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Benefits of Infrared light

Discover The Supernatural Relationship Between Infrared Wavelengths And The Human Body

The wavelengths of the full infrared spectrum of light interact with the human body in a phenomenal manner that creates a cascade of health benefits. This astonishing dance between the cellular makeup of the body and the infrared light spectrum is entirely unique, thus making infrared light therapy unparalleled as a healing modality.

The benefits of infrared light therapy on the body are widespread because of the very particular nature of human cell engagement with these light wavelengths. In addition to the merits of infrared light therapy, the radiant heat raises internal core temperatures as well and thus stokes biochemical responses that create positive benefits of health and vitality. The coupling of the infrared light and its associated radiant heat create a tandem healing modality like no other.

The synchronistic dance orchestrated between human physiology and the infrared light spectrum fosters:

· Youthful vitality
· Cellular and neurological regeneration
· Augmented human growth hormone secretion
· Increased collagen production
· Improved insulin sensitivity
· Detoxification
· Fortified immune response
· Heightened autonomic nervous system function
· Bolstered cardiovascular health

What Is Infrared Light?

Infrared light is a type of radiant energy existing in the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be observed by the human eye, yet can be experienced kinetically as heat. Within the visible light spectrum violet emits the shortest wavelengths and on the far end of the color light spectrum exists red light that emits the longest wavelengths. The infrared light spectrum occurs between the microwave and visible light spectrum. Near-infrared light is found closer to the visible light spectrum and far infrared is found just after microwave frequencies. It is the proximity to the visible light color red, that infrared owes its namesake. Infrared light frequencies range from shorter wavelengths (the near-infrared light) and as wavelengths elongate mid and far infrared light becomes detectable.

Infrared light is found in the sun’s radiant light and has in recent history been isolated for its healing properties. Dr. Harvey Kellogg originally used infrared light as a healing modality near the end of the 19th century in his internationally famous: ‘Incandescent Light Bath’ that was displayed at the world’s fair in 1891. This incandescent light bath became reputable all around the world for its ability to cleanse and heal the body. Monarchs across Europe incorporated this light technology into their palaces. At the time, it was not known that it was the infrared light within the incandescent light bath that was enabling healing to occur.

The incandescent light bath fell out of fashion and it was not until 1965 when researchers from NASA were able to isolate the near, mid, and far infrared light spectrum and begin to identify the healing capacities of this invisible spectrum.

In the mid-1960s as astronauts returned to earth from space, they were experiencing musculoskeletal atrophy from lack of gravity. Researchers investigated ways to regenerate the lost muscle and bone mass in astronauts and it was during these searches that the infrared light spectrum was found to provide awe-inspiring healing capacities.

Under the influence of near, mid, and far infrared light astronauts were able to regenerate lost muscle and bone mass quickly. Once this occurrence was observed the same application of infrared light was applied to individuals suffering from serious burns. Under the auspice of the infrared light, previously burned and scarred skin was regenerate at astounding rates.

It was in this context that infrared light as a potential healing modality that specifically encouraged the regeneration of cells was born. If infrared light was able to stimulate cellular regeneration in astronauts and burn victims, why not apply it to a variety of ailments where increased cellular regeneration was needed?

Eventually infrared light evolved as a technology into infrared saunas as well as handheld devices, and even into anti-aging instruments.

Infrared light is the expression of elongated wavelengths just on the other side of the visible red light. Although invisible to the human eye, infrared light is a radiant heat that can be experienced tactfully as a mellow and relaxing heat.

So, how do cells respond to infrared light?

How is this invisible spectrum of light able to have such a powerful effect on the human body?

Infrared Light And Cellular Biology

Human cells in the body can benefit from infrared light therapy.

In order to understand the full scope of benefits derived from the infrared light spectrum, it is important to take a closer look at the cellular response to this light spectrum. The human body is composed of roughly 50 trillion cells: Physiology can thusly be considered a community of cells living and operating in harmony together. With this perception, it becomes imperative to examine the cellular response to its environment. Cells thrive under certain environmental factors when the cellular network thrives so does overall vitality and health.

