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Photobiomodulation: A Journey Inward To Understand How Light Can Change Cellular Expression

How our society at large understands, relates to, and uses light has changed drastically over the past forty to sixty years. Largely due to the accelerated discoveries of quantum physics coupled with progressive research into the field of bio-medicine, unprecedented findings on how light interacts with the cells, tissues, and systems of the human body have been revelatory for health, immunity, and longevity.

Photobiomodulation is an excellent example of the very practical means by which light is affecting the field of healthcare and wellness. Certainly the term photobiomodulation (PBM) is quite a mouthful, and its process may appear complex at first glance. In reality, PBM is a process that, once understood and engaged, may offer individuals an opportunity to change cellular function in a wildly impactful way.

The human body is composed of roughly 50 trillion cells, a number greater than what most of us can conceive of. Understanding the organism of the human form as the culmination of a community of cells all with a unique purpose and function lends itself to the ineffable truth that cellular health is overall wellness.

PBM is the process by which red light, near, mid, and far infrared light affect a positive change in the metabolic system of the individual cells. Most learned of photosynthesis in grade school, the process by which sunlight allows plants to transmute light energy into manufactured nourishment. In short, PBM can be considered a similar process to photosynthesis for humans engaged in red and infrared light therapy.

This article will explain the process of PBM, who and what conditions it may help, and how infrared sauna therapy is a means by which to engage PBM.

What Is Photobiomodulation And How Does It Work:

Photobiomodulation is a therapy that uses non-ionizing light, including, but not limited to, the broad ban of red, near, mid, and far infrared light to effect a positive change in the energy centers of mammal cells.

Expert Tip – Non- ionizing light as defined by the United States Department Of Labor is this:

“Non-ionizing radiation is described as a series of energy waves composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields traveling at the speed of light. Non-ionizing radiation includes the spectrum of ultraviolet (UV), visible light, infrared (IR), microwave (MW), radio frequency (RF), and extremely low frequency (ELF). Lasers commonly operate in the UV, visible, and IR frequencies.” (1)

PBM is not thermal therapy, meaning it relies on the wave patterns of light as they interface with the coding of human cells to positively affect the energy manufacturing centers of the cells. When specific light frequency is applied, in therapeutic doses to diseased or malfunctioning tissues of the body, through the mitochondrial engagement with light, it may be possible to produce resounding healing results to cells, tissues, and entire systems of the body. (2)

When damaged tissues are exposed to red, near, mid, and far infrared light, cellular metabolism is positively induced. This creates a chain response of biological changes to decrease inflammation, pain, and injury. (2)

Specifically it is the cytochrome C complex that lines the inner membrane of the mitochondria (the cell’s energy plant) that responds to the absorption of light. Cytochrome C is involved in the chain of electron transport that is the engine behind metabolic functions of the cell. (2)

Through exposure to the broad ban of red and infrared light, absorption of this wave frequency triggers a remarkable upgrade in mitochondrial activity. ATP (the production of adenosine triphsophate), the molecule involved in energy transmutation in the cell is stimulated. (2) By enhancing nitric oxide production, oxygenation of the intracellular communities is augmented. As described by the authors of ‘Lite Cure’ in their article on PBM:

“Outside the cell, nitric oxide signaling drives vasodilation which improves microcirculation in the damaged tissue, delivering oxygen, vital sugars, proteins, and salts while removing wastes.” (2)

Expert Tip: Vasodilation is the widening of blood cells and is a necessary process to improve circulation at a micro and macro level within the body’s system. It is crucial in treating cases of chronic inflammation, hypertension, as well as improving overall vitality. (3)

The acceleration of the natural healing mechanism of the body may be increased through exposure to the broad ban of red and infrared light as measured in nanometers, this includes: 650 nm – 1200 nm. (3)

Mitochondrial response to light photons emitted from infrared light paneling may dramatically affect energy conversion to increase oxygen levels in the body, improve circulation, and overall cellular health.

