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Can You Bring Your Phone Into Your Sauna With You?

In a world perpetually connected to their phones, it is not surprising that this question comes up a lot. Can I bring my phone into the sauna with me? The answer to this question is fairly straightforward – Yes and No.

Most electronics do not do well in high heat for long periods of time. Yes, you can get away with bringing your phone into your sauna for a few minutes before getting a notification on your phone that it is ‘overheating’. At that time you will want to place your phone outside the sauna and remove it from the high heat. 

Ideally, you will set your desired music on the Bluetooth speaker, or meditation, or podcast, and then leave your phone outside the sauna, but still within reach if you do need to be available for work related calls or family members. 

Take Some Time Out

It is physically possible to bring your phone into your sauna for short amounts of time. Perhaps rather than trying to ‘get away’ with quick spurts of phone time in your sauna, use your sauna time to unplug from the world. Most sauna sessions rarely last longer than 50 minutes, so maybe this is a time to set your desired sound on the Bluetooth and just unplug from the world. 

As a parent, you may need to be able to reach for your phone for emergencies, in which case just place it outside the sauna door. But why not use this time to rejuvenate yourself?

Ultimately, your phone will tell you when it is getting too hot in the sauna, and you can put it outside again if you really need to. The body will relax into deeper states without the phone and all of the notifications binging while you sweat it out in your oasis. 

Personal Choice: Too Hot To Handle

Eventually your phone will overheat if it stays in the sauna with you for too long, heed the warning and save the lifespan of your phone by keeping it outside the sauna. This same rule applies to all other electronic devices such as laptops and Ipads.

Ideally, you will treat yourself to small portions of time unplugged from the world while you sauna, knowing that you can reach for your phone if needed.

Infrared Saunas And Your Electric Bill: What Is The Real Cost?

There are many considerations before purchasing an infrared sauna from size, brand, wood type, full spectrum or not, and also how will the use of an infrared sauna affect your electrical bill?

Bringing an infrared sauna into your home or business will affect your electric bill, but this will largely depend on several variable factors.

  • Location (the cost of electricity varies depending on where you live or operate your business)
  • How often your sauna is used
  • The duration of each sauna session
  • The size of the sauna (a larger sauna using a 220 W/ 20 A outlet will use more electricity than a smaller sauna using a 110 W/ 15 A outlet)
  • Commercial Use Versus Private Use

With so many variables, there is not a single answer as to how infrared sauna use will affect your electrical payment.

Private Residential Use

For individuals using an infrared sauna at home, the effect on the electrical bill will most likely be negligible. Meaning, that individuals who use their sauna twice daily for 50 minutes report noticing an increase of about $10.00 from when they were not using their sauna at home. 

Most infrared saunas are efficient conduits of electricity and will not affect the overall monthly bill. Unlike a dryer, or other large appliance, infrared saunas do not use as much electricity as one might initially expect. 

The cost of electricity varies from city to rural environment, and is different in every state. But even in locations where electricity is high,individual sauna users will rarely see their electric bill increase more than $15.00 per month based on the sauna use. 

A larger sauna with more heaters that is used more often will clearly increase the cost of electricity.  If you are concerned, be sure to turn your sauna off and unplug it if it is not in use.

Infrared saunas will impact the electrical bill if you are using them commercially and have more than two operating throughout the day to serve the needs of a steady stream of clients.

Commercial Infrared Sauna Use And Your Electric Bill

For spas, gyms, and other businesses that offer infrared saunas to many clients a day and who may have several saunas operating at once, it is reasonable to expect that the electrical bill will increase substantially based on the high usage. Again, such institutions probably have an on site laundry for towel use, which will impact the electrical bill more than the sauna use. 

Remember, that when the saunas are not being used by clients, to have them turned off, and unplugged to save on electricity. 

If your sauna is being used eight to twelve hours a day, your electrical bill will be higher than someone using their sauna once or twice a day. 

Helpful Tips To Keep Your Electric Bill Low While Using An Infrared Sauna

  • When your sauna is not in use, turn it off and unplug it
  • Be sure that all heating panels are connected and operating efficiently
  • Your sauna should be on a dedicated circuit
  • Get into your sauna after fifteen minutes of heating it up (sometimes it can be easy to forget you turned it on!)

Of all of the many considerations before purchasing an infrared sauna, likely the least of your concerns should be electrical use, as this is typically not noticed by most residential sauna users.