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Traditional vs Far Infrared Saunas: The Differences, Similarities, And The Benefits Of Each Modality

Radiant, warm light from the infrared sauna impacts the body to create transformation at the cellular level, and is therefore capable of providing a cascade of health benefits beyond the scope of what many other heat therapy modalities offer.

Both the traditional sauna and the infrared sauna fall under the auspice of heat therapy and share the referenced name of ‘sauna’. However, traditional saunas and infrared saunas are very different from each other in nature by virtue of the mechanism of heat generated, and therefore, produce significantly different results on human physiology.

Ultimately, the decision to engage in any form of heat therapy stems from a desire to maximize health and wellness. Finding the appropriate sauna for you begins with familiarizing yourself with the function of each type of sauna to gain insight into the body’s response to the respective mechanism of heat generation.

Here’s a short video that explains the differences between steam and infrared saunas, and echoes why we believe infrared sauna is the better choice.

Sauna: The Etymology

Sauna is a contemporary term used to describe any heating system intended to create profuse sweating. Sauna is one of the only words in the English dictionary with its roots in the Finnish language. ‘Sauna’ (pronounced: saw-na) means bathhouse in Finnish. Many languages have borrowed the Finnish word, sauna, to describe manufactured units of controlled heat. While Finland is by no means the only country to use heat therapy, it does have a tradition that has been a landmark in their culture for thousands of years (1).

The colloquial use of the term sauna in English does not specifically refer to the heating structures that are used in Finland, but rather the general structure that intends to heat the body and produce intense sweating regardless of the methodology used to increase temperature.

Sauna has become a term used to describe a wide range of structures of controlled heat regardless of the mechanics: The fundamental function behind the creation of traditional and infrared saunas is quite different.
Understanding the type of heat generated in the traditional versus the infrared sauna unveils the distinctive health benefits that each modality offers.

The Roots of A Traditional Sauna? A Brief History

An inside look at a traditional sauna

Rooted in the Finnish culture, traditional saunas evolved over thousands of years to serve as a pillar to this nation. For residents of Finland a sauna is not a luxury, but a necessity. There is on average nearly one sauna per household (There are 3 million saunas in Finland serving a population of 5 million). Most dry heat saunas found in developed countries today are based on the modern construction of the Finnish archetype.

Before the rise of the prevalence of the allopathic medical system, almost all Finnish babies were born in the sauna. There is even a sauna in the Finnish Parliament house. From birth to important political decisions, saunas are the canvas upon which the Finnish story has been painted.

The earliest known sauna structures dates back 2000 years and were dug into the earth and lined with stone. The structure of saunas in Finland has evolved substantially over thousands of years.

Sauna therapy is the cornerstone of Finnish culture. The country’s reverence for its health benefits, tradition and community support have made it among the world leaders in sauna therapy (1).

What Is A Traditional Sauna?

Traditional saunas are also referred to as dry saunas, both stemming from the Finnish culture, and are now found in spas, gyms, and hotels around the modern world. The dry sauna is heated with an electrical unit that heats the stones placed on top of it, the walls of the enclosure and the air contained within. The structures are made of wood: they feel and look like small cabins.

The temperature of these units is generally between 160 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit. To increase the temperature of the room and to add some humidity, water is poured over the heated stones.

Very often these units of heat therapy are communal but can also be built-in private homes. The traditional sauna is effective as a heat therapy modality because they are able to raise the core temperature of the human body to induce copious sweating (2).

The incredibly high temperature of these units can be uncomfortable for many people. The experience can push the threshold of its users and many will not be able to reap the full benefit of the heat therapy simply because the air temperature is extremely high.

What Is An Infrared Sauna?

In truth, it would be more apt to call an infrared sauna a ‘light bath’. The original infrared saunas constructed by Dr. Harvey Kellogg in the late nineteenth century were called ‘Incandescent Light Baths’ (3). Similar to the traditional saunas, the infrared light bath is contained by a wooden structure similar to a small cabin.

The near, mid, and far-infrared light are naturally occurring parts of the broad spectrum of light emanating from the sun. The infrared spectrum is invisible to the eye but is felt as heat.

The infrared heat emitters within the enclosure raise the temperature to anywhere from 100 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. The nature of the wavelengths of infrared light does not actually require much increase in temperature to have a profound effect on the body.

The infrared light is able to easily penetrate into the skin membrane reaching the soft tissue of the body. The core temperature of the body is increased from the inside out and does not rely on high external temperatures to induce sweating (4).

As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body, the cellular mechanism of the body responds in excitement. The human form is comprised of 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) occurs. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light and particularly sensitive to deeply penetrating rays of the infrared. As soon as the body is exposed to infrared light, ATP production is exponentially stimulated (5).

Radiant Heat vs Convection Heat

Traditional saunas depend on convection heat through either electric elements or wood fuel and heat the air in the enclosed room. Exposure to the heated air warms the internal temperature of the body. The nature of convection heat requires that high temperatures be reached in order to affect the core temperature of the human body (6).

Conversely, infrared saunas rely on radiant heat. The light of the infrared emitters directly seeps into the physiological network of the body and has a streamlined effect on the molecular structure.

Radiant heat is in direct interplay with the body, while convection heat has a secondary relationship to human physiology (6).

The body responds harmoniously to the frequency of the infrared light spectrum and the cellular structures of the body are ignited by the absorption of light.

Traditional saunas heat the air temperature of the sauna. Any thermal therapy has residual health benefits on the body but they are significantly less when compared to the power of infrared light.

Practical Advantages Of The Infrared Light vs Traditional Saunas

  • Shorter Heating Time
  • Less Power Used
  • Lower Temperatures

Infrared saunas do not depend on increased heat to be effective; they are inherently impactful because of the emitting light frequency.

The infrared sauna is less time consuming than the traditional sauna because the infrared sauna does not rely exclusively on extreme high temperatures. Traditional saunas are ineffective if there is no associated heat. It takes roughly an hour to reach optimal temperatures for a traditional sauna. This means that you will need to plan your time accordingly. Traditional saunas cannot be used spontaneously and need to reach 185-200 degrees Fahrenheit to be effective; naturally, time is required to reach these temperatures.

Conversely, infrared saunas do not need to be preheated. Exposing the body to the radiance of the infrared light has a powerful effect on the physiological network without increasing the heat. Of course, if your preference is to preheat your infrared sauna it takes about 15-20 minutes to reach the approximately 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Health Benefits of An Infrared Sauna vs Traditional Sauna: It’s In The Light

The body’s response to the infrared spectrum boasts health benefits exclusive to this type of thermal therapy. All heat therapy, including traditional saunas, produce positive results on the body’s network, including improved circulation, cardiovascular health and prolific perspiration for detoxification.

There are some powerful transformative health benefits available only through exposure to infrared light, however. The key is in the specific way that the cellular structures within the body respond to the frequency of infrared light.

Absorbing the broad spectrum of infrared light through the skin membrane produces these exclusive health benefits (7):

  • Neurogenesis (production of new brain cells)
  • Increased collagen production
  • Accelerated production of Human Growth Hormones (responsible for increasing muscle tone and decreasing fatty tissue.)
  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity (necessary for treatment and prevention of Type I diabetes)
  • Heightened ATP production (Hyper oxygenation of the blood)
  • Balanced Serotonin Production (stabilized moods)
  • Supports Endocrine Health (Adrenal Support)
  • Faster Injury Recovery (Including the skeletal, connective tissues and muscular repair)
  • Augmented Lymphatic Health

In short, exposure to the infrared light waves, even without increased heat has profoundly positive effects on the following illnesses:

Brain Degenerative diseases (8):

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Infrared light also aids in the prevention and recovery of illnesses created by a lack of endocrine health such as (9):

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Thyroid imbalances
  • Adrenal burnout

Exposure to infrared wavelengths also has profound anti-aging effects, helps to maintain an ideal weight, stabilize mood and quickens injury recovery (10).

In addition to the exclusive health benefits offered by the infrared sauna: augmented detoxification protocol exponentially increases through heavy sweating.

Cardiovascular health and improved circulation are also powerful motivating factors to choosing infrared sauna therapy over the traditional dry sauna (9).

Any health benefits available through traditional sauna therapy are also accessible through infrared sauna use: Additionally, there are a myriad of health benefits exclusive to the exposure of infrared light.

Broad Spectrum Infrared Sauna For Relaxation

The lower temperatures of the infrared sauna create a much more hospitable and enjoyable environment. Many individuals report severe discomfort sitting in the 200 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures of the traditional sauna. Rather than negotiating the overbearing temperatures of the traditional sauna, infrared heat is welcoming and enjoyable.

Relaxation not only feels good, but it is also necessary to maintain optimal health. The infrared sauna coaxes the body out of sympathetic dominance (fight or flight) into the parasympathetic (rest and relaxation) branch of the autonomic nervous system. Many chronic conditions may be stress-induced and finding a sanctuary space of rest and therefore relaxation may be necessary for optimal health.

The warm hues of the infrared light spectrum will bathe you in the natural relaxation your body craves.

A Brief Overview Of The Differences Between Infrared Saunas And Traditional Saunas

Comparing the traditional sauna with the infrared sauna is natural when you decide to embark on the journey of heat therapy. In reality, there is no comparison: They share the name ‘sauna’, but the distinct nature of the infrared radiant light significantly alters biochemistry to make this method of heat therapy exponentially more beneficial for health.

