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Everything You Need To Know About Light

A Lay Person’s Guide To Understanding Light

  • What Spectrum Of Light Can Harm The Skin?
  • Where Does Visible Color Light Fall On The Spectrum?
  • What Is Infrared Light And How Is It Subdivided: Near, Mid, And Far?
  • Where does Microwave  And  X-Rays Fall In The Light Spectrum?
  • What Light Is Therapeutic And Beneficial For Humans?

Light is a basic element of every person’s experience, it becomes complicated because the majority of it is invisible to the human eye. Some portions of the light spectrum can be dangerous to humans, while others are deeply beneficial and therapeutic.

So, how can the average person know the difference and learn to use light in the most beneficial way?

Take a look at the light spectrum as illustrated below, we will use this as a map to understanding light: 


As you can see in the above visual guide, color light, meaning what humans can actually see with the naked eye, is a very small percentage of the entire field. This means that knowing that the rest of the spectrum is present requires, quite literally, blind faith!

Light and Its Origins: You’ve Got The Good Vibration!

The sun itself is the original source of all light, and emits the entire spectrum of light. This allows planet earth,and its relationship to the sun, to be ideal for plant, animal, and human life. Earth, the goldilocks planet of our galaxy, is such because of the life-giving properties of the sun. 

The purpose of this article is not to go far into the realm of academic research on light, but rather just to give the average person a sense of what light is and how each individual can benefit from its use in therapeutic quantities. 

While much of the light spectrum is invisible to the eye, many times it can be sensed with other perceptual apparatus, such as the skin when heat is experienced, or sometimes a headache after too much exposure, for example the x-ray range. It is possible to use how we feel and react as clues to what kind of light we have been exposed to.

Light is measured in nanometers, similar to any other form of measurement, for instance, miles to measure distance, gallons and liters for volume, pounds and grams to measure weight and mass. So, nanometers is the measurement used for light. 

Understanding nanometers does not require an overtly scientific perspective, but rather is used just as a means to categorize and discuss light frequency. All light travels in waves and expresses a unique frequency just as each individual has their own fingerprint. 

The specific light frequency or vibratory patterns of each spectrum determines its relationship to plants, water, animals, humans, and all portions of life on our planet.

Some frequency serves the health and wellness of people, while others may be detrimental, particularly with over exposure.

What Spectrum Of Light Can Harm The Skin?

With the shelves of pharmacies overflowing with various brands of ‘Sunscreen’ and with all the information about the dangers of skin cancer as a result of overexposure to the sun, few are stranger to the threat that light may have on the skin and eyes.

So, what portion of the light spectrum burns or conversely tans the skin? Looking at the map of the light spectrum, turn your gaze just to the left of color light and you will find the Ultra Violet (UV) spectrum of light. Some UV rays are necessary for the proper absorption of Vitamin D, so it is important not to demonize this entire band-width.  However with overexposure the skin may burn, and over time a variety of skin related illnesses may ensue.

It is the UV spectrum that you will find in tanning beds, and it is very important to protect the eyes from this potentially harmful bandwidth of light. It is best to take in UV rays in very small amounts. 

UV rays have a shorter wave frequency than visible light and are measured between 10-400 nanometers. 400 nanometers is where the human eye can begin to detect the color light spectrum, specifically the color violet. (2)

In short, protecting the eyes and skin is important to limit the amount of UV rays exposed to the body; however, some exposure is important for Vitamin D absorption. (UVB is the frequency that is responsible for Vitamin D Absorption) (3)

The morning hours of the day is when infrared light is at its most potent and is a very safe time of day to spend in the sun. 

What Is Visible Light And Where Is It Expressed On The Light Spectrum?

As UV rays begin to dwindle out, the visible spectrum fades in at 400 nanometers and here begins the story of the color palette. In many ways color light really steals the show from the rest of the light spectrum because humans can see it. It is however a very small portion of light.

Most folks can visualize the color wheel or a rainbow in an instant. In addition to being very beautiful, color light also boasts many benefits to human health. When color light is used for therapeutic purposes it is called Chromotherapy. Each color fosters a unique benefit to human physiology and psychology, including, but not limited to:

Color LIght Benefits

  • Radiant Skin
  • Bacteria Free Skin (as a therapy for acne)
  • Scar Reduction
  • Reduction Of Biological Skin Age
  • Improved Serotonin Uptake
  • Balance Circadian Rhythm
  • Deeper More Restful Sleep

For more details on color light therapy and chromotherapy, please click here.

