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Infrared Sauna Therapy And Alzheimer’s Disease: The Synergistic Treatment

Living with a loved one suffering from the degenerative condition of Alzheimer’s disease is devastating. It can leave you feeling helpless as you slowly watch the tapestry of a rich blanket of life memories slip away.

Disconnected and disassociated from shared experiences with your family member feels like the door is shutting you out into the cold, with little power to make a change.

Fragmented memories, lost time, and confusion will leave the patient suffering from Alzheimer’s disease feeling helpless and out of control. There is no shortage of descriptive terms to describe the barren landscape of the emotional body of those in association with individuals suffering from this degenerative disease or individuals who directly experience the slow loss of their cognitive function.

Understanding how infrared sauna therapy can have a positive impact on the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease requires a paradigm shift from a Newtonian perspective on human physiology to a quantum understanding.

Taking a brief gaze upon the mechanism behind the source of Alzheimer’s disease, coupled with an understanding of the relationship between the infrared spectrums on the physical network of the body, will provide a clear picture as to why infrared light therapy has the potential to be helpful in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

If it were possible to alleviate the suffering of individuals affected by age related dementia then it would be well worth a thorough investigation into possible treatments. Research performed by scientists and medical professionals in the field of biomedicine on the subject of infrared light therapy and Alzheimer’s disease have produced intriguing results. Preliminary findings suggest there may be a correlation between regular and high frequency use of infrared light therapy for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is an illness that affects the cognitive centers of the brain: It is degenerative and slowly degrades the memory, both short and long term, eventually inhibiting its victim from performing basic daily tasks. Alzheimer’s is currently understood to be the most common underlying cause of dementia (a general term used to describe the loss of cognitive function severe enough to interfere with performing tasks in daily life) (1).
This slow degenerative disease is not a natural part of aging, although it affects individuals older than 65 years of age in general. It is believed that long before any symptoms are expressed, the disease has already made its mark on the microscopic level of the brain. On average, patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease die between four and eight years after diagnosis. This disease is progressive and degenerative as it slowly erodes the function of the brain and ultimately the life of the individual.

Patients suffering from Alzheimer’s will begin to experience short-term memory loss, usually beginning with small, inconsequential gaps. With the passage of time, both short and long-term memory is evasive. As years pass, and the disease takes hold of the patient’s brain, conversation becomes impossible as patients lose their ability to respond to the environment around them.

Today, there is no known allopathic medical cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Patients and their families learn to manage the degenerative condition that leads to the death of brain neurons and eventual death of the person. There are exciting developments in the field of biomedical research demonstrating potential positive impacts of broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy both as a preventive measure and ultimate cessation of symptoms (2).

Alzheimer’s Disease And The Brain

To say the human brain is complex would be an understatement. We need to learn to understand the physical brain as a composition of billions of cells involved in an intricate dance, rather than a stagnant piece of matter. The brain has 100 billion nerve cells that we call neurons. The network of neurons is active and synergistically works in harmonious relationship to itself: This allows us to think logically, hold memory and learn (3).

The evolved intricacies of the network of nerve cells in the brain are in constant communication with each other. Each nerve cell connects to another nerve cell to communicate essential information. Groups of nerve cells are responsible for different functions that serve individuals to perform both basic and complex tasks.

This perfectly orchestrated coordination of neurological communication requires fuel to stay in motion, namely: oxygen. Long before any symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease becomes apparent to the patient; microscopic changes in the brain have already begun.

In neuroimaging of the Alzheimer’s diseased brain can be seen a buildup of plaques and tangles, in short the presence of these proteins in the brain have been hypothesized to be neuron ‘killers’.

The Alzheimer’s Association of America talks about the death of neurons as being at the root cause of Alzheimer’s disease:

“It’s the destruction and death of nerve cells that causes memory failure, personality changes, problems carrying out daily activities and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.” (4)

Neurons operating in a healthy coordinated fashion generate proper brain function. If neurons are dying faster than they are regenerated, Alzheimer’s occurs. The slow death of the brain (a composite of 100 billion neurons) leaves patients unable to hold memories. The brain is necessary for the survival of the entire body: As neurons die off at rapid rates the patient is unable to substantiate the function of the entire body and therefore dies.

Necessary to cure and treat Alzheimer’s disease is neurogenesis (creation of new brain cells) to keep the brain alive and well. Communication between the intricately connected nerve cells in the brain is necessary; if there is a break down in one group of neurons the entire brain is affected. Exploring treatment methods that increase neurogenesis is paramount: Infrared sauna therapy does just this. Infrared light waves interact with the body to spark oxygenation of the cells and ultimately the creation of new nerve cells in the brain.

Further research suggests that chronic inflammation due to a lack of well-oxygenated blood is a contributing factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Therapies that increase the oxygenation of the cells and therefore decrease inflammation in the body also help treat and prevent Alzheimer’s. Infrared wavelengths interact with the cellular structure of the body to heighten ATP production, and therefore, enhance oxygenation of the blood.

Oxygenation of the hemoglobin coupled with neurogenesis give infrared sauna therapy the potential to be an effective preventative treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and potentially a source of remission for individuals already within the clutches of this unforgiving illness (4).

Ground breaking research emerged from a study performed in Finland in 2016 revealed the impact that sauna therapy has on the prevention and ultimate treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

In the words of Dr. Andrew Weil, MD:

“Here is the story: the men were between the ages of 42 to 60 when they joined a study of heart disease. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Bristol in the U.K. followed the men for almost 21 years to determine whether saunas are associated with the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. They found that men who used saunas an average of four to seven times per week were 66 percent less likely to develop dementia and 65 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. In comparison, men who used saunas only once a week were 22 percent less likely to develop dementia and 20 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s than men who didn’t use saunas at all. The researchers reached these conclusions after controlling for risk factors such as age, alcohol consumption, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, previous heart attack, resting heart rate and cholesterol.” (5)

Exposure to heat stress or heat shock in a controlled environment may increase neurotrophic factors to create an effect that provokes brain stem cells to produce new neurons. Exposure to increased heat may directly cause an increase in brain cell production during the sauna session.

The saunas used for the study mentioned above were traditional dry Finnish saunas. The impact of heat therapy on the body clearly demonstrates strong correlations with the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Infrared saunas are one of many heat therapy options available. It is unique, however, among thermal therapy because of the combination of benefits derived from traditional heat therapy modalities coupled with the unique effects of the infrared light spectrum on the cellular structure of the brain.

Infrared sauna therapy provides the same benefits as traditional saunas and a steam room with the profound and powerful addition of the penetrative wavelengths of the infrared spectrum.

What Makes Infrared Sauna Therapy So Special?

In the late 19th century Dr. Harvey Kellogg invented the first infrared light therapy, he called it the ‘Incandescent Light Bath’. This state-of-the-art invention gained worldwide acclaim for its healing effects on the totality of the body. It was not until 1965 when NASA studied the effects of the light spectrum on astronauts experiencing musculoskeletal atrophy upon returning from space that infrared sauna therapy had an unequivocal impact in the field of biomedicine. It was revealed through NASA’s research on the light spectrum that the infrared spectrum had profound, long lasting health benefits on the general populace (6).

