both Red Cedar and Hemlock to help you choose which selection would be best for you. As you understand the essential differences between your options, the right choice for you will become apparent.

The Red Cedar Tree: Aromatic Wood

Officially the Western Red Cedar Tree is commonly referred to as the Pacific Cedar, or ‘Giant Cedar’. As these trees are cultivated into lumber their name changes to reflect their rich aroma: Aromatic Red Cedar. The wood derived from the Red Cedar is highly valued for its deep red color and therapeutic aroma. This hardy tree is prized among wood workers as it does not rot and can be guaranteed to last a lifetime. Your‘s will come with a lifetime guarantee; this is possible in part because of the hardy wood with which the saunas are constructed from.

The Western Red Cedar is included in the cypress family, which encompasses most cedar subspecies; it is in actuality more closely related to the Junipers. The aroma of red cedar is used in aromatherapy both as burned incense and as an essential oil.

The Red Cedar And Aroma Therapy

Red cedar trees comonly used to build infrared saunas

Red Cedar is used in a variety of forms of aromatherapy all around the world. Aroma therapists believe that inhaling the heated Red Cedar transmits messages to a specific region in the brain known as the limbic system. This portion of the brain influences the autonomic nervous system responsible for creating states of relaxation. Proponents of aromatherapy suggest that the aroma of the red cedar as it is inhaled through the heated wood may have several biological effects including: lowering blood pressure, inducing states of relaxation, and increasing immune function. saunas have been mindfully created to induce a full sensory experience to powerfully draw you into parasympathetic states (rest and relaxation) where deep healing can occur. The aromatherapy of Red Cedar will compliment the immersive infrared sauna therapy experience to further call you into states of relaxation.

The soothing effects of Aroma Cedar augment the all-encompassing cascade of health benefits derived from infrared sauna therapy. In addition to the pulmonary benefits derived from Himalayan Salt that lines the walls of the sauna, the medical grade light therapy, and of course the rays of infrared light, the aroma of the Red Cedar will also sculpt your experience into a deeply therapeutic and relaxing one.

The Red Cedar is an excellent option for your personal infrared sauna; this wood will last a lifetime and continue to provide the soothing affects of its unique aroma. This hardy wood is also beautiful in color: Ranging from a deep red to violet color, this wood will entice the eye and provide a visual addition to your home.

If your tastes are bold and beautiful, without a doubt the Red Cedar will be the wood for you!!!

Canadian Hemlock: The Subtle Choice

A basswood tree, which is a common high quality choice of wood to use when constructing an infrared sauna

The Canadian hemlock has a subtle feel as a wood where as the Red Cedar is bold. Hemlock, when cultivated into lumber is hardy and will last a lifetime. provides you with the choice between Red Cedar and Hemlock, both wood choices will offer a lifetime guarantee but the sensory experience of these two woods will be polar-opposite.

If you are looking for an odorless wood, then Hemlock is the obvious choice for you. If you are sensitive to aromatherapy, or for any other reason do not want to experience emanating scent from your infrared sauna, then choose the odorless Hemlock.

This inconspicuous wood will blend into your home as the color resonates as a pale white or a light brown. In stark opposition to the deep hues of red and violet from Cedar wood, Hemlock will blend into your home with an innocuous presence.

If you are looking for an odorless infrared sauna with a subtler coloring then Hemlock will serve your purposes perfectly. If you choose Hemlock and later wish to incorporate the aromatherapy of cedar into your experience you can always bring the essential oil of Cedar into the sauna with you or light some Cedar incense.

For those individuals who are highly sensitive to scent, Hemlock will be a better option for you. The soft color of Hemlock will blend into your home without making a statement!

Red Cedar vs. Hemlock: Bold And Beautiful Or Subtle Elegance

Ultimately, the wood you choose for the structure of your sauna is a personal choice. The bold among you looking for deep, rich color with accompanying aroma will want to choose Red Cedar. For those looking for an inconspicuous wood will be pleased with the odorless and softer color of the Hemlock.

Your journey into infrared sauna therapy will be transformative from the inside out. Your health and wellness will reach new heights as you reap the cascade of health benefits available through exposure to the infrared wavelengths.

Both Hemlock and Red Cedar will last a lifetime, as you choose your wood for the structure of your sauna you will need to decide if you want to enjoy the accompanying aroma therapy of the Red Cedar scent coupled with the bold and beautiful color, or if you would prefer an odorless wood with a subtle color, if this is the case, than the obvious choice for you is Hemlock.

You will be spending a lot of time in your health oasis, your infrared sauna will become an intricate part of your home and daily life, choose the wood that best serves your needs. Either Red Cedar or Hemlock will provide a safe and transformative structure to contain the healing rays of infrared light. Enjoy your journey and curtail your choice of wood to optimize the experience you have with your sauna.