Color light over all is not only safe, but moreover potentially beneficial for health and wellness.

From Color Red To Near Infrared: The Plot Thickens

  • Enhanced Mitochondrial Health
  • Improved Collagen Production
  • More Efficient Circulation
  • Neurogenesis

As the eye moves across the light spectrum map from left to right, eventually the visible color red becomes apparent. This frequency of light offers a unique set of benefits for human biology and is also the bridge into what is called the infrared red spectrum.

As the color red fades out in the 600-700 nanometer range it becomes invisible to the human eye, but can be experienced tactfully as heat. This is the near infrared range.

Near infrared light is perhaps the most valuable light frequency for human health because of its relationship to mitochondrial metabolism, collagen production, circulation, and even neurogenesis. (4)

The mitochondria is essentially the energy plant of each individual cell. Surrounding the mitochondria is the cytoplasm C, within this membrane are photoreceptors. These photoreceptors are particularly sensitive to near infrared light and absorb this light efficiently. (4)

The National Institute of Health (NIH) has published a plethora of journals surrounding the relationship between near infrared light and cellular energy production, believed to be the root cause for a variety of illnesses ranging from Parkinson’s to cancer. Many medical professionals have argued that by improving mitochondrial metabolism a plethora of illnesses could be healed. (4)

From a journal published in April of 2020 by NIH, the authors elaborate on the specific details of how near infrared light improves energy conversion within each cell of the body:

“The transfer of electrons from cytochrome C to O2 is coupled with the expulsion of 4 protons from the mitochondrial matrix across the IMM, contributing to the transmembrane electrochemical gradient that drives ATP synthesis. Nitric oxide (NO), a molecule known for its vasodilatory properties in vivo, competes with O2 for its binding site on the CuB center of COX” (4)

Stemming from the profoundly positive effects that near infrared light has on mitochondrial health and improved ATP synthesis, vasodilation (widening of blood cells) occurs to promote improved circulation which positively affects heart health, as well as injury recovery. Positive circulation is necessary to decrease inflammation and therefore pain. (5)

Collagen is a protein that is necessary to maintain skin’s elasticity, healthy bone marrow regeneration, and to maintain the integrity of the connective tissues of the body. Near infrared light’s relationship to the mitochondrial also influences collagen production. 

Consider that collagen is the glue that keeps it all together. This protein is critical to the physical well being of almost every system in the body. 

When near infrared light is combined with red color light and used for therapeutic purposes it is called Photobiomodulation. For more on the science behind photobiomodulation please click here.

For being a light frequency that is invisible to the human eye, near infrared light is mighty and powerful in its positive effects on health and wellness.

From Near To Far: Explore The Mid And Far Infrared Spectrum

a man enjoying an infrared sauna

“Infrared is usually divided into 3 spectral regions: near, mid and far-infrared. The boundaries between the near, mid and far-infrared regions are not agreed upon and can vary.” -NASA & ipac 

Moving along the light spectrum from right to left, near infrared light blends into mid and far infrared light. Light is fluid, and unlike other realms of the material world it cannot be these electrons move in waves unlike their particle counterparts.

In terms of nanometers, mid and far infrared light occupies anywhere from 800-1350 nanometers. This frequency of light moves and vibrates in a profoundly different way from near infrared light and was made popular by its impact on life in the oceans. (6)

Far infrared light is unique because of its ability to penetrate deeply through matter, including your body. This action becomes beneficial to health because of its ability to increase the core temperature of the body. This serves to create an artificial fever, and begins the profound detoxification protocol through perspiration.

All forms of sauna bathing induce a detoxification protocol through intense sweating, but none so profound as the experience of far infrared within the chamber of the sauna. 

Organ health is dramatically improved with far infrared light sauna bathing, as is the body able to rid itself of lingering bacterial infection. Immunity is improved as the body is cleansed of harsh toxins and bacterial infection. 

So what happens as the infrared spectrum fades out? What is next of the light spectrum?