From the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health article on PBM and Transcranial Photobiomodulation:

“In conclusion, the studies reviewed here provide strong evidence for the mechanism of t-PBM (increasing mitochondrial energy production and increasing regional blood flow). The downstream effects of increased ATP production include not only increased cellular energy but also potentially increases in intercellular signaling.” (5)

When the human body is perceived as a community of cells, it makes sense that as individual cell health is improved, so too will the overall vitality of the human organism as a whole.

Photobiomodulation: Who Is It For And What Conditions Are Positively Affected?

Happy couple having conditions positively affected by infrared sauna, having fun outside
  • Neurological Health: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Metabolic Conditions, Chronic Inflammation
  • Mood Disorders (Depression, Anxiety & Seasonal Affective Disorder)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Insomnia
  • Cognitive Enhancement For The Healthy Brain

It may seem odd at first glance, that so many seemingly distinct diseases and conditions would be positively affected with a similar light treatment model. From The National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health’s journal on PBM and Brain Health, states the following to answer this query:

“Light in the visible and near-infrared spectrum makes up the major part of solar radiation and is also provided by artificial light sources. Since light is widely present throughout our world, approaches that harness it for the purposes of medical treatment is hardly a new phenomenon. Photobiomodulation (PBM) involves the utilization of light from the visible and near infrared portions of the spectrum at a relatively low power density that is insufficient to heat or burn tissue… Rather, the photons themselves stimulate chemical changes within the cells, provoking biological reactions that benefit the body in a variety of ways – including the triggering of neuroprotective responses, improvements in metabolism, blood flow, and neurogenesis, and decreases in inflammation and oxidative stress.” (6)

The Brain and PBM:

Michael R. Hamblin’s journal published by the National Center For Biotechnology Information describes PBM in the following way:

“Photobiomodulation (PBM) describes the use of red or near-infrared light to stimulate, heal, regenerate, and protect tissue that has either been injured, is degenerating, or else is at risk of dying. One of the organ systems of the human body that is most necessary to life, and whose optimum functioning is most worried about by humankind in general, is the brain.” (3)

Brain health is critical for the well being of the entire body. Neurological conditions have a wide range of expression from dementia, to mood disorders, to simple clouded thinking.

Like other cells of the body, neuro cells also host mitochondria, and the systems of photo reception within brain cells are also activated through exposure to red, near, mid, and infrared light.

As the function of neuroglial cells does differ from other cells, their basic mechanism remains the same as any other cell in the body.

It is for this reason, that a diverse array of brain conditions respond positively to doses of red and infrared light.

Michael R. Hamblin goes on to write in his journal on PBM and brain function the following:

“ A wide variety of processes can occur that can benefit a correspondingly wide range of brain disorders. These processes can be divided into short-term stimulation (ATP, blood flow, lymphatic flow, cerebral oxygenation, less edema). Another group of processes center around neuroprotection (upregulation of anti-apoptotic proteins, less excitotoxicity, more antioxidants, less inflammation). Finally a group of processes that can be grouped under “help the brain to repair itself” (neurotrophins, neurogenesis and synaptogenesis).” (3)

Hormesis is the adaption of systems of the body to external influences to improve biological function. In short, it is possible to train neurological function through exposure to light to improve brain health and cognitive processes.

Therefore, it is through regular exposure to certain wavelengths that a long lasting positive change can occur in the brain.

Originally, it was thought that PBM required the use of lasers to affect change, it is now understood that the broad ban of light emitted by infrared sauna panels is effective in producing metabolic changes in brain cells. (3)

Heightened metabolic function at the level of individual cellular energy conversion positively affects the entire mechanism of tissues, and systems within the body. Improving the quality of metabolic function in brain cells may greatly improve existing conditions within the emotional centers of the brain.