Near, mid, and far infrared light is invisible to the human eye, but is experienced kinetically as heat. This radiant heat emanating from the infrared spectrum is entirely different from the convectional heat experienced through traditional saunas. Infrared wavelengths penetrate beyond the initial epidermis of the skin into the soft tissue of the body. This transmission of light into the body’s network sparks profound cellular transformation, which distinguishes it from other forms of heat therapy.

Infrared Light Ignites The Energy Plants In The Body: Healthy, High Functioning Mitochondria May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Dysfunction of the mitochondria within the cells of the body is considered to be a potential cause of Alzheimer’s (7). The human physical body is comprised of over 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an, ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) occurs. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light and particularly sensitive to deeply penetrating rays of infrared. As soon as the body is exposed to infrared light, ATP production is exponentially stimulated.

As ATP production occurs in response to infrared light exposure, nitric acid is released thereby hyper oxygenating the hemoglobin. The freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow throughout the body like a fast moving river. Inflammation in the body occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the injured area. Within minutes of entering into your infrared sauna, ATP production hyper-oxygenates the blood: This creates better and faster flowing circulation of the blood throughout the body and reduces inflammation throughout the body, including the brain(8).

Scientists and medical researchers understand that a lack of oxygenated blood causes inflammation in all parts of the body.

Infrared sauna therapy oxygenates the blood stream to reduce inflammation, one of three primary causes of Alzheimer’s disease.

It has been strongly suggested through scientific research that all heat therapy reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s in men engaged in moderate to high frequent sauna use. Infrared sauna use encompasses the benefits of exposure to controlled heat with the addition of the infrared light spectrum as medicine to the body’s cellular structure.

A Ray Of Hope For Families And Individuals Living With Alzheimer’s disease: Neurogenesis And Infrared Sauna Therapy

Until 1960, it was believed that neurogenesis was not possible. Any dementia diagnosis was a life sentence. Scientists now understand that brain nerve cells are able to reproduce in reaction to the appropriate environmental factors. It turns out that exposure to the infrared light spectrum does spark neurogenesis through the process of mitosis.

Joseph Altman and his team of scientists discovered that through mitosis, the process of cell splitting where genetically identical daughter cells are created, demonstrated unequivocally that adult neurogenesis is possible.
Neuronal cell death is the villain behind the ravages of the cognitive degenerative disease of Alzheimer’s: Exposure to heat therapy coupled with the penetrative rays of infrared light therapy impacts the cellular structure of neurons to procreate through mitosis: Neurogenesis is possible, if neurogenesis is possible than so too is a cure for Alzheimer’s disease (8).

Infrared Light Bath Therapy: A Potentially Viable Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disease?

Scientists and bio-medical researchers can now definitively demonstrate the effects of infrared light through studies performed on mice. Here is what they found:

(A) Exposure to infrared light decreases brain levels of ‘plaques’ and ‘tangles’ (found in the Alzheimer’s diseased brain) thereby improving cognitive deficiencies.

(B) Cellular energy, as demonstrated in ATP production was increased in these studies. Heightened health of the mitochondria in individual cells was improved through exposure to infrared light, without the heat element (9).

The three primary underlying causes of Alzheimer’s disease is now believed to be:

  1. The growing presence of plaques and tangles in the brain
  2. Neuronal death
  3. Inflammation due to low functioning mitochondria unable to maximize ATP production and oxygenate the brain.

Scientists and researchers in the field of biomedicine can now measure that exposure to the infrared light spectrum; (even without the element of heat) has the power to effectively reverse the three primary causes of Alzheimer’s disease on the brain (9).

Exposure to infrared light has the following effects:

  1. Decreases the culmination of plaques and tangles in the brain.
  2. Neurogenesis
  3. Maximizes ATP production by stimulating the mitochondria of the cell.

Research in the field of biomedicine and infrared light therapy is revelatory and groundbreaking in terms of available treatment for the degenerative condition of Alzheimer’s disease. Through an understanding of the primary causes of illnesses, the gateway into treatment is opened.

Infrared sauna therapy may directly address the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s disease thereby making it a viable treatment both in the prevention and cessation of symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Infrared Sauna Therapy: A Gentle Approach for the Elderly and Those Suffering From Heart Conditions
Infrared saunas do not need heat to be effective. This means that it is a great treatment option for the elderly and those suffering from heart conditions who cannot be exposed to extreme temperatures as is the case in the traditional sauna.

Infrared saunas are better understood as a light bath rather than a heated room. Infrared saunas do not depend on heat to be effective in their treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. This is excellent for those who are sensitive to heat or unable to be exposed to heat therapy. It is the relationship of the emanating and penetrative hues of the invisible spectrum of infrared light that ignites the biochemical changes in the body and brain that are beneficial for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is primarily an affliction of the elderly; this demographic is traditionally unable to endure the vigorous traditional sauna or steam rooms. Sitting in an infrared sauna with a low temperature will still envelope the individual in a bath of infrared light to generate the transformational effects necessary to address the underlying causes of this degenerative disease.

With regular and high-frequency exposure to the infrared light spectrum will create the accumulative effect of high functioning mitochondria (increased oxygenation of the body and reduced inflammation), neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells) and the reduction of plaques and tangles found in the Alzheimer’s brain.

Infrared saunas do not rely on heat but rather the energy field of the light spectrum to ignite the necessary biochemical changes in the body to treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease, thus making it an ideal option for those unable to withstand traditional heat therapy modalities.

Infrared Sauna Therapy: A Bright Future For The Potential Treatment Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Steep the body in the gentle rays of the infrared light spectrum and experience the necessary biochemical transformation in the body and brain to effectively reverse the devastating toll Alzheimer’s disease has on its patients. Groundbreaking research in the field of biomedicine has revealed the positive effects of exposure to infrared light in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s.

While the scientific findings regarding the Alzheimer’s brain and infrared light are inspirational, it is also worth noting the comfort and pleasure derived from spending time in an infrared sauna for both the patients and family members.

Stress response is a natural reaction when faced with the horror and loss associated with any kind of degenerative disease, particularly one that reduces the function of memory and conversational engagement. The infrared sauna will coax the body out of stress back into states of harmony and peace where clarity resides.

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, the whole family, including the patient can benefit from the relaxing and refreshing time spent in the transcendental space of an infrared sauna.

For many years, as a society we believed that neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells) was impossible; this meant that the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease was a life sentence. We now know that the creation of new neurons is possible, and this fact changes the paradigm of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Today, infrared sauna therapy is among the safest and most effective methods of inducing neurogenesis, thereby making it a leader in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

From helpless sorrow to the light of hope, infrared sauna therapy brightens the future of Alzheimer’s disease both as a preventive treatment and an open door for patients and family members to step through and begin treatment even in the depths of the degenerative disease.

If you or someone you love is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease please consult a healthcare professional before undergoing an infrared sauna treatment.



Additional Reading:


Adrenal Fatigue and Infrared Sauna

Exhausted, burned out, and frustrated with ongoing muscular weakness is how individuals experiencing adrenal fatigue feel most of the time. Adrenal exhaustion is a common condition for many people. In a fast-paced culture, states of prolonged stress response in the body overwork the adrenal glands, as more adrenaline and cortisol is needed on a daily basis.