After Infrared Light: Microwave to Broadcast

The healing rays of far infrared light blend into the microwave frequencing and then the broadcasting band where radio and television signals abide. 

The exodus out of the 1350 nanometer range and beyond can be dangerous for humans, as seen in results from over exposure to the microwave frequency. As much as possible this frequency ought to be avoided. Of course, there is use in the broadcast band, without it radio and television would be impossible. (8)

Although this technology has served the human kind as a means of communication and sharing information in large doses, it is not at all healthful for human physiology.

Enlightened Understanding Of Light Frequency

An understanding of the basic mechanism of light allows each individual to make informed choices for themselves about how much, if any, forms of light frequency they invite into their daily activities.

Some exposure to UV rays are necessary for vitamin D absorption, but should be limited in doses. Color light and all portions of the infrared light band are deeply beneficial to humans and can be used in therapeutic doses in infrared sauna therapy, as well as in photobiomodulation devices. 

Before beginning any protocol therapy using light, be sure that you understand the basics of how light works so that you can incorporate specific spectrums into your practices. 



Benefits of Having Salt in a Sauna

Halotherapy May Help Provide Some Relief for Chronic Pulmonary Tract Conditions

  • Asthma
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder)
  • Pneumonia
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic Bronchitis
  • Hay Fever
  • Sleep & Snoring

As a species we are no strangers to turning to salt as a therapeutic modality to improve respiratory function and to relieve chronic conditions affecting the pulmonary tract. From the salt caves of ancient Greece to the salt mines of Eastern Europe and Russia, humans have turned to salt for its benefits to pulmonary health for centuries. 

So why incorporate salt into your sauna experience?

The addition of salt walls into your sauna experience will add a dimension of healing that caters specifically to respiratory health by capitalizing on the negative ions released from the salt as atmospheric heat is increased.

This article will elaborate on the history of salt therapy, its relationship to pulmonary health, and the efficacy of its use in tandem with sauna therapy.

History of Salt Therapy: Introducing Halotherapy

The use of salt for therapeutic purposes is generally referred to as halotherapy (HP), derived from speleotherapy in salt mines. While many cultures throughout history have turned to the inhalation of the negative ions emitted from salt to foster the health of the pulmonary tract, this particular therapy was rendered popular by the health of the salt miners in eastern Europe.

Generally, mining is considered to be a potentially hazardous and dangerous occupation; however, it was remarkable that workers of the salt mines were demonstrating superior respiratory health. With some investigation, it was found that the particles that these miners were inhaling were actually beneficial to their health. Interestingly it was the salt miners in Poland during the 19th century that brought into focus the health benefits of salt exposure in confined spaces, such as salt mines and caves. (1)

Since then, several therapeutic models have attempted to mimic the conditions of salt caves and mines to treat respiratory disorders. More recently salt, specifically Himalayan salt, has been used in saunas to add an additional dimension of healing. 

How it works

A woman on the beach, benefiting from natural halotherapy

Once inhaled, salt particles cause the mucus within the lungs to thin and liquify, thereby dislodging potentially harmful pathogens and bacteria within the pulmonary tract. This process allows for easier expulsion of allergens and other airborne disturbances to the lungs. (2)

Salt is negatively charged which gives it the unique capacity to bind positively charged particles to it. This effect that salt has on positively charged emissions from electrical devices neutralizes some of the harmful effects from electromagnetic radiation. (5)

Further, it is believed that as Himalayan salt is heated, negative ions are released into the air of a confined space. As the negative ions are inhaled, they serve to balance the positive ions emitted by an array of electrical devices. (2)

More recently, the National Institute of Health has begun researching the practical application for individuals living with chronic pulmonary tract disorders such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), Emphysema, Hay Fever, and respiratory sleep disturbances. (3)

The result of case studies has proven to be significant and now has put halotherapy as a viable integrative, or supplemental treatment for individuals living with chronic pulmonary conditions.

Case Study:

This particular study performed by the National Institute Of Health, recreated a salt cave, using Himalayan salt walls in a confined space. Fifteen subjects, all of whom had been diagnosed with serious and chronic respiratory illness from asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema participated. 