What environmental factors will cause a cell to thrive? There are the obvious factors of clean air, plenty of water, sunshine in moderation, nutritious food, relaxation, and rest. In addition to these basic factors, there is another key environmental factor that produces astonishingly powerful results on the cellular structure: The infrared light spectrum.

So, what happens at the cellular level when the body is exposed to the infrared light spectrum?

Each cell within the human body is composed of several key elements that are mirrored at the macroscopic level in the human body. Contained within each cell of the body are mitochondria, essentially an energy plant. This microscopic ‘energy plant’ is the key element that makes infrared light so special for the human body. Examination of the interaction between the full infrared spectrum of light and the mitochondria opens the gateway to biochemical changes in the body that produce exponential health benefits!

As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body, the cellular mechanism responds in excitement. The human form is comprised of 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) is produced. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light, particularly sensitive to deeply penetrating rays of the infrared light. As soon as the body is exposed to the broad spectrum of infrared light, ATP production becomes exponential.

As oxygen levels are increased in the body, circulation improves. Improved blood circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients at faster rates to the vital organs, brain, joints, muscles, skeletal structure, and skin. A heightened level of oxygen running through the body reduces the occurrence of inflammation and therefore pain.

Human anatomy viewed from the perspective of an active living organism constantly in conversation with itself gives way to an appreciation of the dance with its external environment. When the body is exposed to the healing rays of the infrared spectrum, the living anatomy invites the light into its network system creating a domino effect of health originating with improved blood circulation.

A Wealth Of ATP: Regular Exposure To Infrared Light Therapy Creates A Body Rich In ATP

Begin to appreciate ATP production as health currency and consider the analogy of economic currency. In order to become financially wealthy, there need to be regular deposits of money into the bank account that is greater than the withdrawals made. Similarly, the greater the production of energy in the body compared to the energy output, the greater the health will be.

For most of us, every day we go to work and earn money that is then deposited into the bank, wealth is accumulated because the deposits are greater than the withdrawals.

So, how does currency relate to the infrared light spectrum?

Remember that ATP production is heightened by exposure to the infrared light. This molecular response is the primary mover into health from illness. As the body is exposed to the broad spectrum of infrared light ATP production is augmented, and physiology becomes stacked with ATP to produce a wealth of health.

Infrared light therapy is effective when sessions are regular and sustained consistently over time. In order for health benefits to be endured, continued exposure to the infrared light and therefore more ATP production is necessary.

Make regular deposits of ATP wealth into the biochemistry of your body by exposing the community of cells that make up the human form to near, mid, and far infrared light regularly.

The magic doesn’t stop at improved ATP production in response to the infrared light spectrum, but rather this is just the tip of the iceberg of a chain of biochemical reactions occurring in the body in response to infrared light.

Infrared Light Is Radiant Heat: The Body Is Better Able To Increase In Core Temperature For Detoxification With Infrared Light

Infrared light as experienced in the contained space of an infrared sauna is the optimum choice for detoxification protocol because of its radiant heat. There are three primary types of heat: Radiant, conductive, and convection.

Heat is transferred via conductive heat by warming solid materials, for example, heating rocks in a traditional sauna or by convection heat by heating the air or liquid. For example, a steam room uses convection heat to warm water into vapor. Infrared light, however, uses radiant heat. This means that the heat experienced through infrared light moves directly into the body without needing to raise the ambient temperature.

The result of using radiant heat is that the core body temperature rises without needing to find skyrocketing heat externally, as is the case with traditional saunas. As the body absorbs the radiant heat from infrared light the sweat glands are engaged to lower body temperatures and profuse perspiration occurs. As the body rids itself of liquid through sweat it also releases harmful toxins from the body such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and other unwanted substances within the body.

The powerful detoxification protocol that occurs under the influence of radiant heat relieves stress from the internal organs, namely the kidneys and liver. As stress is relieved from within, individuals will experience heightened levels of energy.

The most effective means of detoxification occurs with the use of radiant heat found in the infrared light spectrum.

Health Benefits Of Using Infrared Light Therapy Regularly

· Youthful vitality
· Cellular and neurological regeneration
· Augmented human growth hormone secretion
· Increased collagen production
· Improved insulin sensitivity
· Fortified immune response
· Heightened autonomic nervous system function
· Bolstered cardiovascular health

As infrared light stokes the cellular network within the body radiating into the soft tissues, a cascade of biochemical changes occurs to promote health and vitality. Each wavelength of infrared light has a different effect on the cellular structure of the body.