By alleviating the demands put on the adrenal glands from stress response, it is possible to restore the full health and operative capacity for these glands. In order for adrenal glands to find reprieve from activity, the body must find states of relaxation. Once relaxation is established, there is no longer a need for adrenal glands to excrete adrenaline in the system, and they are therefore able to rejuvenate and restore themselves.

The key ingredient for adrenal health is to find a vehicle into relaxation and out of stress response. Infrared sauna therapy is a powerful tool that can mobilize parasympathetic dominance (rest and relaxation) through a series of biochemical changes in the body.

The cellular network responds to the infrared light waves to produce states of deep relaxation where adrenal gland healing can begin. Reduce the risk of developing more serious health conditions, revitalize the body, return to a healthy range of available energy and leave exhaustion behind while you regularly bask in the warm rays of infrared light.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Fatigue (even after long periods of sleep)
  • Muscle Weakness (sometimes muscle atrophy)
  • Weight Loss
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Salt Cravings
  • Depression/Anxiety/Moodiness
  • Low Back Pain
  • Dizziness/Fainting Spells
  • Subnormal Body Temperature (hypersensitivity to the cold)
  • Gastro-Intestinal Issues: IBS, Crohn’s Disease, And Constipation
  • Joint Pain
  • Poor Circulation

Adrenal fatigue, also known as adrenal insufficiency, adrenal exhaustion, and adrenal burnout syndrome is very common today. It is the under-activity or depletion of the adrenal glands as a result of years of overactivity due to both internal and external stress. Adrenal fatigue may also express symptoms after a single trauma in a person’s life.

Symptoms of adrenal exhaustion include, but are not limited to: low blood pressure, fatigue (even after a long night’s sleep), muscle weakness, depression, low back pain (near the location of the kidneys in the body), dizziness, and episodes of lost consciousness (1).

For individuals with adrenal gland depletion it can be frustrating because they look well on the outside, but may on some days lack the physical strength to get out of bed. With associated lowered moods they are often told to power through. This is terrible advice as the individual is physically unable to perform normal daily tasks due to extreme weakness and fatigue. Attempting to exercise or will themselves through the day further depletes the adrenal glands.

The umbrella term of adrenal fatigue is a wide spectrum from mild depletion of adrenal gland activity to very severe cases of total depletion: At the very far spectrum of adrenal burnout cases is Addison’s disease, the complete shut down of the adrenal gland function, typically occurring after a severe trauma (2).

The most famous case of Addison’s disease (the far spectrum of adrenal exhaustion) was expressed through John F. Kennedy Jr after a serious trauma during his participation in World War II. After his small patrol boat was hit by a Japanese destroyer on a dark night, killing everyone in the crew except him, put him into states of shock that resulted in Addison’s disease. Taking high doses of vitamin C and cortisol daily for the remainder of his life treated his condition. The youngest elected president appeared full of youthful vitality but even during his presidency campaign he experienced fainting spells and periods of exhaustion (3).

Many cases of adrenal fatigue are misdiagnosed as Addison’s disease; most cases respond well to lifestyle adjustments, particularly infrared sauna therapy, and do not require harmful doses of pharmaceutical grade cortisol.

Cushing’s disease is the opposite expression of Addison’s disease: it is an over activity or hyper-function of the adrenal glands and is very rare. Typical of Cushing’s disease is the appearance of a ‘moon face’, discoloration of the skin, kidney stones, and obesity through the trunk (despite a healthy diet and plenty of exercise), as well as muscle weakness.

Adrenal fatigue is a gateway disorder for other diseases to evolve within the body including: Thyroid conditions, Fibromyalgia, ALS, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, and other chronic degenerative conditions. If adrenal fatigue can be addressed in the early stages, and the necessary lifestyle adjustments are made, individuals are able to overcome a myriad of illnesses (4).

Adrenal fatigue expresses after the body has been in stress response for too long and homeostasis of the body has been lost. Addressing the underlying cause of adrenal burnout helps individuals re-establish balance in the body and avoid treatments that may only compound the condition. Most cases of adrenal fatigue are incremental in their symptom expression and appear slowly, almost unnoticed at first.

What Are The Adrenal Glands?

The functions of adrenal glands: A Hormone Factory

· Adrenaline (Epinephrine)
· Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine)
· Cortisol
· Cortisone
· Testosterone
· Progesterone
· Estrogen
· Aldosterone

A woman experiencing symptoms of adrenal fatigue

The adrenal glands are essential for life, our survival and ability to meet challenges relies on them. The adrenal glands are rounded, almost disc shaped, they are about one to two inches across and sit directly above the left and right kidneys respectively. Many individuals will experience the sensation of pressure in this region while under stress. This is because as the body enters states of stress response the adrenal glands turn on and begin producing a cascade of hormone release (5).

The adrenal glands are responsible for the production of key hormones for the body: Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), Cortisol, Cortisone, DHEA, Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogen and Aldosterone. If there is even a slight malfunction of the adrenal glands the health of the entire body suffers.

The hormones produced in the adrenal glands affect a number of the body’s functioning but the most important however, is their ability to respond under life threatening situations. When an individual perceives a threat (real or imagined) the adrenal glands begin to convert glucose at faster rates into the bloodstream, raise blood pressure and are able to produce higher levels of externally projected energy to protect the body in states of survival (5).

The adrenal glands are essential to the nervous system and provide the necessary convergence of energy to protect the body under threat and ensure survival. Understanding the mechanism of the autonomic nervous system allows individuals to begin to address the root cause of adrenal exhaustion and receive the necessary treatment to find internal equilibrium once again.

The Autonomic Nervous System and Adrenal Fatigue

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for all body functions that occur automatically, this is done through the establishment of two basic states of being, for example: states of relaxation or states of hyper-alertness as they are expressed through the physiological network. A clear mapping of the autonomic nervous system produces the key to adrenal fatigue recovery.

The autonomic nervous system has two distinct expressions: sympathetic dominance (fight or flight/survival) and parasympathetic dominance (relaxation, rest and digestion).

Sympathetic dominance protects the body against real and perceived threat. Heart rate accelerates, blood pressure is increased, and the adrenal glands and thyroid glands are called into action to defend the body. This state of being is catabolic, which means that it breaks the body down rather than nourishing it. Ideally, sympathetic dominance takes over the nervous system of the body to prepare it to fight or flee. The experience of ‘adrenaline rush’ is the byproduct of sympathetic dominance. Stress response is necessary for survival and under healthy conditions the body would easily flow from this state of being back to relaxation when the threat is gone, where nourishment and healing can occur.

Parasympathetic dominance is essential for healthy states of being. In this state, adrenal glands rest and are not activated. Blood flow moves towards digestion, cellular regeneration, and repair. Wound healing, of any kind takes place during states of rest. It is necessary for the health of the body to find states of parasympathetic dominance often in order to sleep well, repair the body, and to find health and vitality (6).

Unfortunately, many individuals remain in sympathetic dominance in response not only to real life threatening situations but also to daily stresses. Arguments with a spouse, traffic, a heavy professional workload, or high levels of toxins within the body can keep an individual in stress response. Over time stress response depletes the body and illness occurs. Sympathetic dominance is catabolic and erodes the health and longevity of the body.
Adrenal fatigue occurs when individuals remain in stress response for long periods of time. Sympathetic dominance calls on the adrenal glands to produce cortisol and adrenal to heighten response in the body to external threat. This is great if a person’s life is in danger but when adrenaline is used just to negotiate traffic every morning or respond to stressful emails and deadlines long-lasting disease can settle into the body. Over time, continued excretion and production of cortisol and adrenaline from the adrenal glands will leave these precious parts of the body, overtaxed, overworked, and depleted. Adrenal exhaustion settles in and impairs the daily function of individuals suffering from this chronic condition.