After the initial five to ten days of exposure, ten of the subjects experienced a dramatic improvement in dry cough as well as other related symptoms. By day twelve of the experiment all of the subjects had experienced a reduction in symptom expression. (4)

An excerpt from the conclusive report on the study reveals the following:

“The assessment of results achieved in the investigated patients with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy, after a specific halotherapy treatment, indicates the triggering of an anti-inflammatory (including anti-allergic mechanisms) mechanism and a decreasing trend of the inflammatory process.” (4)

Further research performed by the same group of scientists found that the inhalation of dry salt particles dramatically repressed symptoms and assisted individuals diagnosed with COPD through the liquefaction of mucus in the airways, which helped the explosion of harmful bacteria and allergens from the lungs. (3

Here is the conclusion of the study, performed by NIH:

“The assessment of results achieved in the investigated patients with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy, after a specific halotherapy treatment, indicates the triggering of an anti-inflammatory (including anti-allergic mechanisms) mechanism and a decreasing trend of the inflammatory process.”

The use of halotherapy is not a substitute for allopathic treatments, such as cortisol ventilators or any other drug treatment; however may be a supplementary tool for individuals living with chronic respiratory conditions. 

Does Halotherapy Work When Used In Conjunction With Sauna Therapy?

Recreating the conditions of the salt caves in Eastern Europe requires ample salt that is being crushed and turned into airborne particles as well as a confined space. Mimicking nature may never quite bring the same majestic opportunity, however modern technology is able to render a sufficient substitute. 

Saunas are an effective means of recreating salt caves for two primary reasons: 

  • A confined Space
  • Elevated temperature

In order for halotherapy to be effective it is important that the space is confined to contain salt particles, and the negative ions that are released. This is simply not the case in household rooms, however the cabin-like structure of the sauna is ideal.

Secondly, as the atmospheric temperature of saunas is elevated it causes the salt crystals to release negative ions into the space. As this occurs, potentially harmful positively charged pathogens bind to the salt particles. (4)

In many ways using halotherapy in conjunction with sauna therapy can be an effective means of recreating the salt caves that made this form of respiratory therapy popular in the first place.

The Merger Of Sauna Therapy And Halotherapy: A Supplement To Your Respiratory Protocol

infrared salt sauna

The unique structure of most saunas makes for an ideal landscape in which to create the healing power of salt caves. The confined space allows for the health benefits of halotherapy to be truly effective. 

A sauna chamber that incorporates Himalayan salt walls may not be as powerful as an underground salt cave, it does however come very close to its replication. 

Research has demonstrated that incorporating halotherapy into an integrative protocol to treat a variety of pulmonary disorders is effective, although not a substitute for traditional treatments. 

In addition to the clinical research, the time spent in a sauna equipped with salt therapy is deeply relaxing and inviting. Whether respiratory conditions are active or not, the experience of joining salt and sauna together is a powerful healing modality.



7 Reasons Why You Should Use Red Light Therapy

  • Pain Reduction
  • Skin Health (wound healing, scar repair, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles)
  • Muscle Recovery
  • Improved Sleep
  • Stabilized Mood
  • Neurological Well Being
  • Positive Cellular Replication: Anti-Aging

From neurological specialists to the pages of beauty magazines the use of red light therapy has become a beacon of hope for a plentitude of conditions and a source of renewed vitality.

So, what is the big deal? 

How is it possible that a color light can boast so many positive health benefits for such a vast array of ailments?  Understanding the answer to this question involves taking a closer look at the biological response that occurs as the body is exposed to red and near infrared light wavelengths. 

Specific cellular photoreceptor mechanisms absorb the light energy from red and near infrared spectrums to create a cascade of positive biological responses.  Among them are, but not limited to, pain reduction, skin health, muscle recovery, improved sleep, stabilized mood, neurological health, and positive cellular replication for anti-aging purposes.

This article will outline in detail the specific cellular response to red and near infrared light.  This stokes the powerful transfiguration of the body into greater degrees of health and vitality when exposed regularly to therapeutic doses of the red and near infrared light spectrum.

Waves, Frequency, And Light: A Brief Exploration Into The Light Spectrum

The sun that our planet revolves around is the primordial source of both light and life on our planet. Radiating off of the sun is the entire spectrum of light both visible and invisible. Light travels in patterns that look somewhat like the waves of the ocean which are referred to as wavelengths. Each color of the light spectrum has a unique wave pattern similar to fingerprints. Both visible and invisible light has an effect on its recipients based on the patterned wave frequency that is emitted. 