Exposure to the full infrared light spectrum opens the body up to its own healing mechanism as it dances in relation to light frequency. Warm hues of light bask the body in the relaxing environment of the infrared sauna while igniting cellular transformation to optimize your health and wellness, traditional dry saunas pale by comparison to the transformative and transcendent results produced through regular infrared sauna use.


  3. Harvey Kellogg MD, Light Therapeutics, 1910, Michigan, USA

Are Infrared Saunas Safe?

Gather Information And Determine For Yourself Whether Infrared Sauna Therapy Is Safe

Consumer popularity and marketing hype can sometimes create clouds of confusion around different types of saunas: Is there a difference between traditional saunas, steam rooms, and infrared saunas? How can the average individual discern the difference? Are infrared saunas safe? Is one mode of heat therapy more safe and effective than the others?

An honest appraisal surrounding the safety of infrared saunas is hard to find when the internet is full of marketing propaganda and ploys trying to sway you in one direction or another. It can feel as if the stakes are: Your Money or Your Health! Not exactly a fair position for anyone to find themselves in. Our goal in this article is to encourage you to do your own research and help to shed light on the question: Are infrared saunas safe?

Unfortunately, not all infrared saunas are created equal; therefore, it is important to understand which sauna is the safest choice: Find a harbor of safety in knowledge among a market saturated with information and options.

Knowledge is power: In the realm of your health, knowledge is safety.

Thermal Therapy: A Brief History

Sauna therapy has a history of being a pillar in cultures of all backgrounds throughout the ages, and has been used by virtually every civilization. Since before recorded history, humans have been turning to a variety of heat therapy modalities to find cures to disease, purify the body and to find commune with a higher power. The means of heat therapy has varied from culture to culture and has also evolved over time (1).

There is no question that thermal therapy has unparalleled health benefits for the human form. The ability to prolifically perspire is a unique trait of human physiology and as a result, civilizations have sought out means of optimizing purification of the body through profuse sweating for thousands of years.

Heat therapy essentially mimics a naturally occurring fever to expel unwanted and harmful bacteria and disease from the body. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek father of medicine wrote:
“Give me a fever and I can cure any disease.” (2)

History suggests that the question of whether heat therapy is both safe and effective has stood the test of time. As technology evolves, humans have sought to create the most impactful type of heat therapy. Extensive use of dry saunas, steam baths and the indigenous sweat lodge have all proved effective and safe modalities of heat therapy.

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg created the first infrared sauna in the late nineteenth century called the ‘Incandescent Light Bath’(3). The infrared sauna did not grow in worldwide popularity again until NASA studied the benefits of the infrared light wavelengths in 1965, when it was found that this invisible light spectrum had hugely beneficial results on astronauts returning to earth after having spent time in zero gravity (4).

It was in 1979 that the first infrared sauna became available to the general public in the United States. Since that time the infrared light spectrum has been used by medical practitioners the world over in the treatment of a wide spectrum of health disorders.

Yes, heat therapy is not only safe, but also hugely beneficial to health and wellbeing. Infrared saunas are the most evolved modality of heat therapy available today, and may offer the most powerful health benefits. It is important to fully investigate all of the available infrared sauna options for consumers and understand the potential safety risks involved in choosing the wrong one.

Not All Saunas Are Created Equal: Electromagnetic Radiation Emissions (EMF), A Red Flag

Infrared saunas are so effective and powerful as a healing modality because of the nature of the heat created. Unlike traditional saunas, infrared heat does not heat the external air, but rather the rays of light radiate out from their sources to penetrate the skin membrane. This method heats the body up from the inside out and relies on lower external temperature to induce higher internal temperature. Remember that it is the artificial creation of a fever, as noted by Hippocrates, that produces one of the many positive effects on human physiology. The radiant heat found in your infrared sauna for home use is wildly effective in increasing internal core temperatures.

The infrared light spectrum is invisible to the human eye, but is experienced tactfully as heat. The full infrared light spectrum is comprised of near, mid and far infrared light. Each wavelength is unique in the results that it produces within the human physiological network. Intrinsic to the light waves created through infrared heat, is also the possibility of unhealthful electromagnetic radiation if the manufacturer of the sauna is not steadfast in their protocol (3).

Singularly, the most significant risk involved in full spectrum infrared light therapy is the possibility of toxic levels of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) emitted from the infrared wavelengths. Some infrared saunas available on the market today emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation that can potentially be dangerous to your body (5).

Any sauna offering the full spectrum of infrared wavelengths needs to be investigated, as some companies developing these saunas use cheap and toxic materials that can be harmful to your health.

Low EMF Emissions VS Toxic EMF Overload

Electromagnetic radiation (EMF) can cause harmful reactions at the cellular level affecting the health of your body. When choosing to support your health with the use of an infrared sauna unit be thorough in your investigation of brands that are selling units high in EMF emissions.

Be sure that the Infrared Sauna you choose to use is tested for EMF levels. Most companies manufacturing infrared saunas will have the available instruments to test levels. If said organizations are unwilling to test for EMF emissions find a different manufacturer.

Expert Tip: It is crucial, before undergoing infrared sauna therapy, to thoroughly research the levels of EMF emissions from different sauna manufacturers. Find an infrared sauna that boasts low detectable EMF emissions, making it a safe choice of infrared saunas available today.

Ensure Safety And Choose An Infrared Sauna That Uses Eco-Friendly Materials

Toxic off-gassing is a major health risk: Be sure to use only an infrared sauna that is made with high-quality materials to guarantee a safe experience.

The safety protocol of an infrared sauna is dependent upon both healthy infrared wavelengths whose panels are low in EMF emissions and equally as valid a safety concern are in regards to the materials that are used in building the physical structure of the sauna.

Devotion to your health should be a value that is shared by both you and the manufacturer of the infrared sauna. This can be demonstrated through the hand picking of certified eco wood from the vast Canadian forests designed to maximize your healing experience as you sit back and relax in a toxin-free zone.

Unfortunately, many companies today are manufacturing infrared sauna structures using cheap, low quality and ultimately toxic materials, be mindful to research the type of wood used in the cabin structure.

Expert Tip: Toxic off-gassing is a major health risk: Be sure to use only an infrared sauna that is made with high-quality materials to guarantee a safe experience.

Certified Eco Wood vs Chemically Treated Wood

As the sauna unit rises in temperature to induce sweating and ultimately detoxification, the increased heat may also create off-gassing of the materials used in construction. Be sure that your unit is not poisoning you with toxic off-gassing by cutting corners in the manufacturing process! Cheap toxin-filled wood may be harmful to your health and must be avoided when making your infrared sauna purchase.

It can be a frightening proposition to choose your health and purchase a full spectrum infrared sauna for all the right reasons and yet find that the manufacturing of the sauna is harmful to you.

Expert Tip: Choose a sauna that uses untreated wood to avoid potentially harmful off-gassing.

Contraindication: Preparation Through Hydration

The most common safety concern when undergoing any heat therapy, including infrared sauna therapy, is dehydration. It is necessary to understand that an enormous amount of water is lost through the detoxification protocol of profuse sweating. The penetrative rays of infrared light induce heavy sweating, if rehydration does not occur properly, serious health ramifications can arise.

Preparing the body for the transformational experience of an infrared sauna begins with proper hydration. Detoxification protocols, including infrared sauna sessions that induce profuse sweating, demand legitimate hydration before, during and after the sauna.

Ideally, hydration should begin several days before taking an infrared sauna. Most people do not drink enough water today in general, if you decide to undergo even a single infrared sauna session, then consuming healthful water in high quantity is paramount.

At least, three quarts of water a day should be consumed by someone engaged in regular sauna use. The infrared wavelengths, including near, mid and far all penetrate deeply into the initial epidermis of the skin into the soft tissues of the body that cause internal temperature to rise. While infrared sauna therapy is a method of heat therapy that may be far more effective in its detoxification protocol, it also tends to cause dehydration if the individual is not properly hydrated before the session.

It is important to drink the best possible water; tap water with a filter is acceptable. Water that has been purified through osmosis is not adequate to hydrate the body. Bottled spring water, mineral water, or tap water with a filter, will hydrate the body adequately in preparation (6).

Expert Tip: Infrared sauna therapy needs to be coupled with a dedicated practice of hydration: Be sure to stay well drink lots of fluids!

Pregnant And Breastfeeding Mothers: Potential Risks And Advantages

Woman relaxing after using an infrared sauna

The National Institute Of Health suggests that pregnant women limit their use of any heat-based therapies. Increasing the body’s temperature above 100 degrees has been known to potentially increase rates of fetal complications. For this reason, it is best to avoid infrared sauna therapy during pregnancy (7).

If you are planning a pregnancy it is highly recommended by medical professionals that you undergo a committed infrared sauna therapy. Consistent infrared sauna therapy before pregnancy will prepare the body for heightened health during the pregnancy to create optimal circumstances for the fetus (8). Once pregnancy is initiated it is safer to refrain from infrared sauna use.

For breastfeeding mothers it is challenging to maintain hydration in general, without the addition of extensive detoxification through perspiration. Further, the detoxification induced through infrared sauna may have an effect on the nutrients of the mother’s milk. To ensure the safety of the mother, and the quality of her milk, it is best to avoid infrared sauna therapy during breastfeeding.