Mood Stability With PBM: An Alternative Treatment For Depression And Anxiety That Is Not Based In Chemistry

A woman suffering from depression would benefit from Infrared Sauna therapy

With 16.2 % of the American population suffering from Major Depression Disorder (MDD), there is a compelling need to find solutions for mood disorders that do rely on the introduction of chemicals into the body that comes neatly packaged with a heavy dose of intolerable side effects (5).

Dr Paula Askalysky from the Department of Psychiatry at NYU’s Langone School Of Medicine clearly draws attention to the profundity of need to find effective alternative means of treating mood disorders:

“Current treatments for MDD have significant limitations in efficacy and side effect burden. FDA-approved devices for MDD are burdensome (due to repeated in-office procedures) and are most suitable for severely ill subjects. There is a critical need for device-based treatments in MDD that are efficacious, well-tolerated, and easy to use.” (5)

So, does PBM have positive correlative affects on individuals living with depression and other mood related disorders?

Individuals living with depression demonstrate lower levels of mitochondrial function, less ATP, and therefore significantly less NO in the bloodstream. (5) Studies performed on both animals and humans suggest that as mitochondrial activity is stimulated with the use of red and near-infrared light subjects experienced improved stability of mood. (5) The same study described by Dr. Paula Akalosky goes on to describe very compelling results for individuals living with mood disorders after exposure to red and near-infrared light:

“Transcranial photobiomodulation (t-PBM) is a novel form of neuromodulation, based on non-retinal exposure to light at specific wavelengths. t-PBM with near-infrared radiation (NIR) has yielded promising early results for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.5 t-PBM has a low cost, good safety profile, and it is easy to self-administer. Therefore, it has the potential to become widely accessible.”

Further, not only does exposure to red and infrared light stoke mitochondrial activity to improve oxygenation of the blood, it also stimulates neurotransmitter activity to increase serotonin uptake. Serotonin is necessary for mood stability, but also is the precursor to melatonin. Regulating sleep is a fundamental building block that leads toward more stable moods. (6)

It may be possible that the simple exposure to the red and infrared light spectrum in monitored quantities could produce compelling results on mood for a minimal cost, and without the sometimes devastating side effects of more traditional pharmaceutical treatments.

The Goldilocks Of Light:

Can Photobiomodulation Be Activated With Broad Band Red and Infrared Light As Found In Saunas? Or Is The Use Of Therapeutic Lasers Necessary To Stoke The Chain Reaction Of PBM?

All photobiological responses depend upon absorption photoreceptor molecules. (7) For light to positively affect biology it needs to be administered in a dosage that is both impactful, but not too intense so as to erode health.

Typically PBM is associated with laser treatments, however, this is not the only available therapeutic modality to induce the cascade cellular metabolic changes necessary to positively alter cellular function. (7) In fact, the marriage of red light therapy as found in chromotherapy coupled with near, mid, and far broadband light may be just the recipe to induce PBM.

The journal, ‘Biological Effects and Medical Applications of Infrared Radiation’, authored by Shang-Ru Tsai, PHD and Michael R. Hamblin PHD, describes in intricate detail how and why the dose of light as available in infrared saunas, without raising temperatures too high positively impacts cellular function:

“A form of light therapy that utilizes non-ionizing forms of light sources, including lasers, LEDs, and broadband light, in the visible and infrared spectrum. It is a nonthermal process involving endogenous chromophores eliciting photophysical (i.e., linear and nonlinear) and photochemical events at various biological scales. This process results in beneficial therapeutic outcomes including but not limited to the alleviation of pain or inflammation, immunomodulation, and promotion of wound healing and tissue regeneration.” as defined in Anders et al. [10]. It is now agreed that “PBM therapy” is a more accurate and specific term for the therapeutic application of low-level light compared with “LLLT”. (7)

It is now absolutely feasible to induce PBM from home with either an infrared sauna for your home, or a light panel that combines red light with near infrared light. Many conditions, ranging from mood disorders, to neurological, to autoimmune can be treated on your own time, and from home.