The near-infrared light spectrum encourages increased collagen production and therefore elasticity throughout the body. Collagen is an important protein that maintains the youthful appearance of the skin, but it is also important for bone marrow health as well as for the connective tissues of the body. Regular exposure to concentrated levels of near-infrared light will promote a youthful glow from the inside out.

As the core temperature of the body rises when exposed to infrared light, the heat shock encourages vasodilation (the dilation of blood vessels), which lowers blood pressure. The result of exposure to radiant heat also fosters better blood circulation and decreased inflammation when used regularly over time.

Human growth hormone secretion is enhanced under the influence of infrared light, which makes muscle recovery occur at faster rates. Insulin sensitivity rises to create a better internal environment for anyone predisposed to Type II diabetes. As was discovered by researchers at NASA, cellular regeneration occurs at faster rates when exposed to infrared light, this includes neurogenesis (the process by which new neurons are created in the brain). Exponential neurogenesis is important for individuals living with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

The radiant heat of infrared light also has a soothing and calming capacity. Finding states of relaxation is imperative in our modern world. It is well understood that chronic states of stress response lead to disease. The ability to transfer out of stress response back into states of relaxation where growth and nourishment occurs is a lifeline for the modern day individual. As states of relaxation are reached under the influence of the infrared light homeostasis is found and health improves.

When states of homeostasis are regained in the body immune response is improved and the body is better able to ward off the unwanted bacterial and viral infection. The entire glandular system improves as the body can easily exit out of states of the stress response and project energy inward to reparation, growth, and nourishment.

The Dawning Of A New Era For Health And Well Being: Infrared Light Ushers In Unparalleled Opportunities For Healing

The isolation of the infrared light spectrum as discovered by researchers in the mid-1960s opened a door to unparalleled cellular healing. As perception moves from a Newtonian model into a quantum one, the body can be viewed as a community of 50 trillion cells, by improving the quality of each cell and promoting cellular regeneration the entire body will experience greater degrees of health and vitality.

It is the unique dynamic interplay between the human cells and the infrared light spectrum that creates physiological, as well as emotional transformation. While the infrared light is naturally radiated out from the sun when it is isolated and intensified without the detrimental effects of UV rays the possibility for profound healing becomes a reality.

Different technological instruments, from handheld devices to infrared saunas, have captured and isolated the infrared light spectrum and when individuals are exposed to these dynamic wavelengths magic occurs to foster health, vitality, and emotional wellness.


Infrared Therapy for Depression

Please Note: If suicidal thoughts are accompanying depression, please find professional medical advice immediately or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Unfortunately, far too many individuals lose their life to depression every year. This clinical mood disorder is a serious condition that requires immediate attention. Living with depression can be lonely and isolating: During these states, the bleak fog of depression can cloud every thought and action. Sinking into the abyss of depression is dismal for the individual experiencing depression as well as difficult for their friends and relatives. Cases of depression are rising and affecting individuals from all walks of life, social stratospheres, and geographical locations.

According to the World Health Organization, 300 million people around the world are currently living with depression.

Anyone at any time during his or her life can be affected by depression. Today, the leading cause of disability for individuals between the ages of 19 and 44 is major depression. With such a large demographic affected by depression, only 36% reach out for help. This suggests that the other 66 % live in silence with their debilitating emotional state.

What stops individuals from getting the help they need for chronic cases of depression? There are several prohibitive factors for individuals living with depression that prevent them from reaching out for help, one of these is that traditional treatments involve the immediate prescription of pharmaceuticals to elevate mood without the exploration of alternative care.

For individuals looking to a natural resolution for depression, infrared sauna therapy may be an effective tool to raise and stabilize mood without adding chemical-based pills into their body.

Beyond melancholy and despondency, depression saturates every cell of the body and it is no longer a matter of changing perception or attitude. For many individuals suffering from depression, a biochemical change needs to occur in the mood centers of the brain. Unfortunately, many of the current antidepressants available on the market today are accompanied by a long list of negative side effects.