Adrenaline being produced in a life threatening situations

Adrenal fatigue can be cured, meaning normal function of the adrenal glands can be restored by calling the body back into parasympathetic dominance and alleviating the adrenal glands from continuous production of adrenaline. Infrared sauna therapy coaxes the body out of stress response and back into states of relaxation where adrenal glands can find rest and rejuvenation.

Infrared Sauna Therapy And Parasympathetic Dominance: A way out of Adrenal Exhaustion

“As with many vital organs, the adrenal glands are also prone to the negative effects of long-term stress. When we’re living in emergency mode for extended periods of time and diminish our vital energy field, all of or energy is directed outward to protect us from external threats, leaving little energy to protect us from internal threats. Eventually, this leads to dysfunction of the immune system. It makes sense, then, that by mobilizing the parasympathetic nervous system for growth and repair, the adrenal glands should become healthy and regulated because we are putting energy into that gland.”

– Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of ‘Becoming Supernatural’ (7)

The only credible way to restore normal adrenal gland function is through more frequent and longer-lasting states of parasympathetic dominance. If the body and mind have been trained in stress response it can be difficult to create a different state of being in the body. This is why infrared sauna therapy is such an effective treatment for adrenal exhaustion.

The infrared spectrum of light vibrates at a frequency that allows it to easily penetrate beyond the initial epidermis into the soft tissue of the body. This gentle heat coaxes the body out of stress response as blood flow is redirected toward digestion and cellular regeneration. The heat of an infrared sauna is not overly intense, as is the case with traditional sauna and therefore feels as if you are walking into a light bath.

The biochemical response to infrared light frequency transcends stress response and redirects every cell in the body back to states of relaxation. Mitochondrial activity is stoked by exposure to infrared light and therefore ATP production is increased, causing hyper-oxygenated blood to flow freely throughout the body to repair injury. Basking in the warm light of an infrared sauna for only 15 minutes creates a cascade of transformation at the cellular and molecular level of the body and gently converts the body out of sympathetic dominance back into states of relaxation (8).

As the body finds relaxation, adrenal gland activity is reduced. Rather than produce adrenaline and cortisol, the adrenal glands begin to repair and rejuvenate as freshly oxygenated blood flows into them.

Infrared sauna therapy improves circulation and therefore reduces inflammation in the body, as energy is redirected inward toward healing and nourishment. States of relaxation do not rely on adrenaline or cortisol production and adrenal glands can find rest. Further, the effects of infrared sauna therapy affect the biochemistry of the body for hours after use. This means that individuals using infrared sauna therapy will be less likely to return to the pattern of stress response and sleep deeper allowing them to wake up feeling rejuvenated.

Individuals suffering from adrenal exhaustion will be unable to partake in moderate to vigorous exercise; the infrared sauna produces very similar effects in the body to moderate exercise. Infrared sauna therapy provides an opportunity for individuals to reap the benefits of exercise without the energy output and thereby restores the body back to healthy states of homeostasis (9).

Stepping into the warm rays of an infrared light bath soothes the body and sparks the necessary chemical reaction in the body to draw the autonomic nervous system out of stress response back into states of relaxation where restoration and rejuvenation occur.

Regular infrared sauna sessions lasting at least fifteen minutes, taken three times a week, will provide the necessary release from stress response for the adrenal glands to be restored back to normal and healthy functioning states.

Detoxification Protocol And Adrenal Fatigue

External threat and stress turns on sympathetic dominance and therefore the adrenal glands begin to excrete cortisol and adrenaline into the body, in addition to external threat the body also responds to internal stress (toxins and pollutants) by turning sympathetic dominance on in the same way. The deeply penetrative rays of infrared light heat the body up from the inside out; this creates a powerful response in the sweat glands (10).
By using the largest organ of the body, the skin, to detoxify the physiological system from harmful toxins and pollutants, individuals will find relief from internal stress. Finding relief from internal stress (a challenge well within the individual’s control) limits the frequency and occurrence of sympathetic dominance.

Infrared saunas powerfully encourage detoxification protocol by inducing copious sweating.

Individuals suffering from adrenal fatigue report feeling more energized after a single session, this is because the body was able to relax and also find relief from toxins.

While it may be difficult to regulate external life stresses, it is possible to relieve the body from internal stress due to a toxic overload. Not only does infrared sauna therapy relax the body, it is the most powerful tool in any detoxification regime.

As the body is relieved of toxic pollutants internally, over all stress response will be diminished and therefore the adrenal glands will find more opportunity for reprieve.

Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy May Help Adrenal Fatigue Sufferers

Adrenal exhaustion, fatigue, or depletion is a condition that can be cured as adrenal glands are restored back to healthy operative states. This recovery is only made possible by mobilizing the parasympathetic nervous system to relieve the burden placed upon the adrenal glands from prolonged states of stress. Infrared sauna therapy is a powerful healing modality because it mobilizes states of relaxation after just 15 minutes of submerging the body in the light bath of infrared waves.

Adrenal fatigue, if left untreated, may evolve into more threatening illness. Adrenal burnout is a red flag to let you know that the body has been operating in stress response for too long, and this provides an opportunity to reset the autonomic nervous system and give the adrenal glands a rest from over-activity. By addressing the needs of the adrenal glands it is possible to restore the body back to health and avoid more serious illness and long-term chronic conditions.

Infrared sauna therapy creates an atmosphere where the body can find relaxation, therefore allowing the adrenal glands to take the bench and no longer produce necessary hormones involved in stress response. In addition, infrared sauna therapy is a powerful detoxification protocol and allows individuals to free the body from internal stress by ridding it of harmful pollutants. Further, the mitochondrial response to infrared wavelengths heightens energy conversion in the body and redirects the blood flow to the digestive tract, cellular regeneration and improved circulation..

* Before engaging in an infrared sauna therapy consult your health care practitioner. If you are experiencing adrenal fatigue or any other health condition, be thorough in your research and consult your physician before beginning any treatment plan.


  7. ‘Becoming Supernatural”, Dr. Joe Dispenza, 10/19/2017

How to Assemble Your Infrared Sauna: A Helpful Guide

Your sauna has arrived! You are ready to begin your journey through infrared sauna therapy and are on the brink of transformation into optimal health and well-being. Follow this easy to use guide to ensure that your sauna is assembled correctly and safely. You are just a few short steps away from basking in the warm hues of your infrared sauna and enjoying the myriad of health benefits available through this unique treatment.

What You Will Need To Assemble Your Infrared Sauna

  • Two able bodied adults: Ensure that you have two individuals available to assemble your sauna: this is not a one-person job!
  • Space in your home: Prepare a level area in your home in advance where you will put your infrared sauna
  • Three Pronged Electrical Outlet: Ensure safe electrical access by grounding the electrical system of your home. You will need a three-pronged outlet or surge protector.  European customers need the necessary convertor.
  • A Printed Manual: Have a printed manual available that you can cross-reference as you assemble your infrared sauna.
  • A Screwdriver: Have either a drill or manual screwdriver available before you begin to assemble your sauna.
  • Patience: The following guide is easy to follow: However, it can be tedious to assemble any new piece of furniture into your home. Your sauna must be assembled in correct alignment to solidify safe use; additionally you will be working with electricity, which requires a calm and patient mind to establish safety precautions.