To benefit from the effects of PBM it is not necessary to be in a clinic with laser practitioners, but rather it is now possible to engage this method of photobiology from home.

Broad band infrared light coupled with color light therapy that uses the visible frequency of ‘red’ is relatively accessible. This is exciting news in terms of optimizing health, wellness, and even longevity.

Whether individuals are looking to optimize health, both of the body and brain, or are in the midst of a health crisis, there is compelling evidence that PBM can potentially heighten cellular function to induce positive overall transformation of the physical body.

A Compelling Therapeutic Model For Individuals For Whom Heat Therapy Is Prohibitive: Photobiomodulation Does Not Rely On Elevated Temperatures:

A couple able who utilize PBM therapy

Certain health issues prohibit individuals from engaging in heat therapy, but because PBM is a light based non thermal therapy, it becomes a viable option for individuals in the midst of a health crisis. Whether a panel of red and near-infrared light is used or an infrared sauna, there is no need to increase temperatures to reap all the benefits of this spectrum of light.

Mere exposure to the frequency of red and infrared light wavelengths will stoke the absorption of photons to produce powerful cellular metabolic change.

Without adding chemical compounds to the body through pharmaceutical drugs, PBM augments the natural function of cellular activity to produce positive results. This is excellent for individuals looking for a natural means by which to improve health and find remission from specific conditions.

Where To Find Photobiomodulation Devices? And How Is It Administered?

Infrared saunas that come equipped with near infrared light and medical grade color light therapy is a comfortable way to soak up the appropriate light frequencies to induce PBM. Remember, the temperature can be kept low during PBM sessions as this process is not dependent on heat.

Red light and near infrared light panels are also a convenient and simple option. A simple two foot by one foot device that can plug into any home outlet is another great way to access appropriate light frequencies. This means that while at home or the office as you go about your normal routine you can benefit from just by having the lights turned on.

Photobiomodulation is an impactful, easy to use mechanism to improve the metabolic function of individual cells. The cumulative effect of increasing cellular health may ultimately render the entire physical body into states of radiant well being.

Sources Cited:


Enhance Immunity With Sauna Therapy: A Detailed Account on How Sauna Use Can Improve Your Immune Response

A viral epidemic of global proportions summons each of us to take a closer look at our personal immune response. If there was ever a need to discuss what we can do at an individual level to protect ourselves, our families, and our community from invading viral infections, now is that time.

Although there is little anyone can do to stop the spread of viruses and their evolution into increasing new strains, it is possible to adapt and improve personal immune response.

Preventative care therefore, becomes the focused action of improving the biological response at the individual level to threatening viruses, particularly as there is often little that can be done to stop the global spread of new strains of viral pathogens.

When the world around us feels out of control and kaotic what can we do at the individual level to boost our immunity?

This article will provide the opportunity to explore the nature of human immune response as a system, correlative and causative factors that may deplete personal immunity, and how sauna use can potentially improve your overall response to foreign pathogens.

How Does The Immune System Function: A Basic Rundown Of The Body’s Defense Mechanism

The immune system operates primarily at the involuntary level, in fact, when all is going well, most will seldom notice its functions at all. The reality is that this integrated network of cells, tissues, and organs is working around the clock to protect the body from foregin invasion stemming from harmful bacteria, environmental factors, viruses, and even internal cellular mutiny. (1)

According to the National Center of Biotechnology Information’s journal on immune response, this system performs three basic tasks to protect the body:

  1. To fight disease-causing germs (pathogens) like bacteria,viruses, parasites or fungi, and to remove them from the body
  2. To recognize and neutralize harmful substances from the environment, and
  3. To fight disease-causing changes in the body, such as cancer cells. (1)

The immune system itself has two primary sub categories called the Adaptive and Innate. Both portions work together to ensure proper defenses for the body, and both are necessary. The adaptive branch of the immune system plays a critical role as we begin to ‘train’ our immunity through a variety of practices. (1)

Essentially, by micro-dosing controlled external positive stress on the body, similar to exercise, sauna therapy begins, like an athlete, to train our immune response into higher levels of performance. The technical term for this adaptive process undergone by any cell or organism is called hormesis. (2)

The process of hormesis demonstrates that through specific protocol it is possible to train immunity into higher levels of achievement!