So, can regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy help alleviate symptoms of depression?
Understanding the unique relationship between the infrared light spectrum and the cellular network of the human body will shed light on how infrared sauna therapy can be an effective tool to relieve symptoms of depression.

What Is Clinical Depression? Understand The Distinct Categories Of Depression And What Causative Factors Are At Play In Creating The Condition

  • Major Depression, Unipolar Depression (Clinical Depression)
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Postpartum Depression (PPD)
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Syndrome (PMDS)
  • Bipolar Disorder (BPD) (1)

Every human on the planet at some point or another will experience sadness and grief. Loss of a loved one, financial collapse, and general disappointments surrounding life events will cause anyone to experience a lower mood. Sadness, despondency, grief, disappointment, and any other less than joyful mood are not depression, but rather the natural expression of the range of human emotion.

Within the spectrum of depression, there is a continuum from mild transient depression to severe chronic conditions. Additionally, there are different types of depression stemming from varying causes. Clinical depression occurs when the depression passes into its more severe expression and requires professional assistance (1).

An individual may be experiencing clinical levels of depression, and yet remain in silence without appropriate help. Previously called ‘clinical depression’, it is now referred to as major depression or unipolar depression. Postpartum or premenstrual dysphoric disorder can fall under the category of major depression even if the source of lowered mood is hormonal.

Please note: For the purposes of this article, bipolar disorder will not be addressed as the complexities of this condition are beyond the scope of biochemical changes occurring as a result of infrared light exposure.

Signs And Symptoms Of Major Depression:

  • Feelings of sadness or emptiness
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Weight and appetite changes
  • Sleep problems
  • Feelings of being either slowed down or excessively agitated
  • Tiredness and lack of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Problems with concentration and making decisions
  • Thoughts of death or suicide (1)

While the direct cause of depression in different individuals varies greatly, there is still little known about its specific origin. Although factors contributing to postpartum depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, seasonal affective disorder, and major unipolar depression are significantly different, what they do have in common are mood-regulating chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters that are not functioning at their optimum capacity (2).

When mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters are working properly, even when grief occurs, there is ultimately a ricochet effect on mood and the person will eventually regain homeostasis. When the mood is lowered in states of depression for prolonged periods of time, it is necessary to augment serotonin production, and therefore melatonin, to regulate mood.

Many traditional pharmaceutical medications used in the treatment of depression in recent years fall under the class of ‘Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors’ (SSRIs). This type of pharmaceutical classification specifically works to augment serotonin uptake to stabilize mood in patients suffering from depression. While this may be an appropriate treatment method for many individuals, the side effects can be harsh and perhaps undesirable (2).

Individuals looking to increase serotonin production naturally will find great solace in knowing that regular exposure to infrared light will have a comparable effect on brain chemistry as the traditional pharmaceutical SSRIs without any of the side effects (3).

If you or someone you love is currently on an SSRI program it is imperative that any reduction in medication consumption be closely monitored by a healthcare professional. Coming off of SSRI medication without the assistance of a medical professional, sadly, can have lethal consequences.

Infrared sauna therapy is not a substitution for prescribed allopathic treatments for depression, but rather provides an alternative to those unable to take pharmaceutical medication, and could complement any traditional treatment program. It is safe to begin an infrared sauna therapy treatment program and simultaneously engage in pharmaceutical treatments for depression (3).

Individuals suffering from mild to major depression require greater amounts of pleasure hormones and chemicals within the body and brain to raise mood from lower states to stabilized fields of emotional clarity. Infrared sauna therapy may enhance the production of pleasure hormones and appropriate neurotransmitter uptake in the brain to provide a more joyful life experience.

A Happy Fix: Infrared Light Therapy Releases Dopamine, Endorphins, And Stabilizes Serotonin Production

Serotonin and dopamine can be increased with the help of infrared light therapy.

Several biochemical changes occur in the body as a result of exposure to near, mid, and far-infrared light. The triad effect of increased release of dopamine (a neurotransmitter), beta-endorphins (a neuropeptide hormone), and serotonin (the precursor to melatonin) during and after an infrared sauna therapy sessions may raise as well as stabilize mood (4).