Light frequency is measured in nanometers. Light that is vibrating within the bracket of 600-900 nm has demonstrated to be particularly heathful to cellular health. This measurement encompasses both the visible light frequency of red as well as near infrared light. The latter of which is invisible to the human eye, but can be experienced as a subtle heat. 

It is the very unique relationship between human cellular composition and the red and near infrared light spectrum that creates a cascade of biochemical changes to produce an internal climate ripe with vitality and health.

How Does Red Light Therapy Work: Photobiomodulation To Ignite The Health Of Every Cell Of The Body

  • Mitochondrial Activity Is Increased To Improve Energy Conversion
  • Augmented ATP Production
  • Reduction Of Cellular Waste
  • Nitric Oxide Increase
  • Improved Overall Blood Circulation

Red light therapy as it is known colloquially, or photobiomodulation (PBM), as it is known in scientific terms, has become a very popular therapy both for deep seated medical conditions as well as a cosmetic treatment.

PBM is not a thermal therapy, but rather depends upon how the red and near infrared light travel as wave frequency both around and into the body. (1)

As the body is saturated by a red light bath, the unique imprint of wave frequency from the red and near infrared spectrum is absorbed by the photoreceptors of each cell of the body.

Specifically, it is the Cytochrome C Oxidase, the membrane wall that surrounds the mitochondria of cells that absorbs light photons. The mitochondria is the power plant of each individual cell and is responsible for energy conversion. (1)

The unique capacity of the red and infrared light to be absorbed by the inner walls of the cell sparks a tremendous cascade of biological changes. The National Institute Of Health recently published the following description of PBM:

“Photobiomodulation (PBM) involves the utilization of light from the visible and near infrared portions of the spectrum at a relatively low power density that is insufficient to heat or burn tissue… Rather, the photons themselves stimulate chemical changes within the cells, provoking biological reactions that benefit the body in a variety of ways – including the triggering of neuroprotective responses, improvements in metabolism, blood flow, and neurogenesis, and decreases in inflammation and oxidative stress.” (2) Tip: A Basic RunDown Of Cellular Response To Red And Near Infrared Light

By exposing the body to red and near infrared light in controlled doses allows for the absorption of these wave frequencies into the inner chamber of each and every cell to trigger a remarkable upgrade in mitochondrial activity. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate Production), the necessary molecule involved in energy transmutation in the cell is stimulated. By enhancing nitric oxide production, oxygenation of the intracellular communities is augmented. 

In short, humans absorb light not only through the eyes but also through the epidermis. Certain wavelengths are able to penetrate the body with greater ease to effect a change within each cell, namely red and infrared light. Photoreceptors are activated by contact with this light frequency and a domino effect, originating within the energy centers of each cell, ultimately affects all portions of human physiology.

Consider also that the human body is composed of roughly fifty trillion cells, as the body is immersed in red and infrared light, quite literally each cell is illuminated by these wavelengths. It is for this reason that PBM has a resounding positive effect on a vast array of conditions.

Pain Reduction: Improve Circulation To Decrease Inflammation

Inflammation is created within the body in very localized ways as a reaction to blunt trauma causing injury. Inflammation can show up chronically as a result of autoimmune related conditions. Either way, where there is inflammation in the body, there is also pain.

While an inflammatory response is often important and healthy in injury recovery, prolonged inflammation can be debilitating and cause significant chronic pain. 

When individuals are exposed to therapeutic doses of red light,  ATP production is augmented. Nitric oxide is produced at higher rates as it causes blood flow to speed up bringing necessary nutrients to damaged tissues of the body. (3)

Where there is healthful circulation, inflammation retracts and pain is reduced. Some individuals notice a remarkable decrease in inflammation after just fifteen minutes under the influence of red and near infrared light. 

Skin Health: Augment Fibroblasts, Collagen, And Elastin

The skin is the largest organ of the human body; it mediates between the internal external environment. The epidermis is composed of two primary proteins that weave together to produce the texture and quality of skin, collagen and elastin.