Understanding the purpose behind the function of the immune system brings us to the threshold of learning the critical role that sauna bathing may play in boosting immunity.

Sauna Therapy May Enhance Immunity In Athletes: Study Reveals That White Blood Cell Count In Athletes Is Higher After a Single Sauna Session

For individuals looking to be performance ready on the day of athletic competition it is critical that immunity be high so as not to be rendered ill or depleted when it matters. The nature of competitive sports means that those individuals who are both well trained, and also healthy the day of the event are in significantly more advantageous position then their counterparts with lower immune system capabilities.

A study published by the Journal of Human Kinetics (3) followed two groups of healthy men: the first group were non-athletes and the second elite level middle-distance runners. A traditional Finnish sauna was used for the study. In addition to the heat of the sauna, participants also engaged immediately in cool down protocol by taking a room temperature shower for two minutes after sauna bathing.

After the sauna session a sample of blood was taken from both study groups. The results were groundbreaking in terms of sauna bathing and white blood cell count.

While both the athletes and non-athletes had higher levels of white blood cell counts after a sauna session, the results were significantly more drastic for the athletes. (4)

Sauna bathing for the athletes, not only produced measurably higher white blood cell count in general after sauna use, but also demonstrated remarkable improvement in monocyte levels (a particular type of white blood cell involved in the adaptive branch of immune response). (4)

Expert Tip:

What Are White Blood Cells And How Do They Affect The Efficacy of Immunity?

For those interested in developing better immunity without a background in medicine or science, here is a quick rundown on what White Blood Cells are, and why they matter:

  • There are many different types of white blood cells: Neutrophils (make up about 50% of all white blood cells.
  • Eosinophils (particularly important for fighting bacteria and parasites
  • Basophils (only accounting for 1% of white blood cells)
  • Lymphocytes (B & T Cells) (T cells are responsible for directly combating foreign invaders, while the B cells hold ‘memory’ for the immune system)
  • Monocytes (Migrate into tissues to remove dead cells, accounting for about 12% of all white blood cells) (5)

As individuals begin to develop an appropriate protocol to augment immune response, white blood cell count (in its plethora of forms) becomes a crucial component.

How Does Sauna Bathing Affect Overall Immunity: Can Detoxification Protocol Enhance The Body’s Defense Mechanism?

“No person is without some level of toxic metals in their bodies, circulating and accumulating with acute and chronic lifetime exposures…An often overlooked route of excretion of toxicants is via the process of sweating” (6)

The stark reality is that, without exception, all of us absorb potentially harmful pathogens through the food we eat, air we breathe, and water we drink. As a result of these circumstances we find ourselves in on a regular basis, the immune system is summoned to respond by not only threatening foreign pathogens from outside the body, but also to potentially harmful substances inside the body.

A 2013 journal published by the National Institute of Health describes how compounds such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, demonstrate toxic effects on a variety of physiological systems, including the immune system (6). Furthermore, all of these harmful substances are easily and measurably extracted from the body through the process of sweating.

Regular sauna bathing may systematically detoxify the body through the mechanism of perspiration (6). To reach the ideal threshold where sweating becomes profuse takes around 15 minutes in most people. By relieving the body of harmful pathogens through the detoxification protocol found as a result of sauna bathing, significant burden is removed from the immune system. This means that more available energy can be directed toward protecting the body from outside viral and bacterial threats.

For anyone working or living in known toxic environments, sauna bathing may increase overall wellbeing as sweat glands are mobilized to excrete harmful chemicals and metals from the body (7).