Optimal assembly of your infrared sauna can be ensured through proper preparation. Different personality types find this procedure more or less natural to their respective disposition. If you are not predisposed to details, be mindful of enlisting the help of a companion who is. The assembly of your infrared sauna is a partner operation. The paneling can be heavy and both individuals will need to be able bodied and willing to lift. At least one member of your crew should be detailed oriented!!!

Establish an area in your home that will be accessible to an electric outlet that is grounded! Ensure that the electric outlet you use is safe and functioning. If you live in the developing world, for example on a Caribbean island, the electrical outlets are not generally grounded and you will need to move through the process to ground the electricity of your home before assembling your infrared sauna.

Once you find an area in your home that has safe accessibility to an electrical outlet ensure that the floor is flat. You can use a level to determine if the floor space is appropriate for your infrared sauna. If you do not have floor space in your home that is level you may shimmy small pieces of wood shingles under the floor panel of your sauna to establish a level setting.

As you choose the position of your sauna in your home, you want to be mindful that this sauna will become a sanctuary for you. Find a place in your home that is, ideally out of the way from the hustle and bustle where you feel comfortable disrobing and finding quietude to induce deep states of relaxation.

Have a printed manual available to cross-reference as you assemble your guide. The details are important: Ensure that at least one of the adults assembling your infrared sauna is oriented towards reading instructions and will assume the role of detail leader!

Finally, be patient; establishing a firm foundation of a solid structure will allow you to fully benefit from your infrared sauna sessions in a safe environment. The cascade of health benefits offered through spectrum infrared sauna treatment therapy will be at your fingertips, in the comfort of your own home. Patiently assemble your infrared sauna to ensure safe usage over the course of your journey into this deeply healing treatment.

How Long Will It Take To Assemble?

  • One Hour: You do not want to rush the process and therefore miss important details. Set aside at least one hour of your day to properly assemble your infrared sauna. If you finish sooner, this is great, but be sure to be present to the assembly process to establish a safe environment.

As you prepare to assemble your infrared sauna set time aside from your daily schedule and obligations. Put on comfortable clothes that allow you to move and lift heavy paneling. Settle into the process without time restrictions. The smaller two person units will take less time than the larger units. Ideally, set aside an afternoon or evening where you can joyfully assemble your infrared sauna in a relaxed and present state of mind.

Identify Important Components Of Your Infrared Sauna And Clear The Floor Space

  • Part Names
  • Separate Wood Paneling From Electrical components

Your sauna will be shipped to you in boxed packaging. Before diving into the assembly process unpack your shipment, identify the different components, for example: the floor base, side paneling, Himalayan salt crystal, and control panel. Separate the wood paneling components from the electrical parts and lay them out in an easily accessible display.

Part Names: Wood Paneling Units

  •  Top Panel
  • Right Panel
  • Left Panel
  • Bench Panel
  • Bench Support Panel
  • Floor Panel
  • Corner Unit saunas will Also Include: Right Front Panel, Left Front Panel, Back Right Panel, Back Left Panel, Short Bench Support Panel, Short Bench Panel, Long Bench Support Panel, Long Bench Panel.

Electrical Components:

  • Control Panel: Timer, Temperature, Lighting
  • Far Infrared Carbon Heater
  • Near/Mid Ceramic Heater
  • Himalayan Salt Crystal
  • Internal External Lighting

The components of your infrared sauna should be away from the floor space where you will build your sauna, identified and separated. Ensure the floor is level and the electrical outlet is safe and accessible. You are now ready to start the assembly process!!!

Assemble Wood Paneling

  • Understand Panel Locking Mechanism
  • Order of Panel Installment
  • Create A Level Foundation

The paneling units of your sauna are heavy, be sure to lift by bending the knees and keeping a flat back. Use your inhalation to generate strength in the body and your exhalation to lift paneling unit. Moving in synchronicity to your breath will allow you remain injury free.

Similar to batteries each panel is marked with a ‘+’ sign or a ‘-‘ sign on either end. The ‘+’ marked ends slide into the ‘-‘ ends of each paneling. Lift the end of the paneling marked ‘+’ by 4 inches (10 cm) above the paneling marked by ‘-‘. Once alignment is found you can easily slide the respective paneling into each other. Once alignment is found be sure that the ends are flush with each other. If ends of paneling do not line up, start again and slide back into place. By following this procedure you will ensure that the paneling is safely ‘locked’ into place.

*Please refer to your instruction manual for a visual aid.

Panels should be installed in the following order (There may be some variance depending on sauna model and size):

*Floor Panel> Back Panel>Left Side Panel>Right Side Panel> Bench Support Panel> Front Panel>Top Panel *

1)  Place floor panel in your desired location. The floor panel must be level. It is helpful to use a level at this point. If the floor of your home is not flat and level you may shimmy wood shingles under your floor panel to ensure that it is level. Once the floor panel is in place you can measure it by using a level. The floor panel lines and grooves should be parallel to the front wall.

Once the floor panel is in place, take a step back, breath deeply and prepare for installing the right and left wall paneling.

Building The Wood Structure Of Your sauna

  • Build Your Walls
  • Insert Heat Panels
  • Establish Your Bench
  • Create The Roof
  • Manage Electrical Wiring
  • Accessorize: Phone, towel and cup holder

You are now ready to begin to build vertically to create the structure of your infrared sauna. Here are fifteen easy steps you can take. Move through slowly in sequential order. It is necessary to follow the numerical ordering of these steps to ensure functionality and safety.

1)          Both partners building your Sauna unit should pick the left rear panel up off the ground vertically. Move the left rear panel into position over the floor panel. Lock the panel of the vertical wall into the available slots on the floor panel. Be mindful to create a ‘lock’ between the left rear panel and the floor panel.

2)          Both partners will need to lift the right and left rear side panels up and maneuver them into position above the floor panel. Lifting the walls up gently easing them into the slots of the floor panel. Confirm that the ‘lock’ has been established as described above.

3)          Lift the left side panel up vertically, move it into position and gently slide it into the slot of the floor panel. Lock the left side panel into position.

4)          Retrieve the bench support panel and the bench surface panel. The bench support panel should slide into the floor panel, ensure that the bench support is fully integrated into the corresponding slots in the floor to create a ‘lock’.

5)          The bench support panel should face the Himalayan salt wall and heater outward, facing the front of the unit.

6)          Connect the power connector from behind the bench support panel into the floor panel.

7)          You will find a second power connection in the bench support: connect this to the right wall panel.

8)          Ensure that the power connection is secure and fastened.

9)             Place the bench panel on top of the bench support panel and slide into place along the back wall. There should be a ‘lock’ surface ought to be flush with the bench support.

10)                Retrieve the front panel and lift it up vertically, one partner should be on either side. Gently slide the front panel into the slots in the floor to ‘lock’ into position, ensure that the front panels are also ‘locked’ into the right and left side panels.

11)                Identify the roof panel. This panel is particularly heavy. Ensure that both partners are prepared before lifting into position. Place the roof panel above the four side panels.