Red light therapy is particularly effective as a tool to increase the quality of skin tone because it fosters the health of fibroblast cells that are the precursor to collagen. Fibroblasts are believed to largely be responsible for the healing mechanism of the skin. When there is injury to the skin fibroblasts migrate to the area to deposit collagen. (4)

A body that is high in fibroblasts will experience faster wound healing, decrease in fine lines, and an overall healthier look and feel to the skin. A study performed by the National Institute of Health demonstrates substantial benefits for the skin after using red and near infrared light on individuals suffering from severe burns, psoriasis, and acne. (5)

Ground zero of the process of creating not only more fibroblasts, but also improving migratory speed, begins with heightened mitochondrial activity of each cell resulting from increased energy conversion that occurs due to absorption of the red and near infrared light. From the National Institute of Health’s journal on red light therapy and skin wound healing:

“Red light stimulates the copper/heme-iron centers on cytochrome C oxidase (CCO), an intramitochondrial component of the electron transport chain. CCO is a protein complex containing two copper and heme-iron groups that play a key role in the electron transport within the mitochondrial. LED-RL photostimulation of CCO directly influences reactive oxygen species (ROS) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and results in increased ROS and ATP levels.” (5)

Whether you are looking to heal scars, purify the skin, or just looking to improve the overall tone and look of your skin, exposure to red light in therapeutic doses demonstrates positive results for skin. Further, this treatment is non-invasive, easily accessible and can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Muscle recovery: Photobiomodulation and Tissue Repair

Over forty-six studies have been performed on both trained and untrained individuals engaged in exercise to determine if red light therapy is a significant factor in muscle recovery. Overwhelming evidence suggests that the application of red and near infrared light after exercise dramatically increased the rate of muscle recovery in both groups of individuals. (6)

The National Institute of Health published the following journal,  ‘Photobiomodulation In Human Muscle Tissue: An Advantage In Sports Recovery’. The clinical results found on muscle recovery in the studies highlighted by this journal were remarkable. Here is what it says on the biological process behind the increase muscle repair:

“The rationale for using PBM on muscles relies on the well-known stimulation of mitochondrial activity that occurs after red or near-infrared photons delivered to the tissue have been absorbed by cytochrome c oxidase. Muscles rely heavily on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the biological source of energy needed for muscle work, and therefore robust increased ATP levels are the most popular hypothesis to explain the extraordinary effects that PBM appears to exert on muscle tissue.” (6)

Whether for elite level athletes or individuals engaged in moderate exercise, the combination of red and near infrared light exposure will aid in both quality and speed of muscle repair. This is particularly significant for individuals looking to increase the frequency of workouts, with less recovery time between sessions. Athletes competing at an elite level would do well to incorporate photobiomodulation into their post workout routine to augment performance.

Improve Sleep And Balance Circadian Rhythm

Adequate sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy and vitality filled body; unfortunately, a sound night’s sleep eludes many individuals. While there are a plethora of causes that impact quality of sleep, it is believed that over exposure to blue light as found in computers, televisions, cell phones and other devices disturbs circadian rhythm. 

While limiting screen time is certainly helpful in achieving a restful night’s sleep, for many it is simply impossible to avoid hours spent in front of a screen. If individuals are able to modulate exposure to blue light by increasing red light exposure, research suggests that circadian rhythm can be balanced and improve sleep experience.

From the International Journal of Endocrinology:

“Results showed that, as expected, only the blue light reduced nocturnal melatonin” (7)

Melatonin is a necessary component to induce a healthy and restful night’s sleep. As blue light has been shown to decrease melatonin production, red light does the very opposite. Neurotransmitters pick up signals from the red and near infrared light spectrum to produce ameliorated serotonin uptake. Serotonin is converted into melatonin in the pineal gland, a small pinecone shaped gland in the center of the brain as the sun goes down. (6)

Morning sunlight is stronger in red and infrared light.  As many individuals are inside office buildings during this time, they are missing out on exposure to this spectrum of light. To balance circadian rhythm it is imperative to ‘catch up’ on lost red light exposure. With a simple red and near infrared light instrument this can be done in a matter of minutes. 

While it may not be practical to eliminate over exposure to blue light from screens, it is possible to balance this with red light therapy, in doing so sleep mechanisms are improved. 