Fevers And Immunology: Saunas Capitalize On The Body’s Natural Mechanism To Heal Itself

“Give me a fever and I can cure any disease”


A fever raises the body’s internal temperature to activate white blood cells to line the walls of blood vessels. Like summoning a march of soldiers, once white blood cells are positioned along the frontier of blood vessel membranes they begin their attack against invading pathogens.

The act of increasing the core temperature increases the production of T-cells, which is why fevers are so effective in health preservation (8).

What if we didn’t need to actually get sick in order to reap the benefits of a fever? Well, sauna therapy has the potential to do just this. The creation of an artificial fever through the elevated temperatures found in a sauna may activate the immune system’s response. In response to heat, T-cells increase and begin generating heat shock proteins (HSPs), which are crucial to the maintenance of a healthy intracellular community (8).

Heat Shock Proteins: Why They Matter For Enhanced Immunity

Small, but mighty, protein ‘chaperones’ referred to as Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) are essential to maintain the health of the intracellular environment. HSPs work in partnership with T-cells to activate the body’s defense mechanism.

Without HSPs, humans could not fight against viruses, bacteria, and even autoimmune disorders (9). From fatal illnesses and diseases to the common cold, HSPs play a vital role in protecting the body.

Dr. Gabriel Multhoff from the University Hospital in Regensburg Germany in the oncology department writes the following:

“They (HSPs)have been found to elicit a potent anti-cancer immune response mediated by the adoptive and innate immune system” (9)

The necessity of summoning more HSPs is crucial to the health of every human.

So, how can we get more HSPs?

Any thermal therapy, including sauna bathing, raises internal temperatures to cause the necessary chain of biochemical reaction to create more heat shock proteins. Whether the need to create greater immunity is to simply stay healthy through the cold and flu season or to fight very serious conditions, HSPs are a necessary ally in any health campaign.

You cannot get a prescription for them, buy them, or ingest them, however, HSPs can be increased through thermal therapy. In fact, they can be increased by exposing the body to extreme temperatures in either direction. For most, plunging themselves into icy water is less than tantalizing, but sauna bathing is often viewed as both pleasurable and relaxing – an enjoyable and potent means to creating more HSPs, which may translate in to a greater abundance of health and vitality!

Factors That May Contribute To Weakened Immunity:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety (Mood Related Disorders)
  • Lack Of Sleep

Depression & Anxiety

Can our mood affect our immune response? Yes, both anxiety and depression can trigger the autonomic nervous system into modes of ‘fight or flight’, and the activation of this response is the antithesis of the immune system’s response. In fact, as the autonomic nervous system transfers into sympathetic dominance (fight or flight), the immune response is suppressed (10). Individuals living with mood disorders experience weakened immunity as the autonomic nervous system is stuck in overdrive producing adrenaline and cortisol in response to signals from the emotional control center of the brain to protect against a threat.

Research led by Dr. Charles Raison of the University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed that individuals living with major depression experience remarkable relief from symptoms after engaging in heat therapy. Here is what the results from this experiment demonstrated:

“Raising the body temperature of depressed volunteers to the equivalent of a mild fever improved their symptoms of major depression for as long as six weeks after a single treatment” (11)

Sauna bathing may relieve symptoms of depression. This is crucial not only for mental health, but also for immunity. Regular sauna use may help restore immune function for individuals living with major depression.

This study also revealed that anxiety, as well as other mood disorders, were stabilized with regular heat therapy. Remember that as mood is enhanced, the autonomic nervous system is able to transfer out of ‘fight or flight’ back into parasympathetic dominance where immune response is no longer suppressed.

A study conducted by Japanese researchers reveals the following result on individuals living with a variety of mood disorders, including anxiety:

“All mood scales and both manifest anxiety measure were improved after sauna bathing” (12)

Regular sauna use may both directly and indirectly improve immunity in individuals living with depression and anxiety. This two fold mechanism is effective in reversing the body out of stress response, and also by navigating physiology into an artificial fever where T-cells and HSPs become more numerous.