12)                The connection wires from the three side panels should protrude through the corresponding holes of the top panel. Align the top panel’s air vent to the corresponding back of the unit wire holes.

13)                The trim of the top panel should easily fit around all side panels and front panel.

14)                The wires on the top of the left, right, back and front panel should protrude through the top panel: plug each of the wires into the matching connectors on top.

15)                Identify and retrieve the wooden phone, cup, and towel rack. Choose where your ideal placement should be for your own needs and usage. The placement of these accessories will be permanent. Take your time before deciding where they should be located. You will need a drill or a screwdriver. You will mindfully attach these accessories to the sauna walls.

Power ‘On’ Your Infrared Sauna And Learn To Operate The Control Panel

Now that your sauna structure has been created you can plug your three-pronged plug into your home outlet.

Once electrical connection has been established you can begin to understand how to operate your control panel.

1)    ‘Power’, press this button to switch on or off.

2)   ‘Time’, will control the operation time, the numbers revealed let you  know how much time is left in your session. The default time will always be set to 45 minutes. The Up and Down button will allow you to adjust the quantity of time the infrared sauna is operating. (The maximum operating time is 60 minutes)

3)   ‘Temp’, symbolizes the set temperature. Your infrared sauna will automatically be set to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You can choose to read your temperature in Celsius symbolized by ‘C’ or Fahrenheit, symbolized as ‘F’. Press ‘High’ or ‘Low’ to increase or decrease temperature. The maximum temperature you can set is 150 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees Celsius. Once the temperature is set, the numbers will flash. After flashing occurs the actual temperature of the space will be indicate.

4)   Internal light, press on or off to light the internal space.

5)   External light, press on or off to the light the external space.  

Using your control panel is simple. All of the corresponding buttons express an actual command. Remember to acclimate your body to higher temperatures and longer time spent in the sauna over a three-week period. You will find that the control panel is self-explanatory.

Medical Grade Light Therapy: Control Your Light Setting

Your infrared sauna will come equipped with your medical-grade LED lighting. You can choose to allow the broad spectrum to cycle through automatically, or choose the infrared light that corresponds to your desired effect and stay with it for a period of time. By pressing the button twice you will be able to choose your color light for your desired duration. By pressing the button once, the broad spectrum of colored lights will cycle automatically, giving you 8 seconds of exposure to each color.

Take some time to read other articles of the website to decide what color choice is best for you.

Technical Issues Or Questions With Your sauna Assembly

Your sauna will come with an easy to use manual. The assembly will be simple provided you follow the guidelines outlined above. Be sure to have a partner on hand to assist you with heavy lifting. Follow all instructions numerically.

Should you face any challenges beyond the scope of what you can manage you can always call directly (1-800-979-8971) to speak to a representative who will assist you with the assembly or email staff ( with any particular inquiries. Be sure to keep a copy of your manual handy, in the event that you need to refer to it at any time.

Power Your Sauna On And Enjoy The Journey

Your infrared sauna has arrived and you have successfully assembled it in the desired location in your home. True transformative healing is now available to you in the comfort of your own home.  Relax and enjoy your first sauna session and let the cares and worries of the world roll off your shoulder as easily as sweat gently drops off your body.


1)  Assembly of your home infrared sauna requires two people.

2)  If you are stuck and do not understand the next step in the assembly process, reach out to for further clarification.

3)  Read articles from the website, especially: ‘How To Use An Infrared Sauna’, to maximize the benefits of your infrared sauna therapy.

Does Infrared Sauna Therapy Help With Inflammation?

Desperate for relief from pain, chronic inflammation can leave its sufferers feeling imprisoned by the agony of their own body. Chronic inflammation has devastating effects on the quality of life of affected individuals.

Infrared sauna therapy has the potential to have an immediate effect on the reduction of inflammation, and also may address the root cause of many conditions that are responsible for the production of chronic inflammation.

What Is Inflammation?

Inflammation is an essential part of the body’s ability to heal itself in the face of injury and infection. It is the body’s response to self-protection and removes harmful stimuli to begin the healing process. The body’s natural response to foreign organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, is inflammation. Inflammation also occurs in response to injury in the musculoskeletal structures of the body and lesions to the skin (1).

Infections, wounds, and fractures would not be able to heal without an inflammatory response. Increased production of white blood cells flushed to areas of the body under threat is analogous at the micro level to first responders: When the brain receives the metaphoric message of a home invasion the body quickly responds by sending augmented levels of white blood cells to the region of the body under attack.

Inflammation is one of the many naturally occurring miracles of human physiology. The body’s self-regulating mechanism is effective in its ability to promote self-healing. All human beings rely on the innate immune response of the body to create inflammation for survival.

If the inflammatory response were intrinsic to the body’s immune system and necessary to sustain the health of the body, then why would we want to reduce inflammation?

What Is The Difference Between Chronic and Acute Inflammation?

There is a biological response within the physiological network, called inflammation, that creates a defense mechanism to heal injured parts of the body affected by infection and blunt trauma. Without this defense system in place we would not be able to survive. Inflammation is a symptom of a surplus of white blood cells generated and flushed to affected areas. Chemicals that stimulate nerve endings are released, making the area more sensitive and ultimately uncomfortable and painful.

Inflammation in the body causes swelling, redness, heat, and pain. As an acute response to injury and infection, inflammation serves an excellent purpose. However, when inflammation develops into a chronic condition, particularly in the joints that leads to pain, it becomes problematic.

Acute and chronic inflammation differ in how quickly they are able to rid the body of injury and infection. Acute inflammation should dissipate within days of responding to a threat. Chronic inflammation occurs when the body continuously responds with an amplified immune response that ultimately creates harmful disease. All autoimmune diseases result from excessive white blood cell production that causes ongoing and chronic inflammation in the body.

Take a look at this chart to understand the difference between acute and chronic inflammation (2).

  Acute Chronic
Source Harmful bacteria or tissue injury Pathogens that the body cannot break down, including some types of virus, foreign bodies that remain in the system, or overactive immune responses
Onset Rapid Slow
Duration A few days From months to years
Outcomes Inflammation improves, turns into an abscess, or becomes chronic Tissue death and the thickening and scarring of connective tissue

Chronic inflammation leaves the body in a constant state of stress response. According to the NIH, stress is a major cause of disease. Furthermore, treatment of chronic inflammation must be two fold: Firstly, treatment must reduce inflammation and secondly, provide an opportunity for the body to exit out of stress response back to safety and relaxation (3).

Infrared sauna therapy may reduce chronic inflammation and, therefore, pain. It also coaxes the body out of stress response and back into relaxation to reduce immune responses causing chronic inflammation. Holistic treatments, such as infrared sauna therapy, address the problem of chronic inflammation but will not impair the body’s natural response to invasion of external danger.

Some Diseases Affected By Chronic Inflammation

  • Heart Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and ALS) (3)

The diversity of the list above expands across a variety of the physiological systems of the body. The underlying cause of many of the illnesses listed above is unknown, but they are each linked to chronic inflammation. Any treatment that addresses the painful chronic inflammation produced by these diseases will give the patient greater comfort and ease in their day to day life.

It is thought that the interplay between the infrared light spectrum and the cellular structures of the body can reduce symptoms of these diseases and potentially give way to a complete remission.