It should be noted that the National Institute Of Health has recently published findings on the impact of the far-infrared light spectrum to improve lactation (9). While it is true that hydration is paramount for lactating mothers if there are issues with the production of milk it is certainly worth asking your medical provider about using far-infrared light to enhance lactation.

Further, some alternative studies suggest that the heat created through infrared saunas will aid in lactation. This is mostly because the heat of the sauna relaxes the mother, the more relaxed a mother is after birth the greater lactation is. Remember that temperatures do not need to be high in an infrared sauna to experience the benefits of the light frequency (10) .

If the mother is particularly keen to engage in infrared sauna therapy, it is recommended that her sessions be short (less than fifteen minutes) and that she set the temperature as low as possible. The breastfeeding mother who chooses infrared sauna therapy will need to be diligent in her hydration methodology. Once the child is consuming food other than the mother’s breast milk and only breastfeeding a few times a day it will be safer for the mother to engage in infrared sauna therapy.

Please Note: The author of this article did engage in daily infrared sauna sessions at home during the two years that she was breastfeeding without any ill effects.

Children And Infrared Sauna Therapy

Detoxification is among the many wonderful health benefits of infrared sauna therapy. Most children are not as toxic as adults today and therefore they have less need for detoxification protocols. If children are undergoing infrared sauna therapy, then it is recommended that the temperature be set very low and that the children do not remain in the sauna for more than 15 minutes per session.

Please consult with your pediatrician to determine if infrared sauna therapy is safe for your child.

Infrared Sauna Therapy: The Elderly And Individuals With Pre-Existing Heart Conditions

A senior couple laughing in a kitchen, discussing infrared saunas

Ultimately, infrared sauna therapy can be deeply beneficial and healing for the elderly, as well as for individuals with certain heart conditions. People within these two categories should take special attention to reduce sauna sessions to no longer than 15 minutes at a time, with at least one day of rest between sessions. Hydration is paramount for these individuals.

Cardiovascular health overtime may be dramatically improved with infrared sauna use as circulation improves (11). It is advisable to proceed into infrared sauna therapy with caution where there are pre-existing heart conditions, under the supervision of your physician.

* If you are uncertain whether infrared sauna therapy is for you it is advisable to consult a health care practitioner.

Infrared Saunas Are Safe When Thorough Investigation Into The Manufacturer Is Made

History proves that heat therapy is an effective means to augment health when safety measures are taken. As with any sauna, it is important to take appropriate steps to ensure that infrared sauna therapy is safe for you.

Broad-spectrum infrared saunas may offer a plethora of health benefits with low risks, please keep in mind the following factors to ensure your infrared sauna experience is safe:

  • The wood used in the structure has NOT been treated and has been kiln-dried
  • EMF emissions have been tested with a meter and found to be low
  • A medical practitioner has been consulted
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
  • When these factors are kept in mind, infrared saunas are generally safe, as with anything move forward with awareness and always listen to your body.



How To Use An Infrared Sauna

Tips And Guidelines To Maximize Your Experience

The use of an infrared sauna is both easy and straightforward. By following a few expert guidelines, the benefits and results can be safely augmented to serve you better.

As with any new exercise or healthcare protocol, you will want to start slow with regard to the following:

  • Frequency of Sessions
  • Length of Time of Each Session
  • Temperature of the Sauna

Further, turn your infrared sauna for home into a den of relaxation and nurturing where both the body and mind can relax. Take some time to learn about some of the features you will want to use while using your infrared sauna.

Quick and Easy: A Brief History

Sauna therapy is an ancient tradition used by people worldwide. The infrared sauna is as easy to start as, quite literally, pressing a button. Most sauna therapies throughout history have been laborious in preparation time and effort. For example, it could take days to prepare the first saunas of the East African dugouts, arduous to prepare the Native American sweat lodge, and time consuming to heat the rocks up for the traditional Finnish saunas.

Infrared saunas install easily within the comfort of your home in about an hour, and require nothing more than the pressing of a button to get started.

Traditional saunas increase the body’s temperature by heating stones over a fire that are then imported into the structure to raise ambient temperatures. Infrared saunas rely on radiant heat to increase internal core temperature, rather than the atmosphere, and it takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to get the temperature to your preference.

Preparation Through Hydration: Be Sure to Drink Water Before, During, and After Your Sauna Session

Glass of Water

Preparing the body for the transformational experience of an infrared sauna begins with proper hydration. Detoxification protocols, including infrared sauna sessions that rely on copious sweating, will need to be done in conjunction with adequate hydration.

Ideally, hydration should begin several days before taking an infrared sauna. At least, three quarts of water a day should be consumed by someone engaged in regular sauna use. The infrared wavelengths, including near, mid and far all penetrate deeply into the initial epidermis of the skin causing the body’s temperature to rise from the inside out. While this method of heat therapy is far more effective in its detoxification protocol, it also tends to cause dehydration easily if the individual is not properly hydrated before the session.

Temperature Setting:

Infrared saunas, both for use within healthcare practices and at home, come fully equipped with their own thermostat so that you can set your preferred temperature. As you begin your journey through broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy it is important to begin with lower temperatures to acclimatize the body to the heat. If you have little to no experience, with any kind of heat therapy, then it is safe and advisable to begin setting your temperature at 100 degrees Fahrenheit to start.

Infrared saunas can more accurately be described as a light bath, and many of the benefits of exposure to the infrared light spectrum do not rely on high temperatures. Rest assured even if the temperature is not set too high, you are still benefiting at a cellular level from the light.

As you prepare for your sauna, all you need to do is heat the sauna up 15-20 minutes before entering. You are more than welcome to enter the sauna before the desired temperature has been reached, as the exposure to the infrared wavelengths is healthful unto itself.

There is no need to feel angst about increasing the temperature before you are ready as it is the light waves themselves, in communication with human physiology, that create the healthful biochemical changes.

The infrared sauna’s capacity for heat ranges from 100-150 degrees Fahrenheit. As you make steady progress with the time you spend in the sauna you will naturally begin to increase the temperature. Remember, it is better to spend longer periods of time and more frequent sessions than it is to set a high temperature.

Increase Session Duration Incrementally

It is recommended to sit inside the sauna for no more than about 15 minutes for the first two weeks. During this time period give yourself a day between each sauna session. By the third week, the body will be acclimatized to both the heat and infrared wavelengths. Rest assured that sweating occurs even at lower heat settings due to the nature of the infrared wavelengths and their depth of penetration into the soft tissues of the body.

By the third week the body will be well acclimatized to sit in the infrared sauna for more than 15 minutes. At this point you will want to begin to increase the temperature.

Increased exposure of up to 50 minutes per sauna session is more important than the temperature of the sauna because of the nature of the ‘light bath’ rather than the traditional heating up of external air temperatures.
Eventually, when the body is acclimatized, and provided you are properly hydrated, the infrared sauna can be used twice a day for 50 minutes with the temperature set to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

* Hydration is key to creating the desired health benefits offered by the infrared sauna, particularly as you increase time and frequency of use. The minimal amount of water you should consume is 3 quarts a day with regular sauna use.

Clothing Optional

Copious sweating occurs inside the infrared sauna, as the body releases potentially harmful toxins. Any clothing you do wear inside of the sauna will be soaked through and could potentially clog the pores. It is recommended, particularly if you have an infrared sauna installed in your home, to enter naked. This will maximize the detoxification protocol so that every cell of the body can easily open up and release sweat.

Towel Use

Stack of Towels

You will not sweat a little: you will sweat a lot. Be sure to bring two towels inside the sauna with you and have one fresh one prepared for the after shower rinse. The first towel can be used to sit on so that your bare skin is not on the wood bench. The second towel can be used as a sweat rag to wipe falling sweat off the brow and away from the eyes. You will want to have some kind of cover to put on as you walk from the infrared sauna to the shower.

Shower Protocol

After your infrared sauna session it is advisable to take a shower. This will not only feel comfortable but will also aid in the detoxification protocol. In the shower it can be helpful to exfoliate the skin, as it is warm and the pores are open. Dead skin cells will easily wash away. It is also important to use a natural cleanser to remove any toxic build up on the skin. Be sure not to use anything too harsh, as the skin is open and vulnerable at this time.

It is recommended to bring a jade rock into the shower with you or any other tool that will powerfully exfoliate the skin. It is both satisfying and invigorating to remove the old skin cells in the shower.

Engage The Mind: Visualization

Drawing conscious awareness to the health benefits of infrared light therapy will augment the positive long-term effects. It can be helpful to visualize the transformation occurring at the cellular level as a means of encouraging physiological changes (1).

The autonomic nervous system will enter out of sympathetic (fight or flight) into parasympathetic (relaxation) dominance. As the body finds increasing states of rest, it is an excellent time to fall into meditation. As the body relaxes, so does the mind. States of profound relaxation attained in the infrared sauna will give you the opportunity to gently pull the curtain back between the conscious and subconscious mind back.

Every sauna comes equipped with Bluetooth speakers so that you can play your favorite-guided meditations or music.

Medical Grade Light Therapy

Most infrared saunas for your home are furnished with medical-grade light therapy. There are a multitude of health benefits connected with exposure to the color light spectrum. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the benefits corresponding to each light wave (2).