This cascade of pleasure hormones released in response to the infrared light wavelengths makes this particular healing modality an excellent choice for individuals suffering from depression.

Exposure to the infrared light spectrum increases the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for sensations of euphoria and extreme joy. This coupled with the high levels of endorphins released allows individuals to buoyantly rise out of states of depression (4).

The levels of endorphins released during an infrared sauna session lasting 30 minutes can be up to three times as much as it would be during a moderate jog lasting 30 minutes. Under the influence of the warm rays of broad-spectrum, infrared light serotonin levels are normalized. This is important not only to raise the joy factor in our mood but also because serotonin is a precursor to melatonin (5).

Fragmented or lack of sleep is a contributing factor to depression. Without proper sleep throughout the night, it is very difficult to raise mood levels. In the center of the brain exists a pinecone-shaped gland called the pineal gland, where serotonin is converted into melatonin. When melatonin levels are higher, sleep comes on with greater ease and individuals are able to sleep restfully throughout the night (6).

Regular exposure to infrared light (at least three times per week) may augment the release of dopamine and endorphins as well as a raise serotonin levels to improve overall mood. Additionally, as serotonin levels normalize, melatonin increases and individuals sleep better.

The confluence of increased dopamine and endorphins, coupled with elevated serotonin levels during and after an infrared sauna session, creates the ideal hormonal cocktail to increase mood and step out of states of depression.

The Partnership Of Anxiety And Depression: Find Relief From Anxiety As The Body And Mind Enter States Of Relaxation In An Infrared Sauna

The autonomic nervous system, responsible for determining states of being within the body and mind, receives palpable benefits from time spent under the influence of infrared light. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two distinct branches: Sympathetic dominance (fight or flight/survival) and parasympathetic dominance (relaxation, digestion, restoration) (6).

Sympathetic dominance is an important state of being under certain circumstances, namely when the physical body is under threat; this adrenalized state allows the mind and body to seek refuge from imminent danger. Unfortunately, in our modern world, there are many triggers that will transfer the nervous system into fight or flight dominance. In reality, many of these triggers do not pose a real threat to our life. Sitting in traffic, overuse of screens or an argument with a spouse can push the body into a sympathetic dominance. Typically, in these situations, it is not appropriate to flee or fight. Anxiety is experienced when this energy does not move out of the body and sits in the pit of the abdomen.

Unprocessed adrenaline and cortisol that is excreted under states of stress response linger as anxiety. To effectively disengage the body from anxiety, states of relaxation must be reached. As many have experienced, simply hoping for anxiety to go away does not work. Stepping into a broad spectrum infrared sauna will quickly transfer the body from states of the stress response (anxiety) back into states of relaxation, nourishment, and restoration.

Infrared sauna therapy may provide a glorious release from anxiety by allowing individuals to fall into states of relaxation. As anxiety is alleviated under the relaxing influence of infrared light, positive hormones are released and chemicals responsible for elevated states of mood are increased to create a recipe for anyone affected by depression and anxiety.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Increases Health And Vitality To Alleviate Symptoms Of Chronic Conditions Contributing To Depression

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Psoriasis
  • Thyroid Imbalances
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (7)

While there is no definitive cause for depression, medical professionals do understand that there is a correlation between lowered moods and certain chronic conditions.

Living with a chronic condition that has no known cure can be a contributing factor for depressed states of being. Additionally, depression can be a symptom of certain chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, and thyroid imbalances (7).

Regular infrared sauna therapy will increase blood circulation to decrease chronic inflammation and therefore pain. Individuals living with chronic pain in the body will find excellent symptom relief from infrared sauna therapy.

Drawing the body out of states of stress response will allow individuals to sleep better throughout the night and therefore experience greater degrees of cellular regeneration. We all know how well we feel after a good night’s sleep. Continued restful nights of deep sleep and reduced pain will improve the mood of individuals living with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Infrared sauna therapy also helps with autoimmune disorders by drawing individuals out of stress response, a known trigger for many conditions, back into states of rest and recovery.

Specific biochemical changes in the mood centers of the brain, due to infrared light therapy, as well as the overall increase of vitality, make it possible to step out of states of depression without the assistance of pharmaceutical treatment.