Medications Used In The Treatment Of Chronic Inflammation

Close Up of Various Medications

Cortisol is typically used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. It is a class of steroid hormone that prevents the mechanisms involved in inflammation from activating. Mineralocorticoids and Glucocorticoids are the primary types of cortisol used in the treatment of chronic inflammation (4).

Unfortunately, both of these commonly used treatments can be highly detrimental to the body. The use of Glucocorticoids has been linked to the cause of Cushing’s syndrome and Mineralocorticoids can cause high blood pressure and low potassium levels in the body that affects the balance of alkalinity and acidity in the body (5).

Further, any cortisol use perpetuates the stress response within the body’s network that may cause further illness. We now understand that continued states of stress response may be a major cause of illness. Cortisol causes the autonomic nervous system to enter stress response or survival mode; while cortisol treatments may alleviate symptoms in the short term, ultimately it leaves the body depleted and ill.

The Autonomic Nervous System And Chronic Inflammation

The autonomic nervous system is segregated by two distinct states of being: Sympathetic (stress response or fight or flight) dominance, or conversely, parasympathetic dominance (relaxation, digestion, rejuvenation and rest). Both serve an evolutionary purpose; one is not better than the other. When there is real danger or a threat to our life it is necessary for the body to operate from sympathetic dominance for survival. As the body seeks to find safety sympathetic dominance saves the day. We are able to complete unusual tasks of strength and persevere through the unthinkable through the stress response. Once safety is found the body should revert back to parasympathetic dominance where recuperation, regeneration, and rejuvenation can occur (6).

Many individuals are unable to transfer out of fight or flight back to relaxation. Perpetual states of stress lead to illness and disease. It is necessary for optimal health to be able to transfer from sympathetic dominance back to parasympathetic states of being with ease.

Cortisol is excreted from the adrenal glands during stress response. A common treatment for inflammatory conditions is cortisol, either by injection, oral consumption, or inhalation. The underlying issue of autoimmune diseases is augmented when additional cortisol is pumped into the system. Ultimately, the patient will not find the necessary reprieve from symptomatic pain or the illness itself.

Infrared sauna therapy is a treatment that coaxes the body out of sympathetic dominance back into relaxation where cellular rejuvenation occurs. This modality of heat therapy also addresses the symptom of chronic inflammation and will alleviate the discomfort and pain caused by the condition.

Infrared Wavelengths And Human Physiology

Infrared wavelengths exist on the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be seen with the human eye, but can be felt as heat. The infrared light rays are able to penetrate deeply into the epidermis into the soft tissue of the body, and therefore fully engage the body’s network. As the rays of infrared light burrow into the epidermis, the largest human organ, they heat the body up from the inside out. The body responds to both the heat and light to reduce inflammation (6).

Human anatomy viewed from the perspective of an active living organism constantly in conversation with itself, gives way to an appreciation of the dance with its external environment. When the body is exposed to the healing rays of the infrared spectrum, the living anatomy invites the light into its network system creating a domino effect of health, including stress reduction and decreased inflammation.

As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body, the cellular mechanism responds in excitement. The human form is comprised of 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an, ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) occurs. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light, particularly sensitive to deeply penetrating rays of the infrared. As soon as the body is exposed to infrared light, ATP production is exponentially stimulated (7).

As ATP production increases in response to the infrared light exposure, this releases nitric acid, which hyper oxygenates the hemoglobin. The freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow throughout the body like a fast moving river.

Inflammation in the body occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the injured area. Within minutes of entering into your sauna, ATP production increases oxygen in the blood creating better and faster flowing circulation of the blood throughout the body and reduces inflammation of injured areas (7).

Infrared Sauna Therapy May Aid In The Treatment Of These Conditions Affected By Chronic Inflammation:

  • Heart Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and ALS) (6)

Infrared Sauna Therapy: A Safe Treatment Option For Chronic Inflammation

Bucket Used in a Sauna

Broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy is two fold in its infrared treatment of chronic inflammation. Firstly, it reduces inflammation by hyper oxygenating the blood cells causing optimal circulation throughout the body’s network. Secondly, it coaxes the body into states of relaxation and reduces the side effects (inflammation) of chronic stress response.

As the body absorbs the spectrum of infrared light into its network the cellular structures are stimulated to produce higher amounts of ATP. A heightened ATP production increases the oxygenation of the bloodstream. The augmented circulation of hemoglobin filled with oxygen flows through areas of inflammation and immediately reduces pain (7).

Heat produced from the infrared sauna causes the body to sweat profusely: this powerfully rids the body of toxic build up. Toxic pollutants stored in the body’s network may cause the autonomic nervous system to transfer out of stress response. We know that a state of stress within human physiology is the root cause of chronic autoimmune conditions that can create painful inflammation. Chronic inflammation may be symptomatic of stress. Reducing toxicity in the body through perspiration relieves the body of stress and therefore many chronic conditions.

Step out of the entrapment of pain caused by chronic inflammation into the healing rays of infrared light. Infrared sauna therapy treatment addresses not only the symptom of inflammation, but may also address the underlying cause of stress response within the body. Freedom from chronic pain is possible. Infrared sauna therapy may give its users a one-way ticket to freedom from painful inflammation and permanent stress response.

*** Contraindication: Please consult a healthcare professional before terminating inflammatory medication. Please consult a healthcare professional if heart conditions are a factor in your inflammation.



Additional Resources:

Benefits of Using an Infrared Sauna at Home

There Is No Place Like Home:
Benefits Of Using An Infrared Sauna At Home

Wipe the sleep from your eyes, roll out of bed, slip on a comfortable robe, turn your infrared sauna on – you are on your way to a great start to any day! All within the comfort and safety of your own home.

You can use your home sauna as often as you like and bask in the radiant, warm hues of infrared light to marinate the body and spark absorption by the cellular network: This dance between infrared light waves and the body’s network may create a cascade of numerous health benefits that are increased with frequent use.

Infrared saunas can be found in many gyms and spas around the world, probably in your own neighborhood. When infrared spas are so readily available in public forms, why would someone choose to use an infrared sauna at home?

A personalized oasis of health is what your time in the infrared sauna will become, as you come to luxuriate in your daily routine.

What are the primary reasons to consider an infrared sauna in your home?

  • Convenience
  • Quality control of the physical unit
  • Clean environment (no risk of bacterial infections)
  • Comfort
  • More frequent use.

Frequent And Consistent Use Of Infrared Sauna Therapy May Augment Potential Health Benefits

Effective infrared sauna treatment requires consistent and frequent sessions. Radiant heat emanating from the wavelengths of near, mid and far-infrared lights create resonate absorption into the cellular network of the body.

Science now understands that the body is composed of 50 trillion cells; each cell has mitochondria, essentially an energy factory. The mitochondria of each individual cell are excited by exposure to infrared wavelengths and it is this excitement that creates the cascade of health benefits with exposure to the infrared light spectrum (1).

The cellular network of the body is literally being fed through exposure to infrared light therapy. We have kitchens in our home because we need to eat food, and we want to have the food easily accessible to us for whenever we become hungry. While we may choose to eat out occasionally, the bulk of our meal consumption happens at home because it is a primordial need for the body: Infrared light therapy may be no different for the molecular structure of the body.