You have the freedom to choose which frequency of color you want to work with during your sauna session depending on your needs, or allow the medical grade lights to cycle through on their own, exposing you to all of the colors for equal amounts of time.

Halotherapy: Himalayan Salt Therapy

Trays of Salt

Certain infrared saunas specifically provide a full sensory experience by incorporating the health benefits of Himalayan salt. (3).

Begin Your Journey and Reap the Full Host of Health Benefits

It is exciting and invigorating to begin your journey into infrared sauna therapy. Infrared saunas that are made well provide state-of-the-art technology to promote safety and maximize health benefits. Be sure to begin incrementally with a low heat setting and build your endurance to longer sessions over several weeks.

Hydration of the body is necessary to safely enjoy the transformative powers of the infrared sauna. Be sure to drink ample fluids before and after your sauna. Hydration will aid to increase circulation and detoxification protocol.

As you keep these basic guidelines in mind, you provide a platform to move through infrared sauna safely and effectively.



Steam Sauna vs Infrared Sauna

What Are The Differences?

Is One More Effective As Protocol For Health Than The Other?

Step out of the shadow of billowing, impenetrable vapor to understand the spectrum of health benefits revealed through the light of infrared sauna therapy compared to the steam bath.

The desire to optimize our health through heat therapy is global, ancient, and natural to the human experience. The history of the methodology behind the design of heat units created to induce copious sweating is long, textured, and inventive. There are many available options to choose from as you begin your journey into thermal therapy. When it comes to steam vs infrared saunas, how can you know which method is most effective?

Steam rooms are popular in gyms, spas, and country clubs around the developed world. They are famous for their ability to induce deep states of relaxation and detoxification through high amounts of perspiration. Understanding the history and the mechanism behind the steam room will help you on your journey through thermal therapy and allow you to make the enlightened choice.

Infrared saunas for your home do not rely on ancient methodology to produce evolved health benefits, but rather they use state-of-the-art technology and craftsmanship. It is with reverence to ancient tradition, coupled with the latest in scientific discoveries, that the infrared sauna is able to offer multi-faceted health benefits. Bring to light the health risks associated with the steam room and make the choice for yourself!

What Is A Steam Room?

Steam rooms are an ancient and global practice of heat therapy that specifically use wet heat to induce transformation. An enclosed space is necessary to capture the billowing steam that is produced using a variety of methods. Water is heated to vapor to create an environment that is 100% humid within the enclosure. Steam rooms require a much lower temperature (100-120 degrees Fahrenheit), compared to the traditional dry sauna. The intensity of moisture induces copious sweating without increasing the external temperature (1).

The mechanism behind the production of steam has changed over centuries of use through technological evolution. Originally steam baths were built around a naturally occurring hot spring. As the steam bath spread in popularity around the world, different methods for creating vapor were explored. Intentionally spilling water over hot rocks to produce steam in an enclosed structure became the most popular. Today, an electric generator is used to bring water to a boiling temperature and hot vapor is released into the room. Steam rooms are manufactured using non-porous material such as tile or plastic (2).

The intensity of moisture in the air does not allow the sweat on the surface of the skin to evaporate, and so it increases the internal temperature of the body.

The structure of steam rooms varies, from small tents inside people’s homes to luxury-tiled edifices found in spas and gyms. Often, steam rooms are shared public spaces and are segregated by gender, as is the case with the locker room.

As steam builds within the enclosed space a visually impenetrable wall of steam is created. It is difficult to see beyond the length of your own arm while immersed in the steam bath. Breathing can become strained and uncomfortable and it is not recommended to stay inside the steam for more than twenty minutes. Often individuals take their steam baths in intervals of time as the steam and moisture become very uncomfortable.

The Steam Bath: A Brief History

Old Fashioned Bathhouse

The Steam bath has its roots in the great Roman and Greek empire. This tradition spread to Europe during the Victorian era and today they are found in gyms, spas and country clubs all over the world.

Roman and Greek bathhouses paved the way for the modern spa today featuring both hot spring bathing and intentionally constructed steam rooms. The bathhouse provided an opportunity to purify the body through intense sweating opening up the pores to detoxify the body of pollutants, thus promoting heightened states of health (3).

Purification of the body was the original intent behind the Roman and Greek bathhouse, but the ritual evolved into a social meeting place, where political decisions were made and business deals struck.

The Roman and Greek bathhouse was a cornerstone of society and shaped one of the most powerful civilizations ever known to our planet. The popularity of the steam room as used in these bathhouses spread to Europe and became a staple in the Victorian Era culture. Steam rooms have been a place of refuge and social communion for many years.

Health Benefits of a Steam Room

The steam room as an option for heat therapy does offer several health benefits. The two primary benefits being a powerful detoxification protocol and the clearing of congestion in the sinuses and lungs. The moist nature of steam rooms induces copious sweating that serves to detoxify the body and the nature of the wet heat serves to loosen the mucus from the lining of the lungs and sinuses.

The high level of humidity in the chamber does not allow sweat to evaporate off the skin and therefore increases the internal temperature of the body to induce even further sweating. The body can detoxify from toxic pollutants by using the liver and kidneys or through sweat. Any heat therapy that encourages perspiration will be beneficial as a detoxification protocol.

The steam room creates a climate of heated humidity that serves to warm the mucous membranes inside the pulmonary system; this is thought to help break up congestion inside the lungs and sinuses. The most remarkable trait that the steam bath offers is its unique ability to clear nasal congestion (4).

While there are some health benefits associated with the high levels of warm humidity, there are also some serious drawbacks that may potentially jeopardize health and wellbeing.

Steam Bath: A Breeding Ground For Bacteria And Mold

Close Up of Bacteria

The warm moist chambers of steam rooms are, at times, an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Bacteria thrive in warm moist environments and steam rooms are often communal and are therefore a potential cesspool for the spreading of germs. Steam baths may breed and spread a whole host of harmful bacteria, if you are looking to improve your health through thermal therapy it would be wise to steer clear of this bacterial breeding ground (5).

Robin Evans, a dermatologist based in Stanford, Connecticut warns of the hazards of bacterial growth in the steam rooms when he says:

“One could readily develop infections on the skin due to these microorganisms including fungal or yeast skin rashes, impetigo or other bacterial infections.” (6)

In addition to risk of bacterial bloom in the warm, moist climate of the steam bath, mold growth is pervasive. Mold may be poisonous when inhaled. Contrary to the steam room’s allure to clear nasal congestion, the reality is that very often it is the cause of pulmonary infections due to the prevalence of mold.

Steam rooms are often associated with luxury and affluence, which means that uncovering the potential health risks and drawbacks of these units of heat requires an honest appraisal of the conditions. Unearthing the truth about steam rooms threatens the social stratosphere of privilege and the image that spas and gyms may want to uphold. Gratefully, there are alternatives to the steam bath that offer the same health benefits and so many more without any of the harmful risks.

If you are unwilling to sit through the discomfort of heavy steam with its potential of bacterial infection and mold growth, yet, still want to explore the benefits of heat therapy then look toward the light, the infrared light.

Infrared Saunas – A Powerful and Safe Alternative

The Method Behind Infrared Light: Radiant Heat For Maximum Health

Infrared saunas for your home may be more advantageous than the steam room and removes the risks involved in wet heat therapy. The wavelengths of infrared light are healing upon immediate contact with the human skin. As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body.
The human body is comprised of 50 trillion cells, and each cell in the body has what could be considered an, ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is produced. When the body is exposed to the healing rays of the infrared spectrum, the living anatomy of the human form invites the light into its network system to create a domino effect on positive health transformation (7).

Infrared wavelengths exist on the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be seen with the human eye, but can be felt as heat. The infrared light is able to penetrate deeply into the epidermis and therefore fully engage the body’s network. As the rays of infrared light burrow into the epidermis, the largest human organ, they heat the body up from the inside out. The body responds to both the heat and light to create an outpouring of health benefits (8).

Infrared Saunas May Be More Effective In Engaging The Sweat Response Than Steam Rooms

Infrared sauna detoxification may be more powerful than what is experienced in the traditional steam room, despite lower external air temperatures. As the infrared light penetrates into the soft tissue of the body it causes substantially more sweating to occur than the wet heat of the steam room (9). Further, wet heat can be uncomfortable as sweat is unable to evaporate off the body.

Infrared Saunas Are More Comfortable And Relaxing

The warm hues of the infrared sauna inside the wood structures are inviting as an oasis of relaxation: It may be difficult to sink into states of meditation and deep relaxation with the high levels of humidity in the steam rooms, particularly with water dripping everywhere it is not possible to control your desired music, read a book or see anything at all.

Halotherapy Versus The Steam Room For Pulmonary Health

Find an infrared sauna that also comes equipped with Himalayan salt walls to benefit pulmonary health through the release of negative ions. Saline therapy has been used for centuries as a sound and effective treatment for bronchial disorders. Steam rooms often boast of their ability to clear congestion in the lungs and sinus. This may be misleading since the steam bath is often latent with harmful bacterial growth and mold that destroys pulmonary health.

Easy To Install And Safe To Use At Home: Some Additional Advantages To Infrared Sauna Use Over Steam Rooms
The radiant dry heat of the infrared sauna makes it very easy to set up at home as opposed to a steam bath that needs to be in a sealed-off chamber made with non-porous materials. An infrared sauna for your home is easy to install and will not affect the integrity of the building with all of the moisture generated through steam rooms.