Sleep & Immunity

Obtaining deep and restful states of sleep is vital to the quality of individual immune response. This is largely due to the healing that occurs while brain waves slow down and the mind rests. Energy is redirected from accomplishing tasks in the contextual life back inward toward repair and nourishment.

The American Sleep Foundation writes the following on sleep and immunity:

“Without sufficient sleep, your body makes fewer cytokines, a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation, effectively creating an immune response. Cytokines are both produced and released during sleep. Chronic sleep loss even makes the flu vaccine less effective by reducing your body’s ability to respond.” (13)

How can saunas help sleep?

Sauna bathing improves the quality of sleep in two primary ways:

A) Relaxation occurs as the body heats up in the sauna, this serves to alter the state of the autonomic nervous system back into rest and relaxation. When the body is relaxed, the mind slows down and sleep comes easily. Excess amounts of adrenaline and cortisol keep the body active, sauna bathing will reverse the mechanisms that release these substances.

B) A decreasing internal temperature is necessary in the sleep process. This can be enhanced by actively elevated core temperature through a sauna session before bed, thereby rendering sleep more accessible(15).

The Common Cold And Sauna Therapy

The common cold impacts economic productivity to a greater scale than any other illness (15). While it can be difficult to avoid the virus that causes the cold while at work and school, it is possible to boost individual resiliency against it through regular sauna bathing. A study conducted by the University of Vienna in the Department of Physical Medicine concluded that: “…Sauna bathing probably reduces the incidence of the common cold.” (15)

Understanding the mechanism of white blood cells and HSPs in response to elevated temperatures suggests that regular exposure to increased temperatures, such as found in the sauna, will likely increase resiliency against the common cold.

Stress, Immunity, And Sauna Bathing

It is no secret that prolonged states of stress response renders the body more susceptible to illness and disease.

The amygdala, essentially the emotional center of the brain, in conjunction with the autonomic nervous system, can alter the entire state of physical being. If the emotional center of the brain senses a threat, real or imagined, signals are sent to the autonomic nervous system, and the entire body enters a state of survival.

This means that it is possible, through thought alone, to alter states of being. In states of survival, immune response is suppressed, as healing the body becomes less of a priority. If the body remains in stress response for prolonged periods of time, illness and disease have a higher likelihood of taking hold.

Critical to establishing a strong immune response is the ability to transfer out of stress response. There are a variety of tools that can help leave stress behind, and one of these is heat therapy. As the body is bathed in the warmth of the sauna, the autonomic nervous system begins to ease back into states of parasympathetic dominance (rest, digest, and relaxation). (16)

The Power To Enhance Immunity May Be Found In Sauna Bathing

It can be scary when bacterial and viral invaders threaten our way of life, often leaving us feeling disenfranchised and powerless. The scope of potentially harmful pathogens that exist in the world around us is daunting. One simple measure we can take to enhance our personal immunity to counteract these elements that lie outside of our immediate control, is sauna bathing.

Saunas are therapeutic, and may help to boost your immunity. The coupling of white blood cells and HSPs in response to elevated temperatures, is nothing short of miraculous. Further, the power of the sauna to invite relaxation into the body’s systems is necessary for the autonomic nervous system to establish correct states of being where the immune response can flourish.

Regular sauna use may reduce the incidents of colds, symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as improve sleep.

An enjoyable means of enhancing immunity could be a simple sauna session away!

Works Cited:

  4. (page: 3/9)

How Infrared Saunas Boost Your Immune System

Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas: Backed By Science

The average person might assume that people primarily use saunas for relaxation, pleasure or socializing. You may even imagine a group of men in towels sweating out their troubles in a steamy wooden room. And while that image may ring true for some, using a sauna (known as sauna bathing) is linked to a variety of surprising health benefits that are backed by scientific evidence.