Step Out From States Of Depression To Achieve Elevated And Stabilized Mood Through Regular Infrared Sauna Therapy

Depression is a serious epidemic spreading among the world’s population. This condition often goes untreated leaving millions to suffer in silence, at times with lethal consequences. The allopathic model of solution typically involves treating individuals suffering from depression with pharmaceutical grade antidepressants coupled with talk therapy.

Unfortunately, many antidepressants are accompanied by negative side effects that may not be tolerable for many. Talk therapy can be helpful and even imperative at times, but essentially, a biochemical transformation in the mood centers of the brain is required.

Gratefully, there is an alternative for individuals looking to stabilize moods without using pharmaceutical prescription drugs: Regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy. This alternative treatment can be used in conjunction with pharmaceutical antidepressants or as a single operative treatment.

If you are suffering in silence with depression there is a viable solution for you that may raise and stabilize moods. Ultimately, every human alive today deserves to experience joy and step out of the shackles of depression.

Freedom from chronic depression may be found through regular broad-spectrum infrared sauna therapy without any negative side effects. In fact, as symptoms of depression are alleviated, the entire body will respond with elevated health and vitality.



Additional Reading:

Infrared Sauna Improving Circulation

Can Using Infrared Sauna Therapy Improve Blood Circulation? Discover Health And Vitality Under The Warm Rays Of Infrared Light To Experience Greater Blood Circulation.

The human body is a complex system and depends on the powerful and constant circulation of blood. The beating of the heart pumps and nurtures the steady and fluid flow of blood to the furthest extremities of the body.

When circulation is obstructed, inflammation occurs and a variety of illnesses ensue. Promoting optimal blood circulation in the body will foster the health and vitality of the whole body. Finding a treatment program that encourages the natural flow of blood through the body is paramount.

It is widely accepted that aerobic exercise promotes positive blood circulation, but unfortunately, vigorous exercise is often prohibitive to many individuals. However, there are other ways of improving blood circulation and perhaps the safest and most effective is broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy.

So, can using infrared sauna therapy improve blood circulation?

Yes, the unique relationship between human physiology and the infrared rays spectrum promotes the improvement of blood circulation. While in a seated or reclined posture blood circulation during an infrared sauna session is comparable to moderate exercise.

As blood circulation is improved with infrared sauna heat therapy, inflammation decreases and the body begins to express healthful vitality. Without the strain and safety concerns of exercise, individuals can still improve blood circulation with regular broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy.

What Is Blood Circulation And How Does It Work In The Human Body?

Most know a little bit about the circulatory system and it might even seem absurd to ask the question: What is blood circulation? To grasp the profound impact that infrared sauna therapy has on the improvement of circulation it is important to understand some of the basic principles of the circulatory system.

The continual flow circulation of blood from the heart throughout the body travels through an intricate network of arteries, into microscopic vessels, and back through the veins and into the heart once again. The perpetual flow of blood moving throughout the body delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to the organs, tissues, and cells within the physiological structure of the body.

The circulatory system is a complex system of pathways moving in perfectly fluid order originating from the heart. This uninterrupted movement of blood is necessary to maintain the supply of oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the digestive system to the rest of the body. The five liters of blood contained in the blood vessels of a typical adult in a resting posture moves throughout the entire circulatory system in about one minute. Blood will flow throughout the circulatory system 1500 times per day even without exercise or any other therapy modality to improve circulation.

The pulmonary system is entirely dependent on the circulatory system and ultimately weaves together to create a magnificent orchestra of the harmoniously fluid movement of oxygen and nutrients carried in the blood to the muscles, connective tissues, organs, glands, and brain.

The awe-inspiring action of the beating of the heart can be considered the engine of the circulatory system: The pulsation of the heart pumps nutrient-rich blood through the arteries, into a network of vascular transmitters and finally into veins that lead back to the heart and lungs.

The importance of a high functioning circulatory system cannot be understated. The health and vitality of the entire body depend on the fluid movement of blood circulation on a minute-by-minute basis. Finding treatment modalities that improve blood circulation is paramount to healthy living. Infrared sauna therapy improves the fluidity of circulation throughout the body and therefore has a positive impact on a variety of health issues.