The infrared sauna will not hinder your home or your health, as is sometimes the case with the steam bath. The infectious spread of mold and harmful bacteria that comes with some steam room experiences can be avoided with the installation of an infrared sauna into your home.

Medical Grade Light Therapy: A Colorful Addition

Medical grade color light therapy was discovered by NASA as a healing modality in the treatment of a variety of skin conditions including wound healing for burn victims (10). Steam rooms are not able to provide the benefits of light therapy due to the moisture in the air. The intrinsic value of light frequency on human physiology cannot be underestimated. Infrared saunas allow for both the benefits of heat as well as those afforded through light therapy.

Health Benefits Unique To Broad Spectrum Infrared Sauna Therapy

Infrared sauna therapy as a healing modality provides a cascade of health benefits that are in direct response to the impact that infrared light waves have on the human organism.

A list Of Potential Health Benefits Unique To Infrared Sauna Therapy (Not Attained With Steam Room Use):
Improved Circulation In Response To Infrared Light: Activate mitochondrial response to induce positive circulation (8).

Collagen Production: Increase the skin’s elasticity and youthful glow with exposure to the near-infrared light waves (11).

Enhanced Rates of Injury and Muscle Recovery: Bone fractures; ligament tears and muscle ruptures heal exponentially faster when exposed to the broad spectrum of infrared light waves (10).

Restoration Of The Endocrine System: Balance the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, pineal, and reproductive glands( 11).

Freedom From Depression: Exposure to the infrared rays stabilizes serotonin production to produce a brain chemical gateway back to joy. (11)

Infrared Sauna Therapy: The Enlightened Choice

infrared salt sauna

Emerge from the haze of a steam bath into the light of truth as you marinate in the warm glow of infrared light. Reverence to the ancient tradition of heat therapy coupled with the most current evolution in technological advancement makes infrared sauna therapy safe, effective, and germ free option for individuals interested in exploring heat therapy modalities.

While it is true that many forms of heat therapy can be beneficial to human physiology, the health risks involved in taking steam baths may not be worth it, particularly as there are other alternatives that are more heightened in health benefits, and less messy!

As you illuminate your knowledge base regarding the options available to you in the realm of heat therapy, the ease, efficacy, and overall experience of infrared sauna therapy may very well beckon you.



What Is An Infrared Sauna?

Find Out What They Are, Where They Came From, And How They Work!

Plunge into the deep pool of warm, nurturing, and healing emanations of the unseen light spectrum of infrared and watch as beads of sweat pool up on the surface of the skin to relieve burdens and worries, even as the totality of the body is renewed with health and vitality.

The infrared sauna is an innovative structure working in harmony with the light spectrum of infrared radiant heat to produce transformative effects on the body and mind. You have probably heard of the infrared sauna, and may wonder, what exactly is it and where did it come from?

Find out exactly what an infrared sauna is, how it came into existence, and why this seemingly simple structure may positively impact your health and wellness.

Whether the infrared sauna is for your home, or clinical practice, you can anticipate that it may produce a cascade of health benefits that blossom out of the relationship between human physiology and the unseen light waves of the powerful infrared frequency.

Infrared Sauna: The Etymology

Incandescent Light Bath

Sauna is the only word in the English dictionary with its roots in the Finnish language. Sauna (pronounced saw-na) generally refers to the dry heat structures born from the ancient Finnish tradition. Colloquially, sauna is used to describe any heat therapy structure, created with the intention of healing the body using thermal therapy. However, the use of the word sauna in the infrared context does not specifically refer to the traditional units found in Finland (1).

What Does Infrared Mean?

Infrared light naturally exists within the sun’s spectrum of beaming light. Infrared (pronounced in-fruh-red) refers to the far end of the light spectrum moving away from the visible color red into the realm of invisible light that is comprised of electromagnetic radiation wavelengths. Infrared light is a radiant heat and is part of the family of the broad range known as the electromagnetic spectrum.

There are three primary infrared wavelengths: the near, mid and far infrared light, each vibrating at different frequencies with very unique qualities. Infrared is invisible to the human eye but is experienced by the tactile senses as heat. The infrared band of light frequencies was first discovered in recorded history between 1825 and 1835 (2).

Light is measured using the system of nanometers. Visible light to the human eye is measured between 380 nm (violet) and 740 nm (red). All other visible light ranges between these two. NASA, taken from their Mission Science website, describes visible light in this capacity:

“Our eyes contain specialized cells, called cones, that act as receivers tuned to the wavelengths of this narrow band of the EM spectrum. Light at the lower end of the visible spectrum, having a longer wavelength, about 740 nm, is seen as red; light in the middle the spectrum is seen as green; and light at the upper end of the spectrum, with a wavelength of about 380 nm, is seen as violet. All other colors that we perceive are mixtures of these colors.”(3)

Infrared light is therefore the bandwidth of light that is unseen to the human eye, just passed the visible color red.

Is the infrared sauna really a sauna?

Yes and no. Typically, saunas use heated rocks or fires, and sometimes steam to heat the air within the enclosed cabin-like structure. The infrared sauna is distinguished by the essential fact that it heats the body directly using radiant heat from light, rather than ambient heat. The invisible infrared light spectrum penetrates the skin membrane to heat the body from the inside out, thus capitalizing on the use of radiant heat.

A more accurate description would be to call these innovative healing structures, infrared light baths. The enclosed structure is filled with light waves vibrating at the frequency of the near, mid and far infrared light from the electromagnetic spectrum. The unique quality of the human skin membrane is highly receptive to the frequency of the infrared waves and allows for deep penetration beyond the initial epidermis membrane to ignite the engine of every cell in the body.

The infrared sauna uses vastly different technology from other forms of heat therapy, and differs significantly from its Finnish namesake. The infrared sauna is manufactured with the specific intent of maximizing the power of thermal therapy as well as the impact of certain light frequencies on the health of the body.

Colloquially speaking, the infrared sauna is a light ‘bath’, in that it is designed to optimize heat therapy using light waves to warm the body from the inside out. Technically and practically, the infrared sauna is distinguished from other thermal therapy structures in its origin and function. The infrared sauna is sometimes considered to be the most evolved sauna available today because of its ability to spark massive biochemical changes on the cellular level in response to light wavelengths (4).

A Brief History Of Sauna Evolution

A guide to using a sauna.

History suggests humans have been turning to heat therapy since before recorded time. From the indigenous sweat lodges found in native civilizations all over the world, thought to date back as far as 40,000 years ago, to the Turkish Hammam of the Ottoman Empire, Greek and Roman bathhouses, and to the Finnish traditional sauna, to name but a few. Sauna therapy in a variety of capacities has been a pillar in every great civilization across the lands and throughout time (5).

The unique quality of the largest organ in the human body: the mostly naked and ‘furless’ skin membrane coupled with the human sweat glands has made sauna therapy a powerful healing modality.

Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has sought to optimize health, community connectivity, and communion with the divine through sauna therapy. Honed over thousands of years, the infrared sauna is born out of the great human tradition of thermal therapy.

This dedication to heat therapy has naturally evolved and progressed with the passing of time. As increased technological development has become available, different civilizations from around the world and throughout the ages have sought to manufacture the most effective way to induce copious sweating for purification. The infrared sauna, as we know it today is the most recent addition to this richly textured and innovative tradition.

Origins of The Infrared Sauna

The birth of the first light sauna dates back to 1891, when Dr. John Harvey Kellogg created the ‘Incandescent Light Bath’. The advent of the invention of the electric light bulb was an exciting time for the evolution of the sauna. Kellogg dedicated his life to holistic medicine, recommending nutrition, exercise, colonics, fresh air and thermal therapy to his patients. Already aware of the great healing benefits of heat therapy as demonstrated in the steam room (originating from the Turkish Hammam) and the dry sauna (from the Finnish tradition), Kellogg also came to understand the profound healing effects of the absorption of light through the skin membrane (6).

At the time, unbeknownst to Kellogg, ‘The Incandescent Light Bath’ radiated infrared light wavelengths, as well as other light frequency, and it was not understood or recognized until much later that the healing qualities of the this technology were largely a result of the use of this spectrum.

The Incandescent Light Bath was successful in its treatment of patients under Kellogg’s care at the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan. In 1893 his Incandescent Light Bath was displayed at the world’s fair in Chicago, inaugurating the first light based sauna on to the world’s stage. Kellogg’s light baths were distributed transatlantic to serve the monarchs of Europe. The popularity of the first light based sauna is important to note, as it marked the dawning of a new era for sauna therapy.

In 1910, Dr. Kellogg published his book “Light Therapeutics” where he expounded upon the use of light as a powerful healing modality on the human form. Kellogg writes in his book:

“No non-medicinal remedy has ever found its way so rapidly into general favor as have devices utilizing the physical properties of light in combating the inroads of disease.” (6)

Although the electric light bulb had just been invented, Kellogg understood intrinsically the multifaceted effects of light waves on the human skin membrane and overall health of the body. Understanding the variety of light waves and their effect on human health altered the course of sauna therapy forever.

The Incandescent Light Baths were so effective because they were able to harness the infrared wavelengths to ignite deep healing at a cellular level. Although few remember Dr. Kellogg as being more than a historical icon responsible for the creation of a popular cereal brand. The invention of the very first infrared sauna must be credited to Dr. Kellogg.