Sauna researcher and author Leigh Ann states, “Extensive studies support the many life-changing benefits of sauna use.”

Sauna health benefits include:

  • Alleviation of arthritis, flu, headache and skin diseases[1]
  • Improved Heart Function and “reduction in the risk of vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and neuro-cognitive diseases [2]”
  • Reduced Risk of Stroke. A long-term Finnish study of over 1600 people states that sauna bathing between four to seven times a week reduces risk of stroke [3].
  • Decreased risk of Dementia and Alzheimers Disease: “Sauna bathing, an activity that promotes relaxation and well-being, may be a recommendable intervention to prevent or delay the development of memory diseases in healthy adults. Further study is however needed.[4]”
  • Reduced Inflammation: Chronic inflammation can lead to many diseases, as reported by the Johns Hopkins Health Review[5]. Infrared saunas may reduce systemic inflammation.
  • “Regular sauna bathing reduces the incidence of common colds,” one study explains.
  • Sauna users live longer. “Using the sauna 2-3 times per week was associated with 24% lower all-cause mortality and 4-7 times per week decreased all-cause mortality by 40%” as stated by the JAMA Network Journals (although this has so far only been studied in men)

Regular Sauna Use Improves Immune Function in These Ways

Psychological stress increases risk of acute infectious respiratory illness (such as the common cold). Regular sauna use is associated with a marked reduction in stress and increased relaxation response.

The International Journal of Biometeorology studied rats to determine that far-infrared radiation enhances sleep. “Thus the far-infrared radiation exerted a sleep modulatory effect closely related to the circadian activity-rest cycle.”

Sleep is crucial to good health and immunity. In fact, a study by the Mayo Clinic determined that a lack of sleep can make you sick.

infrared sauna himalayan salt in bathroom

How Sauna Improves Immunity

Heat stress from sauna bathing increases heat shock proteins (HSPs). These HSPs protect against cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and prevent protein aggregation – which is often correlated with disease. Heat stress also triggers your body to turn on genes that protect against DNA damage, loss of immune function, protein and lipid damage, and other age-related stress [6].

“HSPs either exert immune activation as danger signals in cancer immunity and mediate protection against infectious diseases or exhibit regulatory activities in controlling and preventing autoimmunity [7],” As reported by a study by the Department of Hematology and Oncology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany.

Furthermore, sweating removes toxins from the body. “Sauna increased excretion with sweat fluid of toxic substances (lead, thiuram, captax, sulphenamide C that penetrated the body during work,” as maintained by this study.

How Long Should You Stay In a Sauna?

So how long do you need to stay in a sauna to obtain these immunity-boosting benefits? There’s no need to force yourself to be uncomfortable to reap the benefits of sauna bathing. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends starting with 5 to 15 minutes of sauna bathing for new sauna users.

Many studies indicate that staying in the sauna for a longer duration doesn’t increase the benefits. However, benefits seem to increase the more often you sauna bathe.

Sauna for Stress Reduction

The relationship between stress and sickness has been studied extensively. This study reports that up to 80% of people visit the Doctor for reasons relating to stress.

One particular study about the Effects of Sauna on Psychological States measured participants’ moods using the POMs:Tension–Anxiety, Depression–Dejection, Anger–Hostility, Vigor, Fatigue, and Confusion. The results determined that
Anxiety measures were improved for all participants after sauna use.[8]

Sauna Safety Tips

The following sauna safety tips will help you get the most out of your sauna experience:

  • Before or After your sauna: Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol leads to dehydration.
  • Start slowly with 5 to 10 minutes of sauna bathing at a time
  • Allow yourself to cool down gradually
  • Stay hydrated: Drink up to 32 ounces of cool water after each sauna session
  • Don’t use the sauna when you’re sick.

When it comes to your immune system, health and overall longevity, sauna bathing has been proven to show incredible benefits.


  6. (Dr. Rhonda Patrick)