What are some of the health benefits associated with Improved Blood Circulation?

Increased blood flow raises oxygen levels in the body and in turn provides a cascade of health benefits relating to a variety of illnesses. The National Library of Medicine states:

“Red blood cells have specific tasks of carrying oxygen to your body’s vital organs, providing vitality and energy. When your vital organs and circulatory system work in unison, you have adequate blood flow.”

Increased oxygen flow to different parts of the body through improved circulation promotes cell growth and internal organ function. As circulation improves, the largest organ of the body, the skin is better able to ward off harmful bacteria and infection from the outside world. Improved blood circulation will positively affect the entire function of the body and promote health and vitality through and throughout the human organism.

What Specific Illnesses Are Positively Affected By Improved Circulation?

· Rheumatoid Arthritis
· Osteoid Arthritis
· High Blood Pressure
· Diabetes
· Psoriasis
· Fibromyalgia
· Parkinson’s Disease
· Alzheimer’s Disease
· Depression And Anxiety
· Musculoskeletal Injuries

As circulation improves and blood flow becomes rapid and fluid throughout the body, blood pressure is lowered. This helps to prevent heart-related illness that results from high blood pressure (constricted arteries).

Healthy blood circulation is essential for individuals with diabetes. Improving circulation allows healthy blood to reach the furthest extremities of the body, which is crucial for those with diabetes. It is the lack of positive blood circulation that causes many of the complications associated with diabetes. By improving blood circulation the outer extremities of the body will be nourished with oxygen and nutrients, this will help prevent some of the painful symptoms affecting those with diabetes.

Improved blood circulation decreases the occurrence of inflammation in all parts of the body. Inflammation is painful, particularly as it affects the joints. Individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis will notice a remarkable improvement of symptom expression when circulation is improved.

Athletes will experience faster muscular recovery with improved circulation as the cellular networks of muscles are fed greater amounts of oxygen. Injuries will heal at faster rates with improved circulation.

Broad spectrum infrared sauna therapy will drastically improve blood circulation and therefore stoke a cascade of health benefits. Additionally, infrared sauna therapy is a safe way of improving circulation and is accessible to individuals who may not be able to engage in vigorous exercise.

How Does Infrared Sauna Therapy Improve Blood Circulation?

Infrared light wavelengths exist on the invisible spectrum of light and cannot be seen with the human eye, but can be felt as heat. The infrared waves of light are able to penetrate deeply into and past the epidermis and therefore fully engage the body’s cellular response. The radiant heat of infrared light burrows deep within the soft tissue to raise the internal temperature of the body.

Human anatomy viewed from the perspective of an active living organism constantly in conversation with itself gives way to an appreciation of the dance with its external environment. When the body is exposed to the healing rays of the infrared spectrum, the living anatomy invites the light into its network system, creating a domino effect of health originating with improved blood circulation.

Improved blood circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients at faster rates to the vital organs, brain, joints, muscles, skeletal structure, and skin. A heightened level of oxygen running through the body reduces the occurrence of inflammation and therefore pain.

As the infrared light seeps beyond the initial membrane of the skin to penetrate into the soft tissue of the body, the cellular mechanism responds in excitement. The human form is comprised of 50 trillion cells, each cell in the body has what could be considered an ‘energy plant’: the mitochondria, where ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) occurs. The mitochondria are very sensitive to all light, particularly sensitive to deeply penetrating rays of the infrared light. As soon as the body is exposed to the broad spectrum of infrared light, ATP production becomes exponential.

As ATP production increases in response to the infrared light exposure, this releases nitric acid, which hyper oxygenates the hemoglobin. The freshly oxygenated blood cells begin to flow throughout the body like a fast-moving river.

Inflammation occurs in the body as a response to injury, stress, and illness. Where there is inflammation there is also a lack of oxygen. When the body is exposed to the infrared light spectrum nutrient and oxygen-rich blood circulates at an improved rate through the body.

It can be imagined that the circulatory system is like rivers running throughout the body and inflammation creates blockages to these rivers. Under the influence of the infrared sauna spectrum, circulation becomes fluid and moves through inflamed areas bringing higher levels of oxygen. This movement releases the dammed pathways and circulation becomes fluid once again.