Little progressed in the field of infrared sauna therapy from Kellogg’s light baths until the mid 1960s when NASA became interested in the effect of light wavelengths as a healing modality.

The physics based pilgrimage into the study of light waves gave birth to infrared light therapy as a deeply healing therapeutic modality.

Japanese doctors were the very first to use infrared light therapy on patients in the late 1960s, however, the infrared sauna would not be available for public purchase until 1979. Infrared saunas for home use became available in the US for consumer purchase in the late 1970s and early 1980s and continue to be available to this day (7).

Light Waves: The Dawning Of A New Age For The Sauna

Infrared Light Waves

Infrared saunas are distinguished among saunas by their ability to harness the healing benefits of thermic rays from the infrared light spectrum. Unlike traditional saunas, that use either dry heat or steam, the infrared sauna heats the body up from the inside out, rather than the air around the body (8).

So, what are thermal waves?

Thermal waves or thermal resonance is one of the four primary ways that heat is transferred. Infrared saunas use thermal resonance as a means of transferring heat; this method is considered to be the most effective in heating the human body and does not depend on high rising temperatures in the external environment (8).

The infrared sauna is defined by its use of light wavelengths, namely the power of the penetrating force of the near, mid and far-infrared waves.

Light waves, like the waves of the ocean, vary significantly from one another depending upon the origin of their source. They differentiate in shape, depth, height, movement pattern, and perceived color. The skin membrane accepts light waves in varying capacities and temperatures. For example, the close neighbor of the ultraviolet light, the blue light will infiltrate the epidermis only slightly (about 2.3 mm) on the far end of the light spectrum, near, mid and far-infrared light waves penetrate the skin at a much deeper level (ranging from 20-100 mm). Moving beyond the epidermis, the dermis, and into the subcutaneous layer and therefore into the soft tissue of the body. This ability to penetrate deeply into the body has miraculous effects on the molecular structure of the human form (9).

The depth and power of entry by the broad-spectrum infrared waves beyond the initial epidermis membrane creates a cascade of health benefits on the body during the infrared sauna session.

The invisible spectrum of light dances effortlessly with the cellular makeup of the human form to transcend disease and create optimal health within the body.

Infrared Sauna Structure: The Meat And Bones Of The Matter

The effortless flow of the unseen light spectrum into and beyond the barrier of human flesh gives the infra sauna an impactful presence in the field of biomedicine.

The wood structure can be considered the bones of the sauna, because without it the light waves would not be harnessed in opulent abundance for therapeutic purposes as they are in the ‘sauna’ platform.

Infrared saunas, such as a sauna, contain the light waves with state-of-the-art craftsmanship using eco-friendly wood to build a cabin-like structure. The wood container allows the infrared wavelengths to pool up in a condensed area to flood your body with light. Without the framework of a manufactured structure it would not be possible to absorb the bountiful light into the body in such a powerful manner as is demonstrated in the infrared sauna.

The beautifully crafted and comfortable structures include hand crafted seating that will lure you into the cave of wellness where deep transformation occurs.

Inside, the walls of the cabin structure are positioned at 360 degrees, paneling that powers the emanating infrared rays. The heaters are designed to release maximum infrared wavelengths and are strategically positioned to capitalize on healing benefits in relation to the human body.

The Bells And Whistles

You can expect the full sensory experience when you use an infrared sauna:

  • Eco-Friendly Wood
  • Medical Grade Light Therapy
  • Strategically Placed Heat Panels To Optimize Exposure

Chromotherapy, the use of medical grade LED lights to capitalize on the benefits of exposure to the full light spectrum of color, are also found in many infrared saunas for home use. Chromotherapy (visible color light therapy) nourishes both the body and brain. Each color carries the potential for healing a variety of conditions, as well as playing a fundamental role in the uptake of neurotransmitters.

Bluetooth speakers are also incorporated into the structure so that the auditory senses may be serenaded with healing sound. Choose your own music, guided meditation, or even listen to the game!

The combination of sound, light and Himalayan salt therapy, coupled with the resounding impact of infrared light waves inside the inviting wood structure is the perfect recipe for an oasis of deep healing.

A Bold New World: The Marriage Of Ancient Wisdom With State-Of-The Art Technology

The original drive to create the first infrared sauna in the 19th century was born of the desire to offer a sanctuary space of healing that maximized the discovery of the light bulb.

Up until this very moment in time, infrared sauna therapy has evolved to become current with the most recent scientific discoveries on the benefits of isolating certain light frequencies.

Infrared sauna therapy marries the deep well-spring of research performed by physicists and other professionals in the field of biomedicine to the ancient tradition of sauna therapy.

This union of the ancient wisdom of our ancestors with state-of-the art technology is the ultimate expression of human enfoldment in its highest form. From cardiovascular health, improved blood circulation, longevity, detoxification, internal organ health and improved over all beauty infrared saunas may hold the key to changing healthcare as we know it.

Daily use of the infrared sauna is believed to optimize health, inhibit disease, elongate life expectancy and increase quality of life.

What is an infrared sauna? It is the wave of the future!


  6. Harvey Kellogg MD, Light Therapeutics, 1910, Michigan, USA

Other Relevant Sources:

Health Benefits Of An Infrared Sauna

Deep within the wellspring of the symphonized orchestra are well-tuned instruments, played by trained musicians all collaborating to create perfectly synchronized, harmonious vibrations that resound as profoundly moving pieces of music.

Human physiology, like an orchestra, is a complex dynamic system of creation. All parts of the body need to be in optimum health to fully and harmoniously synchronize with each other. Infrared saunas fine-tune the sub-cellular and cellular network of the body’s systems to create optimal harmonious and fluid synchronicity in abundant health.

Unification of the ancient wisdom of sauna therapy with contemporary technology has given birth to one of the greatest tools in modern medicine: The infrared sauna.

Steeping the body in the warm hues of the infrared sauna creates health in the totality of the physiological system

The cascade of health benefits derived from regular use of a broad spectrum infrared sauna is an effective healing modality because it treats the human organism, as a single operative network to create a domino effect of health throughout the entire organism.

Network Physiology: A Dynamic Interplay Within The Human Body

Abundant health and wellness can only be reached when the human form is viewed and treated through the lens of integrated physiology. According to Harvard biologists, “The human organism is an integrated network, where complex physiological systems and organs, each with its own regulatory mechanisms, continuously interact to coordinate their functions, and where failure of one system can trigger a breakdown of the entire network”.

A profoundly respectful approach to human anatomy as a living network gives way for healing modalities that treat the body as an entire universe onto itself. creates ideal circumstances for the human universe to thrive, heal, and fully come alive in response to infrared light rays.

The miracle of the human form is best understood as a single operative organism, with many facets of complex systems, synchronized in their interactions with each other from the micro to the macro level.  The dynamic interplay of the body’s systems is paramount in developing an appreciation for healing modalities that treat the body holistically.

The human organism is in constant conversation with itself, perfectly orchestrating the melodic symphony of sub-cellular activity to create a fluid interplay of harmonious music. If one aspect of the system breaks down, the entire organism is affected; infrared sauna therapy interacts with the human mechanism as a single operative unit. The positive health benefits reaped from exposure to the infrared spectrum cascades throughout the entirety of the being.

The disease model of healthcare disparages the perfectly honed vessel of the human form. It is impossible to create health and wellness within the body from the perspective of disease. Disease never exists in isolation: If a particular organ or system is suffering within the body, it is necessary to treat the entire physiological network: Infrared treatment does just this.

Network physiology views human anatomy as an active, ever moving apparatus that is engaged in a constant dance with itself and the external environment. Fully animated, the body seeks harmonious communion with itself and its surroundings, this requires constant dialogue and exchange of information and product. Introducing the broad spectrum infrared light to the body’s network creates homeostasis at the molecular level that induces optimal health of the entire orchestra of the body.

Treating the totality of the human form creates great benefits experienced in all aspects of the individual: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

As we explore the multi-faceted health benefits of the infrared sauna on the human body it must be seen through the vantage point of network physiology, with the profound understanding that disease is never isolated and that true health and well-being resounds throughout every cell of the body.

Infrared Wavelengths and Network Physiology

Exploring the cascade of health benefits derived from the infrared sauna begins with understanding the interplay between the broad spectrum infrared wavelengths and human physiology. technology is the most evolved in sauna therapy currently available today, and provides an oasis for the dance between infrared light and the body to fully engage and synchronize.

Infrared wavelengths exist on the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be seen with the human eye, but can be felt as heat. The infrared light is able to penetrate deeply into the epidermis and therefore fully engage the body’s network. As the rays of infrared light burrow into the epidermis, the largest human organ, they heat the body up from the inside out. The body responds to both the heat and light to create an outpouring of health benefits from using the infrared sauna.

Human anatomy viewed from the perspective of an active living organism constantly in conversation with itself, gives way to an appreciation of the dance with its external environment. When the body is exposed to the healing rays of the infrared, the living anatomy invites the light into its network system creating a domino effect of health.

Improved Circulation: ATP Production

As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body, the cellular mechanism responds in excitement. The human form is comprised of 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an, ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) occurs. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light, particularly sensitive to infrared rays.  As soon as the body is exposed to infrared light, ATP production is exponentially stimulated.

As ATP production increases in response to the infrared light exposure, nitric acid is released, which hyper oxygenates the hemoglobin. The freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow throughout the body like a fast moving river.