The molecular and cellular structure of the body feeds off of infrared light exposure. Recently, biomedicine has begun to explore how DNA becomes a storehouse for light, and from this premise we can understand that the power of infrared light to feed the double helix may be a primordial cellular need for its consumption (2).

We have showers, toilets, beds, and kitchens in our home because we rely on these amenities daily: Begin to understand infrared light exposure as a daily requirement for your body.

It would be obscene to think that you could go out and shower once a week at a gym! Similarly, as the full absorption of health benefits available to you through infrared light therapy is understood in the light of truth, the necessity to have an infrared sauna in your home may be as primordial as a shower.

The wealth of health benefits that occur as a result of infrared sauna therapy sessions accumulate over frequent and consistent use. Infrared sauna therapy is not a one-shot occasion: Infrared sauna therapy is medicine and like any medicine, it requires daily absorption into the body’s physiological network.

Woman in Towel Enjoying the Sauna

Time Of Day Matters: When You Choose To Take Your Infrared Sauna May Have An Impact On The Health Benefits Received

Some medical professionals claim that benefits from your infrared sauna are maximized by taking your infrared light bath first thing in the morning upon waking and last thing of the day before bed (3). For this reason alone, it is untenable to have to go out to a public venue every time you want to take an infrared sauna.

Picture yourself rolling out of bed, turning your infrared sauna on, and enjoying your morning beverage while waiting 15-20 minutes for your infrared sauna to heat up. Shower off and enter into your day with vibrant and wakeful cells.

Unwind from your day as you sweat away the worries of your contextual life in your warm infrared light bath. From your sauna, to your shower and then into bed without having any transactional interactions: By having an infrared sauna in your home you are able to ride the wave of relaxation.

Public venues hosting infrared saunas means that even as you find relaxation in your sauna you will quickly be ushered back into activity as you negotiate the world around you.

Taking an infrared sauna in the morning and evening accentuates the health benefits experienced in the body: Doing this from the comfort of your home also enables you to stay in states of deep relaxation long after you have emerged from your infrared sauna.

Quality Control: Not All Saunas Are Created Equal

Close up of Sauna Bench

Choosing to have an infrared sauna at home allows you to be specific in your selection of the most effective and safe unit. There is great variance in the quality of infrared saunas available on the market. Understanding the different choices available will give you the ability to choose the safest sauna.

Due to the variance in quality (and cost) of infrared saunas means that many commercial businesses offering infrared sauna therapy to their clients choose the most cost-effective units. Infrared saunas that are less expensive often use materials that are less safe and emit more EMF.

As you choose to augment your health through infrared sauna therapy, it is counterproductive to sit inside sauna units that are off-gassing poisonous substances. Many gyms and spas attempt to increase revenue, while decreasing the cost of equipment to create the greatest profit margin. Chemically treated wood and low-grade glue used to in the construction of the wood parts of an infrared sauna will begin to off-gas as the unit is heated.

Further, EMF (electromagnetic radiance) emissions can be higher in cheaply built infrared saunas found in many gyms. Excessive exposure to high levels of EMF emissions may have destructive results on your health. Please, be mindful to choose an infrared sauna that is tested for EMF emissions and is willing to make public the results.

Choosing to have an infrared sauna in your home allows you to educate yourself on the different manufacturers of infrared saunas and to select the one that will best serve your health. Ultimately, you are the sovereign power over your own health, as you choose to journey through infrared sauna therapy be sure to be thorough in your research and choose the manufacturer that creates saunas using eco-friendly wood and high-grade glue with little detectable EMF emissions.

Bringing an infrared sauna into your home will ensure that you have chosen the highest quality unit: This will put the power of your health back into your hands. You do not need to be the victim of businesses trying to create a high-profit margin at the cost of your health.

Economic Factor: Save Money With An Infrared Sauna In Your Home

The value of your dollar matters: honor your financial stature by investing in an infrared sauna unit for your home. Effective infrared sauna therapy requires that you are consistent in its use. Boutique spas offering infrared sauna therapy will ultimately cost more in the long run: The amount that you spend on a boutique infrared sauna will cost more over the course of an 18-month period than if you bought a unit with an added lifetime warranty for your own home.

Here is a price list from a sample infrared sauna boutique spa:


5 PACK $149
10 PACK $249

4X/MONTH $89
8X/MONTH $159

Understanding the importance of frequent infrared sauna use means that you will want to buy a package from a business that will offer you unlimited infrared sauna access. After a year of using an infrared sauna in a boutique spa, for the same price you could invest in an at-home unit that will last a lifetime.

Cleanliness: The Risk Of Bacterial Infection In Public Saunas

Naked or mostly naked and sweating is the state of being that you will find yourself as you sit or lie inside an infrared sauna.

As the body is heated from the inside out, pools of sweat are created on the surface of the bench where you sit and on the floor. Both in private spaces and public ones it is ideal to clean the sauna after each session to prevent mold and bacterial bloom.

There is something irksome about being mostly naked in public environments where other individuals have been sweating profusely. While the same levels of copious sweating will occur in the privacy of your home, only you and family members will be sweating. Further, you will clean the sauna yourself and will know how well it was cleaned.

It is impossible to know that public saunas are being cleaned with healthful cleaning supplies if they are cleaned at all! Profuse sweating and strangers coupled with potentially sub-standard cleaning methods lends itself to exposure to potentially harmful bacteria.

It may be best to avoid public use of saunas unless you are certain of the cleaning methodology used in the venue.

A Comfortable Oasis: The Autonomic Nervous System and Your Health

Close Up of Bacteria

Remaining in states of chronic stress response is among the leading causes of illness today. As infrared light penetrates deeply into the soft tissue, the body is gently coaxed into deep states of relaxation. States of profound relaxation in the body allows for cellular regeneration, rejuvenation, and nourishment to occur.

By installing an infrared sauna into your home, you will be more comfortable and therefore more relaxed. Rushing to make a scheduled appointment for your public infrared sauna lends itself to more stress.

Infrared sauna therapy is a personal and private venture: from physical vulnerability in terms of clothing to the vulnerability of opened pores from profuse sweating. It may be advantageous to be in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Your infrared sauna at home will become a sanctuary space away from the hustle and bustle of the world where you can fully open up to the possibility and achievement of optimal health. You will want this transformation to occur at home where you feel safe, secure, and comfortable.

Using an infrared sauna at home will ensure the body drops into states of relaxation faster and is able to sustain this state even after exiting the infrared sauna.

The Gift Of Radiant Health And Wellness

Profound cellular transformation may occur in the body with regular infrared sauna use, as the cellular network is uniquely stimulated by the invisible wavelengths. Whether you are treating chronic and life-threatening illnesses or just looking to augment health and wellness through infrared sauna therapy, you may likely benefit more from doing this in the comfort of your own home.

Ultimately, infrared sauna therapy is a way of life that will be incorporated into your daily routine. It is not a bi-monthly spa treatment or a yearly medical procedure. Infrared wavelengths emanating from the light spectrum feed the body in deeply transformative ways. Bringing an infrared sauna into your home is inviting full-throttle health and wellness into your life.

For a variety of compelling reasons, ranging from potential health hazards of public sauna use to the obvious economic advantages of bringing an infrared sauna into your home in lieu of paying per session, but moreover, the nature of infrared sauna therapy is that it is an activity that is best done consistently and frequently. For these reasons, it is well worth considering investing in an infrared sauna for your home.