Within just a few minutes of entering into an infrared sauna, ATP production increases, and oxygen production becomes higher: Blood circulation flows fluidly to restore the body back to homeostasis.

As the body absorbs the spectrum of infrared light into its network, the cellular structures are stimulated to produce higher amounts of ATP. Heightened ATP production increases the oxygenation of the bloodstream. The augmented circulation of hemoglobin filled with oxygen flows through areas of inflammation and immediately reduces pain.

Who Can Benefit From Using Infrared Sauna Therapy To Improve Circulation

It is well documented that aerobic exercise improves blood circulation; unfortunately, vigorous exercise is not available to all individuals. If movement is impaired for any reason it is still important that blood continues to flow fluidity throughout the circulatory system. If this does not occur, the body is thrown out of balance and health becomes depleted.

Spending 30 minutes in an infrared sauna will deliver the same results to the cardiovascular system as a light jog or walk. As the core temperature of the body rises during an infrared sauna session, vasodilation begins to occur. Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels. When blood vessels dilate the flow of blood is increased as a result of augmented cardiac output. This action decreases pressure on the arteries and lowers blood pressure. This is the identical process that occurs with aerobic exercise, except that the body is resting in a seated or reclined manner.

Anyone recovering from injury or who is movement impaired can sit back and relax in an infrared sauna and still reap the benefits of moderate aerobic exercise to improve circulation.

Exercise also induces sweating, a critical component for health and vitality. The heat produced from the infrared sauna causes the body to sweat profusely: this powerfully rids the body of toxic build up from a cellular level. Toxic pollutants stored in the body’s network are correlating factors contributing to the stress response. Prolonged states of the stress response are linked to chronic inflammation. Perspiration encourages the movement of harmful toxins up and out of the body. The powerful detoxification protocol that results from infrared sauna therapy releases the body from chronic stress.

As blood circulation moves to the peripheral parts of the body through perspiration, inflammation is reduced and the body is fed a steady stream of oxygen and nutrients.

Infrared Sauna Therapy Encourages A Positive Shift In The Autonomic Nervous System To Improve Blood Circulation

The infrared sauna is an oasis of relaxation. A relaxed body ignites cellular rejuvenation and regeneration. Increased circulation, relaxation, and detoxification are powerful components to the creation of a healthy internal climate of the body.

Attaining states of relaxation where nourishment and repair occur become accessible through exposure to the infrared light spectrum. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for creating states of being within the body. Sympathetic dominance of the autonomic nervous system occurs in response to either internal or external threat: It is the fight or flight response. This adaptive protocol ensures the safety of the body. Attention and energy are directed outward to protect the body. Circulation throughout the body is stunted and the vital organs are unable to capitalize on the availability of necessary nutrients. If states of the stress response or fight or flight are prolonged illness becomes inevitable.

Regular use of broad spectrum infrared saunas increases circulation to promote overall health by drawing individuals out of sympathetic dominance back into states of parasympathetic dominance where relaxation, nourishment, and growth can occur. When the body and mind are relaxed circulation improves. With improved circulation comes the ability for all portions of the body to be fed oxygen and nutrients. Arteries open and blood pressure is lowered.

Basking within the rays of the infrared light spectrum for just 15 minutes will alter states of being and draw the body back into parasympathetic dominance where blood circulation is fluid and nourishment occurs.

Bask In The Warm Rays Of The Infrared Sauna To Improve Blood Circulation

The circulatory system of the body maintains coherent communication between all portions of human physiology: Circulation of blood feeds, nourishes, and keeps the body full of vital life force. Where there is a restriction in circulation, there is also illness. Improved blood circulation improves the overall function of the body affecting a myriad of conditions.

As we care for our physical bodies, improving blood circulation needs to be prioritized. Even where mobility issues cause aerobic exercise to be prohibitive, regular infrared sauna therapy will improve blood circulation, even while seated.

The unique relationship between the infrared light spectrum and the human body stokes a cascade of biochemical reactions that improve the oxygenation of the body through enhanced circulation.

If you are looking to lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, or enjoy the benefits of moderate exercise while in a seated or reclined position, the infrared sauna therapy will likely be the ideal option to improve blood circulation.