Inflammation in the body occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the injured area. Within minutes of entering into your sauna, ATP production increases oxygen in the blood creating better and faster flowing circulation of the blood throughout the body and reduces inflammation of injured areas.

Injury Recovery Is Exponentially Faster With Exposure To Infrared Light

Girl Doing Yoga
  • Bone Fractures
  • Tendentious
  • Ligament Ruptures
  • Muscular Tears

Increased circulation, stoked by heightened ATP production with exposure to infrared light creates blood that is hyper-oxygenated and full of nutritious life affirming substance that easily flows into injured areas of the body and reduces inflammation. Reduction of inflammation stimulates the repair of muscular, ligament, tendon and skeletal structures.

When inflammation occurs around an injured part of the body it becomes like a dam in the body’s network. Conversation and communication is stunted, thereby inhibiting healing.

Exposure to the broad spectrum of infrared light engages the mitochondria of each cell and is the catalyst for faster moving, full-bodied blood to gush through the system of veins and decreases inflammation to injured joints, muscles, and bones, thus opening the body’s network to healthy communication and interplay.

Fractured bones, torn ligaments, tendinitis, and ruptured muscles all find faster recovery times from exposure to the infrared light waves. Oxygen rich blood streams allows for greater circulation that stokes the bodies natural reparation mechanism.

Cardiovascular Health

Exposure to infrared heat induces vasodilation, the expansion of blood capillaries that powerfully augments blood flow. As blood flow increases, it causes the cardiovascular system to engage and the heart rate rises to keep up with vasodilation. After 15 minutes inside the sauna the body begins to receive all the benefits of vigorous exercise as you passively sit in relaxation. offers an opportunity to powerfully engage the cardiovascular system of the body for individuals unable to perform physical exercise due to injury of any kind. Improved cardiovascular health promotes a healthy, fit heart, which is essential to the wellbeing of the entire human form.

Promote Ideal Weight And Healthy Body Composition

  • Burn Calories
  • Engage The Cardiovascular Network
  • Stabilize The Endocrine System
  • Balance The Thyroid Gland
  • Promote Adrenal Health

Many factors induce excess weight and fatty tissue in the body. It is difficult to find optimal health when the body is carrying a surplus of weight. The human organism needs a stable weight in order for longevity and quality of life to occur. Often the root cause of unwanted weight gain is actually related to the endocrine system, and the manifestation of ill health within that network of the body.

Although it is true that the over consumption of food high in artificial sugar and unhealthy fats found in junk food can contribute to unwanted weight gain coupled with lack of exercise, very often the root cause of weight gain can be found in the malfunction of the endocrine system.

Regular use of the infrared sauna will stabilize the endocrine system and allow for the body’s natural regulatory network to function at its very best. When the thyroid and adrenal glands are fatigued and stressed it is impossible to find the ideal body composition to support the skeletal structure. As the endocrine system becomes more efficient, it is unlikely that the body will be out of balance in excessive fatty tissue.

In addition to optimizing the health of the endocrine system, regular use of the infrared sauna engages the cardiovascular network as well as the sweat glands inducing a state inside the body likened to vigorous exercise and upwards of 600 to 1000 calories are burned per sauna session in a 15-50 minute period.

Regular use of a sauna will induce regulation of weight within the body by providing support to the endocrine system as well as an intense cardiovascular workout without any of the damaging effects and hazards of exercise.

Reduce Fatty Tissue And Increase Lean Muscle Mass

Accelerated production of Human Growth Hormones experienced through thermal therapy also reduces the occurrence of fatty tissue in the body. Human Growth Hormones are anabolic hormones that simultaneously increase lean muscle mass and decrease fatty tissue. As you enter into deep states of relaxation in your sauna and watch your cares fall away, your body is being transformed into a leaner, more muscularly sculpted form, free of unwanted fatty tissue.

Increased production of Human Growth Hormones through sauna therapy induces muscular repair and rejuvenation at faster rates. The increased muscular repair experienced in the sauna will allow you to return to work outs with more frequency, ultimately giving way to a more sculpted and muscular physique.

Brain Function: Increase Clarity And Precision Of Thought

Man Holding String of Lights in Front of His Face

Induce neurogenesis, the manufacturing of new brain cells, through exposure to heat stress or heat shock in a controlled environment. Thermal therapy promotes neurotropic factors, which in turn support growth and development of neurons within the central nervous system.

As the brain is replenished with new neurons through neurogenesis, focused attention and heightened intellectual function comes with great ease. After the sauna you will ‘feel’ a profound shift in intellectual activity and a deep precision and ease of thought flow.

Prevent and Reverse Brain Degeneration Disease

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Formulation of new brain cells during and after the sauna session allows an already healthy brain to function at a higher level, the same is also true of individuals suffering from brain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Parkinson’s disease.

The devastating effects of brain degenerative diseases for both patients and their families are unprecedented in hardship. The exposure to heat and the infrared spectrum during sauna sessions fosters neurological repair, this fact creates groundbreaking opportunities of recovery for patients and their families who suffer from brain degenerative diseases.

Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes

Increased insulin sensitivity with exposure to the broad spectrum of infrared light, greatly reduces the risk of type II diabetes. Thermal therapy is scientifically proven to help patients suffering from impaired insulin sensitivity. The time spent in a sauna session creates an internal climate akin to aerobic and anaerobic exercise thus lowering blood pressure and increasing circulation for individuals unable to perform vigorous exercises that work both the aerobic and anaerobic system.

Release Toxic Pollutants

  • Adrenal Health
  • Kidney Support
  • Liver Disease Prevention

Capitalize on the body’s largest organ: the skin, to detoxify harmful substances such as cadmium, nicotine, alcohol, lead, nickel, mercury, lactic acid and more. By increasing the body’s temperature the skin pores open up to profuse sweating. Through intense sweating the body easily rids itself of harmful substances, relieving strain on the internal organs.

Toxins are generally processed through the internal organs, namely the kidneys and liver. By inducing copious sweating in the body, more toxins are released through the skin pores, thereby alleviating the pressure on the internal organs. As the kidneys and liver have to work less to process pollutants in the body, you will immediately experience more energy in your everyday. After a sauna session the body will be more energized and a feeling of lightness resonates within, free from toxic overload.

Anti-Aging and Skin Rejuvenation

Biological age is a fluent expression malleable and effected by internal and external environmental stimuli both to decrease and increase vitality within the human organism. Clearly, chronological age, meaning the year you were born, does not change, but how vitality is expressed both internally and externally can be altered naturally.

Cellular exposure to the near infrared wavelength induces a heightened production of collagen. Collagen is responsible for the elastic quality of the skin. As individuals age, collagen production decreases and with it so does the elasticity of the skin. Regular infrared sauna therapy will increase the youthful appearance of your skin through increased collagen production.

In addition to increased collagen production, detoxification through profuse sweating gives the skin a glowing appearance as old dead skin cells fall away to bring fresh new ones to the surface.

Similar to diamond-dermabrasion therapies, the infrared sauna helps to exfoliate the whole body. Not only does the heat induce the shedding of the first layer of skin cells to reveal fresh new layers below, the newly exposed skin is plump with collagen!!!!

Through exponential renewal and rejuvenation of the cellular network of the body coupled with collagen production, regular use of a sauna will produce a more youthful biological age.

Transference of The Autonomic Nervous System

  • Deep Sleep
  • Adrenal Fatigue and Burnout
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue

Bountiful and abundant relaxation is the foremost gift offered from the infrared sauna to the individual. Beyond, the emotional and mental experience, why is relaxation so important for the body? It is thought that stress is the leading cause of disease, when the body is unable to find rest and relaxation it is unable to rejuvenate and repair itself at the cellular level.

You have probably heard of adrenal fatigue before and may not understand the physiology behind the diagnosis. This diagnosis is particularly threatening, as it is ground zero for many autoimmune illnesses. If the adrenal glands are able to find rest and rejuvenation then a great array of diseases can be prevented.

When the autonomic nervous system is in sympathetic dominance (fight or flight) the adrenal glands, two pea sized glands that sit above the kidneys, begin to excrete cortisol into the body. This excretion is helpful when there is real danger and the individual has to respond with enormous effort. The issue of concern is that modern life, produces many stressful stimuli to the system that is not actually life threatening. It becomes very difficult to transfer out of sympathetic in to parasympathetic (states of relaxation) dominance.

When the adrenal glands are over taxed for long periods of time without reprieve, stress induced diseases emerge. Relaxation is not only a luxury it is a necessity. A sauna, through the broad spectrum infrared light, will gently coax the body out of fight or flight into relaxation as the cells open up and expand under the warm hues of the light wavelengths.

Regular use of the infrared sauna is both preventative and a potential cure for autoimmune disease. Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue will experience an immediate relief from discomfort with use of the infrared sauna and over time as the body is easily able to slip into parasympathetic dominance, the condition will draw back leaving the patient healthy and full of life.

An Oasis Of Health And Vitality

The network of complex, dynamic systems within the human structure are malleable and pliable and shift and change in response to healthy external stimuli. To bathe in the warm hues of an infrared sauna is to coax every network of human physiology back into harmony. As the broad spectrum infrared rays spark the cellular organization of the body, they begin to dance and move in perfect synchronicity opening the body’s channel to robust communication with itself.