Stabilized Mood With Red Light Therapy

For many of the same reasons that red and near infrared light positively impacts sleep, this spectrum of light has also demonstrated positive effects on mood stability.

Quality of sleep is closely related to mood stability. Many individuals living with depression and anxiety also experience sleep disturbances. As circadian rhythm is balanced, very often there is a natural stabilization of mood.

Further exposure to red light positively impacts neurotransmitters to induce serotonin uptake. As serotonin levels are balanced within the brain, so too is mood. From a journal published by Psychiatric Times:

“The response [to red light therapy] is quite rapid, often within a week or two, which is more rapid than the response to antidepressant drugs or psychotherapy,” (9)

While there is still more to learn and discover about how red and near infrared light impact the emotional centers of the brain, there is enough clinical evidence to demonstrate that mood is positively impacted by exposure to this light spectrum. (9)

Neurological Health And Red Light Therapy

Exposure to the red and near infrared spectrum of light appears to be wildly impactful on neurological health, and very specifically on the creation of new brain cells: Neurogenesis.

The National Institute Of Health has been studying the effects of light on brain health for several decades. From a recent journal publication on the topic:

“Animal research has shown that PBM stimulates neurogenesis and protects against cell death. Data suggest that red light, close to the NIR spectrum (670 nm), protects the viability of cell culture after oxidative stress, as indicated by mitochondria membrane potentials.” (10)

The implications of this research is promising for brain degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, ALS, and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, not only is red and near infrared light correlated to increased neurogenesis, it  may also reduce inflammation in the brain. (10)

Many brain related disorders demonstrate mild to severe inflammation. Inflammation of the brain can be reduced by sparking mitochondrial activity, improving ATP production, and blood flow to the brain.

Additionally, in more recent years PBM has been used to treat stroke patients, or ‘cerebral Ischemia’. From the peer reviewed journal ‘Frontier Neurology’:

“The main benefits attributed to brain PBM therapy are related to different biological processes such as increasing cerebral metabolic function, stimulating neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, and neuroprotection via anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant biological signaling.”

From treating post stroke patients, brain injury, and degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, the red and near infrared light demonstrates a promising safe means toward neurological health.

Positive Cellular Replication: Extending The Life Span Of Cells

All organisms have a life span, including cells. Disease is often manifested when the life span of cells is decreased, and new cells are not able to replicate fast enough to replace the rate of dying cells. Apoptosis, is the name for programmed cell death, this is the completion of the natural life cycle of a cell. 

Health issues arise when external factors from the environment such as pollution, pathogens, and toxic heavy metals, deplete the body of vital life force and cells begin to die before their programmed death. Ultimately if cells are dying at a faster rate than they are able to be healthfully replicated,  illness may ensue. 

There are many factors in our environment that are beyond the immediate control of the individual; however, it is possible to reverse the premature death of human cells by exposing the body to red and near infralight in therapeutic doses.

Although it remains unclear exactly how and why photobiomodulation affects the life span of cells, this therapy has proven to extend the life cycle of cells so that renewal and replication occurs in alignment with apoptosis, programmed cell death. 

The Marriage Of Red And Near Infrared Light: Why The Coupling Of These Two Spectrums?

Most photobiomodulation devices come equipped with the color red spectrum as well as near infrared light. What is it about this combination that has such a powerful positive effect on human physiology?

According to the journal ‘Frontiers in Neurology’, the unique blend of these two light spectrums play off of each other to create a powerhouse of tandem light unity. 

“It is important to highlight the scientific rationale for the use of red and NIR wavelengths at the same time. Our research group already reported previously that irradiations with red and NIR wavelengths at the same time possibly offer advantages based on the absorption bands of the chromophores in the cells that absorb light, in special cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, resulting in even more synthesis of ATP than either red or NIR used alone.”

As was discussed earlier, each light spectrum has a unique wave pattern, similar to the human fingerprint. The specific quality of frequency emanating from the red and infrared light spectrum join forces to meet the photoreceptors within each human cell to produce a cascade of health benefits.

Understanding the human form as a community of trillions of cells working together to create balance, equilibrium, and health; it makes  sense that optimizing the energy centers of each cell will positively affect overall health.

With red and near infrared light working in tandem in therapeutic doses it is possible to optimize cellular function and therefore overall radiant health.