The body may express many distinct diseases depending on the individual, but as a single operative organism the body responds to broad spectrum infrared wavelengths in unity and harmony. The warm hues of light from an infrared sauna free the body from pain and illness so that it may partake once again in the melody of its symphonic orchestra of abundant health and wellness.


Your Sauna Delivery – What To Expect

Congratulations on choosing to add an infrared sauna to your home!

While you wait for your sauna to arrive, please review the information below so you are prepared to accept your delivery.

Delivery Time

We process orders within 24-48 hours. Once your sauna has left our warehouse you will receive tracking information to keep tabs on your sauna’s progress to your location. You can expect 5-10 business days on the road from the time your sauna leaves our warehouse in California until your delivery appointment is scheduled.

Setting An Appointment

The delivery company will contact you when your sauna has reached your area. They will hold your sauna at the terminal until they are able to contact you and set a date and time for delivery. You must be present to sign for the sauna when it is delivered.

How Your Sauna Will Arrive

Due to the size, fragile nature, and weight of your sauna, it is shipped on an oversized palette. The truck that arrives to deliver the sauna to your home will have a lift gate on it to lower the oversized palette down, and they will use a palette jack to move the palette as one piece (see images below for what you can expect the palette to look like upon arrival).

Your shipment will be dropped off curbside. Please plan accordingly so that you can plan to move the boxes to a convenient location (a garage is generally best if it is an option for you), protected from the elements, until you are ready to unbox and assemble the sauna.

If you are unable to assemble the sauna yourself, or prefer to have someone else assist with this process, please contact us and we can give you some tips on arranging for a handyman to help with your setup.

Inspect The Boxes

Before you sign the document provided by the delivery company, please inspect the palette and boxes to ensure that there was no damage during shipping. If there is any damage, please note it on the document and let us know right away if you notice any issues with the sauna during installation.

Assembling Your Sauna

Each sauna is expertly crafted for easy assembly, using a simple EZ Lock system. Due to the weight of the walls of the unit, you will need two people to assemble the sauna. No tools are required.


How Often Should You Use An Infrared Sauna To Maximize Health Benefits?

Health, wellness, and safety are the primary driving forces behind the desire to undergo infrared sauna therapy. The answer to how often you should use an infrared sauna is multifaceted, and in this article we will explore the unique nature of the relationship between infrared wavelengths and your physiology to help determine the frequency of usage that is best for you.

Here are a few questions you may be asking yourself before undergoing your infrared sauna therapy:

  • How often can I safely use my infrared sauna to maximize health benefits?
  • Is more always better? How frequently should I take an infrared sauna session?
  • What time of day should I use my infrared sauna to optimize results for my health?
  • Can I overdo infrared sauna use?
  • How much time should there be between infrared sauna sessions?

Getting Started: Build A Threshold Of Endurance For The Heat

Expert Tip: Allow one day of rest between each infrared sauna session for the first three weeks.

Introducing any new activity or substance into the body should be done in steady increments. To maximize the long term and long-lasting health benefits of the infrared sauna, the sessions should be both shorter and spread apart in the beginning as the body acclimatizes to the heat and the rays of the infrared spectrum. (This is particularly true if you are inexperienced with heat therapy) (1).

Infrared sauna wavelengths penetrate deeply into your body’s tissues and have a profound impact on the cellular structure of the body, making it among the most powerful forms of heat therapy available today. In order to maximize the benefits of this therapy, it is important to allow the body time to adapt (2).

Infrared sauna therapy is distinctive among heat therapy because it uses the invisible rays of the light spectrum to penetrate deeply into and beyond the epidermis to heat the body up from the inside out. This means that the external temperature of the sauna will not be as high as a traditional dry sauna. The lower temperature can be deceiving, however, the infrared light will penetrate into the soft tissue of the body to induce copious sweating despite the lower external temperature (3).

Be aware, the rates of perspiration are much higher with an infrared sauna than with steam baths or the traditional dry sauna. Allow yourself time to adjust to the heat generated through light and how your body reacts.

Ultimately, you are the sovereign authority on your health, and if you need to take a break from the therapy, listen to your body.

Expert Tip: Please allow a full 24 hours between sessions as you begin your infrared sauna therapy.

After three weeks of using your infrared sauna every other day you will be able to easily adjust the frequency of use to your needs. More frequent use of the sauna after the initial introductory period will be important to capitalize on the body’s response to the wavelengths. Similar to any exercise program or medical treatment; ritualized routine and commitment will augment the benefits reaped from your sauna.

Regular Routine Use Of An Infrared Sauna: A Daily Practice

Expert Tip: After the initial three-week adaptation period you will be ready for daily infrared sauna use.

(Provided this is supported by increased hydration and electrolyte replenishment support.) Consistency is a key ingredient to maximize the health benefits reaped from your infrared sauna therapy. Once the body is adapted to the infrared heat, the frequency of sessions can be increased while the periods of rest between sessions can be decreased.

Gratefully, time spent in your infrared sauna will be both pleasurable and relaxing, thus developing a committed routine is effortless. While there are a multitude of effective health benefits, using your infrared sauna is also satisfying and fun.

After your introductory three week period, you may want to set a goal to make time every day for your infrared sauna session simply because you will feel so good both during and after your session. Ideally, if hydration is optimal, you can safely enter your infrared sauna at least once a day for 30-60 minutes per session.

A Day Of Rest: Adaptation And Absorption

Woman stretching in the morning before using her infrared sauna

Expert Tip: It is advisable to take one day of rest every seven to ten days to fully incorporate the changes inside the body.

As the frequency of infrared sauna sessions increases, it is still important to take a day of rest to fully incorporate the transformation occurring inside the body. The physiological network of the body is miraculous as it perpetually seeks equilibrium. Even if you do not feel that you need to take time off from your infrared sauna, it is advisable to rest the body from heavy perspiration every seven to ten days. By giving your body a day of rest the transformative effects can be fully assimilated into the body’s network (4).

Preparation Through Hydration

A glass of water being poured to hydrate after an infrared sauna session

Preparing the body for the transformational experience of an infrared sauna begins with proper hydration. Detoxification protocols, including infrared sauna sessions that require profuse sweating on behalf of the individual, demands legitimate hydration both before and after the sauna.

Ideally, hydration should begin several days before taking an infrared sauna. Most people do not drink enough water today in general, if you decide to undergo even a single infrared sauna session, then consuming healthful water in high quantity is paramount.

At least, three quarts of water a day should be consumed by someone engaged in regular sauna use. The infrared wavelengths, including near, mid and far all penetrate deeply into the initial epidermis of the skin causing the body’s temperature to rise from the inside out. While this method of heat therapy is far more effective in its detoxification protocol it also tends to cause dehydration easily if the individual is not properly hydrated before the session (5).

It is important to drink the best possible water; tap water with a filter is acceptable. Water that has been purified through osmosis is not adequate to hydrate the body. Bottled spring water, mineral water, or tap water with a filter will hydrate the body adequately in preparation for your sauna session.

After each sauna session, be mindful of refueling with electrolytes or mineral water, regardless of the amount of sweat produced during the session. It is through copious sweating that many of the health benefits of the infrared sauna are achieved, because of this fact it is necessary to hydrate the body before undergoing a sauna session.

Safe To Use Twice A Day

An infrared sauna’s state-of-the-art technology may be the most effective and safest infrared sauna available today. It boasts low EMF emission (electromagnetic radiation), which allows for you to safely enjoy the health benefits of the infrared sauna without any of the negative side effects, thereby giving you the freedom to enjoy your sauna twice a day without causing any harmful side effects.

Improved circulation through hyper-oxygenation of the blood relieves pain and discomfort in the body (6). Increasing the frequency of sessions in your infrared sauna to twice a day may relieve painful symptoms from a variety of diseases and give you freedom from discomfort to enjoy your life.

If you choose to take more than one sauna a day it is recommended that you decrease the time spent in the sauna to 15 minutes per session. As the body acclimatizes to the infrared heat you will be able to increase the time you spend in the sauna to 50 minutes per session.

* Please always listen to your body, regardless of how healthy any activity is, it is always possible to overdo anything.

Listen To Your Body

You are the sovereign authority over your own body; if at any time you feel naturally inclined to increase the frequency of use or take a day of rest, follow your own knowingness to maximize health benefits.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson, M.D. and author of Sauna Therapy recommends his patients take two infrared saunas a day, once in the morning upon waking and once in the late evening before bed. Dr. Lawrence writes in his book:
“In this age of toxic exposure and drug-resistant infections, infrared saunas are indeed a great blessing. No other single therapy has so impressed me.” (7)

The profound healing qualities of the infrared sauna are beyond the bounds of measurement; as you embark on this journey remember that proper nutrition and hydration will allow for more frequent use of the infrared sauna. It is not recommended that you exceed two fifty-minute infrared saunas a day. The intensity of perspiration is beyond the body’s natural ability to re-hydrate adequately.

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Sauna?

Start your day off right and use your infrared sauna first thing in the morning. Some medical practitioners suggest using your infrared sauna first thing in the morning and last thing at night to enhance the health benefits (7). A significant contributing factor in the process of ‘falling’ asleep is a decrease in the body’s internal temperature. Exposing the body to higher temperatures before bed may easily induce sleep (8).


Always consult with your medical provider to ensure that infrared sauna therapy is safe for you.